How to Bargain: 1) Know the language! The more you know, the more they are impressed. The more they are impressed, the more you connect. The more you connect, the more they will lower the price. (My language is far from perfect. But I can hold a basic conversation – which puts me on their good side.)
2) Know the prices! Ask around. Ask other local people. So when they offer something astronomical – say “Hapana, na jua bei!” (No, I know the price)
3) Here in Tanzania, if you divide their original asking price by half – that’s usually the right price.
4) Be firm!
5) Walk away if need be. (This is Sarah’s favorite.) This gives you the upper hand, especially when you know what you’re asking for is correct. If they stop you – you win. If they don’t give in, then you can turn around, reaffirm your asking price, and maybe put it up a couple.
I hope this blog post was enlightening and you could learn a few things about shopping and bargaining