Thief: The Dark Project

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SM3doorglyph: "To: All Acolytes and Scribes

It has come to my attention that some of you have not yet undergone the Acolyte Ritual, and that there have been unsubstantiated rumors about the safety of such practices.

The Acolyte Ritual is a simple Keeper indoctrination, is completely safe, and is mandatory for all Scribes. After the ritual, you will be able to see and use the Keeper Door Glyph. The importance of acquiring this glyph cannot be stressed enough. Without it, a Keeper would be unable to see or open the myriad secret Glyph Doors that have been placed throughout the city to mask our presence, bypass City gates, store supplies, and aid our maneuverability. The current citywide quarantine is a perfect example of the importance of the Keeper Door Glyph, as with it, we can easily pass between South Quarter and Docks using our secret door near the gate.

If you have any questions, an Elder can assist you. - First Keeper Orland"

SM3doversjournal: "Keeper Dover - Journal Entry Number 2136

I should have known better than to bring it up in front of the entire council. Still, my words had some effect, at least now there is the resolution forbidding it. I believe that will cause many to think twice should the temptation arise. Meanwhile, we should all be on the watch for the telltale signs - the dead animals, their life forces drained. It is not a love of creatures that compels me to speak out. No, they are pitiable, but inconsequential. I can only speculate on how long a Keeper could extend a normal lifespan in this way...a hundred...two hundred years? Maybe longer. But it would take more than vermin to accomplish that. And I, now that I posses the knowledge, can I truly say I too am not tempted? This is why I cannot remain silent. That, and the glyph that Elder Beryl speculates must exist - though we have yet to find - one that enables shape-shifting. What a potent elixer of glyph magics that would be."

SM3dreptletter2: "Garrett- The prescribed penalty for your crimes against us is death. However, I hath convinced the Hammerite clergy to grant thee lenience, provided thou first perform enough of the following acts of atonement. First, the Rust Mites are large, gold colored bugs that feed upon metal and undo our works. We hereby grant thee the Builder's Blessing to destroy them with your arrows. Secondly, thou can smite the undead, for they are most abhorrent to us. For each of these tasks thou accomplish, your standing with the Hammer Order wilt increase a small amount. Whereas attacking any Hammerite will assuredly decrease your standing. The choice is thine. At present, any Hammerite will attack thee on sight if they find you on city streets. If thou increase thy standing with us sufficiently, we will allow thee to pass unharmed. Do us many of these favors, and thou wilt be considered an ally and allowed into Fort Ironwood in Old Quarter. Lastly, 'tis my custom to ask everyone with whom I speak if they have seen a sort of hag, or heard rumors of an old gray lady near the scene of a gruesome crime. If so, 'twould be a great favor to me to tell what you know. 'Tis my life's ambition to find the hag, but my misfortune to always be ten steps behind her. My workshop is located in Auldale, near the pub.

Builder save thee,

Inspector Drept"
SM3dreptletter: "Garrett- The prescribed penalty for your crimes against us is death. However, I hath convinced the Hammerite clergy to grant thee lenience, provided thou first perform enough of the following acts of atonement. First, the Rust Mites are large, gold colored bugs that feed upon metal and undo our works. We hereby grant thee the Builder's Blessing to destroy them with your arrows. Secondly, thou can smite the undead, for they are most abhorrent to us. For each of these tasks thou accomplish, your standing with the Hammer Order wilt increase a small amount. Whereas stealing from us or attacking any Hammerite will assuredly decrease your standing. The choice is thine. At present, any Hammerite will attack thee on sight if they find you on city streets. If thou increase thy standing with us sufficiently, we will allow thee to pass unharmed. Do us many of these favors, and thou wilt be considered an ally and allowed into Fort Ironwood in Old Quarter. Lastly, ‘tis my custom to ask everyone with whom I speak if they have seen a sort of hag, or heard rumors of an old gray lady near the scene of a gruesome crime. If so, 'twould be a great favor to me to tell what you know. 'Tis my life's ambition to find the hag, but my misfortune to always be ten steps behind her. My workshop is located in Auldale, near the pub.

Builder save thee,

Inspector Drept"
SM3enforcers: "Guiding Acolytes to their Destiny:

Part VII, Enforcers: The Will of the Keepers

The call of the Enforcer is a strong one. Those who wish to augment their strength and swiftness and those who wish to protect the balance at all costs are drawn to this dominion. Acolytes should note that once indoctrinated, an Enforcer can only communicate telepathically. The Enforcer's education consists of all manner of stealth training, and specialized weaponry must be mastered. After taking the vow, the glyphs are applied and the transformation takes place immediately. Once converted by the glyphs, there is no known way of countering the changes. Elders who are guiding acolytes along this path should take care in revealing the most sensitive aspects of the sacrifices involved."
SM3forbiddensign: "Forbidden Library"
SM3forbiddentranscript: "Transcript of Keeper Council Meeting 1054/36-XLVII

...Xavier: Keeper Beryl has the floor...Beryl: I thank the council and the First Keeper. Today I have prepared a report on the backgrounds of several missing Keepers. My goal was to find common elements in their research that might lead to an explanation for their disappearances. Although there was no one thing they had in common, I believe I have found at least tangential evidence that they could be related. I’ll start with Keeper Dover, whom you will remember for his rather unpopular theories about the nature of prophecy and especially his interest in corruption...Taber: Keeper Beryl, the council does not need a discourse on each missing Keeper. Have you found a common element to their research or not?...Beryl: Well, it’s not that simple. I was trying to explain...Soveen: Perhaps Keeper Beryl has found several themes they all had in common...Beryl: If the council pleases, I have organized a report and would like to continue with my presentation...Taber: I move that this information be disseminated outside of the council forum, so that each of us can review Beryl’s findings separately. If necessary, the subject can be brought up at a subsequent meeting...Beryl: With respect to Keeper Taber and all those present, this very subject has been delayed by the council before and I...Xavier: Enough. This meeting will be adjourned for now. Keepers Taber and Beryl will report to me in my quarters immediately."

SM3giantglyph: "Thorenson

An acolyte scribed this passage yesterday. Sound familiar? Meet me. – Isolde

The safeguard against the Evil Ones will be found. The Last of All Glyphs that all can view but none can see. The Eye will be borne by the One who will not yet bear the Mark. Between the two none shall come until the Unwritten Times are upon us."
SM3glyphkeyhint: "Keeper Council Report

Keeper Rafe will be allowed to return the Sunken Citadel in an effort to retrieve what he believes to be the lost Glyph Key that opens the Compendium of Reproach. If his theory proves correct, then his success will bring us that much closer to a solution for the Dark Age.

However, his request for a team has been denied, as more than one life was lost on the last expedition, and we cannot risk another such contingency. Furthermore, without proof that the Glyph Key is located in the Sunken Citadel, it would be unwise for us to overextend our resources in what could be unfruitful, despite the plentitude of valuables reported by Rafe.

Lastly, the council has deemed the citadel unsafe and forbids any Keeper to approach the sealed entryway in the Docks Sewers without prior approval."

SM3kcmapnote: "Scribe- When you are completely done with your other tasks, go to the Forbidden Library and retrieve for me the map of the Keeper Compound. I left it on the second floor. Elder Draco"
SM3notetoorland: "Orland- Your concerns about allowing Garrett among us are well founded. I too have grave concerns. Could he be the Brethren and Betrayer? If only the glyphs would give up their secrets more readily. Watch him carefully. A thief could do irreparable damage to our situation. We must guard our precious knowledge. C."
SM3orlandoffsign: "Office of First Keeper Orland"
SM3paganreport: "The Pagan Situation

By Keeper Tallo

The Pagans have begun to infiltrate into more areas, using decaying infrastructure to mask their presence. They now have sanctuaries in almost every district. Dyan, their high priestess, was the successor to the Pagan leadership after the wood nymph Viktoria was desiccated. Dyan's is often seen with a staff, although it has not been available for study. Her commander, Larkspur, is aggressive and dangerous. The two control a large number of Shamans who invoke the powers of plants both to hurt and to heal. I believe the Pagans are able to accelerate plant growth such that it could rapidly culminate in a great imbalance. Recommend further observation."
SM3rafejournal: "Keeper Rafe

Journal Entry Number 6145

Why hasn't council assigned a team for my expedition? They know the dangers – how the area is swarming with strange creatures - else why lock the entrance so carefully? How can I do it alone? Still, they must have their reasons. The Sunken Citadel holds many secrets, and though I am afraid, I also long to journey there again! Most importantly, of course, is the Glyph Key. How many years has it lain underground? Decades? We were so close with the first expedition. If only we hadn't been attacked! We'd have the key now, and Keeper Soledad would still be alive. Her death must not be in vain! I will retrieve the key successfully on this next venture."
SMapothecarynote: "Chet- I'll be out making house calls today. There's a lot of the gout going around. You'll do fine without me, just measure carefully, and write everything down. If it's not too busy, you could put out some more health potions. We can't seem to keep enough of those in stock lately. Doc Waverly"
SMarmoryledger: "Cothron’s Armory Repairs in Progress Orincross Dagger – sharpen, remove blood residue, polish gold handle. To be picked up by Friday. Tin Helmet – clean, oil joints. Will be picked up on Thursday. Stonemarket Bell – Patched worn areas with gold leaf, repaired a dent. Returned to Clocktower in Stonemarket Proper on Monday. Sent invoice to town hall."
SMartemusnote: "Garrett- We must speak with you. Terces Courtyard in Stonemarket Plaza. Keeper Artemus"
SMartifactnote: "Garrett- These are the objects that you must acquire:

The Chalice, a relic of the Hammerites.

It is kept in St. Edgar's Church, in Stonemarket Proper.

The Jacknall's Paw, a possession of the Pagans.

They have constructed secret tunnels beneath the South Quarter well. We believe the Paw to be there somewhere. Meet back in Terces Courtyard in two nights. I have faith in your abilities. - Keeper Artemus"
SMbellplaque: "The Stonemarket Bell

‘Bringing happiness to the lives of the common people by marking each hour of the work day with the tolling of a golden bell.’

- Lord Bafford
This brass and gold leaf bell was a generous gift of the Bafford Family."
SMcitywatchmanual: "City Watch Guard Manual Table of Contents

Chapter 1: How to recognize suspicious characters.

Chapter 2: How to recognize suspicious goods.

Chapter 3: Everyone is a potential criminal.

Chapter 4: What to say during an arrest.

Chapter 5: Interrogate first - ask questions later."


"Stonemarket Clocktower

Erected by the Order of the Hammer to Glorify the Name of The Master Builder"
SMcothronsplaq: "Cothron's Armory"

"Work Voucher For: Mrs. Eloise Redding

Repair chip in large Ruby (removed from brooch for repair work).

To be picked up on Tuesday.

Signed: Vincent Crowley, Stonecutter"
SMstonecutterdiary: "Thursday

I think I got it all figured out. Cut up the big stone as planned, and deliver the package to Milton and Craig. When they look inside, they'll see a bunch of gems and assume they're all there - never guessing I took some. And why not? Their plan doesn't work without a decent stonecutter. And they won't go to the City Watch, because they're the crooks who stole it in the first place. Friday

Delivered the package. Seemed to go well. Milton was a little tense, but I reckon that's not unusual for a hoodlum. Guess I pulled it off.


Couldn't sleep last night. What if they look more closely at their share and then come back for me? I'll hide the gems I took until I'm sure I've fooled them. No one will look in Terces Courtyard, will they? I'll stash them at the base of that Gargoyle statue, around the back where they can't be easily seen."
SMtavernclosed: "Tavern Closed After Dark"
SMtercessign: "Terces Courtyard"
SMtooldqsign: "To Old Quarter"
SMtosqsign: "To South Quarter"
SQ3_PrisonRosterA: "City Watch Precinct 12

Roster of Incarcerated Criminals

Cell 2 – Simon Dorset – Vagrancy

Cell 4 – Cort Beasley – Assaulting a City Watch Officer

Cell 7 – Garrett – Burglary, Possession of Stolen Goods, Thievery, Pick pocketing, Resisting Arrest, Assaulting a City Watch Officer, Assaulting another City Watch Officer, Endangerment, Causing bodily harm to an officer, verbal assault on an officer, etc.

Cell 8 – Jack Albright – (Warden’s Cousin!) Drunkenness and lewd behavior. Mrs. Albright requests he be returned only when sober."

SQ3_SignCellBlock1: "Cells 1 - 4"
SQ3_SignCellBlock2: "Cells 5 - 8"
SQ3_SignConfiscation: "Confiscation Depository"
SQ3_SignExit: "Exit to street"
SQ3_SignPumpRoom: "Pump Room"
SQ3confiscateditems: "Confiscation Depository

Finn Carter – one boot, probably stolen.

Shelly Laster – hair brush, bottle of perfume.

Simon Dorset – few silver coins, held in safe.

Cort Beasley – one gentleman’s wallet, empty.

Derald Pinket – one bottle of cheap wine.

Jack Albright – one bottle fine wine, held in safe.

Garrett – thieving equipment."

SQ3prisonerroster: "City Watch Precinct 12

Roster of Incarcerated Criminals

Cell 1 – Simon Dorset – Vagrancy

Cell 2 – Cort Beasley – Assaulting a City Watch Officer

Cell 3 – Janet Kingfisher – Suspicious behavior, loitering

Cell 4 – Derald Pinket - Causing a scene

Cell 5 – Garrett – Thievery, Possession of Stolen Goods,

Pick-pocketing, Resisting Arrest, Endangerment, Causing bodily harm to an officer, verbal assault on an officer, etc.

Cell 6 – Shelly Laster – Suspicion of Lewdness, resisting arrest.

Cell 7 – Jack Albright – (Warden’s Cousin!) Drunkenness and lewd behavior. Mrs. Albright requests he stay here until sober.

Cell 8 – Finn Carter – Burglary, scheduled for execution.

Cell 9 - Marta Entwhistle – Under suspicion for a series of bread thefts.

Cell 10 - Kappy Olsen – Suspicious behavior.

Cell 11 - Frederick Pallen – Drunkenness, waking the neighborhood.

Cell 12 - Ralph Suddering – Brawling.

Cell 13 - Mathew Falsestaff – Verbal assault on a noble, resisting arrest.

Cell 14 - Margy Hamstring – Public spitting."
SQbedtimestory: "Henry and the Hag

Once there was a little boy named Henry who lived with his mother and father. Henry was good most of the time, but sometimes he disobeyed his parents and went out wandering the streets alone at night. He was hoping to find food for his parents who often went hungry to make sure Henry had enough. One night Henry came upon an old gray lady. She asked him to help with a bundle which was too heavy for her. Henry wanted to help the old woman, though he couldn't see her face under the gray hood. When Henry stooped to lift the bundle, he did see her face. It was the hag! When the hag was done eating him, all that was left of Henry was a pile of bones and clothes. When his parents found him the next day, his mother wept, ‘Oh, if only he had listened to me, and not gone out alone at night!’

The End."
SQblaineletter: "Warden Stout- This quarantine has my precinct in shambles. Would appreciate some extra men, if you can spare them, especially at the gates to Stonemarket and Docks. The quarantine mustn't fail. Send the men soon, we're counting on you. By the way, how's that gouty foot? My man says they come from too frequent bathing, for what it's worth. Captain Blaine – Fort Sewell"
SQcurtisnote: "Curtis- Thank you for agreeing to stay on without pay. Robert will be most grateful when he returns from his voyage. Once you find out where Garrett lives, you should wait outside for him. He'll come out eventually, if only to rob someone else, and when he does, kill him. Then say

‘That's for robbing Mrs. Moira!’ or perhaps there's something more customary to say at such moments. Either way, I feel he should know why he's being killed, don't you? After he's dead, try looking around his apartment for anything of mine that might still be there. In particular, I'm hoping you recover a rather large sum of money. Gratefully,

Edwina Moira"
SQdocksgate: "TO THE DOCKS"
SQelizabethletter: "M- Soon the Opal will be mine. The fence told us the thief's name is Garrett and that he'll try for Stonemarket. But my men have barricaded the gate and are ready for him. When I return to Castle Rutherford with the Opal, I'll watch Julian and Ember suffer. For a time anyway. Later I'll poison them. Never leave loose ends. Lady E."
SQfiredguard: "Bob, this is the 4th break-in you've failed to stop this month. You even spotted the thief this time, but failed to catch him, eh? The tenants aren't going to stay here if we can't provide security. In short, you're fired! Gather your things and get out. -Mr. Wicket"
SQfountainplaq: "South Quarter Fountain

Near This Site, the First Stone Was Believed to Have Been Laid in the Building of the City"

SQhammerreward: "Garrett

Brother Drept tells me thou'rt doing the Builder's work for us against the rust mites. Therefore, as reward, we hath given thee new pipes here in thy quarters. Within them flow medicinal waters. Enjoy this healing font, thief, and mind you continue the good works. Remember...a few good deeds does not a holy man make. - Brother Wimble"

SQlandlordjournal: "Journal of Z. Wicket


Finally got the rent money from Garrett, the tenant across the hall. Just in time, too. But taff it all, these payments are draining me dry! Why is he blackmailing me? I'm not a rich man. I put the rent money in with the other coins I've managed to gather up, and deposited them as the blasted lowlife instructed, underneath an old sewer grate down in Black Alley. I can't take much more, making payments every single day like this."
SQlandlordsign: "Landlord"
SQpaganreward: "Garrett

Dyan bes having her visionings.

Says you bes doing wellsy for us Pagans - bes greening them cornerstoned for us.

She says we shoulds rewarding you now.

So here bes some more mossing arrows for you. User them wellsy. - Shaman Singreen"
SQpavelocksign: "Pavelock Prison"
SQpeasantjournal: "Still no jobs to be found. I might have to pawn more stuff. Somebody was in here yesterday when I was out looking for work. I bet they was up to no good. I just wish they had left behind something good to drink. Ain’t nothin’ ever goes my way."
SQperrynote: "G- I don't even need to ask. I know you made it into Rutherford Castle. And I know you made it out with the goods. I'll be waiting in my shop in Black Alley. Bring the Opal. I'm sure we'll both make a nice profit on this one. -Perry"
SQquarantinesign: "No Passing - Quarantine Area

By order of the City Watch

No inquiries please

Violators will be prosecuted"

SQsplinternote: "Garrett- You still have friends and allies. We are waiting in the Graveyard in Old Quarter to speak with you. As proof of our good intentions, we have provided a quick means for you to evade the Enforcers temporarily - go to Black Alley and look for something unusual there. Our efforts to contact you have put us all in peril. That is all we can risk saying in this missive.


A Friend"
SQtodockssign: "To Docks"
SQtosmsign: "To Stonemarket"
SQwidowthanks: "Garrett- My men tell me you visited my home recently, and that you're quite a famous thief and a very dangerous man. Yet, it seems I owe you a bit of thanks. Now that I've had a few days of rest, I recall a kind stranger bringing me a glass of wine. That hooded stranger could only have been you. Furthermore, after a thorough search, it is clear that you did not take my inheritance. I can't help but think they are wrong about you. There must be some kindness in you, that you would leave me at least some of my fortune. And so I send you this bottle of wine – a valuable vintage – as thanks. May we meet again some day. Sincerely,

Edwina Moira"

DevCredits: “The Thief: Deadly Shadows Team

Ion Storm Austin

Studio Director

Warren Spector

Project Director

Randy Smith

Executive Producer

Denise Fulton

Associate Producer

Kristine Coco

Additional Production

Tara Thomas

Paul Weaver

Lead Programmer

Ian Dunlop

Alex Chrisman

James Clarendon

Gabe Farris

David Kalina

Mike McShaffry

Tim Perry

Elan Ruskin

Kain Shin

Erik Touve

Additional Programming

Matt Baer

Jay Baxter

Chris Carollo

Director of Technology

Tim Little

Technology Group

Alex Duran

Ted Jump

Donavon Keithley

Brian Sharp

Pete Shelus

John Talley

Wendy White

Additional Technical Management

Ken Demarest

Lead Designer

Jordan Thomas


Steve Allen

Nate Blaisdell

Brian Glines

Jeremy Graves

Heather Kelley

Monte Martinez

David Riegel

Additional Design

Kent Hudson

Sarah Paetsch

Harvey Smith

Art Director

Sergio Rosas


Chris Cobb

Mike Dean

Chuck Furlong

Raby Hampton

Rob Kovach

Jim Magill

Terry Manderfeld

Joey Santori

Hugh Suh

Brady Townsend

Mike Washburn

Sam Yeates
Concept Art

Frank Teran

Additonal Art

Gregory Callahan

Steve Hartman

Clay Hoffman

Jay Lee

Chris Mead


Terri Brosius

Additional Writing

Laura Baldwin

Audio Director

Eric Brosius, courtesy of Irrational Studios

Additional Audio

Mark Lampert

Todd Simmons

Quality Assurance Manager

Kay Gilmore
Quality Assurance Leads

John Alme

Jacob Beucler
Quality Assurance Supervisor

Josh Stoke

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