Year Name and address of institutions

Yüklə 0,79 Mb.
ölçüsü0,79 Mb.

Table 4: Sources of Technical Assistance

Sources of Technical Assistance for: Notification Technologies Monitoring Illegal traffic

Year Name and address of institutions HW&OW man Assessment Emergency

UN Region: Africa


2002 GTZ - X X - X - -


2002 Botswana Technology Centre - - X - X - -

2002 University of Botswana - X X X X - -

2002 Botswana Institute of Engineers - X X X X - -

2002 Med-Rescue - - - - - X -

2002 Botswana National Police - - - - - - X

2002 Botswana Customs Excise - - - - - - X

2002 Botswana Chapter -Institute of Waste Management - X X X - - -

Remarks 2002 National Disaster Preparedness Committee established and measures for its strengthening being established/ensured.


2002 Cairo University, Environmental Hazardous Mitigation Centre. - X X X X - -

2002 Ain Shams University, Institute of Environment and Studies - - X - - - -

2002 Customs X - - - X - X

2002 Suez Canal Authority X X - - X X X

2002 National Research Center - - X X - - -

2002 Scientific Research Academy - - X X - - -

2002 Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency - - - - - - -

2002 Six line ministries identified by the environment law X X X X X X X


2002 No assistance available - - - - - - -


2002 National Environment Agency X X X X X X X

Sources of Technical Assistance for: Notification Technologies Monitoring Illegal traffic

Year Name and address of institutions HW&OW Assessment Emergency

2002 Kenya Industrial Research Institute - - X - - - -

2002 Kenya Ports Authority - - - - - - X

2002 National Environment Management Authority X X - X X - X

2002 Government Chemist - Mombasa - - - - X - -

2002 Kenya National Cleaner Production - X X X - - X

2002 Institute of Nuclear Research University of Nairobi - - - X X - -


2002 CNRE: Ministère de la Recherche Scientifique - - - - - - -

2002 Ministère de la Santé (CHU/HJRA) - - - - - - -

2002 Ministère de l’Environnement - - - - - - -

2002 Ministère de l’Industrie - - - - - - -


2002 No assistance available - - - - - - -


2002 Moroccan Centre of Clean Production (CMPP) - - - - - - -

Remarks 2002 The CMPP plays a coordinating as well as catalytic role of a natural cleaner production market by means of:

the promotion and dissemination of the concept of sustainable ecological industridevelopment;

improvement of the performance and competitiveness of the enterpris; and

making public opinion sensitive and aware of cleaner production technologies.


2002 Ministry of Environmental Affairs X X X X X X X

2002 Universidade Eduardo Mondlane - - X - - - -

2002 INNOQ - - X - - - -

2002 National Centre for cleaner production - X X - X - -


2002 Ministère de l’Hydraulique, l’Environnement X X - X X - -

Sources of Technical Assistance for: Notification Technologies Monitoring Illegal traffic

Year Name and address of institutions HW&OW man Assessment Emergency
2002 Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche et de la - X X X X - -


2002 Direction Générale des Douanes - - - - - - X

2002 Ministère de l’Intérieur - - - - X X X

2002 Ministère de la Défense Nationale - - - - - X X

2002 Institut des Radio-isotopes (Université de Niamey) - X X X X - -

2002 Institut National de radio-protection à Niamey - X X X - X -


2002 Ministry of Environment X X X - X - -

2002 Ministry of Health - - - - - X -

2002 Custom Authority - - - - - - X

2002 Seychelles Bureau of Standards - - X - X X -

2002 Star (Seychelles) Limited - X - - - - -

South Africa

2002 Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism X X X - X X X

2002 Department of Water Affairs and Forestry - X - X X X -

2002 Potchefstroom University - X X - - X -

2002 Other Universities that offer courses - X X - - X -

2002 Institute of Waste Management - X X X X X -

2002 Basel Convention Regional Centre - X - - - - -

2002 Various Consultancy Firms - X X X - - -

2002 South Africa Revenue Services (Customs and Excise Division) - - - - - - X

2002 Department of Provincial and Local Government - X X X X X -

2002 Cleaner Production Centre - - X - - - -

Tanzania (United Republic of)

2002 Chemical and Process, Engineering Department, University of - X X X - - -

Dar-Es-Salaam, P.O. Box 35131 Dar-Es-Salaam

2002 Department of Environmental Engineering, University College of - X X X - - -

Lands and Architectural Studies, P.O. Box 35175, Dar-Es-Salaam

Sources of Technical Assistance for: Notification Technologies Monitoring Illegal traffic

Year Name and address of institutions HW&OW man Assessment Emergency
2002 Cleaner Production Centre of Tanzania, Dar-Es-Salaam - - X - - - -


2002 No assistance available - - - - - - -

Remarks 2002


2002 Environmental Council of Zambia, Box 35131, Lusaka X X X X X - -

2002 University of Zambia, 32379, Lusaka - X X - - - -

2002 Copperbelt University - X X - - - -

2002 Zambia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ZACCI), Box 30844, - - X - - - -


2002 Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit, Vice President’s Office, - - - - - X -


UN Region: Asia and Pacific


2002 Training Center of the Ministry of Ecology & Natural Resources, X X - - - X -

Baku 370073, Str.B.Aghayer, 100-A

2002 Center of Environmentally Sound Technologies, Baku - - X - - - -

370073,Str.B.Aghayer, 100-A

2002 Center on Hazardous Wastes management, Baku, Neftchiler X X - X X - X

Avenue, 91

2002 Radioactive Issues institute, Physical Environment Center, Baku, H. - X - - X - X

Javid Avenue, 31

2002 Institute on Chemical Issues, Baku, H. Javid Avenue,29 - - X X - - -


2002 General Commission for the Protection of Marine Resources, X X X X X X X

Environment & Wildlife Environmental Affairs P.O.Box 32657 Isa

Sources of Technical Assistance for: Notification Technologies Monitoring Illegal traffic

Year Name and address of institutions HW&OW man Assessment Emergency

2002 Department of Environment, E-16, Agargaon, Dhaka-1207 X X X X X X X


2002 Ministry of Environment, #48, Samdech Preah Sihanenek, Tonle X X X X X X X

Bassac, Chamkar Morn, Phnom Penh


2002 - - - - - - -

Source 2002 Information could be obtained from the Focal Point.


2002 Assistant Deputy of Manufacture, Infrastructure and Services X X X X X X X

Affair, 5th floor, Jl. D.I. Panjaitan Kav 24, Jakarta

2002 Directorate of Customs, Jl. A. Yani, Jakarta X - - - X - X

2002 Department of Industry and Trade X - - - X - X

Iran (Islamic Republic of)

2002 Sharif University/Tehran-Iran X X X X X X X

2002 Tehran University/Tehran-Iran X X X X X X X

2002 Tarbiat Modaress University/Tehran-Iran X X X X X X X

2002 Khageh Nassir University/Tehran-Iran X X X X X X X

2002 Shiraz University/Shiraz-Iran X X X X X X X

2002 Amir Kabir University of sience and Technology/Tehran-Iran X X X X X X X


2002 Ministry of the Environment X - - - - - -

2002 Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry X - - - - - -

2002 Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) - X X X - - -

Remarks 2002 JICA holds seminar on comprehensive solid waste management periodically.

Sources of Technical Assistance for: Notification Technologies Monitoring Illegal traffic

Year Name and address of institutions HW&OW man Assessment Emergency

2002 Royal Scientific Society - X X - - - -

2002 Civil Defense Department - - X - - X -

2002 Ministry of Health - X X - X - -

2002 Customs Department X - - - - - X

2002 Ministry of Trade and Industry X - - - X - -

2002 General Command of Army - X X - - X -

2002 Universities - X X X - X -


2002 Department of Environment X X - X X - -

2002 Customs and Excise Department - - - - - - X

2002 Hazmat, Fire and Rescue Services - - - - - X -

2002 Standards and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia (SIRIM) - - X - - - -


2002 University of the Philippines- National Engineering Center - X X X X - -


2002 University of Qatar - - - X X - -

2002 Qatar Petroleum - X - - - X -

Republic of Korea

2002 National Institute of Environmental Research, Kvungseodong, X X X X X X -

Seo-Gu, Incheon City

2002 Korea Environment Institute, Kvungseodong, Seo-Gu, Incheon City - - - X X - -

2002 Environmental Management Corporation, Kvungseodong, Seo-Gu, - X X X X X -

Incheon City

2002 Korea Resource, Recovery and Reutilization Corporation, - X X - X - -

Kvungseodong, Seo-Gu, Incheon City

Sources of Technical Assistance for: Notification Technologies Monitoring Illegal traffic

Year Name and address of institutions HW&OW man Assessment Emergency

2002 Singapore Environment Institute (SEI) (National Environment - X X - - - -



2002 National University of Singapore (NUS) - X - - - - -

2002 Nanyang Technological University (NTU) - X - - - - -

2002 Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) - - - - - X -

Sri Lanka

2002 Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources - - - X - - -

2002 Central Environmental Authority X - - X X - X

2002 Industrial Technology Institute - - X X - - -

2002 Sri Lanka Customs X - - - - - X

2002 University of Colombo, University of Moratuwa, University of - - - - - - -


2002 National Engineering Research and Development Institute - - - - - - -

2002 Small and Medium Enterprise Developers as the implementing - - - - - - -

agency of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce and

Industries, Sri Lanka for the Cleaner Production Center


2002 Department of Industrial Works (DIW) X X X X X - X

2002 Pollution Control Department (PCD) - X X X X X X

2002 Environmental Research and Training Center (ERTC) - - - X X - X

2002 Department of Environment Quality Promotion (DEQP) - - X - X - -

2002 Environmental Research Institute of Chulalongkorn University (ERIC) - X X X X X X

Sources of Technical Assistance for: Notification Technologies Monitoring Illegal traffic

Year Name and address of institutions HW&OW man Assessment Emergency

2002 State Committee for Nature Protection, 99, A. Timur St., Tashkent, X X X X X X -


2002 Tashkent Research Institute “VODGEO”, 7, Drujba Narodov Ave., X X X X - - -

block “E”, Tashkent, 700043

2002 Agency “Uzcommunalhizmat”, 1, Nijazbek juli, Tashkent, 700035 - - X X - - -

2002 Ministry of Emergency, 6, Mustakillik, Tashkent, 700078 - - - - - X -

Viet Nam

2002 National Environment Agency X X - X X X X

2002 Ministry of Industry - X - X - - -

2002 Ministry of Agricultural Rural Development - X - - - - -

2002 Ministry of Construction - - - X - - -

UN Region: Western Europe and Others


2002 Department of Environment (Ministeri d’Agricultura i Medi X X - X - - -

Ambient,Carrer Prat de la Creu, 62-64, Andorra la Vella,

tel: (376) 875-707, fax: (376) 869-833,

e- mail :


2002 - - - - - - -

Source 2002 A complete list could be obtained from the following web sites:

Sources of Technical Assistance for: Notification Technologies Monitoring Illegal traffic

Year Name and address of institutions HW&OW man Assessment Emergency


2002 - - - - - - -

Source 2002 Information could be obtained from:

Federal environment Agency, A-1990 Spittelaur Lände 5, Vienna.

Or Via the internet: and


2002 - - - - - - -

Source 2002 A complete list could be obtained from the Competent Authorities.


2002 Director, Transboundary Movement Branch, Toxic Pollution - - - - - - -

Prevention Directorate, Environment Canada, 351 St. Joseph Blvd.,

12th floor, Gatineau, Québec, K1A OH3, Tel: (1-819) 956-5263,

Fax: (1-819) 997-3068

2002 Canadian Environmental Industry Association, S 802-280 Albert - - - - - - -

Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1P 5G8, Tel: 1(613) 236-6222

2002 Directory of Contaminated Sites Services, Chief, Contaminated - - - - - - -

Sites Division, Environmental Technologies Advancement

Directorate, Environment Canada, 351 St. Joseph., 12th floor, Hull,

Québec, K1A OH3.

2002 Association of Consulting Engineers of Canada, 130 Albert St., - - - - - - -

Suite 616, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 5G4, Tel: 1(613)

2002 Association of Municipal Recycling Coordinators, 127 Wyndham - - - - - - -

St.N. Suite 100, Guelph, Ontario, N1H 4E9, Tel: 1(519) 823-1990

Sources of Technical Assistance for: Notification Technologies Monitoring Illegal traffic

Year Name and address of institutions HW&OW man Assessment Emergency
2002 Chief, Emergency Sciences Division, Environmental Technology - - - - - - -

Advancement Directorate, Environmental Technology Centre,

Environment Canada, 3439 River Road, Gloucester, Ontario, K1A


2002 “Directory of Hazardous Waste Services” available from: Southam - - - - - - -

Information and Technology Group, 1450 Don Mills Road, North

York, Ontario, M3B 2X7

2002 “Canadian Environmental Directory 1998/99” available from: - - - - - - -

Publisher: IHS/Micromedia, ISSN 1187-1202 or on CD-ROM

format, ISSN 1480-95-32, IHS SOLUTIONS LIMITED, 1 Antares

Drive, Nepean, Ontario, K2E 8C4, (1-613) 225-2300


2002 Danish EPA, Strandgade 29, 1401 Copenhagen, Denmark. Help is X X X X X X X

granted on ad hoc basis

2002 Municipalities. Help is granted on ad hoc basis - - - X X X X


2002 - - - - - - -

Source 2002 Several universities, research institutes and private companies. It is not possible to give an exhaustive list of them. In the following list

there are governmental organizations and companies partly owned by the government, as an example of the assistance available:

Ministry of the Environment (focal point of the Basel Convention), Contact information: P.O. Box 35, FIN-00023 Government, tel.

(358 9) 16007, fax (358 9) 1603 9716, website;

Finnish Environment Institute: environmental research and development organization dealing, among other things, with various

matters connected with wastes and their management. Finnish Environment Institute is also the competent authority responsible for the

control of transboundary movements of wastes. Contact information: Finnish Environment Institute, P.O. Box 140, FIN-00251

Helsinki, tel. (358 9) 403000,;

Ekokem Ltd: the major hazardous waste disposal facility in Finland comprising e.g. two high-temperature incineration plants, a

physical-chemical plant and a special landfill.

Ekokem Ltd possesses a lot of expertise and know-how on hazardous waste management and environmentally sound technologies.

Contact information: Ekokem Ltd, P.O.Box 181, FIN-11101 Riihimäki, tel (358 10) 7551 000, fax (358 10) 7551 300), web-site; and

Sources of Technical Assistance for: Notification Technologies Monitoring Illegal traffic

Year Name and address of institutions HW&OW man Assessment Emergency
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland: Research institute having expertise on various sectors including environmental protection,

waste management and non-waste technology. Contact information: VTT, P.O. Box 1000, FIN-02044 VTT, tel. (358 9) 4561, fax

(358 9) 4567000, web-site


2002 ADEME (Agence de l’Environnement et de la Maitrise de l’Energie), - X X X X - -

2 square Lafayette, BP 406, 49004 Angers Cedex

2002 INERIS, Parc Technologique Alata, BP 2, 60550 Verneuil-en-Alatte - X X X X - -

2002 INSA-POLDEN, BP 2132 Villeurbanne Cedex - X X X X - -

2002 BRGM, BP 6009, 45060 Orleans Cedex 2 - X X X X - -

Remarks 2002 The most important companies treating waste have research laboratories and also provide assistance in these fields.


2002 Competent authorities pursuant to Art. 5 (see Annex I) in particular X X - X X - X

the Focal Point

2002 Universitiesss - X X - - - -

2002 Chambers of Trade and Commerce - X X - - - -

2002 Customs - - - - - - X

2002 Police - - - - - - X

2002 Technisches Hilfswerk (Federal Disaster Relief Organization) - - - - - X -

Source 2002 Further information can be obtained from the Focal Point.


2002 Environment and Food Agency of Iceland, Suðurlandsbraut 24, X X X X X X X

IS-128, Reykjavík

2002 Reykjavík Fire Brigade, Skógarhlíð 14, IS-101, Reykjavík - - - - - X -


2002 Hazardous Materials Training Center (MOE) - X X - - X -

2002 Ministry of Labor (Safety & Hygiene Institution) - X X - - - -

2002 Hebrew University, Jerusalem - X X - X - -

2002 Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheva - X X - - - -

Sources of Technical Assistance for: Notification Technologies Monitoring Illegal traffic

Year Name and address of institutions HW&OW man Assessment Emergency
2002 Technion (Israel Institute of Technology), Haifa - X X - - - -

2002 Hazardous Materials Division (MOE) X X X X X X X

2002 Hydrological Service (Water Governorship) - - - - X - -

2002 Clean Production Center - - X - - - -


2002 Ministero dell’ambiente e della tutela del territorio – Servizio Ri.Bo. X X - X X X X

Via C.Colombo,

44 – 00147 Roma

2002 Agenzia Nazionale per la Protezione dell’Ambiente e per i Servizi – - X X X X X -

Via V.Brancati, 4800100 Roma

2002 Istituto Superiore di Sanità V.le Regina Elena, 299 00100 Roma - X - X X X -

2002 Ente per le Nuove Tecnologie, l’Energia e l’Ambiente – Lungotevere - - X - - - -

Grande Ammiraglio Thaon di Revel, 76 00196 Roma

2002 CNR – Istituto per lo Studio dei Materiali Nanostrutturati – - - X - - - -

ISMNVia Salaria Km.29,300016 Monterotondo (RM)

2002 Dipartimento per la Protezione CivileVia Ulpiano, 11, 00100 Roma - - - - - X -

2002 Ministero dell’ambiente e della tutela del territorio – Servizio Ri.Bo. X X - X X X X

Via C.Colombo,

44 – 00147 ROMA

2002 Agenzia Nazionale per la Protezione dell’Ambiente e per i Servizi – - X X X X X -

Via V.Brancati, 48, 00100 ROMA


2002 Administration of the Environment, Division des Déchets, 16, rue X - - - X - X

Ruppert,L-2453, Luxembourg

2002 CRTE, 66, rue de Luxembourg, L-4002 ESCH/ALZETTE - - X - - - -

2002 SuperDrecksKëscht fiir Betriiber18, rue Stümper, L-2557 - X - - - - -


2002 - - - - - - -

Source 2002 Focal point of Monaco to the Basel Convention.

Sources of Technical Assistance for: Notification Technologies Monitoring Illegal traffic

Year Name and address of institutions HW&OW man Assessment Emergency

2002 National Institute of Public Health and the Environment, LEA P.O. - - - - X - -

Box 1, 3720 BA Bilthoven

2002 Waste Management Council, P.O. Box 19015, 3501 DA Utrecht - X - X X - -

2002 LMA, P.O. Box 241, 3440 AE Woerden - - - - X - -

2002 Association of Dutch Waste Processors, P.O. Box 135, 4840 AC - X X - - - -


2002 VVAV Vereniging van Afvalverwerkers, Postbus 19300, 3501 DH - X X - - - -


2002 Inspectorate of the Environment “Incident Room”, Tel: +31 70 339 X - - - - X X

4341,Fax: +31 70 339 1301

2002 Association of Provinces (IPO), PO Box 97728, 2509 GC The Hague - X - X X - -

Source 2002 Information can be obtained from these websites:,,,,,,

New Zealand

2002 Director, Centre for Sustainable Management, Dept. of Civil and - X X X - X -

Resource Engineering, University of Auckland, Private Bag, 92019,



2002 - - - - - - -

Source 2002 Please contact the Focal Point in case of necessity.


2002 Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Serrrano - X X - X X -

117, 28006-Madrid,

2002 Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y - X X X X X -

Tecnológicas (CIEMAT), Avenida Complutense 22, 28040-Madrid,

Sources of Technical Assistance for: Notification Technologies Monitoring Illegal traffic

Year Name and address of institutions HW&OW man Assessment Emergency
2002 Centro de Estudios y Experimentación de Obras Públicas (CEDEX), - X X - X X -

Alfonso XII 3/5, 28014-Madrid,

2002 Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Sinesio Delgado 6 (pabellón 3), - - - X X X -


2002 Instituto Tecnológico Geominero de España (ITGE), Ríos Rosas - - - X X X -

23, 28003-Madrid

2002 Instituto Nacional de Oceanografía de España (IEO), Avenida de - - - - X - -

Brasil 31, 28020-Madrid,

2002 Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y - - X - X - -

Alimentaria (INIA)Carretera Coruña km 7.5,


2002 No assistance available - - - - - - -

Remarks 2002


2002 - - - - - - -

Source 2002 Contact Swiss focal point or contact Swiss Competent Authority.


2002 Ministry of Environment X X X X X - X

2002 Ministry of Industrial and Trade - - X - - - -

2002 Turkish Union of Stock Markets and Chambers of Commerce and - X X - X X -


2002 Middle East Technical University (Department of Environmental - X X X X X -

and Chemical Engineering)

2002 Bogaziçi University (Turkish National Committee on Solid Wastes) - X X - X X -

2002 Institution of Turkish Scientific and Technical Research - - - - X - -

Sources of Technical Assistance for: Notification Technologies Monitoring Illegal traffic

Year Name and address of institutions HW&OW man Assessment Emergency
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

2002 Waste Management, Industry and Training Advisory Board - X X X X X -

(WAMITAB), Peterbridge House, 3 The Lakes, Northampton NN4

7HE, Tel: + 44 (0) 1604 231950,

Fax: + 44 (0) 1604 232457, e-mail:

2002 Environmental Services Association (ESA), 154 Buckingham Palace - X X X X X -

Road, London SW1W 9TR, Tel: + 44 (0) 20 7824 8882, Fax: + 44

(0) 20 7824 8753,


2002 The Chartered Institute of Wastes Management (CIWM), 9 Saxon - - - - - - -

Court, St. Peters Gardens, Northampton NN1 1SX,Tel: + 44 (0) 1604

620426, Fax: + 44 (0) 1604 621339


2002 Environment Agency, TFS National Service, Richard Fairclough X X X X X X X

House, Knutsford Road, Latchford, WarringtonCheshire WA4

1HG,Tel: + 44 (0) 1925 653999, Fax: +44 (0) 1925


2002 Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA), Clearwater X X X X X X X

House, Heriott Watt Research Park, Avenue North Riccarton,

Edinburgh, EH14 4AP,Tel: + 44 (0) 131 449 7296, Fax: + 44 (0) 131

449 7277,

2002 Waste Management Information Bureau (WMIB), F6 Culham, - X X - - - -

Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 3DB, Tel: + 44 (0) 1235 463162,

Fax: +44 (0) 1235 463004,


2002 National Chemical Emergency Centre (NCEC), F6 Culham, - - - - - X -

Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 3ED, Tel: +44 (0) 1235 463060,

Fax: +44 (0) 1235 463070, E-mail:,

Sources of Technical Assistance for: Notification Technologies Monitoring Illegal traffic

Year Name and address of institutions HW&OW man Assessment Emergency
UN Region: Central and Eastern Europe


2002 NEA – National Environmental Agency (Ministry of Environment) - X - - X X -

2002 Ministry of Agriculture and Food (Soil Institution) X X X X X - -

2002 Ministry of Public Economy and Privatization (Institutions under its X X X X X - -


2002 Ministry of Health X X X - X - -

2002 GeoAlba – Albanian Geological Service - - - X - - -

2002 Custom Offices - - - - - - X

2002 ECAT – Tirana - X - - X - -

2002 Politechnie University of Tirana - - X - - - -


2002 Ministry of Nature Protection - X X X X X -

2002 Ministry of Trade and Economic Development - X X X - - -

2002 Ministry of Health - X X X X - -

2002 Department of Emergency Situations X - - - - X -

2002 Custom State Committee - - - - - - X

2002 Ministry of Agriculture - X X X - - -

2002 Ministry of Energy - X X X - - -



ECOLOGY”Address: V. Khoruzhey Str.31a Minsk 220002 tel: (375

17) 234 76 09/ 234 96 03tel/fax (375 17) 23480 72 e-mail:,*

Remarks 2002 *Field of assistance: management of hazardous and other waste, environmentally safe technologies, Assessment of Waste Disposal


Sources of Technical Assistance for: Notification Technologies Monitoring Illegal traffic

Year Name and address of institutions HW&OW man Assessment Emergency

2002 - - - - - - -

Source 2002 Ministry of Environment and Water, Waste Management Directorate

67, “William Gladstone” Str., Sofia 1000

tel: (359-2) 940-6531/6530, fax: (359-2) 986-4848

e-mail: ;


2002 - - - - - - -

Source 2002 Information could be obtained from the Focal Point. The hazardous waste inventories are in the process of preparation.


2002 Estonian Environmental Research Institute Centre, Marja 4d, 10617, - - - - X - -



2002 No assistance available - - - - - - -


2002 KGI - Directorate of Environmental Protection, H-1068 Budapest, X X X X X - -

Szofia str. 9. (Consulting Engineering and Workshops)

2002 Technical University of Budapest, H-1111 Budapest, Mûegyetem - X X - - - -

Embankment, 3. Environmental protection overcourses (Education

and training)

2002 University of Horticulture and Food Industry, Environmental - - X X X X -

Overcourse Center, H-1118 Budapest, Villányi road 29-35.

(Education and training)

2002 University of Veszprém Environmental Protection Faculty H-8200 - X X X X - -

Veszprém (Education and training)

2002 University of Miskolc, H-3515 Miskolc, Egyetemváros (Education - X X X X - -

and training)

Sources of Technical Assistance for: Notification Technologies Monitoring Illegal traffic

Year Name and address of institutions HW&OW man Assessment Emergency
2002 Gödöllõ University of Agricultural Sciences, Environmental - X X X - - -

Protection Faculty, H-2100 Gödöllõ, Páter K. str. 1. (Education and


2002 Other organizations among others the Technical Scientists - X X - X - -

Associations organized short term conferences and workshops

Source 2002 EIM Directorate of Environmental Protection (H-1068 Budapest, Sófia u. 9. Phone: 36-1-209-1000 Fax: 36-1-209-1001)

Association of Environmental Services and Producers (H-1133 Budapest, Hegedûs Gyula u. 68. Phone/Fax: 36-1-350-7271)


2002 Center of Environmental Science and Management Studies of - X X - - - -

University of Latvia, 19, Raina blvd, Riga

2002 Latvian Waste Managements Associations, 21 Aizkraukles Str, Riga - X - - - - -

Source 2002


2002 Association of Ecological Engineering (Dominykonu 4, Vilnius) - X X - - - -


2002 Institute of Mechanised Construction & Rock Mining - X X X X - -

2002 Institute of Environmental Protection - X X X X - -

2002 Main Mining Institute - X X X X - -

2002 State Geological Institute – hazardous waste landfills - - - X X - -

Source 2002 A complete list of the facilities could be obtained from the Competent Authority.

Remarks 2002 Almost all technical universities have faculties/teams dealing with waste management.


2002 - - - - - - -

Remarks 2002 Information not available.

Russian Federation

2002 Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation (MNR of X X X X X X X


2002 Centre forr International Projects (Subregional Training centre) - X X X X - -

Sources of Technical Assistance for: Notification Technologies Monitoring Illegal traffic

Year Name and address of institutions HW&OW man Assessment Emergency
2002 FGU "Federal Guidance Centre for Environmental Analysis & - X X X X - -

Monitoring" of MNR RF

2002 Territory Bodies of MNR of Russia X X X X X X X

2002 "Center for Environmental & Economic Research & information" of - X X X X - -


2002 NP "ITTs-Plus" - X X X X - -

Serbia and Montenegro

2002 Department for Environment, Federal Secretariat for Labour, Health X X X X - - X

and Social Care, Federal Building I, 11070 Belgrade

2002 City Public Health Institute,29.novembra 54a,11000 Belgrade - X - - X X X

2002 Institute for nuclear and other mineral raw materials – ITNMS, - - X - - - -

Frans D’Epere 86, 11000 Belgrade


2002 Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic, Nam. L.Stura 1, X X X X X X X


2002 SEA, Centre of Waste and Environmental Management Bratislava, X X X - X X X

Hanulova 5/D, Bratislava

2002 Regional Training Centre Bratislava,Klobucnicka 7, Bratislava X X X - X X X

2002 Slovak Technical University, Bratislava - X X - - - -

2002 Slovak Inspectorate of Environment, Karloveska 2, Bratislava X X - - - X X

2002 Experts established by the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak - X X X - - -


2002 National Cleaner Production Centre, Bratislava - X X - - - -

2002 Central Customs Authority, Bratislava - - - - - - X

2002 Industrial private sector - X X X X - -


2002 Environmental Agency of RS, Vojkova 1b, SI-1000 Ljubljana X X X X X - X

2002 Environmental Inspectorate of RS, Dunajska 47, SI-1000 Ljubljana - - - - X X X

Sources of Technical Assistance for: Notification Technologies Monitoring Illegal traffic

Year Name and address of institutions HW&OW man Assessment Emergency
2002 Ministry for Internal Affaires, Uprava uniformirane policije, - - - - - X X

Stefanova 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana

2002 Ministry for Internal Affaires, Uprava policije, CNB - Interpol - - - - - - X

Ljubljana, Stefanova 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana

2002 Ministry for Difence, Uprava RS za zascito in resevanje, Kardeljeva - - - - - X -

ploscad 21, SI-1000 Ljubljana

2002 Ministry for Finance, Carinska uprava RS, Generalni carinski urad, - - - - - X X

Smartinska 55, SI-1000 Ljubljana

2002 Statisticni urad RS, Vozarski pot 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana - - - - X - -

2002 Institutions for environmental impact assessment reports ** - - - X - - -

2002 Institutions for waste identification * - X - - - - -

Source 2002 * The list of Institutions for waste identification can be found on:

** The list of Institutions for environmental impact assessment reports can be found on:

The lists are under “point 2” (first point: for general authorization, second point: for specific authorization).

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

2002 Agency of Environment - X - X - X X

2002 Faculty of chemistry - - X - X - -

2002 State custom organization X - - - - - X


2002 National center on hazardous waste handling, 39, Degtyariovska - X X X X X -

St., Kyiv 113, Ukraine 03113

2002 Ukrainian scientific research institute of environmental problems, 6, - X X X X - -

Bakulin St., Kharkiv 166, Ukraine 61166

2002 Industrial waste management center, 6, Bakulin St., Kharkiv 166, X X X X X X -

Ukraine 61166

2002 Inter-departmental environmental center60, Lenin Avenue, - X - X X X -

Kharkiv-1, Ukraine 61001

Sources of Technical Assistance for: Notification Technologies Monitoring Illegal traffic

Year Name and address of institutions HW&OW man Assessment Emergency
2002 Scientific technical center “Ecosafety and resources saving”, 39, - - X - - - -

Degtyariovska St., Kyiv 113, Ukraine 03113

UN Region: Latin America and the Caribbean

Antigua and Barbuda

2002 Ministry of Health and Social Improvement, Central of Health X X - X X X X

2002 Ministry of Environment and Tourism Environment Division X - - - - X X

2002 National Solid waste Management Authority, (NSWMA) X X X X X X X

2002 Ministry of Agriculture Lands and Fisheries, Plant Protection - X X - X X -

Division Food and Chemistry Technology Division (Dunbars Lab),

Extention Division

2002 Customs Division/Ministry of Finance X - - - - X X

2002 Antigua and Barbuda Port Authority/Ministry of Finance X - - - X X X

2002 Caribbean Water Treatment - - X X X X -

2002 Other Ministries - X - - - X -


2002 Secretaría de Desarrollo Sustentable y Política Ambiental, San X X X X X X X

Martín 459, Buenos Aires (1004), Argentina, 05411-4348-8425,,

2002 Universidad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales (UBA), Ciudad - X X X X X -

Universitaria, Buenos Aires, 05411-4576-3361, e-mail:

2002 INTI-Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial, Av. Gral. Paz - - X X X X -

e/Albarellos y Avenida de los Constituyentes, 05411-4724-0587

2002 Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica, CNEA, Av. Del Libertador - - X X X X -

8250, 05411-0704-1000

2002 INA - Instituto Nacional del Agua y el Ambiente, Autop. Ezeiza - - X X X X -

Cañuelas km1620, Ezeiza, 05411-44480-9219/448.9225

2002 CITEFA Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de las - - X X X X -

FFAA, J. Zufriategui 4380-Villa Martelli, 05411-4709-0391

Sources of Technical Assistance for: Notification Technologies Monitoring Illegal traffic

Year Name and address of institutions HW&OW man Assessment Emergency
Source 2002


2002 Barbados National Standards InstituteCulloden Rd, St. MichaelTel: - X - - X - -

(1-246) 426-3870

2002 GAS – Analytical Services Laboratory Culloden Rd, St. MichaelTel: - X - - X - -

(1-246) 426-0681

2002 The University of West Indies Cave Hill Campus, Cave Hill, St. - X X - X - -

MichaelTel: (1-246) 417-4000

2002 Environmental Engineering Division Jemmotts Lane, St. Michael X X X X X X -

Tel: (1-246) 436-4820

2002 Customs and Excise Department Port Authority Building, University X - - - - - X

Row,St. Michael, Tel: (1-246) 430-2300

2002 Central Emergency Relief Organisation, BNB Building, Corner - X - - - X -

James and Coleridge Street, Bridgetown, St. MichaelTel: (1-246)

2002 Environmental Unit – Ministry of Housing, Lands and the - X X - - - -

Environment, SP Musson Building, Hinks Street, Bridgetown St.

Michael, Tel: (1-246) 467-5700, Fax: (1-246) 437-8859

2002 Fire Service, Probyn Street, Bridgetown, St. Michael, Tel: (1-246) - - - - - X -


2002 Police Department, BridgetownSt. Michael, Tel: (1-246) 430-7105 - - - - - X -


2002 Companhia de Tecnologia de Saneamento Ambiental (CETESB), X X X X X X -

Av. Prof. Frederico Herman Jr. 345, Altos de Pinheiros, São

Paulo/SP CEP 05489-900

2002 Fundação Estadual de Engenharia do Meio Ambiente (FEEMA), Rua X X X X X X -

Fonseca Telesm 121, 15o andar, São Cristovão, Rio de Janeiro/RJ

– CEP 20.940-200

2002 Fundação Estadual de Proteção Ambiental (FEPAM), Av. A. J. X X - - X X -

Renner, 10, Navegantes, Porto Alegre/RS, CEP 90.245-000

Sources of Technical Assistance for: Notification Technologies Monitoring Illegal traffic

Year Name and address of institutions HW&OW man Assessment Emergency
2002 Fundação Estadual de Meio Ambiente (FATMA), Rua Felipe X X - - X X -

Schmidt, 485 Centro, Florianópolis/SC, CEP 88.010-9

2002 Instituto Ambiental do paraná (IAP),Rua Desembargador Motta, X X - - X X -

3.384, Curitiba/PR, CEP 80.430-200

2002 Fundação Estadual do Meio Ambiente do Estado de Minas Gerais X X - - X X -

(FEAM) - Av. Prudente de Morais, 1.671/Belo Horizonte/MG -

CEP: 30.300 -000

2002 Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas – IPT - Av. Armando Salles, - - X - - - -

Cidade Universitária, São Paulo/SP – CEP 05.508-991

2002 Universidade de São Paulo – USP - (same address as above) - - X - - - -

2002 Universidade de Campinas – UNICAMP - Pátio da Reitoria - - X - - - -

Universitária, Barão Geraldo Campinas/SP - CEP 13.081-970

2002 Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio Janeiro – UFRJ - Cidade - - X - - - -

Universitária – Ilha do Fundão – Rio de Janeiro/RJ - CEP

2002 Superintendência de Limpeza Urbana de Belo Horizonte - SLU/BH - - - X - - - -

Av. Eugênio Ricaldoni, 440 - Gameleira. Belo Horizonte/MG -


2002 Serviço de Limpeza Urbana do Distrito Federal – SLU - SEPS - - X - - - -

Q.702/902 - Ed. LEX - 2º andar. - Brasília/DF - CEP: 70.390-025

2002 Centro das Indústrias das Cidades Industriais de MG/Centro de - - X - - - -

Assistência Industrial para o Meio Ambiente - CICI/CAIMA – Av.

Babita Camargos, 766, Cidade Industrial.-Contagem/MG - CEP:


2002 Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná – PUC/PR - Rua - - X - - - -

Imaculada Conceição, 1155,/Prado Velho./Curitiba - PR/CEP:


2002 Departamento Municipal de Limpeza Urbana - (Município de Porto - - X - - - -

Alegre) – DMLU -

2002 Associação Brasileira de Entidades de Meio Ambiente – ABEMA - - - X - - - -

Rua General Osório, 83 – Centro – Vitória/ES – CEP: 29 028-900

Sources of Technical Assistance for: Notification Technologies Monitoring Illegal traffic

Year Name and address of institutions HW&OW man Assessment Emergency

2002 Ministry of Health, Mc Iver 541, Santiago - X - - - X -

2002 National Environment Centre, Av. Larraín # 9975, Santiago - X - - - - -

Costa Rica

2002 Universidad Nacional (UNA), Heredia X X - - - - -

2002 Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR), San Pedro X X - - - - -


2002 Centro de Inspección y Control Ambiental X X - - - - X

2002 Centro de Gestión Ambiental - X X - - - -

2002 Consultoría CESIGMA - X X X X - -

2002 Consultoría GEMA - X X X X - -

Dominican Republic

2002 UASD Universidad Autónoma de Santo domingo. Zona - - - - X X -

Universitaria, Santo Domingo

2002 INDOTEC, Avenida Núñmz de Cáceres, Santo Domingo - - X - X X -

2002 Marina de Guerra, Avenida España, Santo Domingo X - - - X X X

2002 Policía Ambiental, Avenida Máximo Gómez, Santo Domingo - - - - X X -


2002 Sociedad de Lucha contra el Cáncer SOLCA, Av. Eloy Alfaro y Los - - - - - X -

Pinos. Quito. (5932) 241 9763

2002 Environmental Quality Subsecretary-Environmental Ministry of X X - X - - X

Ecuador, Eloy Alfaro and Amazonas Av., Building MAG, Floor 7,

Quito, (5932) 256 3492

2002 Clean Production Center, Cámara de la Pequeña Industria, Centro - - X - - - -

de Exposiciones Quito, Piso 2, Quito

2002 Centro de Información Toxicológica, Hospital Eugenio Espejo, - - - - - X -

2002 National Polytechnic University, Ladron de Guevara 253, Quito - X X X X - -

2002 Escuela Politécnica del Litoral, Campus Politécnico, Guayaquil - X X X X - -

Sources of Technical Assistance for: Notification Technologies Monitoring Illegal traffic

Year Name and address of institutions HW&OW man Assessment Emergency

2002 National Centre for Reserch and Environmental Training - - X - - - -

2002 National Institute of Ecology - - X - - - -

2002 Polytechnique national Institute - X X - X - -

2002 Commission for Environmental Cooperation - X X - - - -

2002 Technological Institute for Superior Studies of Monterrey - X X X X X -

2002 Autonomous National University of Mexico - X X X X - -

2002 German Technical Cooperation Agency - X X - X - -

2002 Japan Internacional Cooperation Agency - - - - - - -


2002 PNUMA - X - - - - -

2002 WHO - OPS - - - - - X -

2002 GTZ - X - - - - -

2002 CEPIS - - - - - X -

2002 Proyecto VIGIA - MINSA - X - - - - -

2002 REPEMAR - X - - - - -

Remarks 2002 PNUMA help PERU in PCBs Project.

GTZ promotes and finances projects on handling of wastes at local and regional level.

VIGIA_MINSA Project promotes investigation on hospitable solid wastes.

CEPIS promotes investigation on solid wastes.

Saint Lucia

2002 Caribbean Environmental Health Institute, P.O. Box 1111, Castries, - X X X X X -

tel. (1-758) 452-412/2501, fax (1-758) 453-2721, e-mail: *

2002 St. Lucia Solid Waste Management Authority, P.O. Box 709, X X X X X X X

Castries, tel. (1-758) 453-2208, fax (1-758) 453-6856, e-mail: **

Sources of Technical Assistance for: Notification Technologies Monitoring Illegal traffic

Year Name and address of institutions HW&OW man Assessment Emergency
2002 National Emergency Management Organisation. P.O. Box 1517, - - - - - X -

Castries, tel.: (1-758) 452-3802, fax: (1-758) 453-2152, e-mail:

Remarks 2002 *This institution develops and executes programs to provide Technical and advisory services to CARICOM member states in

Environmental management.

**This statutory body hasthe legislative responsibility for the management of hazardous waste and provides advice to the industrial and

manufacturing sectors on appropriate methods of hazardous waste treatment, storage, transport and disposal.

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