Understanding the Relationship between Federal and State

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Riverkeeper: Construction Watch

Understanding SPDES Permits:

The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Requirement
Regulatory Goal / Purpose: The basic goal of the General Permit (GP-0-08-001) for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activity is to maintain water quality. Thus, permit applicants must prepare a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) that includes: 1) erosion and sediment controls to be used during construction; and under certain conditions 2) water quantity and water quality controls to be used to control post-construction stormwater flows.
Standards for SWPPPs: Stormwater Management Practices

  • Technical standards for erosion and sediment controls: These standards are detailed in the “New York Standards and Specifications for Erosion and Sediment Control.1 This document covers appropriate methods for computing runoff and soil loss, and designing vegetative, biotechnical, and structural measures for providing sediment and erosion control. It also includes a newly-revised “Construction Site Log Book” (App. D) that construction site operators can complete to satisfy the inspection requirements of the General Permit. If you would like to see exactly what contractors and/or government inspectors may use to document permit compliance, the “Construction Site Log Book” is available at: http://www.westchestergov.com/planningdocs/NYS%20Erosion%20Sediment%20Control/20%20Appendix%20H%20Construction%20Site%20Log%20Book.pdf.

  • Technical standards for water quality and quantity controls (post-construction stormwater control practices): These standards are detailed in the “New York State Stormwater Management Design Manual.”2 It provides information on acceptable stormwater management practices, performance criteria, testing, maintenance, and inspection requirements.

  • New York Contractors: Erosion and Sediment Control Field Notebook”: This field notebook provides a quick reference for the proper installation and maintenance of the most frequently used erosion and sediment control practices. Copies of this illustrated field guide are available at: http://www.swcsnewyork.org/publications/resources/swcsorderform.pdf.

1 Riverkeeper does not believe it necessary for Construction Watch Volunteers to review the details in these technical materials, but for those with more specialized interest, the manual is available at. http://www.cicacenter.org/pdf/NYESCCover.pdf.

2 The manual is available at http://www.dec.ny.gov/chemical/29072.html

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