Tuesday, 19 September 1995, Vol

Session D5c: Industrial Drives

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Session D5c: Industrial Drives

Direct torque-control with predictive algorithm in microprocessorized PM drives 3.369

A. Del Pizzo, A. Perfetto, Universita di Napoli, I. Marongiu, Universita di Cagliari (Italy)

Parameter sensitivity of the Kalman filter applied to a sensorless synchronous motor drive 3.375

S. Bolognani, M. Zigliotto, University of Padova (Italy)

New high performance vector controlled AC-drive with automatic energy optimizer 3.381

P. Thøgersen, M. Tønnes, U. Jaeger, S.E. Nielsen, Danfoss A/S (Denmark)

Analysis of rotor flux reference frame by partition of its control structure 3.387

K. Bresnahan, H. Zelaya De La Parra, P.D. Evans, University of Birmingham (United Kingdom)

Controlling the synchronous reluctance machine without mechanical position feedback 3.393

M.A. de Rooij, M.J. Case, Rand Afrikaans University (South Africa)

Fast torque control of an IGBT-inverter-fed three-phase A.C. drive in the whole speed range - Experimental results 3.399

F. Hoffmann, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, M. Jänecke, ABB Henschel AG (Germany)

The indirect-controlled double fed asynchronous motor for variable-speed drives 3.405

D. Lecocq, R.M.A., Ph. Lataire, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium)

Torque estimation and control in PM motor drives 3.411

P.P. Acarnley, C.D. French, University of Newcastle upon Tyne (United Kingdom)

Induction motor rotor time constant measurement for vector control drives without rotary transducer 3.417

R. Beguenane, C. Ghyselen, H. Schoorens, Ecole des Mines de Douai (France)

Efficiency comparison of electrical motors for energy optimized variable speed low power and low cost industrial motor drives 3.423

H. R. Andersen, C. B. Rasmussen, E. Ritchie, J. K. Pedersen, Aalborg University (Denmark)

High-performance control for high-power induction machine without speed-sensor: choice and comparison of two methods 3.430

L. O. Peter-Contesse, M. Pietrzak-David, B. de Fornel, Lab. d'Electrotechnique et d'Electronique Industrielle, F. Ben Ammar, CEGELEC (France)

Variable structure position control in parallel structure 3.436

J. Timko, M. Haluskova, J. Haluska, Technical University Kosice - Dept.. of Electrical Drives (Slovakia)

Implementation of a fuzzy self-tuning controller for electrical drives 3.440

E. Chiricozzi, F. Parasiliti, M. Tursini, D.Q. Zhang, University of L'Aquila (Italy)

Modular variable speed AC drives system for industrial applications 3.446

U. Link, H. W. Kranz, E. Neis, Siemens AG (Germany)

A speed sensorless spatial vector controlled inverter added an auto-measuring function 3.452

Y. Ohmori, T. Nakanishi, H. Kobayashi, Toyo Electric Mfg. Co., Ltd, (Japan)

High performance field oriented control for large cycloconverter fed synchronous machines: from theory to application 3.458

M. Matuonto, Ansaldo Industria, A. Monti, Politecnico di Milano (Italy)

Speed and angular synchronism control of machines with flexibly coupled drives 3.464

A. Bannack, N. Hong Ha, U. Riefenstahl, Universität "Otto-von-Guericke" Magdeburg (Germany)

Application of encoderless vector control techniques in a medium performance induction motor drive 3.469

B. Conroy, T. Alexander, Heenan Drives Ltd., M. Sumner, University of Nottingham (United Kingdom)

Speed control improvement by torque observer for electrical drives 3.475

A. Serri, Universita di Cagliari (Italy)

High performance induction machine drive for a flying shear 3.481

R. Kranenburg, G. Torri, E. Gatti, R.Moruzzi, Ansaldo Industria S.p.A , (Italy), H. Klaassen, Technical University Braunschweig (Germany)

Comparison of induction machine control with orientation on rotor flux or on stator flux in a very wide field weakening region 3.486

P. Krafka, Asea Brown Boveri AG, A. Bünte, H. Grotstollen, Universität-Gesamthochschule-Paderborn (Germany)

Offline parameter identification of an inverter-fed induction motor at standstill 3.492

A. Bünte, H. Grotstollen, Universität-Gesamthochschule-Paderborn (Germany)

Microprocessor-based self-tuning control for DC motor drive 3.497

T. Orlowska-Kowalska, Cz. T. Kowalski, M. Chlipala, Technical University of Wroclaw (Poland)

Session D5d: Harmonics, Renewable Energy Systems, Simulation

Impact on the distribution and Transmission systems of harmonic current injection due to capacitive load rectifiers in commercial, residential and industrial installations 3.503

P. Rioual, T. Deflandre, Electricité de France (France)

Harmonic interaction in back-to-back HVDC link between AC systems at different frequencies 3.509

M.P. Bottino, B. Delfino, A. Morini, University of Genoa, G. Garzi, Ansaldo Industria Genoa (Italy)

Actual generation and summation effects of harmonic currents produced by multiple units converters in the French industry 3.515

J. Letzelter, M. Le Bitoux, EDF, D. Sadarnac, SUPELEC (France)

Power conditioning for photovoltaic supply units for railway applications 3.522

L. Lori, SEI Sistemi Energetici Integrati srl, P. Redi, Universita di Firenze, M. Ruzinsky, Slovenska Technicka Univerzita (Italy)

Restriction of harmonic currents due to power electronic drives and vapor discharge lamps 3.527

H. Mijnarends, Hogeschool van Amsterdam & Rotterdam, G. Blom, KEMA (The Netherlands)

Application of neural networks to predicting harmonics 3.533

L.L. Lai, F. Nedh-Che, H. Braun, City University London (United Kingdom), R. Hui, University of Sydney (Australia), A. B. Serrano, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spain)

Voltage angle control of a voltage source inverter, application to a grid-connected wind turbine 3.539

J. Svensson, Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden)

Harmonic evaluation in light dimmer system by a probabilistic approach 3.545

P. Guerin, Chantiers de l'Atlantique, M. Machmoum, R. Le Doeuff, Lab. Atlantique de Rech. en Génie Elec. (France)

Probabilistic modelling of network harmonic impedance due to random load variation 3.551

L. Pierrat, B. Susetyo, Lab. d'Electrotechnique de Grenoble (France)

Modeling and analysis of aircraft power system harmonics 3.557

K. J. Karimi, Boeing Information and Support Services (USA)

Session D6a: Drives: Simulation and User/Application Experiences

Estimation of induction motor speed in fuzzy logic system 3.563

Z. Krzeminski, Technical University of Gdansk (Poland)

Pole placement strategy for sliding mode controller in Z-range 3.569

P. Matthes, Technical University of Dresden (Germany)

Dynamic analysis of non-sinusoidally supplied induction machine based on the finite element method 3.574

R. De Weerdt, K. Hameyer, R. Belmans, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium)

Modelling and simulation of electrical drives at normal and fault conditions 3.580

R. Szczesny, P.J. Chrzan, K. Iwan, Technical University of Gdansk (Poland)

Fuzzy logic supervision of adaptive generalized predictive control of induction motor 3.586

M. A. Brdys, W. L. Sim, The University of Birmingham (United Kingdom)

Modelling and operation of a nonlinear switched reluctance drive based on fuzzy logic 3.592

C. Elmas, O.F. Bay, Gazi Universitesi (Turkey)

Control of self-commutated synchronous motor with dynamic decoupling 3.598

K. Zawirski, Poznan University of Technology (Poland)

Reduced order model of an induction motor drive: sensitivity study for an adaptive control 3.604

I. Slama-Belkhodja, L.S.E.-Ecole Nationale d'Ingenieurs de Tunis (Tunisia), B. de Fornel, L.E.E.I. - I.N.P.T. (France)

A simulation tool for induction motor control 3.610

F. Vasca, P. Marino, R. Setola, Universita degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, V. Mungiguerra, M. Porzio, Ansaldo Trasporti Napoli (Italy)

Control of induction motor drives using discrete predictive frame 3.616

B. Jacquot, B. de Fornel, LEEI, B. Delemontey, C. Iung, CRAN, J. Bavard, GEC-ALSTHOM TRANSPORT SA (France)

Advances in switched reluctance drive system dynamic simulation 3.622

C.R. Elliott, J.M. Stephenson, University of Leeds, M.L. McClelland, Switched Reluctance Drives Ltd. (United Kingdom)

Parameter estimation for induction machines 3.627

R.J.A. Gorter, J.L. Dvaite, P.P.J. van den Bosch, Eindhoven University of Technology (The Netherlands)

Electric energy conservation in pumping processes at a refinery 3.633

R. M. Stephan, U.F.R.J., M. Americo, CEPEL/U.F.R.J., A.G.G. Lima, CEPEL/ELECTROBAS, A. Rodrigues, REDUC/PETROBAS (Brasil)

Simulation of a PWM converter using ICAP/4 to verify the design 3.638

J. D. Triplett, Parsons Brinckerhoff International , M. Deghadi, National Authority for tunnels(Egypt)

A frequency response oriented approach to rotor losses evaluation in converter operated synchronous machines 3.644

M.P. Bottino, G.B. Denegri, M. Invernizzi, A. Morini, University of Genoa Italy (Italy)

Running simulation of the superconductive magnetically levitated system 3.650

S. Ohashi, K. Higashi, H. Ohsaki, E. Masada, The Univ. of Tokyo (Japan)

Modelling and recursive identification of parameters of saturated induction machines 3.656

H.A.L. Miah, P. Lagonotte, J.C. Trigeassou, Ec. Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Poitiers (France)

Methodology to determine the flux control sensitivity to parameter uncertainties of induction motor F.O.C. strategies using flux observers 3.662

B. Robyns, Univ. Catholique de Louvain (Belgium), X. Roboam, ENSEEIHT (France)

Emulator of static converters / electrical machines: application to the test of new control algorithms 3.668

S. Ben Saoud, F. Chouzal, B. Dagues, J.C. Hapiot, LEEI-ENSEEIHT (France)

Sensitivity of the flux control to parameter uncertainties in induction motor direct F.O.C. strategies using a simple flux estimation 3.674

B. Robyns, H. Buyse, Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium)

Simulation of power-losses and ripple-torques of inverter-fed three-phase motors 3.680

P. K. Budig, EAAT GmbH Chemnitz (Germany)

An analytical study of Harmonic Voltages - currents and Torque Ripples in drives fed with optimised PWM voltage patterns 3.686

J. Bonal, A. Wiart, Prométhée (France)

Session D6b: Control (III)

A new approach for synthesizing logic connection controllers in power converters 3.693

B. Francois, J. P. Cambronne, J.P. Hautier, Ecole Centrale de Lille (France)

A simulation tool for the control of a hybrid dynamical system, application to electrical drives 3.699

C. Zanne, F. Ibrahim, C. Iung, Centre de Recherche en Automatique de Nancy (France)

A control method for a generalised converter using instantaneous values of phase voltages 3.704

S. Bouchiker, G.A. Capolino, I.M.T. - UMCS, M. Poloujadoff, University of Paris VI (France)

Recovery of an inverting mode commutation failure in the case of a three phase D.C. thyristor bridge controlled by a digital device 3.710

J. P. Sawicki, J. F. Aubry, C. Zanne, CRAN-ENSEM (France)

Self tuning time optimal algorithm for thyristor converter current control 3.716

S. Bogdan, Z. Kovacic, P. Crnosija, University of Zagreb (Croatia)

The synthesis of converters control with maximum speed of response 3.721

A. S. Iskhakov, S.Y. Serov, N. V. Dedkov, Marine Technical University (Russia)

An unconventional no-constant frequency modulation strategy for static converters 3.724

D. Casini, P. Bolognesi, G. Carrara, L. Taponecco, University of Pisa (Italy)

Control of continuous-mode boost-converters in a unity power factor rectifier 3.730

I. Merfert, H. Mecke, Otto-von-Guericke-Universitaet Magdeburg (Germany)

Reduced reactive power grid connection with on-line compensation of current harmonics 3.736

G. Berger, J. Büttner, M. Schilling, Technical University of Ilmenau, J. Petzoldt, University of Rostock (Germany)

Efficiency optimisation in current controlled variable-speed switched reluctance motor drives 3.741

P.C. Kjaer, C. Cossar, T.J.E. Miller, University of Glasgow - SPEED Laboratory (United Kingdom), F. Blaabjerg, Aalborg University (Denmark)

A voltage mode control strategy for parallel power converters with current sharing 3.748

A. Lago, C. M. Penalver, J. Marcos, Universidad de Vigo (Spain)

Methods to improve dynamic response of power factor preregulators: an overview 3.754

G. Spiazzi, P. Mattavelli, L. Rossetto, University of Padova, (Italy)

Analysis of spectral performance of resonant DC link inverter controlled by delta-sigma modulation 3.760

F. Profumo, R. Uhrin, Politecnico di Torino (Italy)

Session D6c: Special drives

Position estimation in switched-reluctance drives 3.765

P.P. Acarnley, C.D. French, I.H. Al-Bahadly, University of Newcastle (United Kingdom)

High dynamic torque calculator for inverter-fed induction machines 3.771

R. Wieser, Vienna University of Technology (Austria)

A single-phase regenerative variable speed induction motor drive with sinusoidal input current 3.777

M.F. Rahman, L. Zhong, University of New South Wales, S.Y.R. Hui, University of Sydney (Australia)

Nonlinear decoupling control for PWM fed induction motor drive using H∞ optimisation technics 3.781

M. Pietrzak-David, M. Andreas Purwoadi, B. de Fornel, LEEI, J. Kummetz, Universität Hannover (France)

Sensorless position measurement based on PWM EDDY current variation for switched reluctance machine 3.787

Ph. Laurent, B. Multon, E. Hoang, M. Gabsi, L.E.Si.R. - ENS Cachan (France)

Electrically powered actuation in civil aircraft applications 3.793

R. M. Crowder, University of Southampton (United Kingdom)

Design considerations for electric drives for the thrusters of unmanned underwater vehicles 3.799

S. Abu Sharkh, M. R. Harris, R M Crowder, P. H. Chappell, R. L. Stoll, J. K. Sykulski, University of Southampton (United Kingdom)

Control methods for permanent magnet synchronous motor drives with high dynamic performance 3.805

P. Brandstetter, M. Mech, VSB - Technical University Ostrava (Czech Republic)

A novel high speed switched reluctance generator 3.811

W.F. Ray, M. Ebrahim, University of Nottingham (United Kingdom)

Novel electromagnetic actuators using high-temperature superconducting film 3.817

H. Ohsaki, K. Takenami, H. Kaneda, E. Masada, The University of Tokyo (Japan)

A static starter for large gas turbines 3.822

L. Bojtor, J. Csizmazia, I. Gal, E. Paal, P. Szilagyi, G. Stadler, Ganz Ansaldo Electric Ltd. (Hungary)

Session D6d: Servo Drives and Actuators, Education

Investigation of servo-drive system with programmable controller 3.827

R. Muszynski, J. Halamski, Poznan University of Technology (Poland)

Design of sliding observer for back e.m.f., position and speed estimation of interior magnet motors 3.833

P. F. Seixas, B. R Menezes, P. C. Cortizo, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Z.M.A. Peixoto, M. F. Sá Flávia, Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (Brasil)

A new sensorless speed and torque control for permanent magnet synchronous motors: realisation and modelling 3.839

J. Barrenscheen, D. Flieller, D. Kalinowski, J.P. Louis, LESIR (France)

Piezoelectric motor fed by a PLL-controlled series resonant converter 3.845

H. van der Broeck, U. Schaaf, Philips Forschungslaboratorien Aachen (Germany)

Zero-ripple torque control in brushless DC motors: A straightforward approach 3.851

H. Huisman, Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands)

Robust continuous VSS tracking control of an IM drive 3.857

K. Jezernik, A. Hren, D. Drevensek, University of Maribor (Slovenia)

New generation of digital controlling electrical drives: high-precision synchronous servo drive for machine tools axes - robotics - mechatronic modules 3.863

D. B. Izosimov, Russian Academy of Sciences, Y. P. Bogachev, Mechatronica (Russia)

Control design with technological constraints 3.869

P.Ph. Robet, M. Gautier, Laboratoire d'Automatique de Nantes, C. Bergmann, GE44-I.U.T. de Nantes (France)

Active magnetic bearing: advantage of a functioning without premagnetization 3.874

A. Charara, J. De Miras, UTC / HEUDIASYC (France)

3-D FEM analysis of a PM actuator with rotatory and linear motion 3.880

M. Scarano, R. Di Stefano, Universita di Cassino, S. Meo, Universita Napoli "Federico II", M. Villani, Universita di L'Aquila (Italy)

Optimal regulator based on Riccati equation for speed loop brushless DC servo-motors 3.886

R. Magureanu, D. Boghiu, R. Giuclea, L. Kreindler, Polytechnic University of Bucharest (Romania)

On-line identification of mechanical parameters of a step motor drive. Application at the adaptive control 3.892

F. Bétin, L. Nuzzo, C. Goeldel, U.F.R. Sciences de REIMS (France)

Influence of the brushless DC motor torque compensation by acting on the current waveshapes on the torque-speed characteristics 3.898

S. Clénet, J.M. Vinassa, S. Astier, Y. Lefèvre, M. Lajoie-Mazenc, L.E.E.I. (France)

Simplified electronics bring the switched-reluctance motor to the mass market 3.903

J. Nicolai, SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics (France)

Field oriented position control of a hybrid stepper motor 3.908

H. Kellermann, P. Hildinger, G. Brandenburg, J. Heinzl, Technische Universität München (Germany)

A DSP-based non linear controller for induction motor drives 3.914

Marongiu, A. Damiano, Universita di Napoli, C. Attainese, A. Perfetto, Universita di Cagliari (Italy)

Indexed positioning of low power induction actuators 3.919

J.P. Palma, Lab. Nacional de Engenharia Civil (Portugal)

Time-suboptimal model following control of machine tools drives 3.925

S. Brock, T. Kaczmarek, Technical University of Poznan (Poland)

Using multimedia in variable speed drive teaching 3.931

A. Malfait, K. Matthijs, R. Reekmans, K. Hameyer, R. Belmans, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium)

A CAD laboratory in electromagnetics for undergraduates 3.937

R. Mertens, A. Peytier, K. Hameyer, R. Belmans, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium)

Switching DC/DC converter control techniques workbench 3.943

J. A. Martínez, J. M. Alonso, E. López, A.J. Calleja, Universidad de Oviedo (Spain)

Power electronic system simulator for basic education 3.949

K. Zawirski, Poznan University of Technology (Poland)

A simulink approach to power electronics simulations 3.954

E. Rosu, R. Teodorescu, Galati University, (Romania), K. Bresnahan, H. Zelaya dela Parra, Birmingham University (United Kingdom)

Teaching rotating machine and electrical drive performances using the electromagnetic transients program 3.959

G.A. Capolino, I.U.P. - University of Picardie (France), J.A. Martinez-Velasco, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (Spain)

Study and realisation of a three-phase harmonic generator for research and university laboratories 3.965

S. Tnani, CREEBEL, A. Berthon, Institut de Génie Energétique (France)

A multi-DSP system for real-time simulation and control of electric drive systems 3.971

S.G. Bosga, J.J.A. v.d. Burgt, J.L. Duarte, A.J.A. Vandenput, Eindhoven University of Technology (The Netherlands)

An universal laboratory for electrical drives as part of an integrated automation system 3.976

R. Schönfeld, G. H. Geitner, Dresden Technical University (Germany)

Design of a power electronics learning system (PELS) 3.981

M. I. Giménez, V.M. Guzmán, Universidad Simón Bolívar, H. Fernández, UNEXPO (Venezuela)

POST simulation softwares: study and teaching of digital control of static converter / electrical machine assemblies 3.987

B. Dagues, X. Roboam, M. Fadel, P. Azema, LEEI - ENSEEIHT (France)

A low cost PC-based user interactive induction motor drive system for undergraduate laboratories 3.993

P. C.K. Luk, The Robert Gordon University (United Kingdom), K. Drissi El Khamlichi, P. Di Fulvio, R. Fuchey, LASMEA, Université Blaise Pascal (France)

Rotor flux estimation in vector controlled induction machines incorporating the iron loss compensation 3.997

E. Levi, M. Sokola, Liverpool John Moores University, V. Vuckovic, Electrical Institute "Nikoca Tesla" (United Kingdom)

Effect of phase current waveforms on the characteristics and acoustic noise of switched reluctance motors 3.1003

M. Jufer, M. Crivii, Swiss Federal Inst. of Technology Switzerland

A development strategy for education in power electronics 3.1008

J. M. Peter, SEE (France), A. K. Wallace, Oregon State University (USA)

Application of magnetic bearings for high-speed drives 3.1013

P. K. Budig, EAAT GmbH Chemnitz, R. Werner, Technical University Chemnitz (Germany)

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