We have noted with great concern the delay in the issuance of the cleaned, final voter’s register and yet we have only 4 days to polling day. Furthermore voters’ cards are being issued using a national voter’s register which is not final
According to the National Bureau of Statistics, Uganda cannot have more than 8.9 million citizens of voting age and yet you have quoted a figure of 11.06 million registered voters on the basis of which voter’s cards have been printed and are being issued out.
We have evidence that the Electoral Commission and/or its contracted suppliers have printed blank voters’ cards, which can be easily abused. We also draw your attention to the very poor quality of voters’ cards that can be easily reproduced
In certain parts of Uganda such as Kampala City, there are less polling stations currently gazetted than those in the June 2000 Referendum.
To date we have not received any explanation about the reported intrusion, activities and identity of the culprits who entered the data processing centre of the Electoral Commission.
Public officers such as Army Officers, RDCs, DISOs, GISOS who are supposed to be non-partisan under the law continue to campaign for candidate Museveni.
In view of the above stated flaws, we demand that you convene a meeting of
ALL Presidential candidates (and not their representatives) not later than
Friday March 9th, 2001 to resolve these serious and very urgent issues.”