Open codes
24 years ago
Have you recognised the situation of having a child outside of a relationship in your work?
Not directly
But knowing the religious chapel house
milieu has been usefu
Insurance Christianity
Open dialogue at home
Do you recognise this?
Each weekend and every second Wednesday
Is this a model?
P: How long ago was this, that you had children?
E: It…(Anne) is…she’ll be 24 this summer.
P:…Yeah, a grown-up girl…now then you say, this is one side of my life now. Are there any…if I was to ask about the relationship between that and cases you’ve worked with, are there any cases you remember that in a way have touched that part of your life?
E: Not quite, like, directly but, I’ve thought that in some contexts, not that I’ve brought it out directly in relation to clients, I’ve thought that knowing the Chapel house milieu and that sort of thing, that that has been useful. I’ve also thought about this shifting between going from a religious background to actually go over into a, into a life where to believe in it, that that isn’t me. And that shift, but at the same time I think some…understanding, as well ehhh about that change that can happen and actually also a discussion with my own parents about that sort of insurance Christianity; it doesn’t hurt to continue being Christian, and that sort of thing as well and that was an open discussion at home…I’ve thought in many ways that I’ve been quite lucky in that, in spite of something that could seem narrow it wasn’t actually like that at home after all. There was the opportunity for quite an open dialogue about most things.
P: Have you encountered that position or what should we say, that theme in your practice, that you yourself have been involved in, with in a way leaving…
E: …not really, I don’t think…
P:…no, no..
E: …I don’t really think so.
P: The other part, that you’ve lived alone, is that what you’d say, which means that you’ve lived in your own apartment and had a partner, but one who’s also had their own place.
E: And who didn’t live in any relationship either so that we were more or less free both of us to do what we wished and had our own sort of arrangement for being together as well. Each weekend and every second Wednesday.
P: That was…(overlap) and over 14 years, you say so this was…
E: Yes, over roughly 10 years…
P: …OK, was a kind of model. Ehhh..mmm…Is this model in a way…what do you think about this way of living?
Research codes
Sees no direct connection
Sees a connection
Helpful to know the Chapel house
Sees no direct connection
Family relationship