(4) That on 12th March 2001 at about 11:00 am I was at Munkaga stage. The motor vehicle of Hassan Galiwango the Resident District Commissioner- Mbale came and parked at the stage facing Tororo side. The sub-county chief Nambale — Mutoto was thestage and he ran to Mr. Hassan Gallwango, RDC. The two held private discussion. Later the sub-county chief drove towards Mbale whilst RDC continued towards Tororo.
(3) After some time area movement chairman Geofrey by name came from Tororo side being driver on Motorcycle by one Sonya David and went towards Musoto which was my next destination.
(5) As there were rumours that there were plans to rig the election in our area I became suspicious. I told my driver to turn back and we give a chase. At the local Railway crossing his motor cycle developed a problem. On reaching him I asked what was in the black hand bag. Mr. Sonya tried to grab the hand bag and ran away but I held the bag and we struggled for it which got torn and some voters cards more than 50,000 and some official stamps plus Return Forms for the sub-county of Bugokho were poured down. I raised alarm which was answered by a crowd who assisted me to hold Mr. Sonya and retain the bag.