(8) That on 21st February 2007 I was again forced to make a statement disassociating myself from Presidential Candidate Dr. Besigye’s Task Force. This time in presence of Major-General Elly Turn wine, Major- General David Tinyefuza, Major- General Jeje Odong and Lt. CoL Noble Mayombo a statement I later read to the Press at Parliament.
(9) That between 27th February 2001 I was under, virtual house arrest at my residence in Bbunga, guarded by officers and men of the UPDF under the guise of state protection against my own candidate and his supporters.
(10) That, on the 21 February 2007 had to leave the country as I felt my life was in danger and presently lives in the UK with my family.
(11) Consequently I did not vote in the 72 March 2001 presidential Election which is a denial of my constitutional right.”