1.7.Where Licensees’ libraries provide public access to electronic publications the Licensees may allow access to and copying from the electronic form of the Publications by members of the public subject to the terms of this Agreement provided that such access and copying is conducted:
1.7.2.solely by means of computer terminals or workstations in the Internet Protocol address range identified for each Licensee.
1.8. A Licensee library may provide other libraries which are based in France with articles from the Publications by way of inter-library loan by non electronic means including mail or analogue fax. The electronic form of any part of the Publications may not be used for this purpose although downloaded articles may be printed out and used.
1.9.A Licensee library may provide end users within France with a copy of an article from the Publications under applicable fair dealing provisions provided the copy is to be used for non-commercial research or private study with a non-commercial purpose and provided it is supplied by non-electronic means including mail or analogue fax. The electronic form of any part of the Publications may not be used for this purpose although downloaded articles may be printed out and used.