Troy High School Library The Work Session of the Troy Area School District Board of Education, held on Tuesday, August 14, 2012, in the Troy High School Library, was called to order by President, Todd Curren at 8:40 PM. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken:
Present: Mr. Curren Mr. Hansell Mrs. Nauta
Mrs. Fox Mrs. Harer Mr. Olsyn
Mr. Grace Mr. Martin
Absent: Mr. Roy
Others Present: Mr. Young, Superintendent; Mrs. Gilliland, Business Administrator; Mr. Blair, Maintenance Director; Mr. Schrader, Director of Technology; Solicitor Williams III.
Mr. Curren announced that an Executive Session was held on July 10, 2012 for personnel issues.
Presentations: Ms. Eileen Sparduti, Coordinator of Student Academic Programs, presented the district’s school year 2011/2012 Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) report.
Visitors’ Comments on Agenda Items: None.
Minutes: Financial Reports: Reports: A) Northern Tier Career Center Report:B) Intermediate Unit Report: C) Pennsylvania School Boards Association:D) Federal Programs Report:E) Primary School Report:F) Intermediate School Report:G) Junior/Senior High School Report: H) Superintendents Report: Selection of Items for Removal from Consent Agenda: Motion to Approve the Consent Agenda as Follows: A) Budget, Finance and Transportation: 1) Finance: a) Approve submission of Plan Con K for General Obligation Bonds Series 2012; b) Approve IDEA-619 Agreement with Blast IU17; c) Approve Traci Gilliland as authorized signer for the E-Rate submission effective immediately; 2) Transportation: a) Approve revised 2011-2012 daily bus rate listing; b) Approve revised 2011-2012 driver listing.
B) Personnel:1) Retirements: None; Mr. Martin made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Harer, to approve the following with appreciation and regret: 2) Resignations: a) Mark Golden, Agriculture Teacher, effective August 8, 2012; b) Rebecca Morgan, Instructional Aide, effective August 21, 2012; c) Tammy Shedden, District Substitute Caller, effective August 14, 2012; d) Chad Shrawder, Social Studies Teacher, effective August 14, 2012; e) Devon Weed, Head Wrestling Coach, effective June 26, 2012; f) Rebecca Spencer, Head 7th & 8th Grade Girls’ Basketball Coach, effective August 15, 2012. Roll Call Vote: Mrs. Nauta, yes; Mr. Olsyn, yes; Mrs. Fox, yes; Mr. Grace, yes; Mr. Hansell, yes; Mrs. Harer, yes; Mr. Martin, yes, Mr. Curren, yes. Motion passed 7-0-0-1. 3) Employment: a) Act 93: 1) None. Mrs. Fox made a motion, seconded by Mr. Martin, to approve the following b) Professional Contract Employees: 1) Nisa Kshir, Elementary Teacher, effective August 22, 2012, salary as per contract. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Olsyn, yes; Mrs. Fox, yes; Mr. Grace, yes; Mr. Hansell, yes; Mrs. Harer, yes; Mr. Martin, yes, Mrs. Nauta, Mr. Curren, yes. Motion passed 7-0-0-1. c) Support Staff Employments: None d)Substitutes – Professional Staff: Approve the 2012-2013 Professional Substitute Listing. e) Substitutes – Support Staff: Approve the 2012-2013 Support Substitute Listing. f) Supplemental Contracts: 1) Lynda Miller; extended school year; July 9, 2012 & July 20, 2012; $20.00 per hour; no more than 20 hours per session; g) Fall Coaching Contracts: 1) Jim Smith, Head Football Coach, salary as per contract, no additional benefits; 2) Joseph Millard, Assistant Football Coach, salary as per contract, no additional benefits; 3) Kyle Smith, Assistant Football Coach, salary as per contract, no additional benefits; 4) Ryan Ammerman, Assistant Football Coach, salary as per contract, no additional benefits; 5) Chance Wright, Assistant Football Coach, salary as per contract, no additional benefits; 6) Gary Ward, Head Cross Country Coach, salary as per contract, no additional benefits; 7) Bettina Campbell, Assistant Cross Country Coach, salary as per contract, no additional benefits; 8) Will Slotter, Head Volleyball Coach, salary as per contract, no additional benefits; 9) Kelly Rountree Assistant Volleyball Coach, salary as per contract, no additional benefits 10) Stephen Saxton, Head Boys’ Soccer Coach, salary as per contract, no additional benefits; 11) Richard Wilson, Assistant Boys’ Soccer Coach, salary as per contract, no additional benefits; 12) Wayne Pratt, Head Girls’ Soccer Coach, salary as per contract, no additional benefits; 13) Lyle Mattocks, Assistant Girls’ Soccer Coach, salary as per contract, no additional benefits; 14) Virginia Parks, Football Cheerleader Coach, salary as per contract, no additional benefits; 15) Jill Cole, Head 7th & 8th Grade Girls’ Volleyball coach, salary as per contract, no additional benefits; 16) Jacquelyn Krise, Assistant 7th & 8th Grade Girls’ Volleyball Coach, salary as per contract, no additional benefits; 17) Annette DeLosa, Intramural 5th & 6th Grade Girls’ Volleyball Coach, salary as per contract, no additional benefits; 18) Cody Martin, 7th & 8th Grade Head Football Coach, salary as per contract, no additional benefits; 19) Tim Kelley, 7th & 8th Grade Assistant Football Coach, salary as per contract, no additional benefits; 20) Cheryl Gross, 7th & 8th Grade Cheerleader Advisor, salary as per contract, no additional benefits; 4) Position Eliminations:a) None. 5) Create New Positions:a) None. 6)Permission to Advertise; a) None 7) Contracts: a) Permanent Professional Contracts; 1) Wayne Beeman, Art Troy Intermediate School; 2) Kimberly Brown, Kindergarten WR Croman Primary School; 3) Haley Campbell, Physical Education WR Croman Primary School; 4) Brianne Carpenter, Music Troy Intermediate School; 5) Jennifer Judson, Guidance Troy Intermediate School; 6) Danika Kelley, 3rd Grade Troy Intermediate School; 7) Christina Sheeley, Physical Education Troy Intermediate School; 8) Mr. Olsyn made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Fox, to approve the following: Transfers; a) Support; 1) Nicole Case, JSHS Personal Care Aide (PCA) to TIS Instructional (INSA), effective August 22, 2012; On voice vote, there were 7 yes votes. Motion passed 7-0-0-1; 1) Lori Beach, TIS PCA to JSHS PCA, effective July 1, 2012; 2) Marsha Ensign, JSHS PCA to TIS PCA, effective July 1, 2012; 3) Brenda Holdren, JSHS PCA to TIS PCA, effective July 1, 2012; 4) Cindy Kennedy, TIS PCA to WRC PCA, effective July 1, 2012; 5) Jodi McPherson, TIS PCA to JSHA PCA, effective July 1, 2012; 6) Cheryl Slocum, TIS PCA to JSHS PCA, effective July 1, 2012; 7) Deb Welch, TIS PCA to JSHS PCA, effective July 1, 2012; 9)Leave Requests;a) Dianne Shedden-Wolf, Sabbatical, 2012-2013 school year;
C) Buildings and Grounds: 1) None
D) Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment: 1) None
E) Technology: 1) None.
F) Student Affairs: 1) Approve the addition of competition cheerleading for TASD as a PIAA sport.
G) Community Relations: 1) Designate Traci Gilliland as Troy Area School District’s Primary Voting Delegate to the Bradford County Tax Collection Committee, effective August 6, 2012; 2) Appoint Traci Gilliland as Troy Area School District’s Right to Know Officer, effective August 6, 2012.
H) Policy: 1) 103 Nondiscrimination in School and Classroom Practices (revised); 2) 118.1 Online Learning (new); 3) 122 Extracurricular Activities (revised); 4) 123 Interscholastic Athletics (revised); 5) 123.2 Sudden Cardiac Arrest (new); 6) 610 Purchases Subject to Bid/Quotation (revised); 7) 611 Purchases Budgeted (revised); 8) 701 Facilities Planning (revised); 9) 822 Automated External Defibrillator/Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (revised).
Items Removed from Consent Agenda: General Board Discussion: A) Administrative Regulations and Attachments; 1) 103.1-AR Nondiscrimation – Qualified Students with Disabilities; 2) 122-AR-9 Sudden Cardiac Arrest Sheet; 3) 123-AR-3 PIAA Forma; 4) 123-AR-6 Athletic Safey; 5) 123-AR-9 Sudden Cardiac Arrest Sheet; 6) 123.2-AR Sudden Cardiac Arrest Sheet; 610-AR Purchases Subject to Bid/Quotation.
Mr. Young shared with the Directors that policy 118.1 Online Learning was written by Ms. Mary Abreu. PSBA does not have a policy for Online Learning to follow.
Mrs. Gilliland reminded the Directors of an upcoming PSBA Legislative Policy Council meeting that will be held on October 18, 2012 during the School Leadership Conference to adopt the association’s 2013 legislative platform. Mr. Martin and Mrs. Fox agreed to attend the meeting and be the District’s voting delegates.
Mr. Olysn asked Mr. Young to thank Mr. Chad Shrawder for his service to the distrct.
Visitor Comment and Question Period: None.
Adjournment: On a motion by Mrs. Fox, seconded by Mr. Martin, the directors adjourned at 9:35 PM to an Executive Session to discuss personnel issues.
Respectfully submitted,
Traci Gilliland