Light Pen: Light pen has the feature to work directly on the screen.
Liquid crystal displays (LCD): These use tiny crystals which, when a charge is applied across them, polarize the light passing through them.
Local area networks (LAN): Local area network is restricted to a particular small geographical area covering an area of a single building or other few nearby buildings for data communication.
Logic Diagram: A Boolean function can be transformed from an algebraic expression into a logic diagram composed of AND, OR and NOT gates.
Magnetic Disk: Magnetic disk stores the binary data on a disk or tape coated with a material that can be magnetized differently, depending on whether a o or 1 is stored Bits of data 0’s and 1;s are stored on circular magnetic platters called disks.
Memory Unit: A memory is defined as the computer’s workspace where data and programs for immediate processing are held. Computer memory is contained on memory chips that are mounted on the motherboard.
Mesh Topology: In mesh topology, there exists a straight path between any two modes of a network. These straight paths are also called point-to-point or P to P connection.
Metropolitan Area network (MAN): Metropolitan area network constitutes a geographical area which is greater as compared to that of LAN. In general, MAN is designed to extend over an entire city.
Microphone: It is an important input device which is used to enter the input in the form of voice rather than using keyboard and mouse.
Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET): A mobile adhoc network is a wireless network that uses multi-hop peer-to-peer routing instead of static network infrastructure to provide network connectivity. Ad-hoc networks are the best candidates to offer, with all the challenges it implies, mobility and location-independent multimedia communications.