Macdonald ati,,j. 147,
Luiti-p. ; .p. .216-217.
(I8) tiya statements and articles by orientalists about al-Ghazali.
It is admitted that so far Western Christians and orientalists know more about him than people of the East. This gives evidence of the fact that his influence was not confined within the Muslim world but found its way to the West as well. Thomas Aquinas (13th century) and Pascal (17th century) are said
to have been indirectly affected by him.(I6) Could not Hume him
(19) self have been affected in the same way by al-GhazilrY
The work of Western scholars about al-Ghazili that is still going on whether in the form of articles, tracts or books, and the number of Western languages in which translations of some of his worts have been published gives evidence of the important position he still occupies in the Christian WestP) Dr.J. Rendel Harris opens his introduction to Zwemer's A Moslem Seeker after God thus, "Al-Ghazili was a rare combination of scholar and saint; of the orthodox 4doslem and the
aberrant SUIT". According to Jabran;a1-Ghazgli, together with Ibn Sini and Ibn Rushd, are given by orientalists and scholars of the West first rank among the philosophers of the East,
(19Rifigi, I, p. 213ff; of note 15 above.
(19 P. xlii, n. 9 (last two sources), n. 10 second reference above. For a detailed account of al-Ghazili's influence on medieval Jewish and Christian thought both in :the East and the West see Donalson, op.cit., p.136fr, 157ff.
(20)One illustration is the Western references used in connection with the present work.
(21) Zwemer; Op.cit., p. 7.
1A---111-.‘41-491 /f
"while the spiritually minded among them consider him the noblest and loftiest thought that has appeared in Islam".(22)
Jgbran further adds, "I saw on the walls of a church in Florence, Italy, built in the fifteenth century, a picture of al-Ghazili among the pictures of other philosophers, saints and theologians whom the leaders of the Church in the Middle
Ages considered as pillars and columns in the Temple of the (23)
Absolute Spirit."
Jabran, J.1111.1 Op.cit., p. 117.
Ibid, p. 117, translation following The Moslem World (April, 193877 Vol. XXVIII, p. 209.
CHAPTER IV4.8 ..,4
kkrr r /4-
Nr4";." 9frl
(1) Al-GhazilIts works mentioned by Macdonald are all
included in Brockelmann's list. This list includes quite a
number of works that are not mentioned in the lists given by Subic!, Pia, or Maktab al-Nashr alr.eArabi of Damascus, the publishing bureau of Saliba and cAyyid's edition of the
Munaidh, unless some works are given more than one title, or different titles in different lists. For instance, the list AJMNIlial includes many titles that are not found in any of the other four sources. Yet more than one of these titles may belong to the same work, e.g., Maeirij al-Quds fi Madirij Matrifat al-nsfs and Magirij al-SilikIntwhich ire considered by BrOckelmann as probably being the same work, in Munoidh they are considered two different works. Then titles may vary in different lists while they actually represent the same work. For instance the work called by Brockelmann Misbah al-cAoldah
. •
Subki has it qaidat al-Misbah while Munoidh has both titles
• .
(l) 'Macdonald., OP. Cit., (E. Islam); Vol. II,p. 146-
(2) Mrockelmann, Geschichte der Arabischen litteratur (Leiden, 1937), Supplementband I, p. 751:33.
as two separate works. The work which is called in/14Unoidh TadlIs Iblis is called by SubkI2Ridivand Dimashq TalbIs
'bias. The book called laMUnoidh Kashf al-Asrir FI Fadisil
• -- xlviii •
al-Acmil is called by Dimashq! Kashf al-Asrir
Another aspect of this confusion is illustrated in the above mentioned edition Munoidh where Mishkgt al-Anwar is mentioned in the same list in the section called "printed worke(matbileah) and again in the section called "manuscripte(makhtatah).
Zuhd al-FitihiHaciPia li-Ahli'l-Fuhim and Dada' it alQursin are again mentioned in this same list once in the section of manuscripts and another time in the section of lost
works (secidah)2in which last section the first w has the
definite article "the (al)suffixed to VIDA; the second work is preceded by the two words risglah fI2 making ii Risglah FI Hacasio al-tUlam li Ahli'l-Fuhilmq 5) while the third work bears the same title in both sections. Again in the section called
mafcidah al-Jadiwil al-Maroam biel-Dari is mentioned a second
time under the title Al-DaZial-Marcim bisl-Jadgwill interchanging the places of the first and the last word in the title. Al-Radd al-JamIl °Ali Man Ghayyar is mentioned twice
(3i A book by this last title has been published for Ibn alJawz by Muhammad ManIr al-DimashqI in the Nahclah Press,Cairo, 1928. Unless al-Ghazal also has written a book by this same titleother than TadlIs IblIs2 which is improbable, then the
title given in idh alone is correct.
(4)`4DIMaile .2 on al-Ghazili's: al-Qastas al-MustacIml. (First Print, Tarage Press2Cairo2 1318/1901),Poll - hereafter referred to as Wstas.
(5) Can the last title'represent a different work related to
with the same title in the same section. Al-Madniin bihi Gala Ghayri Ahlihi is mentioned once in the section for printed works, and another time in a separate section for works forged on al-Ghazal! (manhillah), in which last section other works are mentioned but not given in the list of authentic works by alGhazilT.Other similar illustrations are not lacking. On ac count of that, in spite of the reasonably possible precautions taken, the list below, which is intended to consist only of works by al-GhazalI which are not mentioned by Brockelmann, may still include certain titles which belong to works bearing different titles in his list. It is mainly based on the list in Munclidh, which is the most exhaustive one of the above mentioned lists.
Works By Al-Ghazali Not Mentioned By Brockelmann ar in The Encyclopaedia of Islam
aidlb al-Kasb Wel-Wish
aidib allifiyyah(6) (Printed in Egypt).
al-'Atoms PI'l-Wihdah
the first, e.g., a commentary on jto_or a supplement to it, etc? Of the work called by Subki Risalat al-Radd ILAli Man Tagha which is given in Mtui idh the same title but with the word Risalat ommitted from i .
(6)With the exception of numbers 2 and 4, which are printed, and titles with a cross at the end, which are exclusively derived from other sources than Munclidh, all the other works are considered in this last source as lost (mafeldah).
4. laAcIdat Ahl al-Sunnah (printed in Alexandria without date.
(7) Manuscripts 'it Berlin, Oxford and Iondon).
5; Arwah al-Ashbyh
6. Asrar al-Qiygs
AllAs*ilah Wa'1-*Ajwibah
Asrgr al-Mu6gmalgt.
cAyn al-cIlm.
Badg3ic al-Saric (printed sevoral times in Cairo. There are also several manuscripts of it in Berlin and other
(8) places in the West).
Altaguakhrajliigailahl21-Masrag Hal Sartihi Via Ghayz
• • •
Al-Darj al-Marcum (printed in Ecypt; also in
(9) Geneva., 1878 with a French translation).
Al-Dharimah ilg MakErim al-Sharicah+
Dhikr al-cAlamayn
Fadgoil al-*Angm (Persian (10
Farzandngmah (Persian)
la. Pawgtih al-Sur
Gharg2ib al-'Uwal fr al-Duwal+
20. Ghayat al-Ghawr ti al-Dawn (in carrection of his
(7 Munctidhl p. 10
8 Rida, Op,cit., P. 73
9 Tbid p. 80.
"SO Munclidh, p. 17.
view in this book al-GhazilI wrote al-Ghawr fitl-Dawr)
A1-GhgYat a1-Quewg fi Pura'. al-Shificiwah.
Al-Ghiyat al-Quswg f3 Macrifat al-Dunyg+(a four leaf leaflet)(11)
Ghgyat al-°171Em Wa aergruhg.
Ghiyat cIlm al-WSEl•
Hall al-RumUz
Hacig3ici f3'.1-burr al-Fgaiq.
Haqictgt al-Qawlayn.
Hasht Fgaidah Anz Hgtimi(12)Aeamm (Persian)
HUQ-11:1 ;Ukhuwwat
Hien al-Ya3khadh.'
afdgh al-Tacrif fr Fadl al-Sharrf. . .
cIlm Acdgd al-Wafq Wa Hudadihi+
al-Imtithil Limash32 ati'llgh Tacgig Waq-cIsygn Lahg
Al-Intisgr ai-Zangti.
Al-;Ishgrat al-Yeinawiyyah al-Harfiyyah.
Ishrict al- :a2khadh.
Ithbgt al-Nazar
Rig , p. 84.
The kasrah at the end of the word (here represented by the letter-ITITis the sign of the possessive case in Persian.
This book is mentioned in al-Durrah p.36. (No. 46 below).
Al-JawiEit al-MarAtimah.
Al-JawIhir Wall-Ducar fr'l-Tasawwuf.
Al-KU! al-Safi.
Kalimgtil°4acirir Gala'1-Magimit (Persian)
Kanz al-cUddah.
Kashf 'Ulam al-rikhirah (also .called al-Durrat al-Fikhirah f3 Kashf Ulam al-sIkhirah4. (printed in Egypt, 1347 - 1928)
Khawiss al-Huraf. .
49; Khawliss al-Qurrin
50. Khulasat al-Wasisil'ilg dIlm al-Masisil( a summary of
(15) kukhtasar with adaitional material)
51: Kitib al-cAlsq
Kitlib al-Hikmah.'
KitIlb al-gilm.
Al-Lubib fill-Tasawwuf.
Al-Mablidia Wall-Ghayit fr Asrir
Al-Mabidi* fi Qatl al-Muslim bitl-Dhiumi.
Al-Madnan Brhi Ahlihi.
Mungidh, p. 17; Qustils, p. 12.
Munclidh., p. 15.
C16) Mentioned only in Qustis, p. 11
(17) Mentioned only in the'Turkish Encyclopaedia of IslamKufrali, K., "Gazzali" (Islam Ansiklopedesi)(Istanbul, 1947), 37 Ctiz, p. 759.
Al-Majilis al-Ghaziliyyah.
al4a4khadh fIll-khilif Bayn al-Hanafiyyah (or al-Maakhadh 1-Bhilavyat it Bayn A1-Hanafiyyah Watl-Shifitiyyah)
al-Maknan fi'l-lUsil.
62, al-Mallim min tkii3id 3Ahl al i tnam.4"
Manihij al- griffin.
al-Manizil al-Siairah.
al-Marshal al-Atli.
Mansha3 al-Risilah fi Ahkim al-Zaygh
./11-Maaisid .
Maqsad al-khilif fr GIlm al-Kalim.
Al-MasPil al-BaghdadiYyah.
Wa 1-Mafisid
• •
Maiihim al-Bitiniyyah.
Minhij al-Mutatallim.
*MinhiJ al-Rashid.
Misyir al-Nazar.
Mufassal al-rhilif (or'Usal al-Qiyis, or MUfassal al.
• • • • Bhilaf
fr)Usil al-Qiyas).
al-Mukhtasar al-3Akhir frel-Mas'alat al-Sariiiprah.+
al-MUnidi Wa'laSgmit,
al-Mu3minin aIminan Ahsanuhum Ehuluen"
103, Risglah fi Asmg3 Allah. Tacglg211g Dhgt Wghidah'alg
a.1-Muntahal fi iIlm al-Jadal (or al-Muntahal frilJadal, or Bib al-Muntahal fi'l-Jadal).
Muslim al-Salatin.
Mugtgd al-gIlm.
Nihgyat al-4I4dgm fi' 1-Filth.
Nicmat al-Factih.
al-Niyyah Wa'1-3Ikhlgs.
Qgnan al-Rasil.
al-Qurbah ailg Allah.
Al-Radd gala. Man Taghg (or al-Radd gala. Man Tacan)
Risglat aIdgb al-Salgt.
Risglat al2A tgb.
Risglah fi a Afat al-Mal.
" fi'LlAhruf,
Fadl al-Qur'gn Wa talgwatihi.
" Bayn al-Nutq Wa'l-Kalgm.
fi Hacticiat al..Dunyg.
• fi Ma Yajib Lalg Kull Muslim.
• " Magna 'l-Riygdah.
• " Qawlihi Saila Allah galaYhi Wa Sallam"Afdal
Ri*y al-Falgsifah Wall-Murtazilah.
Risglah fltl-Thabgt.
al-Risglat al-Ghazgliyyah frtl-Lughaa.
Risilat al-cIshq.
Risilat al-Jabr al-Mutawassit.
al-Simmgt (or, al-Sammat alAjtiribah):+
Sharh DPirat ‘Alr Ibn Abi'Tilib.
Sharh al-*Irshgd. . .
Sharh Nukhbat
• •
Witifii4 al-GhalI1 fi Ma Waa fit.1-Tawrgt Wa'1-*Injr1 Min al-Tahrif Wa'l-Tabdrl.
Tadlis IblIs.
Tafsir al *Iyat al-Tisiah Wa 11-5Ishrin min Surat Yinus.
Tafsir al-Quragn.
Tahassun al-Megkhidh.
Tahsln al-*Adillah.
Talt ah fi °14u - or al TO1T ah fi Fu al.:Madhn
Tagsrm al-*Aingt Wa '1-)Adwir
al»Tawhrd Wa
Tuhfat al-Mulik.
(18 )7 MUnq i dh, p. 19.
finlnid al-Mukhtasar.
Yibat al-Taswil fi Tafs!r al-Tanzil (a commentary on the (18) forty volumes).
Yawaet al-6'01am (Persian)
Zid a1-411hirah.
Works of. disputed Authorship.
The following six works, which are not included in the
aboyeN, are not mentioned by al-Subki in his list of works by al4hazili. On his authority and that of al-ZabIdi and some others some writers have questioned their authorship acid have considered them spurious. According to the
• .h publishers of the Afbre C")
mentioned edition of pluncidh-tney are \./
all considered as falsely attributed to al-Ghazal'. . They are :
al4fadnin bihi Cala Ghayri Ahlihi.
al-Nafkh Wa'l-Taswiyah.
Sirr al-cilamayn Wa Kashf Mg f''1-DgraYn.
al-Sirr al-Maktiim fi Asrar al-Nulam.
Tahsin al-Zunin.
al-Tibr al-Masbik fi Hikaygt Wa Hikam Wa Nasalih al. • • These publishers have treated as one and the sale work
lviial-Madnin Bihi Gala Ghayri Ahlihi (also called al-Madnin
KabIr) and al4ladnin,allaghir (also called al-Ajwibat al.
. ( 19 )
Ghazgliyyah fikl..-Masg4i1 al.f.Ukhrawiyyah) . The *wo works .
have been treated by others, such as Macdonald, Brockelmann,
v . (20)
Ridg, Dimashqi and KUfrali , as two different works. They
have been published as:such by al-ljalabi in the Maymaniyyah Press in Cairo (1309 A.H.) in a collection containing also Illgm al;JAwimm and al MUnclidh min al-Dalgl. They have been
also published as such by al-Aihariyyat al-Misriyyah Press in (21) • •
Egypt (1328 A.H.) Publishers of MUnqidh maintain that, on
the basis that al-Madnan contains the view that the' world (6glam) is eternal (astlim), and that7the.Ete±nal One (41-044 dim)does not know particulars, al-Subki, ibn ali.SalihI (or
ibn al-Salgh) and al4abIdr, "followed by Dr.6Alt al-'Angni ' • (22)
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