The extent to which believes by the respondent the feature described in the statement. This reflects to respondent perceptions about the bank service. 6.5.1 Safe transactions The respondents are asked to express their opinion about the Safe transactions. The details are furnished in the following table. Table: 6.5.1 Safe Transaction Type of Organization Strongly Disagree (1) Disagree (2) Neutral (3) Agree (4) Strongly Agree (5) Total Count % Count % Count % Count % Count % Telangana Grameena Bank 23 2.7 22 2.6 49 5.7 379 44.6 377 44.4 850 Total 23 2.7 22 2.6 49 5.7 379 44.6 377 44.4 850 Source: Primary data The above table shows that 44.4
per cent of the farmers strongly agree that the safe transactions are important factor of assurance whereas 44.6 per cent of the farmers agree with the above factor. To study the relationship between the type of organization and Assurance factor of “Safe transactions” is significance on customers. Chi-square analysis is done. Hypothesis The significance attached by the customers to the factor, the relationships is independent of the type of the organization.
It is found that the chi-square test value 36.821 is greater than the table value of 9.488 for four degrees of freedom at 0.05 level of significance (P = 0.00 is less than 0.05). Hence, it is inferred that the significance attached by the customers to the factor, “Safe transactions” while strong relationships, and is dependent on the type of the organization. 6.5.2. Error-free The respondents are asked to express their opinion about the Error-free.
The details are furnished in the following table Table: 6.5.2 Error-free Type of Organization Strongly Disagree (1) Disagree (2) Neutral (3) Agree (4) Strongly Agree (5) Total Count % Count % Count % Count % Count % Telangana Grameena Bank 14 1.6 36 4.2 65 7.6 429 50.5 306 36.0 850 Total 14 1.6 36 4.2 65 7.6 429 50.4 306 36.0 850 Source: Primary data The above table shows that 36.0
per cent of the farmers strongly agree that the Error-free is important factor of assurance whereas 50.5 per cent of the farmers agree with the above factor. To study the relationship between the type of organization and Assurance factor of “Error-free” is significance on customers. Chi-square analysis is done. Hypothesis The significance attached by the customers to the factor, the relationships is independent of the type of the organization.
It is found that the chi-square test value 22.410 is greater than the table value of 9.488 for four degrees of freedom at 0.05 level of significance (P = 0.00 is less than 0.05). Hence, it is inferred that the significance attached by the customers to the factor, “Error-free” while strong relationships, and is dependent on the type of the organization. 6.5.3. Service promise The respondents are asked to express their opinion about the Service promise.
The details are furnished in the following table Table: 6.5.3. Service promise Type of Organization Strongly Disagree (1) Disagree (2) Neutral (3) Agree (4) Strongly Agree (5) Total Count % Count % Count % Count % Count % Telangana Grameena Bank 19 2.2 49 5.8 49 5.8 431 50.7 302 35.5 850 Total 19 2.2 49 5.8 49 5.8 431 50.7 302 35.5 850 Source: Primary data The above table shows that 50.7
per cent of the farmers agree that the Service promise is important factor of assurance whereas 35.5 per cent of the farmers strongly agree with the above factor. To study the relationship between the type of organization and Assurance factor of “Service promise” is significance on customers. Chi-square analysis is done. Hypothesis The significance attached by the customers to the factor, the relationships is independent of the type of the organization.
It is found that the chi-square test value 33.443 is greater than the table value of 9.488 for four degrees of freedom at 0.05 level of significance (P = 0.00 is less than 0.05). Hence, it is inferred that the significance attached by the customers to the factor, “Service promise” while strong relationships, and is dependent on the type of the organization. 6.6.
Association between the type of organization and Tangibility To study the association between the type of organization and significance attached to above mentioned tangibility, by the respondents and chi-square analysis is carried out, and it is presented as follows. The following statements are related to experience of tangibility factor about the particular bank.
The extent to which believes by the respondent the feature described in the statement. This reflects to respondent perceptions about the bank service. 5.3.1. Equipment and arrangements The respondents are asked to express their opinion about the Equipment and arrangements. The details are furnished in the following table. Table 6.6.1
Equipment and arrangements Type of Organization Strongly Disagree (1) Disagree (2) Neutral (3) Agree (4) Strongly Agree (5) Total Count % Count % Count % Count % Count % Telangana Grameena Bank 27 3.2 92 10.8 102 12.0 346 40.7 283 33.3 850 Total 27 3.2 92 10.8 102 12.0 346 40.7 283 33.3 850 Source: Primary data The above table shows that 40.7
per cent of the farmers agree that the Equipment and arrangements are important factor of tangibility whereas 33.3 per cent of the farmers strangly agree with the above factor. To study the relationship between the type of organization and Tangibility factor of “Equipment and arrangements” are significance on customers.
Chi-square analysis is done. Hypothesis The significance attached by the customers to the factor, the relationships is independent of the type of the organization. It is found that the chi-square test value 52.273 is greater than the table value of 9.488 for four degrees of freedom at 0.05 level of significance (P = 0.00 is less than 0.05).
Hence, it is inferred that the significance attached by the customers to the factor, “Equipment and arrangements” while strong relationships, and is dependent on the type of the organization. 6.6.2. Sufficient open tellers The respondents are asked to express their opinion about the Sufficient open tellers. The details are furnished in the following table. Table: 5.3.2.
Sufficient open tellers Type of Organization Strongly Disagree (1) Disagree (2) Neutral (3) Agree (4) Strongly Agree (5) Total Count % Count % Count % Count % Count % Telangana Grameena Bank 32 3.8 157 18.5 86 10.1 327 38.5 348 41.0 850 Total 32 3.8 157 18.5 86 10.1 327 38.5 348 41.0 850 Source: Primary data The above table shows that 41.0
per cent of the farmers strongly agree that the Sufficient open tellers are important factor of tangibility whereas 38.5 per cent of farmers agree with the above factor. To study the relationship between the type of organization and Tangibility factor of “Sufficient open tellers” are significance on customers.
Chi-square analysis is done. Hypothesis The significance attached by the customers to the factor, the relationships is independent of the type of the organization. It is found that the chi-square test value 51.843 is greater than the table value of 9.488 for four degrees of freedom at 0.05 level of significance (P = 0.00 is less than 0.05).
Hence, it is inferred that the significance attached by the customers to the factor, “Sufficient open tellers” while strong relationships, and is dependent on the type of the organization. 6.6.3. Materials The respondents are asked to express their opinion about the Materials. The details are furnished in the following table. Table: 5.3.3.
Materials Type of Organization Strongly Disagree (1) Disagree (2) Neutral (3) Agree (4) Strongly Agree (5) Total Count % Count % Count % Count % Count % Telangana Grameena Bank 29 3.4 183 21.5 104 12.2 294 34.6 240 28.2 850 Total 29 3.4 183 21.5 104 12.2 294 34.6 240 28.2 850 Source: Primary data The above table shows that 21.3 per cent of the farmers disagree that the Materials are important factor of tangibility whereas 34.6
per cent of the farmers agree with the above factor. To study the relationship between the type of organization and Tangibility factor of “Materials” are significance on customers. Chi-square analysis is done. Hypothesis The significance attached by the customers to the factor, the relationships is independent of the type of the organization.
It is found that the chi-square test value 40.486 is greater than the table value of 9.488 for four degrees of freedom at 0.05 level of significance (P = 0.00 is less than 0.05). Hence, it is inferred that the significance attached by the customers to the factor, “Materials” while strong relationships, and is dependent on the type of the organization. 6.6.4. Parking facilities The respondents are asked to express their opinion about the Parking facility.
The details are furnished in the following table. Table 6.6.3. Parking facilities Type of Organization Strongly Disagree (1) Disagree (2) Neutral (3) Agree (4) Strongly Agree (5) Total Count % Count % Count % Count % Count % Telangana Grameena Bank 45 10.5 250 29.4 101 11.9 275 32.4 179 21.0 850 Total 45 10.5 250 29.4 101 11.9 275 32.4 179 21.0
850 Source: Primary data The above table shows that 29.4 per cent of the farmers disagree that the Parking facilities is important factor of tangibility whereas 21.0 per cent of the farmers strongly agree with the above factor.
To study the relationship between the type of organization and Tangibility factor of “Parking facilities” is significance on customers. Chi-square analysis is done. Hypothesis The significance attached by the customers to the factor, the relationships is independent of the type of the organization. It is found that the chi-square test value 59.481is greater than the table value of 9.488 for four degrees of freedom at 0.05 level of significance (P = 0.00 is less than 0.05).
Hence, it is inferred that the significance attached by the customers to the factor, “Parking facilities” while strong relationships, and is dependent on the type of the organization. 6.7. Association between the type of organization and Empathy To study the association between the type of organization and significance attached to above mentioned empathy, by the respondents and chi-square analysis is carried out, and it is presented as follows.
The following statements are related to experience of empathy factor about the particular bank. The extent to which believes by the respondent, the feature described in the statement. This reflects to respondent perceptions about the bank service. 5.4.1. Personnel attention The respondents are asked to express their opinion about the Personnel attention. The details are furnished in the following table. Table: 6.7.
. Personnel attention Type of Organization Strongly Disagree (1) Disagree (2) Neutral (3) Agree (4) Strongly Agree (5) Total Count % Count % Count % Count % Count % Telangana Grameena Bank 41 9.3 154 18.1 103 12.1 308 36.2 244 28.7 850 Total 41 9.3 154 18.1 103 12.1 308 36.2 244 28.7
850 Source: Primary data The above table shows that 36.2 per cent of the farmers agree that the Personnel attention is important factor of empathy whereas 28.7 per cent of the farmers strongly agree with the above factor. To study the relationship between the type of organization and Empathy factor of “Personnel attention” is significance on customers. Chi-square analysis is done.
Hypothesis The significance attached by the customers to the factor, the relationships is independent of the type of the organization. It is found that the chi-square test value 101.396 is greater than the table value of 9.488 for four degrees of freedom at 0.05 level of significance (P = 0.00 is less than 0.05).
Hence, it is inferred that the significance attached by the customers to the factor, “Personnel attention” while strong relationships, and is dependent on the type of the organization. 6.7.2. Ability staff The respondents are asked to express their opinion about the Ability staff. The details are furnished in the following table. Table: 5.4.2.
Ability staff Type of Organization Strongly Disagree (1) Disagree (2) Neutral (3) Agree (4) Strongly Agree (5) Total Count % Count % Count % Count % Count % Telangana Grameena Bank 39 10.3 167 19.6 99 11.6 286 33.6 259 30.5 850 Total 39 10.3 167 19.6 99 11.6 286 33.6 259 30.5 850 Source: Primary data The above table shows that 30.5 per cent of the farmers strongly agree that the Ability staff is important factor of empathy whereas 33.6
per cent of the farmers agree with the above factor. To study the relationship between the type of organization and Empathy factor of “Ability staff” is significance on customers. Chi-square analysis is done. Hypothesis The significance attached by the customers to the factor, the relationships is independent of the type of the organization.
It is found that the chi-square test value 63.202 is greater than the table value of 9.488 for four degrees of freedom at 0.05 level of significance (P = 0.00 is less than 0.05). Hence, it is inferred that the significance attached by the customers to the factor, “Ability staff” while strong relationships, and is dependent on the type of the organization 6.7.3. Interest at heart The respondents are asked to express their opinion about the Interest at heart.
The details are furnished in the following table. Table: 6.7.2. Interest at heart Type of Organization Strongly Disagree (1) Disagree (2) Neutral (3) Agree (4) Strongly Agree (5) Total Count % Count % Count % Count % Count % Telangana Grameena Bank 32 9.2 226 26.6 78 9.2 289 34.0 225 26.5 850 Total 32 9.2 226 26.6 78 9.2 289 34.0 225 26.5
850 Source: Primary data The above table shows that 26.6 per cent of the farmers disagree that the Interest at heart is important factor of Empathy whereas 34.0 per cent of the farmers agree with the above factor. To study the relationship between the type of organization and Empathy factor of “Interest at heart” is significance on customers. Chi-square analysis is done.
Hypothesis The significance attached by the customers to the factor, the relationships is independent of the type of the organization. It is found that the chi-square test value 14.404 is greater than the table value of 9.488 for four degrees of freedom at 0.05 level of significance (P = 0.006 is less than 0.05).
Hence, it is inferred that the significance attached by the customers to the factor, “Interest at heart” while strong relationships, and is dependent on the type of the organization. 6.8. Association between the type of organization and Responsiveness To study the association between the type of organization and significance attached to above mentioned responsiveness, by the respondents and chi-square analysis is carried out, and it is presented as follows.
The following statements are related to experience of responsiveness factor about the particular bank. The extent to which believes by the respondent, the feature described in the statement. This reflects to respondent perceptions about the bank service. 5.5.1 Fast and efficient The respondents are asked to express their opinion about the Fast and efficient. The details are furnished in the following table. Table: 6.8.1
Fast and efficient Type of Organization Strongly Disagree (1) Disagree (2) Neutral (3) Agree (4) Strongly Agree (5) Total Count % Count % Count % Count % Count % Telangana Grameena Bank 26 9.1 226 26.6 78 9.2 289 34.0 231 27.2 850 Total 26 9.1 226 26.6 78 9.2 289 34.0 231 27.2 850 Source: Primary data The above table shows that 45.7
per cent of the public sector customers disagree that the Fast and efficient is important factor of responsiveness whereas 21.0 per cent of the private sector customers disagree with the above factor. To study the relationship between the type of organization and responsiveness factor of “fast and efficient” is significance on customers.
Chi-square analysis is done. Hypothesis The significance attached by the customers to the factor, the relationships is independent of the type of the organization. It is found that the chi-square test value 48.241 is greater than the table value of 9.488 for four degrees of freedom at 0.05 level of significance (P = 0.00 is less than 0.05).
Hence, it is inferred that the significance attached by the customers to the factor, “fast and efficient” while strong relationships, and is dependent on the type of the organization 6.8.2. Response The respondents are asked to express their opinion about the Response. The details are furnished in the following table. Table: 6.8.2
Response Type of Organization Strongly Disagree (1) Disagree (2) Neutral (3) Agree (4) Strongly Agree (5) Total Count % Count % Count % Count % Count % Telangana Grameena Bank 26 3.0 258 30.3 98 11.5 263 30.9 205 24.1 850 Total 26 3.0 258 30.3 98 11.5 263 30.9 205 24.1 850 Source: Primary data The above table shows that 30.9 per cent of the farmers Agree that the Response is important factor of Responsiveness whereas 30.3 per cent of the farmers disagree with the above factor.
To study the relationship between the type of organization and Responsiveness factor of “Response” is significance on customers. Chi-square analysis is done. Hypothesis The significance attached by the customers to the factor, the relationships is independent of the type of the organization. It is found that the chi-square test value 56.185 is greater than the table value of 9.488 for four degrees of freedom at 0.05 level of significance (P = 0.00 is less than 0.05).
Hence, it is inferred that the significance attached by the customers to the factor, “Response” while strong relationships, and is dependent on the type of the organization. 6.9. Association between the type of organization and functional To study the association between the type of organization and significance attached to above mention functional, by the respondents and chi-square analysis is carried out, and it is presented as follows.
The following statements are related to experience of functional factor about the particular bank. The extent to which believes by the respondent, the feature described in the statement. This reflects to respondent perceptions about the bank service. 6.9..1 Formalities The respondents are asked to express their opinion about the formalities. The details are furnished in the following table. Table: 6.9.1
Formalities Type of Organization Strongly Disagree (1) Disagree (2) Neutral (3) Agree (4) Strongly Agree (5) Total Count % Count % Count % Count % Count % Telangana Grameena Bank 22 2.6 131 15.4 72 8.5 373 43.9 252 29.6 850 Total 22 2.6 131 15.4 72 8.5 373 43.9 252 29.6 850 Source: Primary data The above table shows that 43.9 per cent of the farmers Agree that the Formalities are important factor of Functional whereas 29.6 per cent of the farmers strangly agree with the above factor.
To study the relationship between the type of organization and Functional factor of “Formalities” are significance on customers. Chi-square analysis is done. Hypothesis The significance attached by the customers to the factor, the relationships is independent of the type of the organization. It is found that the chi-square test value 54.200 is greater than the table value of 9.488 for four degrees of freedom at 0.05 level of significance (P = 0.00 is less than 0.05).
Hence, it is inferred that the significance attached by the customers to the factor, “Formalities” while strong relationships, and is dependent on the type of the organization. 6.9.2. Paper work The respondents are asked to express their opinion about the Paper work. The details are furnished in the following table. Table: 5.6.2.
Paper work Type of Organization Strongly Disagree (1) Disagree (2) Neutral (3) Agree (4) Strongly Agree (5) Total Count % Count % Count % Count % Count % Telangana Grameena Bank 23 2.7 231 27.2 72 8.5 355 41.8 169 19.9 850 Total 23 2.7 231 27.2 72 8.5 355 41.8 169 19.9 850 Source: Primary data The above table shows that 41.8 per cent of the farmers agree that the Paper work is important factor of Functional whereas 27.2 per cent of the farmers disagree with the above factor.
To study the relationship between the type of organization and Functional factor of “Paper work” is significance on customers. Chi-square analysis is done. Hypothesis The significance attached by the customers to the factor, the relationships is independent of the type of the organization. It is found that the chi-square test value 83.052 is greater than the table value of 9.488 for four degrees of freedom at 0.05 level of significance (P = 0.00 is less than 0.05).
Hence, it is inferred that the significance attached by the customers to the factor, “Paper work” while strong relationships, and is dependent on the type of the organization. 6.10. Accessibility Factors The following statements are related to experience of Accessibility Factors about the particular bank. The extent to which believes by the respondent, the feature described in the statement. This reflects to respondent perceptions about the bank service. 6.10.1.
User-friendly The respondents are asked to express their opinion about the User-friendly. The details are furnished in the following table. Table: 6.10.1. User-friendly Type of Organization Strongly Disagree (1) Disagree (2) Neutral (3) Agree (4) Strongly Agree (5) Total Count % Count % Count % Count % Count % Telangana Grameena Bank 29 2.7 223 27.2 65 8.5 268 41.8 265 19.9 850 Total 19 3.2 103 17.2 40 6.7 264 44.0 174 29.0 850 Source: Primary data The above table shows that 41.8
per cent of the farmers agree that the User-friendly is important factor of Accessibility whereas 27.2 per cent of the private sector customers disagree with the above factor. To study the relationship between the type of organization and Accessibility factor of “User-friendly” is significance on customers. Chi-square analysis is done.
Hypothesis The significance attached by the customers to the factor, the relationships is independent of the type of the organization. It is found that the chi-square test value 106.641 is greater than the table value of 9.488 for four degrees of freedom at 0.05 level of significance (P = 0.00 is less than 0.05).
Hence, it is inferred that the significance attached by the customers to the factor, “User-friendly” while strong relationships, and is dependent on the type of the organization. 6.10.2. Complete transaction The respondents are asked to express their opinion about the complete transaction. The details are furnished in the following table. Table: 6.10.2.
Complete transaction Type of Organization Strongly Disagree (1) Disagree (2) Neutral (3) Agree (4) Strongly Agree (5) Total Count % Count % Count % Count % Count % Telangana Grameena Bank 29 3.4 239 28.1 98 11.5 367 43.2 117 13.8 850 Total 29 3.4 239 28.1 98 11.5 367 43.2 117 13.8 850 Source: Primary data The above table shows that 43.2
per cent of the farmers agree that the complete transaction is important factor of Accessibility whereas 28.1 per cent of the farmers disagree with the above factor. To study the relationship between the type of organization and Accessibility factor of “complete transaction” is significance on customers. Chi-square analysis is done. Hypothesis The significance attached by the customers to the factor, the relationships is independent of the type of the organization.
It is found that the chi-square test value 110.533 is greater than the table value of 9.488 for four degrees of freedom at 0.05 level of significance (P = 0.00 is less than 0.05). Hence, it is inferred that the significance attached by the customers to the factor, “complete transaction” while strong relationships, and is dependent on the type of the organization 6.10.3. Restricted access The respondents are asked to express their opinion about the restricted access.
The details are furnished in the following table. Table: 6.10.3. Restricted access Type of Organization Strongly Disagree (1) Disagree (2) Neutral (3) Agree (4) Strongly Agree (5) Total Count % Count % Count % Count % Count % Telangana Grameena Bank 35 4.1 177 20.8 85 10.0 351 41.3 202 23.8 850 Total 35 4.1 177 20.8 85 10.0 351 41.3 202 23.8