80. Two principal biophysical processes leading to desertification are erosion and salinization. These processes are also affected by overgrazing and fire. Accelerated soil erosion by wind and water are severe in semi-arid and arid regions (Balba, 1995; Baird, 1997), especially those in Mediterranean climates (Brandt and Thornes, 1996; Conacher and Sala, 1998a, b). In the dry Chaco forest of Argentina, Abril et al. (2005) observed that overgrazing was a major cause of decline in soil quality and that overgrazing had a more adverse effect than fire. Burned but ungrazed land recovered sooner than chronically overgrazed land. Desertification control through SLM options involves measures such as conserving, harvesting and recycling water, establishing vegetation cover, creating positive C and nutrient budgets, and reclaiming salt-affected soils. The SCS through desertification control can provide another income stream for farmers and land managers. Furthermore, the residence time of C in drylands is much longer and the decomposition rate much slower than that in humid environments (Gifford et al., 1992). The technical potential of SCS to create an income stream for farmers and land managers through desertification control is discussed next.
XIV. Management of Salt-Affected Soils
81. Secondary salinization is a major problem on irrigated lands. The irrigated land area in the world has increased 50 fold during the last three centuries from 5 Mha in 1700, 8 Mha in 1800, 48 Mha in 1900 to 255 Mha in 2000. Risks of secondary salinization are exacerbated by use of poor quality water, poor drainage and excessive irrigation, leakage of water due to defective delivery systems, impeded or slow soil drainage, and other causes. Salinization is a severe problem in China, India, Pakistan, and in the countries of Central Asia (Babaev, 1999). For example, the extent of salinized land area is 89% in Turkmenistan, 51% in Uzbekistan, 15% in Tajikistan, 12% in Kyrgyzstan, and 49% of the entire region (Funakawa et al., 2000; Khakimov, 1989; Pankova and Solovjev, 1995). Salinization is also a problem in southwestern USA, northern Mexico and in some dry regions of Canada (Balba, 1995). High salinity and water logging in South Asia (FAO, 1994), is caused mainly by excessive irrigation and lack of proper drainage (Lal, 2009d).
82. But irrigation is not the only reason for salinization of land; many coastal areas are threatened by climate change in ways that lead to salinization. More importantly, most if not all small island developing nations of the Pacific and Indian Oceans as well as the countries of the Caribbean are among the most vulnerable to global climate change (IPCC, 2007). While the severity of the impacts will vary from country to country, there are various key concerns directly linked to climate change that will affect countries across these regions. Projected sea level rise will combine a number of factors resulting in accelerated coastal erosion, increased flood risk and in some areas permanent loss of land. Any increase in the intensity and destructiveness of tropical storms will further accelerate land degradation along the coasts. The impacts of sea-level rise will be further exacerbated by the loss of protective coastal systems such as coral reefs in areas such as the Caribbean (Oxenford et al., 2007). More immediately, such sea-level rise is also directly associated with saline intrusion into coastal lands and aquifers, affecting the availability of farmland and freshwater. Hence using known SLM practices and technologies for reclamation and management of such salt affected lands is a crucial strategy to adapt to climate change in many areas around the world.
83. Despite the areal extent of salt–affected soils worldwide, the research information on SOC pool and flux under different management systems is rather scant (Wong et al., 2008). There are 3 major SLM strategies to reclaim salt-affected soils (Figure 13): (i) enhance tolerance to high salt concentrations either by choosing salt-tolerant species or by enhancing tolerance to excess salts through selective breeding, (ii) improve SOC concentration because even the slightest increase can have a major positive impact on soil structure aeration, permeability, water retention and microbial/enzymatic reactions, and accelerate soil desalinization by leaching excess salts out of the soil profile, and (iii) leach salts out of the root zone through improved drainage and irrigation with good quality water. The relative significance of each strategy depends on the soil-specific conditions.