The international significance of the natural values of the australian alps

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  • Summary


The International Significance

of the Natural Values of the

Australian Alps

A report to the Australian Alps Liaison Committee

J B Kirkpatrick

May 1994


A report to the Australian Alps Liaison Committee J. B. KIRKPATRICK
Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Tasmania October 1993


Summary 3

Introduction 4

Methods and criteria for assessing natural international significance 8

General principles 8

Biosphere Reserves 8

The World Heritage Convention 9

The convention on biological diversity 14

Assessment of statements on international significance 15

General statements 15

Mountain environments 17

Geology 18

Geomorphology 20

Soils 21

Hydrology 22

Vegetation 22

Flora 24

Fauna 25

Aesthetics 27

The international distinctiveness of the Australian Alps 28

Introduction 28

Climate and physiography 28

Geology, geomorphology and soils 29

Biota and vegetation 29

Aesthetics 30

Analysis of the comparative international significance of six Australian World Heritage Areas and the Australian Alps 30

Synthesizing the relativities 39

Problems with Integrity 40

Current management 40

Past disturbance 45

A comparison of the integrity of the Australian Alps and six recently listed World Heritage Areas in Australia 47

Region. 48

The case for World Heritage listing 48

Criterion (i) 49

Geological/geomorphological processes/features 49

Biological evolution 52

integrity 53

Criterion (ii) 54

Dynamics of forests and woodlands 54

Dynamics of the treeline 56

The dynamics of alpine vegetation 57

Integrity 58

Criterion (iii) 58

Exceptional natural beauty 59

Integrity 60

Criterion (iv) 60

Threatened species 62

Integrity 63

I suggest that the following government commitments would be an appropriate 64

Conclusions 64

The Australian Alps and the Convention on Biological Diversity 64

The Australian Alps and the Biosphere Reserve concept 64

The Australian Alps and World Heritage listing 64

Appendix 1 66

The effect of inclusion of the other Alps and East Gippsland reserves on the case for World Heritage listing 66

Appendix 2: 69

Recognised plant communities in the Australian Alps and adjacent reserves. 69

Appendix 3: 77

Rare and threatened plant species by reserve 77

Appendix 4 82

Eucalypt species recorded from the parks in the MOU area 82

References 85


  1. The Australian Alps have been argued to have international significance for many of their natural properties, including their geology, geomorphology, alpine ecosystems, the catena of eucalypt-dominated communities and their aesthetic qualities. Kosciusko National Park is already a Biosphere Reserve and is recognised internationally for the biological diversity of its plants.

  2. The parks in the MOU area have undoubted international significance under the Convention for Biological Diversity and have qualities as a whole that should allow them to be readily recognised as the core of an enlarged Biosphere Reserve.

  3. The Australian Alps have outstanding international significance on the criteria used in the World Heritage Convention in a variety of areas, most notably their outstanding representation of a highly diverse and unusual assemblage of communities dominated by eucalypts, their evidence of geomorphological, edaphic and ecological processes in the alpine and treeless subalpine zones, and their character as a globally unusual intraplate mountain range.

  4. The outstanding natural attributes of the Australian Alps compare well with those that have been used as a basis for the recent successful nominations for World Heritage of other areas in Australia.

  5. Unfortunately, the integrity of some parts of the Australian Alps, while being reasonable on an international scale, is comparatively poor compared to the same recent nominations, both as a result of past development and exotic species invasion, and as a result of continuing use of part of the area for purposes inconsistent with the maintenance of World Heritage qualities. The perception of poor integrity could put any nomination at risk of failure.

  6. The chances for a successful nomination for World Heritage would be improved by further commitment to the elimination of current threatening processes, and the mitigation of the effects of past disturbances. A

commitment to the removal of stock grazing would be important.
7. Any nomination should exclude development areas, unless they are highly significant for threatened species. The arguments in the nomination would be improved by the inclusion of the Mt Buffalo National Park, the Baw Baw National Park, the Errinundra National Park, the Coopracambra National Park and the Croajingolong National Park. However, non-contiguity and the non-inclusion of the parks in southeastern New South Wales reduce the potential strength of the East Gippsland inclusions.

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