Tuesday, 19 September 1995, Vol

Wednesday, 20 September 1995, Vol. 2

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Wednesday, 20 September 1995, Vol. 2

Session L3a: MCT, New Developments

Session Chairmen: P. Rossel

Lab. d'automatique et d'Analyse des Systèmes

du C.N.R.S.

J. Millán

Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica

Behavior analysis of MCT under ZVS and ZCS conditions 2.001

J.M. Li, A. Merazga, D. Lafore, Ecole Superieure d'Ingenieurs de Marseille (France)

Standard and shorted anode non-punch-through emitter switched thyristors 2.007

D. Flores, P. Godignon, M. Vellvehi, J. Fernandez, S. Hidalgo, J. Rebollo, J. Millan, Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica (CNM) (Spain)

A new barrier lowering model for metal-silicide Schottky power diodes 2.012

C. Furio, A. Lhorte, S.G.S. THOMSON Microelectronics, G. Charitat, J-M. Dilhac, Lab. d'Analyse et d'Architecture des Systèmes du CNRS (France)

Modeling of high-power thyristors using the lumped-charge modeling technique 2.016

C. L. Ma, P.O. Lauritzen, Analogy, (USA), J. Sigg, Siemens AG, (Germany)

Session L3b: Sinusoidal Power Supplies

Session Chairmen: T. Undeland

Norwegian Institute of Technology

J. A. Cobos

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Power factor correction using zero-current-switched quasi-resonant converters with voltage-follower and multiplier approach control 2.023

J. Sebastián, J.A. Martinez, M.M. Hernando, Universidad de Oviedo, J.A. Cobos, F. Aldana, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain)

Resonant DC/DC converter for telecommunication network 2.029

C. Andrieu, M. Rocher, Alcatel Converters, J.P. Ferrieux, LEG (France)

Cost-effective practical developments of high-performance 1 kVA UPS with new system configurations and their specific control implementations 2.035

K. Hirashi, H. Yamamoto, T. Matsui, Yuasa Corporation, S. Watanabe, M. Nakaoka, Yamaguchi University (Japan)

Sinusoidal input power supply for electrical tubular heat exchanger 2.041

D. Pratmarty, H. Rivoalen, EDF-DER (France)

Session L3c: Traction (I)

Session Chairmen: A. Haböck

Siemens AG

A. García Cerrada

Universidad Pontificia de Comillas

A new control concept for overload minimized traction drives 2.047

B. Engel, H.P. Beck, Technical University Clausthal (Germany)

Investigating the traction drive in the development of a locomotive adhesion controller 2.053

M. Stiebler, M. Lange, A. Gross-Thebing, Technische Universitat Berlin (Germany)

Active filtering of traction drives fed by DC contact line 2.058

R. Manigrasso, G. Superti Furga, E. Tironi, Politecnico di Milano, A. Farini, Elettromeccanica Parizzi S.p.A (Italy)

High performance multisystem locomotive E 412 for the Italian State Railways 2.066

L. Morisi, F. Sezenna, L. Mantica, M. Oberti, ABB Tecnomasio SpA (Italy)

Session L3d: Reactive Power Compensation and Power Factor Correction

Session Chairmen: H.Godfroid


J. D. Van Wyk

Rand Afrikaans University

Introduction of "dual-switching" cells in high power phase-controlled converters - A new concept to cancel the reactive power 2.073

F. Richardeau, Ph. Ladoux, Y. Cheron, Lab. d'Electrotechnique et d'Electronique Industrielle, Toulouse (France)

The energy factor in induction heating systems 2.079

J.R. Garcia, A. Martinez, Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain)

Containerized SVCs - a novel design 2.084

K. Renz, G. Thumm, H. Tyll Siemens AG (Germany)

Modelling and simulation of static VAR compensators for control 2.088

K M Abbott, Staffordshire University, M Davies, GEC - ALSTHOM (United Kingdom)

Session L4a: High Efficiency Converters

Session Chairmen: T. Nishimura

Oita University

E. de la Cruz

Alcatel Standard Elèctrica

Novel soft switching quasi resonant 3-phase IGBT inverter 2.095

S. Salama, Y. Tadros, Daimler-Benz AG-Research & Technology (Germany)

A new double resonant zero current switching matrix converter 2.100

M. Marcks, Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany)

High frequency high efficiency DC/DC converters 2.106

L. Vega de la Torre, Telefonica I+D (Spain)

A 20 kVA auxiliary resonant commutated pole converter -Design and practical experiences 2.111

F.-F. Protiwa, J. Koß, RWTH Aachen University of Technology (Germany)

Session L4b: Special Power Supplies

Session Chairmen: J.Sebastián

Universidad de Oviedo

J. Peire


Novel electromagnetic induction-heated type fluid-heating processing appliance incorporating auto-tuning PID control-based PWM resonant IGBT inverter with active filtering function 2.117

Y. Uchiori, Y. Kawamura, Seta Chemical Industry, Co. Ltd, M. Nakaoka, Yamaguchi University, B. Guo, Kobe University of Mercantile Marine (Japan)

Design of the delay line power supply of a TWT 2.123

C. Blanco, M. A. Perez, M. Rico, Universidad de Oviedo , J. Uceda, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain)

New constant-frequency variable powered quasi-resonant inverter topology using soft-switched type IGBTs for induction-heated cooking appliance with active Power Filter 2.129

K. Izaki, I. Hirota, H. Yamashita, M. Kamli, H. Omori, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co Ltd, M. Nakaoka, Yamaguchi University (Japan)

Generalised companion switch and link models for power electronic circuit simulation 2.135

S.Y.R. Hui, K. K. Fung The University of Sydney (Australia)

Session L4c: Traction (II)

Session Chairmen: G.Maggetto

Vrije Universiteit Brussel

J. Peracaula

Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña

Ultra-capacitor based bidirectional DC-DC converter prototype for recovery of the braking energy in EVs motor drives 2.141

A. Di Napoli, F. Caricchi, F. Crescimbini, University of Rome "La Sapienza" (Italy)

Cartesian flux observer for an induction machine: application to a robot propulsion set 2.147

Alain Bouscayrol, Mathieu Delabre, Maria Pietrzak-David, Bernard de Fornel, Laboratoire d'Electrotechnique et d'Electronique Ind (France), Rainer Bischoff, Universität von Hanover (ERASMUS exchange) (Germany)

Preliminary design of a 18 kV locomotive 2.153

P. Farina, M. Carpita, Ansaldo Ricerche, P. Cesario, Sciro Electrica, O. Ventura, Ansaldo Trasporti (Italy)

Multisystem propulsion concept on the basis of the double star circuit 2.159

K. H. Ketteler, ABB Transportation Systems Ltd. Zurich, (Switzerland)

Session L4d: FACTS

Session Chairmen: R. Basset

GEC Alsthom

M. Crappe

Faculté Polytechnique de Mons

Simulation and control technique of FACTS 2.167

B. Mpanda-Mabwe, M. Crappe, J. Trecat, M. Renglet, Faculté Polytechnique de Mons (Belgium), B. Delfino, G.B. Denegri, M. Invernizzi, University of Genova (Italy)

A Unified Power Flow Controller model for the ElectroMagnetic Transients Program 2.173

E. Joncquel, X. Lombard, Electricité de France (France)

Considering the FACTS for the planning of the very high voltage network; the EDF approach 2.179

A. Davriu, B. Lauzanne, P. Mallet, P. Pramayon, EDF (France)

Control system of the static system-tie frequency converter Muldenstein including operation results 2.185

H. Weiss, Siemens AG (Germany)

Session D3a: Devices, Components and Materials (III)

Temperature non contact measurements on the surface of a GTO thyristor in commutation 2.191

R. Abid, F. Miserey, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (France)

The reverse behaviour of the NPT-IGBT in its on-state 2.197

P. Türkes, T. Franke, V. Gerstenmaier, Siemens AG (Germany)

Current sensing characteristics of IGBTs under short circuit conditions 2.202

Z. J. Shen, S. P. Robb, A. Taomoto, Motorola Inc. (USA)

A high frequency smart power MOSFET switch for use in half-bridge circuits 2.207

R.J. Leedham, R.A. McMahon, D.R.H. Carter, Cambridge Univ. (United Kingdom)

Optimization of the short-circuit behaviour of NPT-IGBT by the gate drive 2.213

H.G. Eckel, L. Sack, University of Erlangen (Germany)

Functional integration of power devices: a new approach 2.219

R. Pezzani, J. B. Quoirin, SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics (France)

Linear variable inductor (LVI) in power-processing applications 2.224

A.S. Kislovski, Ascom Energy Systems, R. Redl, ELFI SA (Switzerland)

Energy absorption devices for solid state interruption 2.229

J.M. Li, D. Lafore, Ecole Sup. d'Ingénieurs de Marseille, X. Tian, Schneider Electric (France)

A new method for the measurement of the conductivity mobility as a function of injection level in silicon regions 2.235

S. Bellone, University of Salerno, G.V. Persiano, A.G.M. Strollo, S. Daliento, University of Naples (Italy)

An SOI lateral BMFET for power IC application 2.240

Y.-I. Choi, Ajou University, S.D. Kim, J. H. Kim, C.M. Yun, M.K. Han, Seoul National University (Korea)

A new power MOSFET with self current limiting capability 2.245

Y.-I. Choi, Ajou University, C.M. Yun, S.D. Kim, M.K. Han, Seoul National University (Korea)

A 2A/25V monolithic switching cell for smart power IC application 2.251

F. Behrens, S. Finco, Fundação Centro Tecnológico para Informática (Brasil), J.Guilherme, M.I. Castro Simas, Technical University of Lisbon (Portugal)

A circuit level simulation model of the IGBT 2.257

A. Brambilla, Politecnico di Milano, E. Dallago, Università di Pavia (Italy)

Hard and soft switching behaviour of a new bipolar cascode monolithic switch 2.262

A. Testa, S. Musumeci, G. Oriti, A. Raciti, Università di Catania, A. Galluzzo, M. Melito, Co.Ri.M.Me Research Centre Catania (Italy)

Modelling of a fully integrated light triggered thyristor with Built-in self-protection 2.268

J. Zeng, P. Mawby, M.S. Towers, University College of Swansea, D. Crees, GEC Plessey Semiconductor (United Kingdom)

Application of diamond-like layers as passivation and isolation layers in power semiconductor devices 2.273

Z. Lisik, S. Mitura, Technical University of Lodz, J. Szmidt, Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)

3-D simulation of heat transfer in power semiconductor devices 2.277

Z. Lisik, R. Barczewski, J. Podgórski, M. Kopek, Technical University of Lodz (Poland)

Optimisation of 1000 V epitaxial IGBT device for a 2 kW zero current resonant converter 2.282

R. Letor, L. Fragapane, F. Saya, SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics (Italy)

An integrated approach to MOS-gated power semiconductor manufacturing based on cleaner production technologies for waste minimization by design 2.288

S. Anderson, Motorola, F.Balkau, United Nations Environment Programs (UNEP) , B. Almesfer, Motorola (USA)

Last improvements of intelligent power modules for motor drive 2.294

D. Médaule, Mitsubishi Electric Europe (France),G. Majumdar, Mitsubishi Electric Corp. (Japan)

Session D3b: Electronic Power Supply Systems (I)

Low power and low output voltage (3.3V) AC/DC converter with power factor correction 2.301

J.A. Cobos, O. Garcia, J. Uceda, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, J. Sebastian, Universidad de Oviedo, S. Ollero, E. de la Cruz, ALCATEL (Spain)

Variable and unbalanced three-phases loads connected to an DC/AC converter controlled by oriented field theory 2.307

J.A. Domínguez Vazquez, S. Lorenzo Matilla, J.M. Ruiz Gonzales, I. Valle Gonzales, Universidad de Valladolid (Spain)

New fast-charge methods of NiCd/NiMH batteries: universal battery charger/discharger for testing 2.311

M. González, J. López, E. López, M. A. Pérez, Universidad de Oviedo (Spain)

An analysis of a large air gap transformer by using transcutaneous energy transmission 2.317

T. H. Nishimura, T. Eguchi, T. Inoue, Oita University, K. Hirachi, YUASA Corporation, Y. Maejima, Tabuchi Electric Co. Ltd., M. Saito, Tokyo Denki University (Japan)

High frequency supply system with power factor correction for halogen cycle lamps 2.323

C. Blanco, J. M. Alonso, P. Villegas, E. López, M. Rico, Universidad de Oviedo (Spain)

A triport UPS design with bipolar power transistor array based AC line voltage regulation 2.329

N Kulratna, A C Clarke Centre for Modern Technologies, H W Sampath, Open University of Sri Lanka (Sri Lanka)

Parallel connection of power rectifier modules with very high power factor for railway applications 2.335

A. Lohner, O. Franz, M. Vomfelde, RWTH Aachen, University of Technology (Germany)

Quasi-square-wave converter for aerospace applications 2.341

R. I. Gregory, A.J. Forsyth, The University of Birmingham (United Kingdom)

A method of synchronizing microprocessor-controlled PWM inverters with the mains voltage 2.347

J. Z. Bebic, M. V. Jankovic, Electrical Engineering Institute "Nikola Tesla" (Yugoslavia)

A novel uninterruptible power supply system with sinusoidal input-output characteristics and simplified control circuit 2.351

S.N. Manias, G. Ioannidis, E. Xanthoulis, National Technical University of Athens (Greece)

Monophase super resonant power converter with pulse amplitude modulation 2.357

M.P.N. van Wesenbeeck, De Drie Electronics, J.B. Klaassens, R.M. Paulussen, Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands)

Parallel operation of standard UPSs by reactive power control 2.363

A.S. Carvalho, A.P. Martins, A.S. Araujo, Universidade do Porto, (Portugal)

Concepts for an unconventional uninterruptible power supply using reversible converters 2.368

F. Morin, J. P. Caron, J. P. Hautier, L2EP - Groupe ENSAM (France)

Park vector based sliding mode control of UPS with unbalanced load 2.374

P. Korondi, Technical University of Budapest (Hungary), H. Hashimoto, F. Harashima, University of Tokyo (Japan), G. Nemeth, EPOS-PVI (Hungary)

Power control of two induction loads supplied by a single generator: two solutions 2.379

J-P. Rognon, J-P. Ferrieux, M. C. Pera-Marion, Lab. d'Electrotechnique de Grenoble, J. Nuns, EDF - DER (France)

High-quality rectifier based on Cuk converter in discontinuous capacitor voltage mode 2.385

G. Spiazzi, L. Rossetto, P. Mattavelli, S. Buso, University of Padova (Italy)

An input converter for a d.c. locomotive with commutatorless traction motors 2.391

Y.M. Inkov, V.V. Litovchenko, M.D. Simonov, Moscow State Railway Transport University (Russia)

Session D3c: Traction Drives

Modelling and verification of electromechanical interaction in a traction drive 2.395

M.W. Winterling, Holec Ridderkerk, W. Deleroi, O.H. Bosgra, H. Huisman, Delft University of Technology, P.J. van Overloop, E. Tuinman,Holec Ridderkerk (The Netherlands)

Water-cooled converter series for main line traction 2.401

R. Manser, J. Schmid, W. Spoerri, ABB Transportation Systems Ltd (Switzerland)

Simulation and hierarchical controller design for a special hybrid drivetrain 2.407

T. Mayer, D. Schroeder, Technical University of Munich (Germany)

Comparison of electric drives for a hybrid vehicle 2.413

Dierk Schroeder, Ulrich Zoelch, Technical University of Munich (Germany)

Comparing two-level GTO-inverter feeding a double star asynchronous motor with a three-level GTO-inverter feeding a single star asynchronous motor 2.419

A. Monti, A.P. Morando, L. Resta, M. Riva, Politecnico di Milano (Italy)

Dual-voltage locomotive type class 92 for freight and night passenger services through the Channel Tunnel and in Britain 2.425

C. Zimmermann, ABB Transportation Systems Ltd. (Switzerland)

A new direct torque control strategy for an induction motor with constant switching operation 2.431

C. Lochot, X. Roboam, P. Maussion, LEEI (France)

Simulation of harmonics generated by inverter locomotive fed from 3 kV DC system 2.437

P. Janiszewski, Railway Research Institute (Poland)

Direct self-control of VSI-fed induction motor drives with reduced line current harmonics and active damping of subharmonics 2.441

A.M. Walczyna, Railway Research Institute &Electrotechnical Institute (Poland)

Practical method of readhesion control for electric motor vehicles with three phase drive 2.448

T. Watanabe, S. Ohe, M. Ogasa, Railway Technical Research Institute (Japan)

Probabilistic assessment of harmonic impedance in DC traction systems 2.453

M. Fracchia, P. Pozzobon, Universita degli Studi di Genova (Italy), L. Pierrat, EDF , (France)

Session D3d: Reactive Power Compensation

Static VAR compensator for 3-phase induction motors 2.459

A. A. Mahfouz, Cairo University (Egypt), O.P. Malik, University of Calgary , (Canada)

A novel variable speed constant frequency generation system with voltage regulation 2.465

A. Mebarki, R.T. Lipczynski, University of Bath (United Kingdom)

Novel error tracking mode ac current waveform control method and its ac filter design procedure 2.472

M. Ohshima, Tokyo Electric Power Co. - Inc., E. Masada, University of Tokyo (Japan)

A comparison study on inserting thyristor controlled series compensation in power systems 2.478

S. Maginier, S. Bacha, N. Hadjsaid, R. Feuillet, Laboratoire d'Electrotechnique de Grenoble (France)

Iterative harmonic simulation of a thyristor controlled reactor and a power transmission system 2.483

J. Arrillaga, University of Canterbury New Zealand, J. Gonzalez, Universidad de Las Palmas de G. Canarias, J. Cidras, Universidad de Vigo (Spain)

Harmonic transfer in HVDC systems under unbalanced conditions 2.488

K. Sadek, M. Pereira, Siemens AG (Germany)

Optimisation of the number of levels in a multi-level advanced static VAR compensator 2.493

S.B. Tennakoon, D. Scheidecker, Staffordshire University (United Kingdom)

Control of static VAR compensator for optimal flicker reduction 2.499

G. de Preville, O. Lapierre, CEGELEC, G. Bornard, Lab. d'Automatique de Grenoble (France)

A practical approach to harmonic current compensation by a single-phase active filter 2.505

M. Machmoum, N. Bruyant, S. Siala, R. Le Doeuff, LARGE "GE 44" (France)

Real-time simulator model of an advanced static VAR compensator 2.511

M.M. de Oliveira , CEPEL & The Royal Institute of Technology, Å. Ekström, The Royal Institute of Technology & ABB Power Systems (Sweden)

New strategy for non-active power compensation 2.517

W. Koczara, M. Rukat, R. Teofilak, L. Grzesiak, Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)

Design of switched reluctance motor/generator systems using the Saber™ simulator 2.522

P.C. Kjaer, G.W. White, T.J.E. Miller, University of Glasgow (United Kingdom)

Operation of a high-pulse AC/DC converter as a VAR compensator 2.528

J. Arrillaga, R.D. Brough, R.M. Duke, University of Canterbury (New Zealand)

Three phase line converter with optimising influence on power system 2.534

R. Barlik, P. Grochal, M. Nowak, Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)

A unified power controller using space vector modulation control 2.540

R Yacamini, D Paschoareli, University of Aberdeen (United Kingdom)

Microprocessor-based control system for the control of electrical machines and processes 2.546

N. Peric, University of Zagreb, S. Marijan, M. Kajari, Koncar Electrical Engineering Institute (Croatia)

Comparative study between 6 and 12 pulse current converters for SMES systems 2.552

I.J. Iglesias, J. Acero, CEDEX, M. Visiers, Enertron S.A., A. Bautista, Iberdrola (Spain)

A new control strategy for DC-link voltage of a three-phase bi-directional PWM rectifier 2.558

S. Kalashnikov, Technical University of Vienna, H. Berger, ELIN Energieanwendung GmbH, (Austria)

Session D4a: Converters (II)

Analysis of transient processes in a single phase cycloconverter 2.563

I. Katz, M. A. Slonim, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (Israel)

AC/DC/AC quasi-resonant transistor's converter for AC drive application 2.567

T. Citko, M. Dubowski, A. Sikorski, Bialystok Technical University (Poland)

A design of a new snubber circuit for three-level GTO inverters 2.573

J.H. Suh, B.J. Suh, D. S. Hyun, Hanyang University (Korea)

Asymmetrical type zero current switching DC-DC converter with constant frequency voltage control 2.579

Y. Hatanaka, C. Kunitake, J. Tsukamoto, Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine (Japan)

Design and analysis of a PWM parallel resonant DC-link inverter 2.585

M. Krogemann, J.C. Clare, University of Nottingham (United Kingdom)

Series resonant converter with sandwich-type piezoelectric ceramic transducers 2.591

F. Fabijanski, Technical University of Warsaw (Poland)

Detailed study of limit running modes of a quasi-resonant converter with a view to down-regulation 2.595

B. Robert, C. Goeldel, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne (France)

New converter with pulse amplitude modulation - An experimental study 2.601

G. Blajszczak, Energoprojekt (Poland)

Spice model of the HF resonant DC-AC converter 2.606

F. Mihalic, M. Milanovic, University of Maribor (Slovenia)

Multiresonant techniques applied to a family of single-output DC-DC converters 2.612

B. Velaerts, J-P. Schauwers, D. Bogaerts, M. Miller, Philips Power Systems, P. Mathys, J. L. Van Eck, Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium)

Analysis of a half-bridge type series resonant DC-DC converter with auxiliary switches 2.618

M. Asano, H. Matsuo, F. Kurokawa, H. Mae, Nagasaki University (Japan)

A 4.5 kW buck converter implemented with three IGBT's associated by means of a new paralleling technique 2.624

H.A.C. Braga, Federal University of Santa Catarina, I. Barbi, Federal University of Juiz de Fora (Brazil)

Performance of SVM controlled matrix converter with input and output unbalanced conditions 2.628

D. Casadei, G. Serra, A. Tani, Università degli Studi di Bologna (Italy), P. Nielsen, Aalborg University (Denmark)

BMFET-switched, class E resonant lamp ballast 2.634

G. Busatto, A.M. Luciano, University of Naples L. Fratelli, Ansaldo Trasporti(Italy)

Comparison of the losses in a new quasi-resonant inverter with a hard-switched current-regulated voltage-source inverter 2.640

A. Kotsopoulos, D.G. Holmes, Monash University (Australia)

The use of the duality principle in the conception and analysis of resonant DC-DC converters 2.646

L. García de Vicuna, J. Majo, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, J. Maixé, Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Spain)

Practical evaluation of a quasi-resonant circuit for soft-switched inverters with minimum voltage stress 2.652

S.Y.R. Hui, E. Gogani, J. Zhang, University of Sydney (Australia)

Improved operating area of the ZVS-series resonant converter using nonlinear capacitive snubbers 2.658

N. Aouda, Y. Cheron, M. Metz, H. Foch, Lab. d'Electrotechnique et d'Electronique Industrielle de Toulouse (France)

Matrix converters for induction motor drive 2.664

S. Halász, I. Schmidt, T. Molnár , Technical University of Budapest (Hungary)

High power factor rectifiers 2.670

J. Rodríguez, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, E. Wiechmann, Universidad de Concepción (Chile)

An MCT based industrial induction cooker circuit using zero current switching 2.677

P.R. Palmer, A. Githiari, Cambridge University (United Kingdom)

Analysis and design of a fixed frequency buck-boost ZVS DC-DC quasi-resonant converter 2.683

G.A. Karvelis, S.N. Manias, National Technical University of Athens (Greece)

A novel method for suppression of overvoltage in resonant DC link inverters 2.689

T. Kataoka, Y. Sato, M. Tobita, P.A. Dahono, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan)

Control of a three-phase step-down reversible AC/DC converter 2.695

T.C. Green, M.H. Taha, Imperial College, N.A. Rahim, University Malaya (Malaysia), B.W. Williams, Heriot-Watt University (United Kingdom)

Cycloconverter with 800Hz two-phase input voltage and PWM reference used to transfer energy to the 50Hz single phase mains 2.701

J.L. Cocquerelle, J. Cuvillier, IRESTE (France)

PWM strategies to control three-level inverters. Application to the induction motors drive 2.706

M. Berkouk, Y. Ben Romdhane, G. Manesse, CNAM - Paris (France)

Multiresonant zero voltage switching inverter designed for a capacitor testing bench 2.712

F. Pezet, G. Rojat, G. Clerc, Ecole Centrale de Lyon (France)

Snubbers for GTO thyristor inverters 2.716

B.W. Williams, S.J. Finney, Heriot-Watt University (United Kingdom), X. He, Z. Qian, Zhejiang University (China)

Circuit for the active control of current equalisation in paralleled inverters 2.722

P. P Waite, R. V. Fulcher, CEGELEC (United Kingdom)

An improved zero-voltage and zero-current switching full bridge converter 2.725

K. H. Rinne, K. Theml, O. McCarthy, University of Limerick (Ireland)

Comparison between theoretical and real characteristics of zero-voltage switching quasi-resonant converters 2.731

N. Polyzos, E. Tatakis, A. Safacas, University of Patras (Greece)

Session D4b: Electronic Power Supply Systems (II)

Filter design of magnet power supply system using CS PWM converter 2.737

H.S. Kim, Cheonan National Tech. College, J.H. Choi, Chungbuk National University (Korea)

Two stage DC/DC converter with low output voltage (3.3 V) and optimized synchronous rectification stage 2.743

J.A. Cobos, O. Garcia, J. Uceda, F. Aldana, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, J. Sebastian, Universidad de Oviedo, E. de la Cruz, ALCATEL (Spain)

Modelling and simulation of a power factor correction circuit based on the unitrode UC3854 integrated circuit 2.749

A. R.G. Patterson, Analogy Europe (United Kingdom)

Steady-state analysis of a clamped-mode LCC resonant inverter for HID lamp supply 2.754

J.M. Alonso, M. Rico, E. Corominas, C. Blanco, Universidad de Oviedo (Spain)

Influence of the modifications of diodes characteristics for a 200°C-operation quasi-resonant converter 2.760

P.J. Viverge, J.J. Rousseau, F. Sarrus, J. P. Chante, CEGELY - ECPA (France)

Preliminary design approach by ATP simulation of the 18 kV DC traction system 2.766

M. Carpita, P. Farina, Ansaldo Ricerche, P. Cesario, Sciro Electra, O. Ventura, Ansaldo Trasporti (Italy)

A high frequency power supply system for non-linear loads 2.772

A. Kern, B. Yu, University of Siegen (Germany)

The parallel operation of inverters supplying induction heating loads 2.778

A.M. Green, A.C. Williamson, UMIST (United Kingdom)

A 1 kW high performance converter for 120 V BUS regulation 2.784

C. Elisabelar, L. Jarry, Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (France)

DC-DC converter with no magnetic elements and good regulation for large changes in line and load 2.790

G. Y. Zhu, A. Ioinovici, Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong)

A new zero-current-switching series resonant inverter topology 2.796

M. Chindris, S. Stefanescu, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania)

800 kW four quadrant amplifier with large full signal bandwidth and low ripple consisting of IGBT's and active filter 2.801

L. van Lieshout, HOLEC PROJECTS B.V. (The Netherlands)

Comparison between two new soft switching technics adapted to high frequency converters 2.807

W. Abida, D. Sadarnac, S. d'Almeida, SUPELEC, M. Rocher, O. Daluz, Alcatel Converters, M. Perelle, SAFT (France)

Improving electronic simulation accuracy by using new equivalent circuits for wound components 2.813

F. Blache, LEG-ENSIEG & LABINAL Aero System Division, J.-P. Keradec, J.-L. Schanen, LEG - ENSIEG (France)

Modelling and simulation of PWM power source 2.819

J. Przybylski, W. Koczara, Warsaw University of Technology (Poland), E.B. Patterson, D. Morley, The Nottingham Trent University (United Kingdom)

Assessment, modelling and simulation of an EDM power supply using Saber 2.823

P.R. Holme, C.D. Manning, Loughborough University of Technology (United Kingdom)

Programmable power module 2.829

J. Jelonkiewicz, J. Ludwin, University of Czestochowa (Poland)

A resonant power supply for distributed systems 2.833

A. Nagel, K. Backhaus, H. Reinold, RWTH Aachen University of Technology (Germany)

Analysis of the LCL-type resonant converter operating above resonance 2.839

W. Abida, K. Louati, D. Sadarnac, SUPELEC (France)

Design trade-offs in a boost topology used as a power factor controller 2.845

A. Martinez, J. Arau, CENIDET, D. Abud, IIE (Mexico)J.A. Cobos, J. Uceda, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, J. Sebastián, Universidad de Oviedo (Spain)

Fault tolerance in distributed power systems 2.851

R. V. White, AT&T Power Systems/Bell Laboratories (USA)

Topologies for high power factor three-phase AC-to-DC converter 2.858

B.R. Lin, T.S. Hwang, National Yunlin Institute of Technology (Taiwan R.O.C.)

A combined-graph approach - obtaining models of DC-DC PWM converters by averaging and incremental representation 2.864

M. S. Makowski, Technical University of Gdansk (Poland)

Session D4c: Electric Vehicles Drives

High frequency three-phase induction motors for wide speed range applications 2.871

H.S. Rajamani, R.A. McMahon, Cambridge University (United Kingdom)

Direct torque controlled induction motor drive utilized in an electrical vehicle 2.877

R. Nilsen, ABB Corporate Research Norway (Norway), T. Kasteenpohja, ABB Industry Oy (Finland)

Flywheel energy storage in road vehicles 2.883

P.P. Acarnley, JS Burdess, B.C. Mecrow, J.N. Fawcett, J. Kelly, P.G Dickinson, University of Newcastle upon Tyne (United Kingdom)

High performance Vernier reluctance magnet machine, application to electric vehicle 2.889

J.-F. LLibre, D. Matt, Université Montpellier II (France)

Comparative study of drives for battery powered light vehicles 2.895

J. Jelonkiewicz, University of Czestochowa (Poland), S. Linnman, Permobil AB (Sweden )

Session D4d: FACTS

A new control strategy for a unified power flow controller 2.901

Q.Yu, S. D. Round, L. E. Norum, T. M. Undeland, The Norwegian Institute of Technology (Norway)

Development of a FACTS front end for EMTP 2.907

N.H. Ramage, J.M. van Coller, WITS University, R Koch, ESKOM TRI (South Africa)

Thyristor-controlled reactor enhances series capacitor applications 2.911

K. Renz, G. Thumm, St. Weiss, Siemens AG (Germany)

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