Investıgatıon of Separatıon of Phenyl Propanoıd and
Terpenoıd Mıxtures by Gel Extractıon
Essential oils generally consist of two basic classes such as phenyl propanoid and terpenoid. In this study, the separation of phenyl propanoid and terpenoid binary mixtures by gel extraction was investigated.
Gels containing N-vinyl caprolactam and dodecyl methacrylate monomers in different compositions were synthesized. Swelling behaviors of these gels were investigated for linalool and methyl eugenol binary mixtures. As a result of experimental studies, it was seen that the were swelling values of synthesized gels in linalool were higher than that in methyl eugenol. The synthesized gels with %60 vinyl caprolactam and %40 dodecyl methacrylate gave higher swelling values (ESV) than the other gels. This was the reason why gels with VC60DMA40 is used.
In addition swelling equilibrium values in limonene and methyl chavicol were also determined. Total swelling values in linalool-methyl eugenol mixtures were obtained gravimetrically, and swelling values for each component in the mixtures were calculated using gas chromatography analysis andmass balances. By using these experimental results, selectivity of gels were calculated.
Experimental data were correlated using empirical and semi-empirical equations, and it was exhibited whether the experimental swelling values fitted power-law matches the 1st degree and 2nd degree equations or not. In addition, it was investigated whether the components in gel diffusion correspond to the Fickian and/or non-Fickian diffusion mechanisms or not.
Due to the data obtained from experimental studies, despite higher swelling values in linalool, the selectivity of the gels were lower than methyl eugenol. This result was attributed to dodecyl methacrylate.
The properties of synthesized gels were obtained by structural and thermal characterizations (SEM and TGA). It was concluded that the pore structure of syhtesized gels were compatible with the experimental swelling results.