To my parents, Jack and Marilyn

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Revelation 13:3-9 “One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was astonished and followed the beast. Men worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, ‘Who is like the beast? Who can make war against him?’
The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise his authority for forty-two months. He opened his mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander his name and his dwelling place and those who live in heaven. He was given power to make war against the saints and to conquer them. And he was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast – all whose names have not been written in the book of life belonging to the Lamb that was slain from the creation of the world. He who has an ear, let him hear”

In other words, you better pay attention to this! Folks, according to our text, the Bible clearly says that there’s really coming a day when all the inhabitants of the earth are going to be busy worshipping who? The antichrist himself, right? One day, the Bible says, the whole world will be unified into A One World Religion that is actually satanically inspired. But that’s the question. “Could this really happen? Could the whole world really be deceived into creating A One World Religion that the Antichrist is going to hijack and take over? And is there any evidence that this is really going to take place just like the Bible said?” Uh, yeah! You bet there is! And it’s happening right before our very eyes right now!

And the 1st way we know we’re really headed for A One World Religion is due to a Welcoming of All Faiths. That’s right, I’m talking about the Interfaith Movement. You see, put yourself in the Antichrist’s shoes. If you’re going to deceive people into creating A One World Religion then you’ve also got to get rid of any sense of one religion being superior over another, right? And this is precisely what the Interfaith Movement has done. This term, by the way, interfaith, is the new buzz word for A One World Religion. When you see this anywhere in the news or print, Interfaith, or interfaithism, just supplant it for what it is. It’s talking about the formation of A One World Religion because that’s what it means. And promoters of this movement would have you and I believe that all religions are valid pathways to God. In other words, all roads, no matter what the belief is, lead to heaven. Therefore, they say, there’s no need to argue or fight with one another. We just need to respect, tolerate and find common ground with one another. We need to work together for the common good of saving Mother Earth and the planet keep humanity from destroying itself, right? How many of you guys have heard that? Or this…“After all, in light of the terrorist attacks on September 11th, we all know that “religious differences” are the main cause of war, right? No, it’s not, that’s a lie and we’ll explode that myth in a little bit. But this is what Interfaith or interfaithism teaches, which as you can tell is diametrically opposed to True Biblical Christianity. But granted, on the surface, it sounds nice, it sounds politically correct, but as far as the Bible is concerned, there is no such thing. If a person says they’re an interfaith Christian, they’re an oxymoron. Why? Because according to their own definition, Jesus was apparently the most intolerant bigoted person who ever lived because He said this:

John 14:6 “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
Now here’s the problem. According to our societies Interfaith Movement, you cannot make a more “intolerant” statement than that! But people, that came from the lips of Jesus! And I don’t recommend you call Him a “religious bigot”! But this is what “interfaith” teaches. You have to deny what Jesus said, right there, and in essence call Him a liar, and instead say He’s NOT the only way to heaven and that all religions are valid pathways to heaven. And can I tell you something? You can’t do that as a genuine born again Christian!

But you might be thinking, “Come on Pastor Billy. This is America. We’re a Christian nation. There’s no way people are going to be able to pull off this Interfaith Movement and create A One World Religion. Maybe in some other country, but not here! Nobody’s ever going to fall for this.” Really? Folks, I’m here to tell you that not only have many well-known people here in America already done so, even to the highest levels of society, Hollywood, the Government, you name it, but they’re about to put the whole thing in place!

The 1st proof that we know really are headed for a One World Religion is the Chronological Proof. Folks, what most people don’t realize is that this One World Religion is not only going to be put into place, because the Bible said it would, but what people don’t realize is that it’s been in the planning stages for a long time. Check out the progress for yourself:


  1. 1893: 1st World Parliament of Religions held

  2. 1930: World Congress of Faiths

  3. 1948: World Council of Churches

  4. 1970: World Conference of Religions for Peace Started

  5. 1974: 2nd World Conference of Religions for Peace

  6. 1979: 3rd World Conference of Religions for Peace

  7. 1984: 4th World Conference of Religions for Peace

  8. 1986: Vatican calls for a meeting of all religions to come and pray for world peace

  9. 1989: 5th World Conference of Religions for Peace

  10. 1993: 2nd World Parliament of Religions held with largest gathering of religious leaders in history

  11. 1993: The Declaration of Global Ethic – A new set of commandments for the world

  12. 1994: 6th World Conference of Religions for Peace

  13. 1997: Charter written for the United Religions Organization

  14. 1999: 7th World Conference of Religions for Peace

  15. 2000: United Religions Organization charter signed by most of the world’s religions

  16. 2000: World Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders – signing of Commitment to Global Peace and creation of World Council of Religions

CBN News on Global Religion

Lee Webb: The United Nations are pursuing the development of a one world religious organization. Today, on the United Nations 55th Anniversary, CBN reporter Wendy Griffith takes a look at what's behind this push for a global religious voice.

Griffith: After awhile, the drums, chants and prayers representing many of the world's leading religions all started to sound alike, somehow losing their flavor in a melting pot of spiritual soup. The first ever Millennium World Peace Summit of Religions and Spiritual Leaders took place at the United Nations in August <2000> and some believe it marked the first major step toward a movement to usher in a global spiritual body that may one day speak for all religions.

Robert McGuiness with the Family Research

Counsel says it appears that the hidden agenda is to unite people under one religious organization so they will peacefully accept U.N. goals such as population control, abortion rights and one world governments.

Ted Turner (speaking at the U.N.: Instead of all these different gods, maybe there's one god who manifests himself and revealed himself in different ways to different people. Ya know what about that, huh?

Griffith: CNN's founder and billionaire, Ted Turner was the Honorary Chair at the World Religions Summit. Turner, known for his critical views on biblical Christianity, promoted the New Age concept that there are many ways to heaven.

Turner: And the thing that disturbed me, is that my religous christian sect was very intolerant. Not that intolerant of religious freedom for other people but we thought-they thought we were the only ones going to heaven.

Griffith: Other reporters of a Religious Global Voice come down hard on evangelical Christians who refuse to adopt their new age agenda.

  1. 2001: World Congress on the Preservation of Religious Diversity

  2. 2002: Vatican calls for a meeting of all religions to come and pray for peace and to overcome conflict

  3. 2002: 1st meeting of World Council of Religions

  4. 2002: World Conference of Women Religious and Spiritual Leaders

  5. 2002: World Peace Summit Established by World Conference of Religions for Peace

  6. 2003: 2nd World Peace Summit

  7. 2003: Pope commends peace of world to Mary

  8. 2003: Pope urges unity against violence among World Religions

  9. 2003: Inter-religious tribute given on behalf of Mother Teresa

  10. 2004: 3rd World Peace Summit

  11. 2004: Vatican hosts Interfaith Concert

  12. 2004: Pope says religions must unite for peace

  13. 2005: 4th World Peace Summit

  14. 2005: World Council of Churches asks Pope for renewed commitment to ecumenicalism

  15. 2005: Global Day of Prayer unites diverse Churches

  16. 2005: Vatican promotes Unity at World Mission Conference

  17. 2006: 8th World Conference of Religions for Peace

  18. 2006: Pope encourages more Inter-Religious prayer meetings

  19. 2006: 5th World Peace Summit

  20. 2006: World Religions unite over Global Warming

  21. 2006: 2nd Global Day of Prayer

  22. 2006: Pope and Dalai Lama herald peace between Catholics, Buddhists, and Hindus

  23. 2006: Pope’s praying in a Mosque deemed a “New Horizon” in Interfaith

  24. 2007: 6th World Peace Summit

  25. 2007: Interfaith Council established for Jerusalem

  26. 2007: 3rd Global Day of Prayer

  27. 2007:Groups in U.S. declare that all paths lead to God

  28. 2007: World Council of Churches encourages different religions to unify in diversity

  29. 2008: 7th World Peace Summit

  30. 2008: World Council of Churches and Pope seek cooperation

  31. 2008: Pope meets with Jewish, Islamic, Buddhist, Jain, Hindu leaders in Washington

  32. 2008: 4th Global Day of Prayer

  33. 2008: Oprah Winfrey begins openly promoting New Age thoughts and One World Religion ideals specifically saying that Jesus is not the only way to heaven.

  34. 2008: Tony Blair launches his Faith Foundations to help Unite the World’s Religions

Tony Blair: Faith Foundation

Matt Lauer: Talk about this Faith Foundation, the idea, and correct me if I'm wrong-paraphrase is basically to bring people of different faiths together to solve global problems like poverty. Given the fact that so many conflicts in this world have been based on religion. How do you feel that religion can now bring people together in this critical time?

Tony Blair: Well that's a good point. I mean it's precisely the reason by having the Foundation, it might be what happens in the modern world that everyone's been pushed closer together. That's what globalization is doing. The world becomes a smaller place. Religion, either becomes the means for pulling people apart and dividing people-can become then a source of conflict. I'd like religion and religious faith, people of different faiths to work together in peaceful coexistence and make religion a source of reconciliation and a source of peace.

Matt Lauer:  And to talk to one another…

Tony Blair: Well, what we got to do, both in our foreign policies but also in things like this Faith Foundation-try to bring people-Muslims, Christians, Jews, other religious faiths together. We've got to create the circumstances in which those people that believe in a modern future for that region succeed and those people, the extremists, are put into retreat.

  1. 2009: World Parliament of Religions is held in Melbourne Australia. Up to 8,000 people from “various faiths” participated in discussions about “Climate Change” and the “Eradication of Poverty.”

  2. 2010: Tony Blair begins to Court Pastor Rick Warren and enlist his aid in Uniting the World’s Religions.

  3. 2010: Interfaith Meetings in Manhattan begin to be held twice a month by Christian, Jewish, Muslim and other religious leaders and it’s supported by the Obama White House, which has identified interfaith work as a public policy goal.

  4. 2010: The G8 World Religions Summit was held where, among other things, a sacred fire was lit and participants were told that “Mother Earth needs to hear that we love her and they offered up to her a prayer of gratitude. Other rituals were performed to invoke “the spirits” and to encourage all that “there is not only one way, there is many ways.”

  5. 2011: Another Global Day of Prayer

  6. 2011: Another World Peace Summit (Note: Many of these Prayer Days and Peace Summits are targeted to Youth)

  7. 2012: Rick Warren begins promoting King’s Way as an attempt to bring evangelical Christians and Muslims together as an overall part of his PEACE Plan. A document was produced that stressed points of “agreement” between the two faiths, including belief in “one God” and it also called for the sharing their faith with one another but not for the purpose of conversion.

  8. 2012: A Global Charter of Conscience was drafted by a group of 50 international academics, politicians, and NGO leaders representing various faiths that encouraged the world to “live together in peace with their religious differences.”

  9. 2012: Pope urges religions to root out “Fundamentalism.”

  10. 2012: Vatican calls for the Establishment of a One World Government and a New World Order that will “to serve the common good of the human family” and be a “moral force” that has the “power to influence.”2

Now folks, correct me if I’m wrong, but when you take a look at the timeline, I’d say somebody’s pretty serious about this One World Religion, how about you? I mean, it’s almost like they’re following some sort of a Chronological Plan to get us to go along with it, how about you? Uh huh! And it’s coming to a planet near you!

But that’s not all. The 2nd proof that we know really are headed for a One World Religion is the Coercive Proof. You see folks, just in case you don’t go along with being politically correct and popular like the rest of the world, with this Interfaithism, they also have a backup plan to make you go along with it. And that plan is to coerce you into this lie by fear and manipulation! I mean, haven’t you heard? If we don’t go along with this One World Religion, the planet is going to blow up! We’ve got to put aside our differences aside and come together as religions to save Mother Earth! Haven’t you heard? The planet is in danger of Global Warming. Really? Folks, it is my proud honor to expose this lie for what it is. In fact, it’s such a big lie that even the Founder of the Weather Channel is blowing the whistle on it. Check it out for yourself!

Global Warming Lie:

Glenn: If a scientist says the temperatures are up point zero 1 degree (.01)-lead story around the country and every newspaper, but when somebody with decades of experience comes out and says "global warming" is a manufactured crisis-no one cares and you can hear a pin drop. How do I know? That is exactly what happened last week when the founder of The Weather Channel wrote an article that began and I quote-

"It is the greatest scam in history. I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it. Global warming; it is a scam." - John Coleman, Founder, The Weather Channel.

But since that opinion doesn't fit nicely in the mouth of the media beast: hello NBC-uh- you probably didn't hear a word about it. Well now you will. John Coleman is the founder of The Weather Channel. He was also the first weatherman ever on Good Morning America and he is currently weatherman at KUSI News in San Diego. John, your head about exploded when the NBC thing this week. Is that what was the breaking point for you?

John Coleman: Well I've been listening to all the global warming talk for a long time and posting material about global warming on our website, but finally, the crescendo of global warming myth, nonsense, exploded in my head and I had to write a real rant and that's the one that got noticed. It's on our website and was picked up by Picked up by Drudge. First thing you knew it was all over the newspapers, all over the radio, all over the TV sets and I created a bit of a stir and all I was doing was telling you the truth as best I know it.

Glenn: What was the turning point for you? I know that you said you went in to look for an honest answer. You thought maybe it's real. What was the thing that stood out and you said this is absolutely bogus.

Coleman: Well, when i looked at the "hockey stick" graph that was produced in Manning's original report and it showed a steady line temperature through the millennium and a sudden rise. I knew that was incorrect. I knew it couldn't possibly be and I started asking experts about it and I started digging into how that was produced. And I found out it was bogus science. It wasn't real. The numbers had been massaged. The whole thing had been created. What bothered me was that the other scientists had accepted it. Well why did they possibly do that? And I think that the real answer to that question is that they all have an agenda. An environmental and political agenda that said "Lets pile on here-we're all gonna make alot of money. We're gonna get research grants. We're gonna get awards and we’re gonna become famous." I guess that's what happened. 

Coleman: There are scientists speaking out. There are hundreds of them speaking out. There are thousands who signed a petition; 19,000 on a petition against global warming. There are many scientists speaking out but the mainstream press is totally ignoring them.”3
Hmmm. Now, let me get this straight. 19,000 scientists and the Founder of the Weather Channel say Global Warming is totally bunk…and yet the press continues to ignore it and still promote it…WHY? Because what’d he say? They have an agenda. And yes, part of it is money and power, but part of it is to become the ultimate excuse to form A One World Religion. We need a global catastrophe to get the global religions to work together. Don’t believe me? Let’s look again at the Environmental Worship video we saw and you tell me if it’s not being used to draw all the religions on the planet together.

NBC News Tom Brokaw: And back in this country a provocative and timely question in the debate over energy policy; what would Jesus drive? This is the centerpiece of a new energy conservation campaign, but some say the gospel has no place in the debate over gasoline. Here's NBC's Don Teague

God saw that it was good..

Teague: As TV ads go, this is something different

..yet too many of the cars, trucks and suvs that are made that we choose to drive are polluting our air

Teague: Not because it carries an environmental message but because of the obvious audience it targets.

so if we love our neighbor and we cherish God's creation, maybe we should ask, "What would Jesus drive?"


Fox News:

Mark Hemmer: What would Jesus drive, huh? Environmental evangelism. It's a new way to raise awareness about global warming. Our Fox religion correspondent Lauren Greene joins us with more on that. Hi! Good morning. Who's pushing Christian green lines?

Lauren Green: Hey! Well a lot of people, it really is across the board
theoretically speaking or religiously speaking. Here are the top green
religious people according to Live Earth.

We've got Rev. Joel Hunter. He's a senior pastor at Northland Church in Longwood, Florida. He was actually offered Head of the Christian Coalition but turned it down because he wanted to focus on is sues such as poverty and environmental protection.

Then Norman Hobble is a theology professor out of Australia. He edited
something called the Earth Bible.

Then of course there's Pope Benedict XVI and yesterday he issued a statement that said, "The people of faith must list en to the voice of the earth or risk destroying its very existence."

We also have the Archbishop of Canterbury-Rowan Williams-head of the
Anglican Church and of course the Buddhist leader the Dalai Lama.

But one thing you should add to this list is the National Evangelical

Association because 2 years ago it issued a letter to 50,000 member churches
which means it's 30 million evangelicals saying that, ‘We affirm that God-
given dominion is a sacred responsibility and that government has an obligation to protect it's citizens from the affects of environmental degradation.’

So it's a big movement all across the board.”4

Hmmm. Looks to me like this manufactured crisis is being used to get all the religions on the planet to come together as one. Gee, where have I heard the before? And that’s exactly what the Bible said would happen, when you are living in the Last Days. And by the way, this is why they changed the term from “Global Warming” to “Climate Change.” Because they didn’t want to get caught in the lie, so they switched to a more generic term so as to avoid this to Climate Change. But hello! Last time I checked, climate changes everyday! Where’s the crisis? It’s a lie!

But that’s not the only lie. Another lie they’re trying to coerce us into going along with A One World Religion is this, “Well, haven’t you heard Religion is the main cause of wars. And if we don’t come together as one, the planet is headed for destruction!” Really? How many of you guys have heard that lie? Uh huh! And let me demonstrate why it’s a lie. Let’s take a look at what’s really the major cause of wars.


  • Congo Free State - 1886-1908 - 8,000,000 - Control of colonial profit and

power base

  • Feudal Russia - 1900-1917 - 3,500,000 - Political control

  • Turkish Purges - 1900-1923 - 5,000,000 - Ottoman Empire

collapse/Political control

  • First World War - 1914-1918 - 15,000,000 - Balance of power

  • NOTE: The First World War killed more people than all the religious

wars in the past. 6,000 men a day died for 1,500 days in World War I.

  • Russian Civil War - 1917-1922 - 9,000,000 - Political control

  • Soviet Union, Stalin Regime - 1924-1953 – 20-45,000,000 - Political


  • China Nationalist Era - 1928-1937 - 3,000,000 - Political control

  • Second World War - 1937/38-1945 - 55,000,000 - Balance of


  • Sino-Japanese War - 1937-1945 - 21,000,000 – Expansionism

  • Post-WWII German Expulsions from Eastern Europe - 1945-1948 - 1.8-

5,000,000 - Post-war policies. Retributions/Soviet and Eastern European


  • Chinese Civil War - 1945-1949 - 2,500,000 - Political control

  • People’s Republic of China - 1949-1975 – 40-80,000,000 - Political


  • North Korean Regime - 1948- 1.7-3,000,000 - Political control

  • Korean War - 1950-1953 - 2,800,000 - Political control

  • Second Indochina War - 1960-1975 - 3-4,000,000 - Political control

  • Ethiopia - 1962-1992 - 1,500,000 - Political control

  • Khmer Rouge - 1975-1978 - 2,500,000 - Political control

  • Afghanistan - 1979-2001 - 1,800,000 - Political control/Soviet expansion

  • Kinshasa Congo - 1998- 3,800,000 – Political control &Resources5

Now folks, maybe it’s just me, but once you look at the facts, I’d say we’re being lied to! Religion is not the biggest cause of wars, it’s the anti-God man made agendas that are! It’s politics not religion! And they’re using this fear and manipulation to coerce us into going along with this One World Religion, exactly like the Bible said would happen, when you are living in the Last Days.

But that’s not all. The 3rd proof that we know really are headed for a One World Religion is the Promotional Proof. Hey folks, as if what we’ve seen isn’t enough, this Interfaithism Movement is also being promoted by virtually every single mover and shaker from around the world. Just in case you aren’t politically correct or scared into doing it, they’re using Hollywood, the Governments, and even the Vatican to help “educate you” and promote this lie to go along with a One World Religion. But again, don’t take my word for it. Let’s listen to theirs.

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