With the above table it is clear that the profitability of the Telangana Grameena Bank may be said, is good and is growing at a healthy growth rate. Table: 5.10 Key Performance Indicators of the Bank as on 31-03-2015 (Amount in Crores) Key Performance Indicators of the Bank as on 31-03-2015 (Amout in Crores) S.No PARTICULARS AS ON 31/03/2013 AS ON 31/03/2014 AS ON 31/03/2015 1 Deposits 3444.91 4155.43 4890.33 2 Advances 2775.46 3531.1 4162.54 3 C D Ratio 81% 85% 85.11% 4 Recovery 71.92% 73.91% 76.89% 5 Profit 76.66 96.4 167.29 6 Branch Computerization 269 (100% CBS) 300 (100% CBS) 330 (100% CBS) Table: 5.11 REGION WISE BREAK-UP OF BUSINESS AS ON 31.03.2015,(Branch Net work is spread in the 5 districts of Telangana Region in the state of Telangana) (Amount in crores) S No. REGION NO.
OF BRANCHES DEPOSITS ADVANCES 1 Adilabad 62 744.77 893.88 2 Karimnagar 65 875.18 742.82 3 Nizamabad 61 497.62 635.94 4 Hyderabad-I & Hyderabad-II 78 1232.14 757.84 5 Mancherial 53 876.72 669.73 6 GM Control 11 662.68 362.33 7 Head Office 1.22 100 Total 330 4890.33 4162.54 6. DATA ANAALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION This chapter covers the statistical analysis on customer service evaluation in the Telangana Grameena Bank.
The study confined to Adilabad district. The Analysis on customer's perspective includes loan allocation to farmers, banking service experience, customer loyalty, and customer satisfaction in selected Telangana Grameena Bank. 6.1 Demographic factors FARMERS Gender The respondents are asked to express about their Gender.
The details are furnished in the following table and figure. Table: Gender Frequency Percent Male 785 92 Female 65 8 Total 850 100 Source: Primary data Fig.: 6.1.1 Gender From the table it is observed 785 (92%) of consumers are male and 65 (8 %) of farmers are female. It clearly shows that Male are dominating in the farmer sector compared to the female Table:
Age Age (in years) Frequency Percentage 21-30 125 15 31-40 343 40 41-50 277 33 51-60 85 10 Above 60 20 2 Total 850 100 Source: Primary Data Fig.: 6.1.2 Age From the above table it is observed 125 (15%) of customers are in the age group of 21-30, 343 (40%) of customers are in the age of 31-40, 277 (33%) in the age group of 41-50, 85 (10%) are 51-60 and least 20 (2%) are old age people.
It clearly shows, the age groups of 21 to 40 are actively participating in farming activities Table: Marital Status Marital Status Frequency Percentage Married 785 92.4 Unmarried 65 7.6 Total 850 100 Source: Primary Data Fig.: 6.1.3 Marital Status From the above table it is observed 785 (92.4%) of customers married and 65 (7.6%) are unmarried.
It shows in the village the married age is less compared to the metropolitan areas. Table: Profession/Occupation Frequency Percentage Private Service 235 27.65 Business 132 15.53 Agriculture 483 56.82 Total 850 100.00 Source: Primary data Fig.: 6.1.4 The above table depicts, most of the customers are agriculture 483 (56.82%). From the table, it is evident that 235(27.5%) are private employees. 132 (15.53%) are Business. It clearly shows that the most of them are depend on the agriculture compare to other professions. Table:
Educational Qualification Frequency Percent Post Graduation 55 6.47 Graduation 235 27.65 Inter/S.S.C 560 65.88 Total 850 100.00 Source: Primary data Table: 6.1.5 From the table it is observed that, 55(6.4%) are post graduates, 235 (27.5%) are graduates and highest 560 (65.88%) is school students. It clearly indicates that the maximum number of farmers having inter/school basic qualification. Table:
Yearly Income of the Farmers Income Frequency Percent Rs. 50,001 to 1,00,000 267 31.41 Rs. 1,00,001 to Rs.1,50,000 285 33.53 Rs. 1,50,001 to Rs.2,00,000 189 22.24 Above Rs. 2,00,000 109 12.82 Total 850 100.00 Source: Primary data Fig: 6.1.6 The income of the farmers explains social and capacity of the persons. It is the direct measurer of farmer's potential investment on the land farming. The above table revels that 267 (31.41%) of farmers yearly income is above below 1,00,000 285 (33.53%) of the farmers are below 1,50,000 , 189( 22.24%) farmers below 2,00,000 and 109 (12.32%) farmers income is above 2,0,000 it shows farmers yearly income less compared to other category employees, they may required more loans from the financial institutions for farming. Table: Family size of the farmers (Number of Members) Number of members Frequency Percent up to 2 125 14.71 3 to 4 265 31.18 5 - 6 427 50.24 Above 6 33 3.88 Total 850 100.00 Source: Primary data Table: 6.1.7 The above table depicts that, 427 (50.24%) of farmers family size is 5 to 6.
It shows in the villages still combined family system exists. 265(31.18%) are having 3 to 4 member, 125 (14.71%) families having up to 2 members and Very negligible percentage of farmers 33 (3.88%) has more than six members in their family. 6.1.2. Demographic factors Bank Employees Table: Gender Frequency Percent Male 85 56.67 Female 65 43.33 Total 150 100.00 Fig: 6.2.1
From the table it is observed 85 (56.67%) of employees are male and 65 (43.33 %) of employees are female. It clearly shows that Male is slightly higher compare to the female in the bank. Table: Age (in years) Frequency Percent 25-30 38 25.33 31-40 44 29.33 41-50 38 25.33 Above 51 30 20 Total 150 100.00 Age Source: Primary data Fig: 6.2.2 From the above table it is observed 38 (25.33%) of employees are in the age group of 25-30 44 (29.33%) of employees are in the age of 31-40, 38 ((25.33%) in the age group of 41-50, 30 (20%) are above 51years of age Table:
Educational Qualification Frequency Percent Post Graduation 45 30 Graduation 105 70 Total 150 100 Source: Primary data Fig: 6.2.3 The above table shows the educational qualification of the employees of the banks as the basic qualification is degree we can see 105 (70%) employees are graduates and 45 (30%) are post graduates in all categories of the employees Table:
Source: Primary data Designation Frequency Percent Manager 45 30 Senior Manager 20 13.33 Asst. Manager 38 25.33 Sr. Account Officer 27 18 Clerks 20 13.33 Total 150 100 Fig: 6.2.4 Designation The above table depicts that the designation of the bank employees, managers are 45 (30%), Senior Managers re 20 (13.33%), 38 (25.33%) are Asst. Managers, 27 (18%) are Sr. Account Officer and remaining 20 (13.33%) are clerks, for the reliability information higher officials were considered.
6.3 Bankers Service to Farmers Introduction The profile of the respondent's information explored in the following table represents and their details are given below. 6.3.1Reason for the open account The respondents are asked to express their opinion about the “Reason for taking the account”. The details are furnished in the following table Table: 6.3.1
Reason for the open account Type of Organization Proximity Reputation Range of Service Quality of Service Net banking Service Total Count % Count % Count % Count % Count % Telangana Grameena bank 158 18.59 197 23.17 165 19.41 164 19.32 166 19.53 850 Total 158 18.59 197 23.17 165 19.41 164 19.32 166 19.53 850 Source: Primary data The above table representing that from the tested scale i.e. Reason for the taken account. the observed frequencies from each option, i.e.
out of total 850 respondents out of this 158 (18.59%) are Proximity, 197 (23.17%) are Reputation, 165 (19.41%) are Range of services, 164 (19.32%) are Quality of services and 166 (18.7%) are Net banking services. 6.3.2 Nature of account The respondents are asked about the type of account. They are holding “Nature of account”. The details are furnished in the following table. Table 6.3.2
Type of Account Type of Organization Savings A/c Salary A/c Loan A/c Current A/c Total Count % Count % Count % Count % Telangana Grameena Bank 225 26.5 131 15.4 336 39.5 158 18.6 850 Total 225 26.5 131 15.4 336 39.5 158 18.6 850 Source: Primary data The above table representing that from the tested scale i.e. Nature of the account. The observed frequencies from each option, i.e. out of total 850 respondents out of this 225 (26.5%) are have saving account, 131 (15.4%) are salary account, 336 (39.5%) are loan account, and 158 (18.6%) are current account.
As the Grameena banks are providing crop loans to the farmers the loan accounts are more i.e. nearly 40% as compared to other type of the accounts. Table: 6.3.3 Frequency of visit The respondents are asked to express their opinion about the frequency of visit to bank in a month. The details are furnished in the following table. Table: 6.3.3
Frequency of visit Type of Organization 1 to 3 4 to 6 7 to 9 More than 9 Total Count % Count % Count % Count % Telangana Grameena Bank 175 20.59 186 21.89 336 39.5 158 18.6 850 Total 175 20.59 186 21.89 336 39.5 158 18.6 850 Source: Primary data The above table shows that 39.5 per cent of the farmers 7 to 9 times visit to the bank is the important factor of the statement, whereas 20.59 per cent of farmers also visit the 1 to 3 times same of the above factor.
It shows farmers are frequently visiting the bank for the transaction of their account in the bank. The above table representing that from the tested scale i.e. Frequency of visit, the observed frequencies from each option, i.e. out of total 850 respondents out of this 175 (20.59%) are 1 to 3 times, 186 (21.89%) are 4 to 6, 336 (39.5%) are 7 to 9, and 158 (18.6%) are more than 9 times. All the farmers are frequently visiting the bank for the transaction. Table: 6.3.4
Usage of e-banking The respondents are asked to express their opinion about the Using of internet banking. The details are furnished in the following table. Table: 6.3.4. Usage of e-banking Type of Organization 1-2 years 2-3 years 3-4 years More than 4years Total Count % Count % Count % Count % Telangana Grameena Bank 351 41.3
228 26.8 175 20.6 96 11.3 850 Total 351 41.3 228 26.8 175 20.6 96 11.3 850 Source: Primary data The above table shows that 41.7 per cent of the farmers are using since 1 to 2 years of e-banking, this is important factor of the statement. The above table representing that the tested scale i.e. using of e-banking. The observed frequencies from each option, i.e.
out of total 850 respondents out of this 351 (41.3%) are 1 to 2 years, 228 (26.8%) are 2 to 3, 175 (20.6%) are 3 to 4, and 96 (11.30%) are more than 4 years. It shows farmers are started using e-banking recently, they are not acquainted the online banking at the present, banks authorities should motivate them to use e-banking frequently. Table: 6.3.5. Frequency of transactions The respondents are asked to express their opinion about the Frequency of transactions.
The details are furnished in the following table. Table: 6.3.5. Frequency of transactions Type of Organization Daily Weekly Fortnightly Monthly Total Count % Count % Count % Count % Telangana Grameena Bank 228 26.8 351 41.3 175 20.6 96 11.3 850 Total 228 26.8 351 41.3 175 20.6 96 11.3 850 Source: Primary data The above table shows that 41.3
per cent of the farmers are weekly transacting with bank, this is important factor of the statement, whereas 26.8 per cent of the farmers are weekly transacting with net banking also the above factor. The above table representing that from the tested scale i.e. Frequency of transactions, the observed frequencies from each option, i.e. out of total 850 respondents out of this 228 (26.8%) are daily, 351(4130%) are weekly, are 175 (20.60%) fortnightly, and 96 (11.30%) are monthly. Table: 6.3.6.
Cash deposits The respondents are asked to express their opinion about the Time of Cash deposit. The details are furnished in the following table. Table: 6.3.6. Cash deposits Type of Organization 0-15 Mins 15-30 Mins 30-45 Mins 45-60 Mins More than 1hour Total Count % Count % Count % Count % Count % Telangana Grameena Bank 487 57.3 288 33.9 75 8.8 0 0.0 0 0.0 850 Total 487 57.3 288 33.9 75 8.8 0 0.0 0 0 850 Source: Primary data The above table shows that 57.3
per cent of the farmers are opinioned that 0-15 mins of time is taking for cash deposits; this is important factor of the statement, whereas 33.9 per cent of the farmers opinioned that 15-30mins of time is taking for cash deposits the above factor. The above table representing that from the tested scale i.e. Time of Cash deposit is observed frequencies from each option, i.e. out of total 850 respondents out of this 487 (57.3%) are 0-15mins, 288 (33.9%) are 15-30mins, 75 (8.8%) are 30-45mins, 0 (0%) are 45-60mins and 0 (0%) are more than 1 hour. Table: 6.3.7.
Cash withdrawal The respondents are asked to express their opinion about the Time of cash withdrawal. The details are furnished in the following table. Table: 6.3.7. Cash withdrawal Type of Organization 0-15 Mints 15-30 Mints 30-45 Mints 45-60 Mints More than 1hour Total Count % Count % Count % Count % Count % Telangana Grameena Bank 280 33.0 358 42.1 147 17.3 43 5.1 22 4.4 850 Total 280 33.0 358 42.1 147 17.3 43 5.1 22 4.4 850 Source: Primary data The above table shows that 42.1
per cent of the farmers are opinioned that 15-30mints of time is taking for cash withdrawal; this is important factor of the statement, whereas 33.0 per cent of the farmers opinioned that 0-15 mints of time is taking for cash withdrawal of the above factor. The above table representing that from the tested scale i.e. Time of Cash withdrawal is observed frequencies from each option, i.e.
out of total 850 respondents out of this 280 (33.0%) are 0-15mins, 358 (42.1%) are 15-30mins, 147 (17.3%) are 30-45mins, 43 (5.1%) are 45-60mins and 22 (4.4%) are more than 1 hour. Table: 6.3.8 Demand draft The respondents are asked to express their opinion about the Time of Demand draft. The details are furnished in the following table. Table 6.3.8.
Demand draft Type of Organization 0-15 Mints 15-30 Mints 30-45 Mints 45-60 Mints More than 1hour Total Count % Count % Count % Count % Count % Telangana Grameena Bank 280 33.0 358 42.1 147 17.3 43 5.1 22 4.4 850 Total 280 33.0 358 42.1 147 17.3 43 5.1 22 4.4 850 Source: Primary data The above table shows that 42.1 per cent of the farmers are opinioned that 15-30mints of time is taking for demand draft; this is important factor of the statement, whereas 33.0
per cent of the farmers opinioned that 0-15mints of time is taking for demand draft of the above factor. The above table representing that from the tested scale i.e. Time of Demand draft is observed frequencies from each option, i.e. out of total 850 respondents out of this 280 (33.0%) are 0-15mins, 358 (42.1%) are 15-30mins, 147 (17.3%) are 30-45mins, 43 (5.1%) are 45-60mins and 22 (44.4) are more than 1 hour. Table: 6.3.9 Pledge gold loan The respondents are asked to express their opinion about the Time of pledge gold loan.
The details are furnished in the following table. Table 6.3.9 Time of pledge gold loan Type of Organization 0-15 Mints 15-30 Mints 30-45 Mints 45-60 Mints More than 1hour Total Count % Count % Count % Count % Count % Telangana Grameena Bank 22 2.6 185 21.76 378 44.5 252 29.65 13 1.5 850 Total 22 2.6 185 21.76 378 44.5 252 29.65 13 1.5
850 Source: Primary data The above table shows that 44.5 per cent of the farmers are opinioned that 30-45 mints of time is taking for pledge gold loan, this is important factor of the statement, whereas 29.65 per cent of the farmers opinioned that 45-60mints of time is taking for pledge gold loan of the above factor.
The above table representing that from the tested scale i.e. Time of pledge gold loan is observed frequencies from each option, i.e. out of total 850 respondents out of this 185 (21.76%) are 15-30mins, 378 (44.5%) are 30-45mins, 252 (29.65%) are 45-60mins and 13 (1.5%) are more than 1 hour Table: 6.3.10 Account statements The respondents are asked to express their opinion about the Time of Account statements.
The details are furnished in the following table. Table 6.3.10. Account statements Type of Organization 0-15 Mints 15-30 Mints 30-45 Mints 45-60 Mints More than 1hour Total Count % Count % Count % Count % Count % Telangana Grameena Bank 198 23.3 337 39.65 155 18.2 103 12.1 57 6.7 850 Total 198 23.3 337 39.65 155 18.2 103 12.1 57 6.7 850 Source: Primary data The above table shows that 39.65 per cent of the farmers are opinioned that 15.30mins of time is taking for Account statements; this is important factor of the statement, whereas 23.3
per cent of the farmers opinioned that 0-15mins of time is taking for pledge gold loan of the above factor. The above table representing that from the tested scale i.e. Time of Account statements are observed frequencies from each option, i.e. out of total 850 respondents out of this 198 (23.30%) are 0-15mins, 337 (39.65%) are 15-30mins, 155 (18.20%) are 30-45mins, 103 (12.1%) and 57 (6.7%) are more than 1 hour. 6.4
Chi-Square Test The chi-square test is a statistical test symbolically represented as X2 that can be used to determine whether observed frequencies are significantly different from expected frequencies. Chi-squared test is essentially a test based on the chi-squared parameter. Chi-square is mainly used for a goodness of fit test. It measures how well a set of observations agrees with that predicted by some hypothesized distribution.
Chi-square test is one of the simplest and most widely used non-parametric tests. a non-parametric makes no assumption approximately the parameters of the populace from which the pattern is drawn. chi-rectangular describes the value of the discrepancy between principle and remark. it is useful to discover whether two or more attributes are related or now not (i.e., unbiased) it's miles very popularly referred to as check of goodness of suit for the cause that it permits us to check how accurately distributions together with binomial, poisson and ordinary fit empirical distributions. it is also taken into consideration as a take a look at of homogeneity. Such a test is designed to determine whether two or more independent random samples are drawn from the same population or not.
Application of Chi-Square · A Chi-Square test for the goodness of fit · A Chi-Square test for the independence of variables · A Chi-Square test for the equality of more than two population proportions 6.4. Association between the type of organization and Reliability To study the association between the type of organization and significance attached to above mentioned reliability, by the respondents and chi-square analysis is carried out and it is presented as follows.
The following statements are related to experience of reliability factor about the particular bank. The extent to which believes by the respondent the feature described in the statement. This reflects to respondent perceptions about the bank service. 6.4.1 Accuracy bill The respondents are asked to express their opinion about the accuracy in billing. The details are furnished in the following table. Table: 6.4.1
Accuracy bill Type of Organization Strongly Disagree (1) Disagree (2) Neutral (3) Agree (4) Strongly Agree (5) Total Count % Count % Count % Count % Count % Telangana Grameena Bank 24 2.8 67 7.9 147 17.3 390 45.9 222 26.1 850 Total 24 2.8 67 7.9 147 17.3 390 45.9 222 26.1 850 Source: Primary data The above table shows that 45.9 per cent of the farmers agree that the accuracy bill is important factor of reliability whereas 26.1 per cent of the farmers strongly agree with the above factor.
To study the relationship between the type of organization and reliability factor of “Accuracy bill” is significance on customers. Chi-square analysis is done. Hypothesis The significance attached by the customers to the factor, the relationships is independent of the type of the organization. It is found that the chi-square test value 49.604 is greater than the table value of 9.488 for four degrees of freedom at 0.05 level of significance (P = 0.00 is less than 0.05).
Hence, it is inferred that the significance attached by the customers to the factor, “Accuracy bill” while strong relationships, and is dependent on the type of the organization. 6.4.2. Account Records The respondents are asked to express their opinion about the account records. The details are furnished in the following table. Table: 6.4.2
Account Records Type of Organization Strongly Disagree (1) Disagree (2) Neutral (3) Agree (4) Strongly Agree (5) Total Count % Count % Count % Count % Count % Telangana Grameena Bank 13 1.5 92 10.8 258 30.4 319 37.5 168 19.8 850 Total 13 1.5 92 10.8 258 30.4 319 37.5 168 19.8 850 Source: Primary data The above table shows that 37.5 per cent of the farmers agree that the account records are important factor of reliability whereas 30.4 per cent of the farmers neutral with the above factor.
To study the relationship between the type of organization and reliability factor of “account records” is significance on customers. Chi-square analysis is done. Hypothesis The significance attached by the customers to the factor, the relationships is independent of the type of the organization. It is establish that the chi-square test value 70.750 is greater than the table value of 9.488 for four degrees of freedom at 0.05 level of significance (P = 0.00, is less than 0.05).
Hence, it is inferred that the significance attached by the customers to the factor “Account Records”, while strong relationships, and is dependent on the type of the organization i. Reliable message The respondents are asked to express their opinion about the reliable message. The details are furnished in the following table. Table: 6.4.3
Reliable Message Type of Organization Strongly Disagree (1) Disagree (2) Neutral (3) Agree (4) Strongly Agree (5) Total Count % Count % Count % Count % Count % Telangana Grameena Bank 15 1.7 13 1.5 66 7.7 366 43.1 390 45.9 850 Total 15 1.7 13 1.5 66 7.7 366 43.1 390 45.9 850 Source: Primary data The above table shows that 45.9 per cent of farmers strongly agree that the reliable message is important factor of reliability whereas 43.1 per cent of the farmers agree with the above factor.
To study the relationship between the type of organization and reliability factor of “reliable message” is significance on customers. Chi-square analysis is done. Hypothesis The significance attached by the customers to the factor, the relationships is independent of the type of the organization. It is found that the chi-square test value 47.545 is greater than the table value of 9.488 for four degrees of freedom at 0.05 level of significance (P = 0.00 is less than 0.05).
Hence, it is inferred that the significance attached by the customers to the factor, “Reliable message” while strong relationships, and is dependent on the type of the organization. 6.4.4 Transaction charges The respondents are asked to express their opinion about the Transaction charges. The details are furnished in the following table. Table: 6.4.4
Transaction charges Type of Organization Strongly Disagree (1) Disagree (2) Neutral (3) Agree (4) Strongly Agree (5) Total Count % Count % Count % Count % Count % Telangana Grameena Bank 28 3.3 105 12.4 144 16.9 369 43.4 204 24.0 850 Total 28 3.3 105 12.4 144 16.9 369 43.4 204 24.0 850 Source: Primary data The above table shows that 43.4 per cent of the farmers agree that the Transaction charges are important factor of Reliability whereas 24.0
per cent of the farmers strongly agree with the above factor. To study the relationship between the type of organization and Reliability factor of “Transaction charges” is significance on customers. Chi-square analysis is done. Hypothesis The significance attached by the customers to the factor, the relationships is independent of the type of the organization.
It is found that the chi-square test value 155.528 is greater than the table value of 9.488 for four degrees of freedom at 0.05 level of significance (P = 0.00 is less than 0.05). Hence, it is inferred that the significance attached by the customers to the factor, “Transaction charges” while strong relationships, and is dependent on the type of the organization. 6.5.
Association between the type of organization and Assurance To study the association between the type of organization and significance attached to above mentioned assurance, by the respondents, and chi-square analysis is carried out, and it is presented as follows. The following statements are related to experience of assurance factor about the particular bank.