(2) That I was appointed a polling agent for the petitioner.
(3) That on Sunday 1 1th March 2001 9:00 am, I was in Kamwenge Town with Mr. Wasswa Peter, my brother and Robert when I was arrested by LDF by names of Kenneth and Friday.
(6) That at 1:00 a.m. I was transported to Kamwenge Army detach barracks.
(8) That on the election day at around 10:00am, I was taken to the polling Centre of Kamwenge Primary School Block 1 where the 2nd Lt. Richard ordered the presiding officer to tick a ballot paper in favour of Museveni Yoweri Kaguta.
(9)That I was given the ballot paper already ticked in favour of Museveni and was escorted by two armed soldiers to the ballot box where I put the same.
(11) That I was then taken back to the barracks for detention and released after 6:00 pm’”
Affidavit of Ojok David Livingstone avers
:“( 1) That lam a resident of Doko cell, Namatala ward Industrial
Division Mbale Municipality.
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