Partidele politice belgiene în anul 2001182
Numele partidului
Casa Reprezen-tanţilor 1999
Alegerile naţionale 1999
Christelijke Volkspartij (CVP)
Creştin Democraţi (Flamanzi)
Parti Social Chrétien (PSC)
Creştin Democraţi (Francofoni)
Parti Socialiste (PS)
Socialişti (Francofoni)
Socialistische Partij (SP)
Socialişti (Flamanzi)
Vlaamse Liberalen en Democraten (VLD)
Liberali (Flamanzi)
Parti Réformateur Liberal-Front Démocratique Francophone (PRL-FDF)
Liberali şi Francofoni
Ecologişti (Francofoni)
Anders Gaan Leven (AGALEV)
Ecologişti (Flamanzi)
Vlaams Blok
Naţionalişti Aripa-Dreaptă (Flamanzi)
Volksunie (VU-ID21)
Regionaliştii Flamanzi
Belgium: Historical Dates183
AD 768-814 Belgium was an important part of Charlemagne's empire.
1384-1477 Belgium was under the control of the House of Burgundy.
1516 Belgium and the Netherlands came under Spanish control.
1581 Belgium remained under Spanish rule, but the Netherlands declared independence. The Belgian economy was hurt by lost trade with the Netherlands.
1713 Austria assumed control of Belgium after the War of the Spanish Succession.
1794 French troops drove the Austrians from Belgium. Austria formally ceded Belgium to France in 1797.
1815 Napoleon I of France met his final defeat at Waterloo in central Belgium. Belgium became part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
1830 Belgium declared its independence from the Netherlands.
1885 King Leopold II established the Congo Free State. The colony supplied Belgium with raw materials for its growing industrial sector.
1914 Germany violated Belgium's neutrality by invading at the start of World War I. Many battles of the war were later fought in Belgium.
1940 Belgium was again invaded and defeated by Germany during World War II. It was liberated in 1944.
1952 Belgium was a founding member of the European Coal and Steel Community, which became the European Economic Community in 1957, with headquarters in Brussels.
1971 A new constitution formally recognized Belgium's French-, Dutch-, and German-speaking communities.
1993 A constitutional revision made Belgium a federal state. Flanders, Wallonia, and Brussels each became semi-autonomous regions.
Cărţi şi Volume
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Studii şi Articole
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