University of South Florida

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University of South Florida

College of Education

Faculty Vita

Name: Carine M. Feyten Department: Secondary Education

Academic Degrees

Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Education with emphasis on Second Language Acquisition, University of South Florida, Tampa, 1988. Dissertation: Towards Establishing the Relationship Between Listening Ability and Foreign Language Acquisition: Defining a New Area of Inquiry.

MA in English, Dutch, Education (aggrégation en philosophie et lettres), Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium, 1981.

BA in Germanic Philology (licence en philologie germanique), Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium, 1980.
Professional Experience
Chair, Department of Secondary Education, University of South Florida, Aug. 1, 1999-Present.

Associate Professor, Department of Secondary Education, University of South Florida; director of the Foreign Language Education program, 1994-Present.

Coordinator of Teacher Education for the Secondary Education Department, University of South Florida, 1993-Present.

Visiting Professor (on sabbatical leave from USF), Leuven Institute for Innovative Learning (LINOV), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, 1996-1997; research position.

Interim Chair, Department of Secondary Education, University of South Florida, Spring 1995.

Assistant Professor, Department of Secondary Education, University of South Florida, director of the Foreign Language Education program, 1989-1994.


Fellowship, Leuven Institute for INOVative Learning (LINOV), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, 1996-1997.

Wershow Award for Outstanding Leadership in Foreign Language Education, Florida Foreign Language Association, 1996.

Recognized as Outstanding Teacher by the Dean and Provost, 1996, University of South Florida (Tampa Tribune article 2/29/96).

Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award, University of South Florida, 1995/1996.

Outstanding Foreign Language Educator Award: Post-Secondary, Southern Conference on Language Teaching (SCOLT), 1995.

Teaching Award, Teaching Incentive Program, Florida Legislature, 1993.

Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award, University of South Florida, 1992.

Advising Award, University of South Florida, 1992 (with Joan Kaywell).
Current Professional Association Memberships
Member of: American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Florida Foreign Language Association (FFLA), American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), National Association of Female Executives, Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), International Listening Association (ILA), Eastern Education Research Association (EERA), American Association of Teachers of Spanish (AATSP), American Association of Teachers of French (AATF), Association of Teacher Educators (ATE), Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Association for the Advancement of Computers in Education (AACE), Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO), Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD), European League of Middle Level Education (ELMLE), National Middle School Association (NMSA), Southern Association of Schools and Colleges (SACS), Founder and Project Director, Suncoast Academic Alliance of Florida in Foreign Languages and Literatures (SCAAF), Second Vice President, National Network for Early Language Learning (NNELL); elected as President for 2001, National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS).
Current Professional Activities and Service including work with schools

(Offices held, committee works in associations, college or university)
Member, Annual Review Committee, Department of Secondary Education, 1998-present.

Member, Credentialling Committee, College of Education, 1998-present.

Chair, Field Experience Task Force, Secondary Education, 1997-present.

Chair, Foreign Language Education Leadership Council, 1996-present.

Member, Faculty Council, Secondary Education, 1995-present.

Chair, Alternative Teacher Preparation Program Review Committee, Secondary Education, 1995-present.

English Language Institute Board, College of Arts and Sciences, 1994-present.

Coordinator, Teacher Education Programs, Department of Secondary Education, College of Education, 1993-present.

Co-chair, new joint Ph.D. program between the Division of Modern Languages and Linguistics and Foreign Language Education [with Roger W. Cole, College of Arts and Sciences].

Articulation Committee, College of Education and College of Arts and Sciences, 1991-present.



Feyten, C. M., Macy, M., Ducher, J., Yoshii, M., Meros, J., Calandra, B., & Park, E. (in press). Catch a wave: Internet activities for the ESL/EFL classroom. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall/Merrill Education.

Feyten, C. M., & Nutta, J. W. (Eds.). (1999). Virtual instruction: Issues and insights from an international perspective. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited.


Carregal, D., Feyten, C., Nutta, J., Palls, B., & Zinn, C. (1999). Bringing the Sunshine State Standards into the classroom: A trainer’s manual for foreign language teachers. Tampa, FL: Region 4 Center for Educational Enhancement.

Carregal, D., Feyten, C., Nutta, J., Palls, B., & Zinn, C. (1999). Bringing the Sunshine State Standards into the classroom: A participant’s manual for foreign language teachers. Tampa, FL: Region 4 Center for Educational Enhancement.

Badia, A., & Feyten, C. (1996). 5 modules for foreign language teachers to receive the ESOL (English to Speakers of Other Languages) endorsement. Tallahassee, FL: The Florida Department of Education Office of Multicultural Student Language Education.

Book Chapters

Nutta, J. W., & Feyten, C. M. (1999). Mapping space and time: Virtual instruction as global ritual. In C. M. Feyten & J. W. Nutta (Eds.), Virtual instruction: Issues and insights from an international perspective (pp. 1-6). Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited.

Cano, C., Cole, R., Feyten, C., Flaitz, J., Hampton, W., Kessler, P., Peppard, V., Preto-Rodas, R., & Probes, C. (1999). A curricular response to a market survey of teachers’ needs. In P. Franklin, D. Laurence, & E. B. Welles (Eds.), Preparing a nation’s teachers: Models for English and foreign language programs (pp. 221-240). New York: Modern Language Association, Teacher Education Project.

Feyten, C., Flaitz, J., & Norwood, A. (1999). Some insights into the benefits of raising students’ general awareness of language learning strategies. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Strategy research compendium: Language learning strategies in the context of autonomy (pp. 24-25). New York: Teachers College, Columbia University.

Feyten, C., & Claeys, C. (1998). Overview of pilot projects concerning ICT in education. In R. Dillemans, J. Lowyck, G. Van der Perre, C. Claeys, & J. Elen (Eds.), New technologies for learning: Contribution of ICT to innovation in education (pp. 166-186). Leuven: Leuven University Press.

Feyten, C. (1998). Economics of education delivery via ICT: Reasons to invest in ICT for education from a business perspective. In R. Dillemans, J. Lowyck, G. Van der Perre, C. Claeys, & J. Elen (Eds.), New technologies for learning: Contribution of ICT to innovation in education (pp. 102-108). Leuven: Leuven University Press.

Feyten, C., & Nutta, J. (1998). How can technology be used to promote language learning? In M. Met (Ed.), Critical issues in early language learning: Building for our children’s future (pp. 125-148). Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman - Addison Wesley.

Oxford, R. L., Rivera-Castillo, Y., Feyten, C., & Nutta, J. (1997). Computers and more: Creative uses of technology for learning a second or foreign language. In V. Darleguy, A. Ding, & M. Svensson (Eds.), Les nouvelles technologies educatives dans l’apprentissage des langues vivantes: Reflexion theoretique et applications pratiques [Educational technology in language learning: Theoretical considerations and practical applications] (pp. 90-110). Lyon, France: Centre de Ressources en Langues, INSA Lyon. [Online]. Available: [1999, September 24].

Articles--Refereed and/or Invited

Nutta, J., Feyten, C., Yoshii, M., Meros, J., Ducher, J., & Norwood, A. (submitted). Technology and foreign languages in the elementary school: A triangulation. Manuscript submitted for publication.

Feyten, C., & Claeys, C. (submitted). Towards partnerships: Insights from within the European Union on new technologies in education. Manuscript submitted for publication.

Feyten, C., Ramos, I., & O’Relly, L. (submitted). Student teachers’ preferred orientation (pedagogical or andragogical) during the supervision process: A cross-cultural perspective. Manuscript submitted for publication.

Feyten, C., Canton, I., Larocca, M., & Cole, R. (in press). Myths about language learning: Commonly held beliefs. Language Learning.

Feyten, C., & Flaitz, J. (1999). Consciousness raising and strategy use: A follow up study. Applied Language Learning, 10(1).

Govoni, J., & Feyten, C. (1999). Effects of the ACTFL-OPI-type training on student performance, instructional methods, and classroom materials in the secondary foreign language classroom. Foreign Language Annals, 32, 189-204.

Feyten, C. M., White, J. A., & Taylor, G. (Section Eds.). (1998). Preservice teacher education. In S. McNeil, J. D. Price, S. Boger-Mehall, B. Robin, & J. Willis (General Eds.), Technology and Teacher Education Annual, [CD-ROM].

Feyten, C. (1998). Technology and the schools of tomorrow: Where is the teacher? Bridge in the Middle, 8, 11-14.

Feyten, C., & Hines, R. (1998). Exposing future teachers to the realities of behavior disorders. The Educational Forum, 62(4), 347-353.

Claeys, C., Feyten, C., & Levin, H. (1997). Europe’s approach to new technologies in education: Government vs. industry. Ed-Media/Ed-Telecom 1997 Annual Symposium, 1, 205-210.

Green, J., Feyten, C., Taylor, G., & Bogard, E. (1997). Webspinning--Language learning on the World Wide Web. ESL lesson: Buying a new car. Learning and Leading with Technology, 24(6), 35-37.

Bogard, E., Feyten, C., Green, J., & Taylor, G. (1997). Webspinning: Using the Web to teach languages. Drei Tage in München. Learning and Leading with Technology, 24(5), 26-28.

Taylor, G., Feyten, C., Bogard, E., & Green, J. (1997). Webspinning in the language classroom. El robo del siglo. Learning and Leading with Technology, 24(4), 32-35.

White, J., Feyten, C., Taylor, G., & Javadian, M. (1997). Preservice teacher education. In J. Willis, J. Price, S. McNeil, B. Robin, & D. Willis (Eds.), Technology and Teacher Education Annual, 667-668.


Feyten, C., Scruggs, G., Amen, M., Cano, C., Crummett, M., Flaitz, J., McLaughlin, L., Murray, B., & Peppard, V. (1999). The future of languages at USF. Tampa, FL: College of Arts and Sciences, University of South Florida.

Papers Presented
HOTS: (Higher Order Thinking Skills) in the second language classroom. (1999, January 31). European League for Middle Level Education (ELMLE) Annual Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal.

Listening: How important is it and how can we become effective listeners? (1999, January 29). European League for Middle Level Education (ELMLE) Annual Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal.

The use of ICT in language learning. (1998, September). European Computer Assisted Language Learning (EUROCALL) Annual Meeting, Leuven, Belgium [with Jim White, Victor Peppard, and Jose Feliciano-Butler]. Delivered via videoconferencing.

Student-centered distance learning: Using mixed media and active learning for teaching methods courses. (1998, March 20). Symposium on 21st Century Teaching Technologies, Tampa, University of South Florida [with Joyce Nutta].

Cross-cultural and linguistic awareness in transnational networks: American linguistic and cultural educational settings. (1997, October). Transcult Conference (participation on panel of experts from nine different countries via videoconference), Leuven, Belgium.

Europe’s approach to new technologies in education: Government vs. industry. (1997, June). Ed-Media 1997 Annual Meeting, Calgary, Canada [with Christel Claeys and Håkan Levin].

Research activities in second language acquisition/teaching and technology: An overview. (1997, January). Leuvens Instituut Voor Nieuwe Onderwijs Vormen (LINOV--Leuven Institute for Innovative Learning) Seminarie, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.

Interfacing teacher preparation and cyberspace: A program model and sample classroom applications. (1996, May). Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO) Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM [with Greg Taylor, Eva Bogard, and Jose Feliciano-Butler].

Interfacing teacher preparation and cyberspace: An innovative approach. (1996, March). Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference (SITE) Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ [with Greg Taylor and Joyce Nutta].

TelEsol about it--A distance learning Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) course. (1996, February). Symposium on 21st Century Teaching Technologies: First in a Series of Explorations, Tampa, FL [with Joyce Nutta and Patrice Fischer].

Raising students’ awareness of language learning strategies: How to do it. (1995, November). American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA [with Jeffra Flaitz].

Myths: What do language teachers and students hold to be true? (1995, April). Culture, Technology and Change in the Americas, Third Biennial Conference, Tampa, FL [with Irene Canton].

Revisiting the importance of raising global awareness of language learning strategies: Reports of two studies. (1995, March). American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA [with Jeffra Flaitz].

Research-based strategies from surveys of award-winning teachers. (1995, March). Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA [with Joan Kaywell, Jim King, Janet Scaglione, Joyce Swarzman].

Other Scholarly Activity

“TELESOL ABOUT IT”: Assisted in the development of two new (undergraduate and graduate) distance learning courses which help all College of Education students meet the ESOL requirements for the State of Florida. The courses meet all competencies for the 60 hour content area ESOL mandate [with Joyce Nutta].

Development and implementation of two new graduate courses for the College of Arts & Sciences, Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics, TESOL program: “Applied Linguistics,” and “Cross-Cultural Issues,” University of South Florida, 1992-1993 [with Keya Majumdar].

Planning, design, development and implementation of a joint Ph.D. program between the Colleges of Education and Arts and Sciences: Ph.D. in Second Language Acquisition and Instructional Technology. The Ph.D. program was approved by the Board of Regents in July 1999. It was piloted for six years.

Development of three new doctoral courses for the College of Education and College of Arts and Sciences joint pilot Ph.D. program: “Seminar in Second Language Acquisition Theory and Research,” “Seminar in Foreign Language Education Theory and Research,” and “Seminar in Applications of Technology to the Foreign Language Classroom.”

Development of three new undergraduate methods courses for the foreign language education program: “Teaching Foreign Languages in the Elementary School,” “Teaching Foreign Languages in the Secondary School,” and “Practicum in Foreign Language Teaching,” 1990.

Principal Investigator, SACEE grant: “Foreign Language Sunshine State Standards: A Handbook for Trainers.” [with Dr. Joyce Nutta, Carmine Zinn, Bea Palls, Dorothy Carregal]. Amount: $14,000.00

Principal Investigator, SACEE grant: “Foreign Language Sunshine State Standards: A Handbook for Teachers.” [with Dr. Joyce Nutta, Carmine Zinn, Bea Palls, Dorothy Carregal]. Amount: $13,916.00

Co-Investigator, Instructional Development Grant: “Preparing Educators to Work with Language Minority Students.” [with Dr. Joyce Nutta]. Amount: $7,500.00

Teacher Education Project, MLA/NEH, [with Dr. Cole and Dr. Probes from the College of Arts and Sciences]. Amount: $18,000.00

Co-investigator, Florida Department of Education Office of Multicultural Student Language Education grant: “5 modules for foreign language teachers to receive the ESOL (English to Speakers of Other Languages) endorsement.” [with Dr. A. Badia]. Amount: $10,000.00

Enrollment, Recruitment and Retention grant (Distance Learning), University of South Florida, 1994. Amount: $56,500.00

Faculty Assignments in Teaching, Research, and Service

(Summer 1998, Fall 1998, and Spring 1999)

List courses taught and/or other faculty load assignments

Summer 98

EDG 6931


Fall 98

FLE 6665 Current Trends

FLE 4313 Methods of Teaching Foreign Language in Elem. School

EDG 7931 Selected Topics


Spring 99

EDG 6931 Field Exp. In Foreign Lang. Teaching

FLE 4370 Practicum in FL Teaching

EDG 7931 Selected Topics

FLE 4936

EDG 4929

EDG 4909

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