The areas for further research are numerous in the field of patterns that connect family therapists’ personal and private lives to their clinical practice. In the areas of parallel connections, life cycle theory alone offers frameworks for several research projects. Research projects that both open up questions about connections between the therapist’s personal and private life and her or his clinical practice and look at the entire therapeutic process could be initiated. Research projects that investigate and develop education programmes could be started. Some of this research could look into the meaning of introducing own therapy as a part of family therapy education.
My wish for this research project has been to develop our knowledge of the patterns that connect systemic family therapists’ personal and private lives to their clinical practice. I think I found some meaningful connections in this research project. However, I think there are many interesting and important new research projects that might follow up this one and explore personal and private connections to clinical practice in the years to come.
Aftenposten, 11.03.2004
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