Republic of Korea
2002 National Institute of Environmental Research, Kvungseodong, X X X X X X -
Seo-Gu, Incheon City
2002 Korea Environment Institute, Kvungseodong, Seo-Gu, Incheon City - - - X X - -
2002 Environmental Management Corporation, Kvungseodong, Seo-Gu, - X X X X X -
Incheon City
2002 Korea Resource, Recovery and Reutilization Corporation, - X X - X - -
Kvungseodong, Seo-Gu, Incheon City
Sources of Technical Assistance for: Notification Technologies Monitoring Illegal traffic
Year Name and address of institutions HW&OW man Assessment Emergency
2002 Singapore Environment Institute (SEI) (National Environment - X X - - - -
2002 National University of Singapore (NUS) - X - - - - -
2002 Nanyang Technological University (NTU) - X - - - - -
2002 Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) - - - - - X -
Sri Lanka
2002 Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources - - - X - - -
2002 Central Environmental Authority X - - X X - X
2002 Industrial Technology Institute - - X X - - -
2002 Sri Lanka Customs X - - - - - X
2002 University of Colombo, University of Moratuwa, University of - - - - - - -
2002 National Engineering Research and Development Institute - - - - - - -
2002 Small and Medium Enterprise Developers as the implementing - - - - - - -
agency of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce and
Industries, Sri Lanka for the Cleaner Production Center
2002 Department of Industrial Works (DIW) X X X X X - X
2002 Pollution Control Department (PCD) - X X X X X X
2002 Environmental Research and Training Center (ERTC) - - - X X - X
2002 Department of Environment Quality Promotion (DEQP) - - X - X - -
2002 Environmental Research Institute of Chulalongkorn University (ERIC) - X X X X X X
Sources of Technical Assistance for: Notification Technologies Monitoring Illegal traffic
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