Summary of special tracks

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Accepted papers, authors, affiliations, committees

Information in yellow refers to tracks with incomplete information wrt papers

At this point, I believe the total will be 82 or 83 papers.

Track number, title, chairs, affiliation

Track #

Track tile

# papers






AI in Aerospace



Paul Zetocha, DR III

Air Force Research Laboratory


Behavioral Characteristics and AI Systems: Innovations and Applications/ Emotions in Agents



Christina Frederick-Recascino

Nandan Paramesh

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

University of New South Wales


Case-Based Reasoning



Hector Munoz-Avila

Lehigh University, USA


Evaluation of Intelligent Systems



Rainer Knauf

Ilmenau Technical University, Ilmenau, Germany


Imprecise and Indeterminate Probabilities in Artificial Intelligence



Choh Man Teng

University of West Florida, USA


Integrated Intelligent Systems



Ioannis Hatzilygeroudis

University of Patras, Greece


Machine Learning



Zdravko Markov

Central Connecticut State University, USA


Neural Networks



Ingrid Russell (Co-chair)
Brian Carse (Co-Chair)
Anthony G. Pipe (Co-Chair)

University of Hartford, USA
University of the West of England, England
University of the West of England, England


Semantic Web



Borys Omelayenko (Chair)

Dieter Fensel (Programm Chair)

Vrije Universiteit, The Netherlands

Vrije Universiteit, The Netherlands


Uncertain Reasoning



Yang Xiang

Salem Benferhat

University of Guelph, Canada

University Paul Sabatier, France


Categorization and Concept Representation Models and Implications



Colette Faucher

University of Aix-Marseille III, France


Spatiotemporal Reasoning



Hans Guesgen

Kathleen Hornsby

University of Auckland, New Zealand

University of Maine, USA


Knowledge Management



Irma Becerra-Fernandez

Florida International University, USA


AI in Educational IT

Vinicius Medina Kern

Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil

Expected around 83 papers from the 14 st

Track and committee

Track #

Track tile


Affiliation (and country)


AI in Aerospace

Derek Surka

Pat Cappalaere

Steve Lindsay


Interface and Control Systems

Sandia National Laboratory


Behavioral Characteristics and AI Systems: Innovations and Applications/ Emotions in Agents

John Wise

Marc Wise

Christine Lisetti

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University


University of Central Florida


Case-Based Reasoning

David W. Aha.

Klaus-Dieter Althoff.

Stefanie Bruninghaus.

Pedro Gonzalez.

Christiane Gresse von Wangenheim.

Ramon Lopez de Mantaras.

Lorraine Mc Ginty.

David McSherry.

Sascha Schmitt.
Additional Reviewers:

Thomas Roth-Berghoffer.

Barry Smith.

Naval Research Laboratory, USA

Fraunhofer Institut, Germany

University of Pittsburgh, USA

Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain

Universidade do Vale do Itajai, Brazil

Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), Spain

University College Dublin, Ireland

University of Ulster, Northern Ireland

University of Kaiserslautern, Germany

Empolis, Germany

University College Dublin, Ireland


Evaluation of Intelligent Systems

Valerie Barr,

Avelino Gonzalez,

Ilka Philippow

Takao Terano

Setsuo Tsuruta,

Neli P. Zlatareva

Hofstra University, NY, USA

University of Central Florida, USA

Ilmenau Technical University, Germany

University of Tsukuba, Tokyo

Hitachi Ltd.,Japan

Central Connecticut State University, USA


Imprecise and Indeterminate Probabilities in Artificial Intelligence

Fabio G. Cozman

Gert de Cooman

Henry E. Kyburg, Jr.
Isaac Levi

Serafin Moral

Eric Neufeld

University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Ghent University, Belgium

Institute for Human and Machine Cognition and

University of Rochester, USA

Columbia University, USA

University of Granada, Spain

University of Saskatchewan, Canada


Integrated Intelligent Systems

Basilis Boutsinas (vice chair),
Norman Foo,
Artur S. d'Avila Garcez,
Melanie Hilario
Steffen Hoelldobler
Detlef D. Nauck,
Chris Nikolopoulos
Ian Watson
Yanqing Zhang

additional REVIEWERS

Nikolaos Avouris
Dimitrios Kalles
Timos Sellis
Julita Vassileva

University of Patras & UPAIRC, Greece
University of New South Wales, Australia
Imperial College of Science, UK
University of Geneva, Switzerland
Dresden University of Technology, Germany
BTexact Technologies, UK
Bradley University, USA
University of Auckland, New Zealand
Georgia State University, USA

University of Patras, Greece

University of Patras, Greece
National Technical University of Athens, Greece
University of Saskatchewan, Canada


Machine Learning

Diane Cook
Altay Güvenir
Henry Hexmoor
Lawrence Holder
Igor Kononenko

Miroslav Kubat

Gheorghe Tecuci
Gerhard Widmer

University of Texas at Arlington, USA
Bilkent University, Turkey
University of Arkansas, USA
University of Texas at Arlington, USA
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

University of Miami, USA

George Mason University, USA
Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Austria


Neural Networks

Charles Anderson
Jim Austin
Serge Dolenko
Vijaya Kumar
Lisa Meeden
Bernhard Sendhoff
C. N. Schizas

Colorado State University, USA
University of York, England
Moscow State University, Russia
Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Swarthmore College, USA
Honda Research and Development Europe, Germany
University of Cyprus, Greece


Semantic Web

Hans Akkermans

Vassilis Christophides

Isabel Cruz

Stefan Decker

Steven Demurjian

Max J. Egenhofer

Jerome Euzenat

Natasha Fridman Noy

Carole Goble

Asun Gomez-Perez

Frank van Harmelen

Jim Hendler

Masahiro Hori

Ian Horrocks

Michel Klein

Ora Lassila

Deborah McGuinness

Enrico Motta

Dimitri Plexousakis

Guus Schreiber

Steffen Staab

Heiner Stuckenschmidt

Rudi Studer
Additional reviewers
Jeffrey R. Ellis

Jan-Daniel Zucker

Siegfried Handschuh

Jutta Willamowski

Vrije Universiteit, The Netherlands

FORTH, Greece

University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Stanford University (DB), USA

University of Connecticut, USA

University of Maine, USA

INRIA, France

Stanford University (SMI), USA

University of Manchester, UK

Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain

Vrije Universiteit, The Netherlands


IBM, Japan

University of Manchester, UK

Vrije Universiteit, The Netherlands

Nokia Research Center, USA

Stanford University (KSL), USA

The Open University, UK

FORTH, Greece

Universiteit van Amsterdam,The Netherlands

University of Karlsruhe, Germany

University of Bremen, Germany

University of Karlsruhe, Germany


Uncertain Reasoning

Cory Butz

David Chiu

Marek Druzdzel

Love Ekenberg

Linda van der Gaag

Christopher Geib

Michael Horsch

Timothy Huang

Weiru Liu

Anders Madsen

Eric Neufeld

Andy Novobilski

Kristian Olesen

Simon Parsons

Eugene Santos Jr.

Solomon Shimony

Paul Snow

Hakan Younes

Shlomo Zilberstein

University of Regina, Canada

University of Guelph, Canada

University of Pittsburgh, USA

Stockholm University and KTH, Sweden

Utrecht University, Netherlands

Honeywell Research, USA

University of Saskatchewan, Canada

Middlebury College, USA

University of Ulster, UK

Hugin Expert, Denmark

University of Saskatchewan, Canada

University of Tennessee, USA

Aalborg University, Denmark

University of Liverpool, UK

University of Connecticut, USA

Ben-Gurion University, Israel

Concord, USA

Carnegie Mellon University, USA

University of Massachusetts, USA


Categorization and Concept Representation Models and Implications

David W. Aha,

Ralph Bergmann

Max Bramer

Paolo Frasconi

Robert L. Goldstone

James Hampton

David Leake

Bradley C. Love

Paul Mc Kevitt

Clark Glymour

Philip Resnik

Lance J. Rips

Steven A. Sloman

Navy Center for Applied Research in AI, USA

University of Kaiserslautern, Germany

University of Portsmouth, UK

University of Florence, Italy

Indiana University, USA

City University, UK

Indiana University, USA

University of Texas, USA

University of Ulster, Northern Ireland

Carnegie Mellon University, USA

University of Maryland, USA

Northwestern University, USA

Brown University, USA


Spatiotemporal Reasoning

Frank Anger

Thomas Bittner

Christian Freksa

Patrick Hayes

Joachim Hertzberg
Lina Khatib

Christian Kray

Benjamin Kuipers

Gerard Ligozat

Robert Morris

Jayant Sharma

Michael Worboys

National Science Foundation, USA

Northwestern University, USA

Hamburg University, Germany

University of West Florida, USA

Fraunhofer Institute for Autonomous Intelligent Systems, Germany

NASA Ames Research Center, USA

German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Germany

University of Texas at Austin, USA

LIMSI and Universite Paris XI, France
NASA Ames Research Center, USA

Oracle Corporation, USA

University of Maine, USA


Knowledge Management

Alberto J. Canas
Michael Freeman
Rajiv Sabherwal
Rosina Weber

University of West Florida , USA
NASA-Ames Research Laboratory , USA
University of Missouri, USA
Drexel University, USA


AI in Educational IT

Paul Bacsich

Beatriz Barros B.

Gautam Biswas

Lucia M. M. Giraffa

Vinícius M. Kern

Eric Klopfer

M. David Merrill

Tanja Mitrovic

Fernando S. Osório

Rachel M. Pilkington

Naren Ramakrishnan

Mia K. Stern

Raul S. Wazlawick

Jie Chi Yang

Sheffield Hallam University, UK

LSI-Uned, Madrid, Spain

Vanderbilt University COUNTRY??

PUC, Brazil

Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

Utah State University, USA

University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Unisinos, Brazil

University of Leeds, UK

Virginia Tech, USA

IBM Research, COUNTRY?

Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil

National Central University, Taiwan

Track #, accepted papers, authors’ names and affiliations

Track #





1) Automation of a Satellite Data Distribution Center,

2) Artificially Intelligent Hybrid Range Scheduler,

3) Building a Model of a Space-Based Science Experiment for Automated Mission Planning

4) An Agent Community Supporting Orbit Determination

Lance Self

Irene Phillips

David Paules

Ross Wainwright,

Walt Truszkowski

Air Force Research Laboratory.

Quantum Leap Innovations.

Quantum Leap Innovations.

Air Force Research Laboratory

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.


1) The Application of Multi-level Process Theory of Emotion to Robotics

2) The Application of Multi-level Process Theory of Emotion to User-Modeling

3) Agents With Or Without Emotions?
4) Emotions In Intelligent Agents
5) Boundedly Rational and Emotional Agents: Cooperation, Trust and Rumor

Christine Lisetti

R. Murphy

R. Tardif
Christine Lisetti

F. Nasoz

Matthias Seheutz
Nandan Paramesh
MJ Prietula

KM Carley

University of Central Florida

University of Central Florida

University of Central Florida
University of Central Florida

University of Central Florida

University of Notre Dame
University of New South Wales, AU
Emory University

Carnegie Mellon University


1. CBROnto: a task/method ontology for CBR.

2. The Impact of Causality on Taxonomic Case Retrieval.

3. Using CBR to Estimate Development Effort for Web Hypermedia Applications.

4. Shared Experiences in Personalized Route Planning.

5. An Industrial Application of CBR in Manufacturing to Reduce Rejections.

6. Towards Dynamic Maintenance of Retrieval Knowledge in CBR.

7. Using collaborative filtering data in case-based recommendation.

8. Managing Multiple Case Bases: Dimensions and Issues.

Belen Diaz-Agudo,

Pedro A. Gonzalez-Calero.

David W. Aha
Ian Watson,

Emilia Mendes,

Chris Tiggs,

Nile Mosley,

Steven Counsell.
Lorraine McGinty,

Barry Smyth.

S. M. Michael,

Deepak Khemani.

David Patterson,

Mykola Galushka,

Niall Rooney

Sarabjot S. Anand.
Derry O'Sullivan,

David Wilson,

Barry Smyth.
David Leake,

Raja Sooriamurthi

Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain

Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain

Naval Research Laboratory, USA
The University of Auckland, New Zeeland

The University of Auckland, New Zeeland

The University of Auckland, New Zeeland

Auckland University of Technology, New Zeeland

University of London, UK
University College Dublin, Ireland

University College Dublin, Ireland

Carborundum Universal, Ltd, India

IIT Madras, India

University of Ulster, Northern Ireland

University of Ulster, Northern Ireland

University of Ulster, Northern Ireland

University of Ulster, Northern Ireland

University College Dublin, Ireland

University College Dublin, Ireland

ChangingWorlds, Ireland
Indiana University, USA

Indiana University, USA


1. CBROnto: a task/method ontology for CBR.

2. to be defined.

3. Using CBR to Estimate Development Effort for Web Hypermedia Applications.

4. Shared Experiences in Personalized Route Planning.

5. An Industrial Application of CBR in Manufacturing to Reduce Rejections.

6. Towards Dynamic Maintenance of Retrieval Knowledge in CBR.

7. Using collaborative filtering data in case-based recommendation.

8. To be defined.

Belen Diaz-Angulo,

Pedro A. Gonzales-Calero.

David W. Aha
Ian Watson

Emilia Mendes

Chris Tiggs

Nile Mosley

Steven Counsell.
Lorraine McGinty

& Barry Smyth.

S. M. Michael & Deepak Khemani.

David Paterson,

Mykola Galushka,

Niall Roney & Sarabjob S. Anand.

Derry O'Sullivan, David Wilson & Barry Smyth.

David Leake


Knowledge-Based Validation Method for Validating Intelligent Systems

Requirements for Successful Verification in Practice

System Refinement in Practice – Using a Formal Method to Modify Real-Life Knowledge

Higher Order Refinement Heuristics for Rule Validation

Setsuo Tsuruta,

Takashi Onoyama,

Yoshio Taniguchi

Silvie Spreeuwenberg

Rik Gerrits

Rainer Knauf,

Ilka Philippow,

Avelino J. Gonzalez,

Klaus P. Jantke,

Dirk Salecker

Hans-Werner Kelbassa

Hitachi Ltd., Japan

Hitachi Ltd., Japan

Hitachi Ltd., Japan

LibRT B.V., The Netherlands

LibRT B.V., The Netherlands

Ilmenau Technical University, Germany

Ilmenau Technical University, Germany

University of Central Florida, USA

German Research Center for AI Ltd., Germany

Cocomore AG, Germany

University of Paderborn, Germany


Algorithms for Conditioning on Events of Zero Lower Probability

Toward a universal translator of verbal probabilities

Semantics for Interval Probabilities

Indeterminate Probability and Change of View

Towards Temporal Reasoning Using Qualitative Probabilities

Fabio Gagliardi Cozman

Tzur M. Karelitz

Mandeep K. Dhami

David V. Budescu

Thomas S. Wallsten
Henry E. Kyburg, Jr.

Isaac Levi

Ahmed Y. Tawfik

University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

University of Victoria, Canada

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

University of Maryland, USA
Institute for Human and Machine Cognition and

University of Rochester, USA

Columbia University, USA
University of Windsor, Canada


1. Modular neuro-fuzzy networks: an overview of explicit and implicit knowledge integration

2. On the Validation of the DIMLP Neural Network

3. Integration of Data Mining and Hybrid Expert System,

4. Hybrid Machine Learning Algorithms and Their Application to Classification and Diagnostic Tasks

5. An intelligent hybrid decision support system for the management of water resources,

6. Biologically-inspired Agents for Priority Routing in Networks

7. NEST: A Knowledge Base System for Knowledge Sharing and Reuse

C.-D. Neagu

V. Palade

Guido Bologna

I. G. L. da Silva,

B. P. Amorin,

P.G. Campos,

L. M. Brasil,

Chris Nikolopoulos,

H. Kazeli,

T. Christofides,

E. Keravnou,

Tony White,

Bernard Pagurek

Dwight Deugo

M. T. Maliappis

A. B. Sideridis

Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Oxford University, UK

Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Switzerland.
Federal University of Paraiba, Brazil

Federal University of Paraiba, Brazil

Federal University of Paraiba, Brazil

Federal University of Paraiba, Brazil

Bradley University, USA

University of Cyprus, Cyprus

University of Cyprus, Cyprus

University of Cyprus, Cyprus

Carleton University, Canada

Carleton University, Canada

Carleton University, Canada

Agricultural University of Athens, Greece

Agricultural University of Athens, Greece


1. Eigenvector-based Feature Extraction for Classification.

2. Modifying Upstart for Use in Multiclass Numerical Domains.

3. An algorithm for inducing least generalization under relative implication.

Alexey Tsymbal

Seppo Puuronen

Mykola Pechenizkiy
Matthias Baumgarten

David Patterson

Ronnie Fanguy

Miroslav Kubat

Svetla Boytcheva

Zdravko Markov

University of Jyväskylä, Finland

University of Jyväskylä, Finland

NMI Research Institute, Finland
University of Ulster, U.K.

University of Ulster, U.K.

Nicholls College, USA

University of Miami, USA

Sofia University, Bulgaria

Central Connecticut State University, USA


Intelligent browsing and discovery through images

Cross Entropy Error Function in Neural Networks: Forecasting Gasoline Demand

A New XML-based Language for Neural Solution Interchange

J.C Lamirel

Y. S

G. E. Nasr

E. A. Badr

C. Joun
Denis V. Rubtsov

Sergey V. Butakov


Lebanese American University, Lebanon

Altai State University, Russia

Altai State Technical University, Russia


Ontology construction - An iterative and dynamic task

Comparison of (Semantic) Markup Languages

GoldenBullet in a nutshell

Learning Structural Classification Rules for Web-page Categorization

Presentations and Bearers of Semantics on the Web

On Personalizing the Catalogs of Web Portals

Searching Knowledge in the Semantic Web

Semantic Web Service Architecture — Evolving Web Service Standards toward the Semantic Web

Semantic Web Technology for Business Integration

An Approach for Semantic Search by Matching RDF Graphs

Ubbo Visser

Holger Wache

Thorsten Scholz
Yolanda Gil

Varun Ratnakar

Ying Ding

Maksym Korotkiy

Borys Omelayenko

Vera Kartseva

Volodymyr Zykov

Michel Klein

Ellen Schulten

Dieter Fensel

Heiner Stuckenschmidt

Jens Hartmann

Frank van Harmelen
James Farrugia
Max J. Egenhofer

Yannis Tzitzikas

Nicolas Spyratos

Vassilis Christophides

Nenad Stojanovic

Ljiljana Stojanovic

Siegfried Handschuh

Tanja Sollazzo

Steffen Staab

Martin Frank

Borys Omelayenko

Dieter Fensel

Christoph Bussler

Haiping Zhu

Jiwei Zhong

Jianming Li

Yong Yu

University of Bremen, Germany

University of Southern California, CA, USA

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands

University of Bremen, Germany

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands

University of Maine, USA

FORTH, Greece

University of Karlsruhe, Germany

University of Karlsruhe, Germany

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Oracle Corporation, USA

Shanghai JiaoTong University, China


A Variation on the Paradox of Two Envelopes

Fusion of Possibilistic Knowledge Bases from a Postulate Point of View

Conflict Resolution in Porbabilistic Multi-agent Systems

Sensitivity Analysis in Survey Sample Decision Scenarios

The Reasonableness of Necessity

Pivotal Pruning of Qualitative Probabilistic Arguments

Semantics and Knowledge Acquisition in Bayesian Knowledge-bases

A Bayesian Approach to Operational Decisions in Transportation Business

Comparing Alternative Methods for Inference in Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks

Mikelis Bickis

Eric Neufeld

Salem Benferhat

Souhila Kaci

S. K. M. Wong

Tao Lin

Michael Hohle

Erik Jorgensen

Paul Snow

Simon Parsons

Silja Renooij

Linda C. van der Gaag

Eugene Santos Jr.

Eugene S. Santos

Solomon Eyal Shimony

Nils-Peter Andersson, Love Ekenberg and Aron Larsson

Y. Xiang

University of Saskatchewan, Canada

University Paul Sabatier, France

University of Regina, Canada

Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Denmark

Concord, USA

University of Liverpool, United Kingdom

University of Connecticut, USA

Mid Sweden University, Sweden

University of Guelph, Canada


Title missing

The role of action in Object Categorization

Category Similarity as a Predictor For Svm Learning Performance

Modeling Unsupervised Learning with Sustain

Object Determination Logic A Categorization System

Perceptual Scaling in Materials Selection for Concurrent Design

The Logic of Categorization

Finding Outliers in an Example Set

Assessing Conceptual Similarity to Support Concept Mapping

Contextualizing Concepts Using the Lattice Formalism

Inference and Categorization

Categorization of Actions By Analogy: From the Analysis of Metaphoric Utterances to a Computational Model

Robert Goldstone

Andrea Di Ferdinando

Anna M. Borghi
Domenico Parisi

Fabio Pardi

Todd.M. Gureckis

Bradley C. Love

Anca Pascu

FrançoisGilles Carpentier

Michael Grimsley

Anthony Meehan

Pei Wang

David M.J. Tax

Robert P.W. Duin

David D. Leake

Liane Gabora

Diederik Aerts

Françoise Gayral

Daniel Kayser
Karine Duvignau
Olivier Gasquet
Bruno Gaume
MarieDominique Gineste

Indiana University, USA

Università di Roma La Sapienza and Istituto di Psicologia, Italy

Università di Bologna, Italy
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy


Affiliation ??

University of Texas at Austin, USA

University of Texas at Austin, USA

Université de Bretagne Occidentale, France

Université de Bretagne Occidentale, France
Sheffield Hallam University, UK.

The Open University, UK.

Temple University, USA

Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

Indiana University , U.S.A.

Free University of Brussels, Belgium

Free University of Brussels, Belgium

LIPN, France

UTM, France
Paris XIII, France


A Framework for Learning Temporal Models from Texts

Frames of Reference, Positional Information and Navigational Assistance

Granularity in reference to spatio-temporal location and

High expressive Spatio-temporal Relations

From the Egg-Yolk to the Scrambled-Egg Theory

A class of star-algebras for point-based qualitative reasoning in

two-dimensional space

Enrique Alfonseca
Suresh Manandhar
Joerg Baus
Christian Kray

Thomas Bittner

R. Chbeir, Y. Amghar,

A. Flory

Hans W. Guesgen

Debasis Mitra

University of York and Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
University of York
Universitaet des Saarlandes

DFKI Saarbruecken

Northwestern University

LISI - INSA de Lyon

University of Auckland, New Zealand

Florida Institute of Technology, USA


1. Intelligent Architectures for Knowledge Sharing: A Soar Example and General Issues

2. A Business-Rules Approach for Departmental Advising

3. Knowledge Assets: Governmental Measurement Standards

4. Data Mining: An Empirical Application in Real Estate Valuation

MJ Prietula

Dan Zhu

Lisa Burnell

Ryan Figg

Minh Phan

Justin Smith

Akihiro Sugihara
John Priest

John R. Durrett

Kenneth R. Henry

Ruben D. Jaen

Emory University

Iowa State University

Texas Christian University, USA

Texas Christian University, USA

Texas Christian University, USA

Texas Christian University, USA

Texas Christian University, USA
University of Texas, USA

Texas Tech University, USA

Florida International University, USA

Florida International University, USA


From ST on CBR:

Best Paper Award

- Using collaborative filtering data in case-based recommendation by Derry

O'Sullivan, David Wilson & Barry Smyth.
Journal publication:
- Using CBR to Estimate Development Effort for Web Hypermedia

Applications by Ian Watson, Emilia Mendes, Chris Tiggs, Nile Mosley & Steven



Hamilton of the Computer Science Department at the University of

Regina, Canada.

Hans track
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