The cantos of ezra pound [from The Cantos of Ezra Pound (1972)]

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13246 aram vult nemus

13247 Came Madame Lucrezia

13248 and on the back of the door in Cesena

13249 are, or were, still the initials

13250 joli quart d'heure, (nella Malatestiana)

13251 Torquato where art thou?

13252 to the click of hooves on the cobbles by Tevere

13253 and "my fondest knight lie dead".. or la Stuarda

13254 "ghosts move about me" "patched with histories"

13255 but as Mead said: if they were,

13256 what have they done in the interval,

13257 eh, to arrive by metempsychosis at....?

13258 and there are also the conjectures of the Fortean Society

13259 Beauty is difficult.... the plain ground

13260 precedes the colours

13261 and this grass or whatever here under the tentflaps

13262 is, indubitably, bambooiform

13263 representative brush strokes wd/ be similar

13264 .... cheek bone, by verbal manifestation,

13265 her eyes as in "La Nascita"

13266 whereas the child's face

13267 is at Capoquadri in the fresco square over the doorway

13268 centre background

13269 the form beached under Helios

13270 funge la purezza,

13271 and that certain images be formed in the mind

13272 to remain there

13273 formato locho

13274 Arachne mi porta fortuna

13275 to remain there, resurgent

13276 and still in Trastevere
[Page 447]
13277 for the deification of emperors

13278 and the medallions

13279 to forge Achaia

13280 and as for playing checquers with black Jim

13281 on a barrel top where now is the Ritz-Carlton

13282 and the voice of Monsieur Fouquet or the Napoleon 3rd

13283 barbiche of Mr Quackenbos, or Quackenbush

13284 as I supposed it,

13285 and Mrs Chittenden's lofty air

13286 and the remains of the old South

13287 tidewashed to Manhattan and brown-stone

13288 or (later) the outer front stair

13289 leading to Mouquin's

13290 or old Train (Francis) on the pavement in his plain wooden

13291 chair

13292 or a fellow throwing a knife in the market

13293 past baskets and bushels of peaches

13294 at $1. the bushel

13295 and the cool of the 42nd St. tunnel (periplum)

13296 white-wash and horse cars, the Lexington Avenue cable

13297 refinement, pride of tradition, alabaster

13298 Towers of Pisa

13299 (alabaster, not ivory)

13300 coloured photographs of Europa

13301 carved wood from Venice venetian glass and the samovar

13302 and the fire bucket, 1806 Barre Mass'chusetts

13303 and the Charter Oak in Connecticut

13304 or to begin with Cologne Cathedral

13305 the Torwaldsen lion and Paolo Uccello

13306 and thence to Al Hambra, the lion court and el

13307 mirador de la reina Lindaraja

13308 orient reaching to Tangier, the cliffs the villa of Perdicaris

13309 Rais Uli, periplum

13310 Mr Joyce also preoccupied with Gibraltar

13311 and the Pillars of Hercules
[Page 448]
13312 not with my patio and the wistaria and the tennis courts

13313 or the bugs in Mrs Jevons' hotel

13314 or the quality of the beer served to sailors

13315 veder Nap'oiiiii or Pavia the romanesque

13316 being preferable

13317 and by analogy the form of San Zeno the

13318 columns signed by their maker

13319 the frescoes in S. Pietro and the madonna in Ortolo

13320 e "fa di clarità l'aer tremare"

13321 as in the manuscript of the Capitolare

13322 Trattoria degli Apostoli (dodici)

13323 "Ecco il tè" said the head waiter

13324 in 1912 explaining its mysteries to the piccolo

13325 with a teapot from another hotel

13326 but coffee came to Assisi much later

13327 that is, so one cd/ drink it

13328 when it was lost in Orleans and France semi-ruin'd

13329 thus the coffee-house facts of Vienna

13330 whereas Mr Carver merits mention for the

13331 cultivation of peanuts,

13332 arachidi, and the soja has yet to save Europe

13333 and the wops do not use maple syrup

13334 the useful operations of commerce

13335 stone after stone of beauty cast down

13336 and authenticities disputed by parasites

13337 (made in Ragusa) and: what art do you handle?

13338 "The best" And the moderns? "Oh, nothing modern

13339 we couldn't sell anything modern."

13340 But Herr Bacher's father made madonnas still in the tradition

13341 carved wood as you might have found in any cathedral

13342 and another Bacher still cut intaglios

13343 such as Salustio's in the time of Ixotta,

13344 where the masks come from, in the Tirol,

13345 in the winter season

13346 searching every house to drive out the demons.
[Page 449]
13347 Serenely in the crystal jet

13348 as the bright ball that the fountain tosses

13349 (Verlaine) as diamond clearness

13350 How soft the wind under Taishan

13351 where the sea is remembered

13352 out of hell, the pit

13353 out of the dust and glare evil

13354 Zephyrus / Apeliota

13355 This liquid is certainly a

13356 property of the mind

13357 nec accidens est but an element

13358 in the mind's make-up

13359 est agens and functions dust to a fountain pan otherwise

13360 Hast 'ou seen the rose in the steel dust

13361 (or swansdown ever?)

13362 so light is the urging, so ordered the dark petals of iron

13363 we who have passed over Lethe.
[Page 450]

13364 Out of Phlegethon!

13365 out of Phlegethon,

13366 Gerhart

13367 art thou come forth out of Phlegethon?

13368 with Buxtehude and Klages in your satchel, with the

13369 Ständebuch of Sachs in yr/ luggage

13370 ---not of one bird but of many

13371 [Image]
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13372 [Image]
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13373 And the sun high over horizon hidden in cloud bank

13374 lit saffron the cloud ridge

13375 dove sta memora

13376 "Will said" the Signora Agresti, "break his political

13377 but not economic system"

13378 But on the high cliff Alcmene,

13379 Dryas, Hamadryas ac Heliades

13380 flowered branch and sleeve moving

13381 Dirce et Ixotta e che fu chiamata Primavera

13382 in the timeless air

13383 that they suddenly stand in my room here

13384 between me and the olive tree

13385 or nel clivo ed al triedro?

13386 and answered: the sun in his great periplum

13387 leads in his fleet here

13388 sotto le nostre scogli

13389 under our craggy cliffs

13390 alevel their mast-tops

13391 Sigismundo by the Aurelia to Genova

13392 by la vecchia sotto S. Pantaleone

13393 Cunizza qua al triedro,

13394 e la scalza, and she who said: I still have the mould,

13395 and the rain fell all the night long at Ussel

13396 cette mauvaiseh venggg blew over Tolosa

13397 and in Mt Segur there is wind space and rain space

13398 no more an altar to Mithras

13399 from il triedro to the Castellaro
[Page 453]
13400 the olives grey over grey holding walls

13401 and their leaves turn under Scirocco

13402 la scalza: Io son' la luna

13403 and they have broken my house

13404 the huntress in broken plaster keeps watch no longer

13405 tempora, tempora and as to mores

13406 by Babylonian wall (memorat Cheever)

13407 out of his bas relief, for that line

13408 we recall him

13409 and who's dead, and who isn't

13410 and will the world ever take up its course again?

13411 very confidentially I ask you: Will it?

13412 with Dieudonné dead and buried

13413 not even a wall, or Mouquin, or Voisin or the cake shops

13414 in the Nevsky

13415 The Greif, yes, I suppose, and Schöners and perhaps

13416 the Taverna and Robert's

13417 but La Rupe no longer la Rupe, finito

13418 Pré Catalan, Armenonville, Bullier

13419 extinct as Willy and there are I suppose

13420 no reprints

13421 Teofile's bricabrac Cocteau's bricabrac

13422 seadrift snowin' 'em under

13423 every man to his junk-shop

13424 houses shd/have been built in the '80's

13425 (or '60's) for a' that

13426 but Eileen's trick sunlight softens London's November

13427 progress, b....h yr/progress

[Page 454]
13428 la pigrizia to know the ground and the dew

13429 but to keep 'em three weeks Chung [Image]

13430 we doubt it

13431 and in government not to lie down on it

13432 the word is made
13433 perfect [Image]
13434 better gift can no man make to a nation

13435 than the sense of Kung fu Tseu

13436 who was called Chung Ni

13437 nor in historiography nor in making anthologies

13438 (b....h yr/progress)

13439 each one in the name of his god

13440 So that in the synagogue in Gibraltar

13441 the sense of humour seemed to prevail

13442 during the preliminary parts of the whatever

13443 but they respected at least the scrolls of the law

13444 from it, by it, redemption

13445 @ $8.50, @ $8.67 buy the field with good money

13446 no unrighteousness in meteyard or in measure (of prices)

13447 and there is no need for the Xtns to pretend that

13448 they wrote Leviticus

13449 chapter XIX in particular

13450 with justice Zion

13451 not by cheating the eye-teeth out of Don Fulano

13452 or of Caio e Tizio;

13453 Why not rebuild it?

13454 Criminals have no intellectual interests?

13455 "Hey, Snag, wot are the books ov th' bibl'"

[Page 455]
13456 "name 'em, etc.

13457 "Latin? I studied latin."

13458 said the nigger murderer to his cage-mate

13459 (cdn't be sure which of the two was speaking)

13460 "c'mon, small fry," sd/the smaller black lad

13461 to the larger.

13462 "Just playin'" ante mortem no scortum

13463 (that's progress, me yr''' se/call it progress/)

13464 in the timeless air over the sea-cliffs

13465 "the pride of all our D.T.C. was pistol-packin' Burnes"

13466 But to set here the roads of France,

13467 of Cahors, of Chalus,

13468 the inn low by the river's edge,

13469 the poplars; to set here the roads of France

13470 Aubeterre, the quarried stone beyond Poitiers---

13471 ---as seen against Sergeant Beaucher's elegant profile---

13472 and the tower on an almost triangular base

13473 as seen from Santa Marta's in Tarascon

13474 "in heaven have I to make?"

13475 but all the vair and fair women

13476 and there is also the more northern (not nordic)

13477 tradition from Memling to Elskamp, extending

13478 to the ship models in Danzig ...

13479 if they have not destroyed them

13480 with Galla's rest, and ...

13481 is measured by the to whom it happens

13482 and to what, and if to a work of art

13483 then to all who have seen and who will not

13484 Washington, Adams, Tyler, Polk

13485 (with Crawford to bring in a few Colonial

13486 families) the unruly
[Page 456]
13487 Tout dit que pas ne dure la fortune

13488 In fact a small rain storm ...

13489 as it were a mouse, out of cloud's mountain

13490 recalling the arrival of Joyce et fils

13491 at the haunt of Catullus

13492 With Jim's veneration of thunder and the

13493 Gardasee in magnificence

13494 But Miss Norton's memory for the conversation

13495 (or "go on") of idiots

13496 was such as even the eminent Irish writer

13497 has, if equalled at moments (? sintheticly)

13498 certainly never surpassed

13499 Tout dit que pas ne dure la fortune

13500 and the Canal Grande has lasted at least until our time

13501 even if Florian's has been refurbished

13502 and shops in the Piazza kept up by

13503 artificial respiration

13504 and for La Figlia di Jorio they got out a

13505 special edition

13506 (entitled the Oedipus of the Lagunes)

13507 of caricatures of D'Annunzio

13508 l'ara sul rostro

13509 20 years of the dream

13510 and the clouds near to Pisa

13511 are as good as any in Italy

13512 said the young Mozart: if you will take a prise

13513 or following Ponce ("Ponthe")

13514 to the fountain in Florida

13515 de Leon alla fuente florida

13516 or Anchises that laid hold of her flanks of air

13517 drawing her to him

13518 Cythera potens,

[Page 457]
13519 no cloud, but the crystal body

13520 the tangent formed in the hand's cup

13521 as live wind in the beech grove

13522 as strong air amid cypress

13523 , /et libidinis expers

13524 the sphere moving crystal, fluid,

13525 none therein carrying rancour

13526 Death, insanity/suicide degeneration

13527 that is, just getting stupider as they get older

13528 ,

13529 nothing matters but the quality

13530 of the affection---

13531 in the end---that has carved the trace in the mind

13532 dove sta memoria

13533 and if theft be the main principle in government

13534 (every bank of discount J. Adams remarked)

13535 there will be larceny on a minor pattern

13536 a few camions, a stray packet of sugar

13537 and the effect of the movies

13538 the guard did not think that the Führer had started it

13539 Sergeant XL thought that excess population

13540 demanded slaughter at intervals

13541 (as to the by whom ...) Known as 'The ripper.'

13542 Lay in soft grass by the cliff's edge

13543 with the sea 30 metres below this

13544 and at hand's span, at cubit's reach moving,

13545 the crystalline, as inverse of water,

13546 clear over rock-bed

13547 ac ferae familiares

13548 the gemmed field a destra with fawn, with panther,

[Page 458]
13549 corn flower, thistle and sword-flower

13550 to a half metre grass growth,

13551 lay on the cliff's edge

13552 ... nor is this yet atasal

13553 nor are here souls, nec personae

13554 neither here in hypostasis, this land is of Dione

13555 and under her planet

13556 to Helia the long meadow with poplars

13557 to

13558 the mountain and shut garden of pear trees in flower

13559 here rested.

13560 . . . .

13561 "both eyes, (the loss of) and to find someone

13562 who talked his own dialect. We

13563 talked of every boy and girl in the valley

13564 but when he came back from leave

13565 he was sad because he had been able to feel

13566 all the ribs of his cow...."

13567 this wind out of Carrara

13568 is soft as un terzo cielo

13569 said the Prefetto

13570 as the cat walked the porch rail at Gardone

13571 the lake flowing away from that side

13572 was still as is never in Sirmio

13573 with Fujiyama above it: "La donna ..."

13574 said the Prefect, in the silence

13575 and the spring of their squeak-doll is broken

13576 and Bracken is out and the B.B.C. can lie

13577 but at least a different bilge will come out of it

13578 at least for a little, as is its nature

13579 can continue, that is, to lie.

13580 As a lone ant from a broken ant-hill

13581 from the wreckage of Europe, ego scriptor.
[Page 459]
13582 The rain has fallen, the wind coming down

13583 out of the mountain

13584 Lucca, Forti dei Marmi, Berchthold after the other one ...

13585 parts reassembled.

13586 ... and within the crystal, went up swift as Thetis

13587 in colour rose-blue before sunset

13588 and carmine and amber,

13589 spiriti questi? personae?

13590 tangibility by no means atasal

13591 but the crystal can be weighed in the hand

13592 formal and passing within the sphere: Thetis,

13593 Maya, ,

13594 no overstroke

13595 no dolphin faster in moving

13596 nor the flying azure of the wing'd fish under Zoagli

13597 when he comes out into the air, living arrow.

13598 and the clouds over the Pisan meadows

13599 are indubitably as fine as any to be seen

13600 from the peninsula

13601 have not destroyed them

13602 as they have Sigismundo's Temple

13603 Divae Ixottae (and as to her effigy that was in Pisa?)

13604 Ladder at swing jump as for a descent from the cross

13605 O white-chested martin, God damn it,

13606 as no one else will carry a message,

13607 say to La Cara: amo.

13608 Her bed-posts are of sapphire

13609 for this stone giveth sleep.

13610 and in spite of hoi barbaroi

13611 pervenche and a sort of dwarf morning-glory

13612 that knots in the grass, and a sort of buttercup
[Page 460]
13613 et sequelae

13614 Le Paradis n'est pas artificiel

13615 States of mind are inexplicable to us.


13617 L. P. gli onesti

13618 J'ai eu pitié des autres

13619 probablement pas assez, and at moments that suited my own con-

13620 venience

13621 Le paradis n'est pas artificiel,

13622 l'enfer non plus.

13623 Came Eurus as comforter

13624 and at sunset la pastorella dei suini

13625 driving the pigs home, benecomata dea

13626 under the two-winged cloud

13627 as of less and more than a day

13628 by the soap-smooth stone posts where San Vio

13629 meets with il Canal Grande

13630 between Salviati and the house that was of Don Carlos

13631 shd/I chuck the lot into the tide-water?

13632 le bozze "A Lume Spento"/

13633 and by the column of Todero

13634 shd/I shift to the other side

13635 or wait 24 hours,

13636 free then, therein the difference

13637 in the great ghetto, left standing

13638 with the new bridge of the Era where was the old eyesore

13639 Vendramin, Contrarini, Fonda, Fondecho

13640 and Tullio Romano carved the sirenes

13641 as the old custode says: so that since

13642 then no one has been able to carve them

13643 for the jewel box, Santa Maria Dei Miracoli,
[Page 461]
13644 Dei Greci, San Giorgio, the place of skulls

13645 in the Carpaccio

13646 and in the font to the right as you enter

13647 are all the gold domes of San Marco

13648 Arachne, che mi porta fortuna, go spin on that tent rope

13649 Unkle George in Brassitalo's abbazia

13650 voi che passate per questa via:

13651 Does D'Annunzio live here?

13652 said the american lady, K. H.

13653 "I do not know" said the aged Veneziana,

13654 "this lamp is for the virgin."

13655 "Non combaattere" said Giovanna,

13656 meaning: don't work so hard,

13657 Arachne che mi porta fortuna;

13658 Athene, who wrongs thee?


13660 That butterfly has gone out thru my smoke hole

13661 Unkle George observing Ct/Volpe's neck at the Lido

13662 and deducing his energy. Unkle G. stood like a statue

13663 "Rutherford Hayes on a monument"

13664 as the princess approached him

13665 "You from New England?" barked the 10th District,

13666 and it came over me as he talked:

13667 this is Dafne's Sandro---

13668 How? after 30 years,

13669 Trovaso, Gregorio, Vio

13670 "Dawnt let 'em git you" burred the bearded Dottore

13671 when was the Scottch Kirrrk in Venice

[Page 462]
13672 to warn one against Babylonian intrigue

13673 and there have been since then

13674 very high episcopal vagaries

13675 well, my window

13676 looked out on the Squero where Ogni Santi

13677 meets San Trovaso

13678 things have ends and beginnings

13679 and the gilded cassoni neither then nor up to the present

13680 the hidden nest, Tami's dream, the great Ovid

13681 bound in thick boards, the bas relief of Ixotta

13682 and the care in contriving

13683 Olim de Malatestis

13684 the long hall over the arches at Fano

13685 olim de Malatestis

13686 "64 countries and down a boilin' volcano"

13687 says the sargent

13688 ex rum-runner (the rum being vino rosso)

13689 "runnin whisky" sez he; mountain oysters?

13690 lisciate con lagrime

13691 politis lachrymis

13692 bricks thought into being ex nihil

13693 suave in the cavity of the rock la concha

13694 ,

13695 that butterfly has gone out thru my smoke hole

13696 , saeva. Against buff the rose for the

13697 background to Leonello, Petrus Pisani pinxit

13698 that a cameo should remain

13699 in Arezzo an altar fragment (Cortona, Angelico)

13700 po'eri di'aoli

13701 po'eri di'aoli sent to the slaughter

[Page 463]
13702 Knecht gegen Knecht

13703 to the sound of the bumm drum, to eat remnants

13704 for a usurer's holiday to change the

13705 price of a currency

13706 ....


13708 woe to them that conquer with armies

13709 and whose only right is their power.

[Page 464]


13710 And this day Abner lifted a shovel.....

13711 instead of watchin' it to see if it would

13712 take action

13713 Von Tirpitz said to his we have elsewhere

13714 recorded / he said: beware of their charm

13715 But on the other hand Maukch thought he

13716 would do me a favour by getting me onto the commission

13717 to inspect the mass graves at Katin,

13718 le beau monde gouverne

13719 if not toujours at any rate it is a level of

13720 some sort whereto things tend to return

13721 Chung

13722 [Image]
13723 in the middle

13724 whether upright or horizontal

13725 "and having got 'em (advantages, privilege)

13726 there is nothing, italics nothing, they will not do

13727 to retain 'em"

13728 yrs truly Kungfutseu

13729 Entered the Bros Watson's store in Clinton N. Y.

13730 preceded by a crash, i.e. by a

13731 huge gripsack or satchel

13732 which fell and skidded along the 20 foot aisle-way

13733 and ceased with a rumpus of glassware

13734 (unbreakable as it proved)

13735 and with the enquiry: WOT IZZA COMIN'?

13736 "I'll tell you wot izza comin'

13737 Sochy-lism is a-comin'
[Page 465]
13738 (a.d. 1904, somewhat previous but effective

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