Volume 10, Issue 8, February 2010 Concordia University, St. Paul
The Faculty Bulletin can be accessed directly from the Academic Affairs web page: http://concordia.csp.edu/academicaffairs/Faculty_bulletin/index.html. Or go to the Faculty/Staff Portal, click on “Academic Affairs, and then click on Faculty Bulletin. The bulletin will emphasize faculty policy and business issues, upcoming events, professional development opportunities, and deadlines. News items for the faculty and the Concordia community are publicized through the weekly CSP Update.
Few are Elected or Chosen
Doris Kearns Goodwin, in her best seller, Team or Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln (2005) records that Lincoln, upon learning in a dispatch that he had been elected President in 1860, headed home to tell the news to his wife, Mary. His words were simple: “Mary, Mary, we are elected!” (p. 278).
Matthew the tax collector and author of the New Testament Gospel with the same name, records a few words of Jesus Christ that are seemingly as simple but carry a much more important message for each of us: “For many are called, but few are chosen” (Matthew 22:14 ESV).
How wonderful it is for us to know that our Heavenly Father has chosen us to be His children, to believe in Him, and to be forgiven. Many will refuse the invitation and reject the Gospel – maybe they want to play by their own rules and be judged on their good works. They do not believe. But our Lord has called us to Himself. Thanks be to God that we have been baptized, forgiven, and given new life in Christ. We are truly elected.
God’s blessings to each of you.
Lonn Maly, Vice President for Academic Affairs
Articles for publication in the Faculty Bulletin may be submitted via email to haeg@csp.edu at least three working days prior to publication. The next issue will be sent on March 2, 2010. The submission deadline for articles for the next issue is
Theme for the 2009-2010 Academic Year is:
“The Light Shines in the Darkness”
Based on John 1:5 “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5 ESV
Here are a couple of texts that are also appropriate to accompany the TOTY
And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. John 3:19 ESV
Jesus said, "For judgment I came into this world, that those who do not see may see, and those who see may become blind." John 9:39 ESV
Please feel free to use this theme in your course outlines and syllabi and seek other appropriate opportunities to share the theme with our campus community, in your congregation and with other publics that are served by Concordia University.
Blessed are You!
Joel Schuessler officially added Ph.D. to his name by successfully completing the defense of his dissertation at Capella University for a Ph.D. in Education with a specialization in Instructional Design for Online Learning. His dissertation research explored the design and practice of self-assessment activities with the intent using self assessment to focus more on learning and less on grades. The literature indicates that self assessment is rarely practiced in higher education and his study looked for the motivations, barriers, and design implications for adopting self assessment into practice. “A special thanks to the faculty, staff and students who participated in this study,” Schuessler said. “I also owe a debt of gratitude to Dr. Michael Walcheski for his incredible help, particularly on qualitative research.” The dissertation, titled “Self Assessment As Learning: Finding the Motivations and Barriers for adopting the Learning-Oriented Instructional Design of Student Self Assessment,” should soon be available in the ProQuest dissertation database. Congratulations Joel!
Spring Academic Events
Note: DH=Dining Hall BEC=Buenger Education Center GC=Gangelhoff Center
February 2, Tuesday Last day to drop a full semester course without record
February 5, Friday First Fridays: College of Arts and Sciences Scholars Series
“What Does Childhood Overindulgence Have to Do With Generosity,
Delayed Gratification, Materialistic Values, Happiness, and Self-Control
In Adulthood?” (BEC)
February 17, Wednesday Convocation: Jearlyn Steele: “Together We Can, Together We Did!” (BEC)
February 23, Tuesday Deadline for requesting a P-N grade
Last day to withdraw from a first half semester courses
March 2, Tuesday Faculty Seminar: Recruitment and Retention Strategies; Wendy
Beckemeyer, Noel-Levitz Higher Education Consulting; 11:30 am (BEC)
March 3, Wednesday Convocation: Dr. Mitri Raheb, Christmas Lutheran Church in Bethlehem; (BEC)
March 6 – March 14 Spring break; no classes
March 12 –13 Minnesota Early Childhood Conference (sponsored by Concordia University and
the Minnesota South District of the LCMS; on campus)
March 15, Monday Classes resume
March 16, Tuesday Midterm and End of first half semester courses
March 17, Wednesday Second half semester courses begin
March 23, Tuesday Last day to add or drop a second half semester course without record
March 31 – April 5 Easter break; no classes
April 9 – 11 Third International Conference on Hmong Studies (on campus)
April 21, Wednesday Academic Honors Convo. (BMA), Research and Scholarship Symposium (BEC)
May 13, Thursday Baccalaureate Service, 7:30 pm (Graebner Memorial Chapel)
May 14, Friday Faculty Business Meeting, 10:00 am (Buetow Music Center Auditorium)
Service of Sending, 11:30 am (Graebner Memorial Chapel)
Commencement Ceremony (COE, CVM and CAS) 7:30 pm (GC)
May 15, Saturday Commencement Ceremony (CBOL undergraduates) 10:00 am (GC)
Commencement Ceremony (all graduate students) 2:00 pm (GC)
May 24, Monday Summer School begins
Triennial Convention of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod
The 64th Regular Convention of the LCMS will be held July 10 – 17, 2010, in Houston, Texas. Dr. Dale Trapp has been designated as the official faculty representative from Concordia University. Additional information about the convention can be found at http://www.lcms.org/pages/default.asp?NavID=13524
February, 2010
For questions or more information about Black History Month activities, contact
Dr. Cheryl Chatman (x6151) or Choua Vang (x8851).
Feb. 1-26 – A Moment in History, 11:30 a.m., Tunnel near MH-122. CSP Community spotlights Black achievers and leaders who have made significant contributions to society.
Feb. 1 – Dress in Black Day. Celebrate black history by wearing your favorite black attire.
Feb. 2 – Open Mic at the Apollo, 7-9 p.m., Buetow Auditorium. Showcasing St. Paul’s talent in dedication of historical and legendary contributions to society.
Feb 3 – Black History Month Collaboration Project Events. Includes Bethel University, Concordia University, Luther Seminary, Northwestern University, St. Catherine University, United Theological Seminary, William Mitchell College of Law, and Minnesota Private Colleges and Universities. The list of events is as follows:
• Workshop: Race, Religion and Society-Strengthening Black Leadership, 1-3:30 p.m., Luther Seminary Chapel.
• African-American Leadership and Empowerment, 5-8 p.m., Bethel University, Benson Great Hall.
• Spoken Word/Open Mic, 9 p.m.-Midnight, Northwestern College.
Feb. 4 – Black History Month Collaboration Project Events.
• Workshop: Redefining Black Manhood, 3-5 p.m., Bethel University, BC468.
• Spoken Word/Open Mic, 7-9 p.m., Bethel University, BC468.
Feb. 4 – Movie Night, 6-8 p.m., Buenger Education Center. View and discuss movies that highlight the contributions of blacks who have starred in, directed and produced significant film.
Feb. 5 – Informative Meeting on the Play “Adrift on the Mississippi,” 1 p.m., Westlund Theatre. Attend the first informative meeting about the play, “Adrift on the Mississippi,” a compelling and inspiring story about freed slaves and the eventual establishment of the Pilgrim Baptist Church in St. Paul. The Concordia Theatre Department will be performing this play in full partnership with The History Theatre next year during the 2011 celebration of Black History month.
Feb. 9 – Legacy of Diversity Alumni Community Forum, 6-8 p.m., Buenger Education Center. CSP alumni address issues facing the black community.
Feb. 11 – Can We Talk: About Relationships? 7-9 p.m. LTC-215. A discussion on the importance, maintenance, use and abuse of relationships.
Feb. 17 – Convocation: Jearlyn Steele, noon, Buenger Education Center. Acclaimed performer, motivational speaker and host of WCCO Radio’s “Steele Talkin’,” Jearlyn Steele will honor the contributions of our heroes and heroes through her reflections, experiences, gifts and talents.
Feb. 21 – UMOJA Organization Reunion/International Festival, 6-8:30 p.m., Buenger Education Center. UMOJA members and alumni will join in a celebration of international cultures, customs, attire and foods.
February 25-28 – Pan-African Student Leadership Conference, Minnesota State University, Mankato, Minn.
Faculty, Campus Invited to Sweethearts Dinner
Faculty, staff and students are invited to celebrate Valentine’s Day and support CSP’s Hmong Culture and Language Program by attending the first ever Sweetheart’s Fundraising Dinner, Saturday, Feb. 13, at 6 p.m., in the Buegner Education Center. The event will include dinner, flowers and live music. Tickets are $50/person or $350 for an eight-person table (the cost of sending one K-12 student to the summer camp). Individual donations are welcome. Launched in 2004, the Hmong Culture and Language Program helps students in grades K-12 with literacy and language acquisition in both Hmong and English to support academic achievement in school while deepening their ethnic identity through learning Hmong history, music, storytelling and arts. Youth can participate in a year-round program that meets two Saturday’s a month and in a two-week summer day camp (scheduled for July 26-Aug. 6). For more information, questions or to RSVP, please contact Sally Baas at x6188 or Nao Thao at x6183. Can’t attend? Individual donations made payable to Concordia University-Hmong Culture and Language Program are greatly welcome and may be directed to Sally or Nao.
Brynteson Lectures on Innovation in Malaysia
Author, international consultant and Concordia professor Dr. Richard D. Brynteson, will lecture on innovation in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. His presentation will introduce participants to 12 innovation points on the “Innovation Radar” and will help leaders broaden their view of innovation to create greater value for their customers and organizations.
Book Events
Concordia English professor Eric Dregni will appear at a reading and slide show for his book Never Trust a Thin Cook and Other Lessons from Italy’s Culinary Capital on Thursday, Feb. 4, at 7 p.m., at Hamline Public Library in St. Paul as part of the library’s 16th Annual Fireside Series. Free.
Feel Free to Rearrange the Furniture but….
Please return classrooms to their original configuration when you are done. Faculty and staff are encouraged to rearrange classroom furniture in order to facilitate learning activities or meetings, but please be sure you leave rooms clean and you return the rooms to their original arrangement, posted near every classroom door. Please afford to your colleagues the courtesy that you would expect of them by leaving classrooms in ready-to-use condition and be sure to pass this information along to all adjuncts in your area. Thanks for your cooperation from the Office of Academic Affairs!
Annual Research and Scholarship Symposium
Participation Deadlines for the Annual Research and Scholarship Symposium
The Annual Concordia University Research and Scholarship Symposium will be held on Wednesday, April 21, 2010. This is an opportunity for undergraduate students to showcase the research and/or scholarship that they have completed either in the context of a course or with a faculty mentor. Research is typically displayed using a poster format, but other display needs can be accommodated. Please be planning for this as you teach your fall and spring courses! Questions can be directed to Jessica Allen (jallen@csp.edu) or Sharon Mosgrove (Mosgrove@csp.edu). Deadline for Registration: March 24, 2010.
Ninth Annual Poehler Lecture
March 23, 7:30 p.m., Concordia University, St. Paul
Buenger Education Center
We are pleased to announce that this year’s speaker for the Ninth Annual Poehler Lecture on Faith and Learning is Dr. Loma Meyer, Professor Emeritus of Education, past Vice President for Academic Affairs, and past chairperson of the CSP Board of Regents. The lecture is an annual event designed to explore how faculty members connect their Christian faith with both their academic discipline and (especially in Dr. Meyer’s case) their experiences in leadership roles in higher education. Speakers are selected on the basis of their excellence in their academic discipline and their maturity in the Christian faith.
Unlocking the Mysteries of the Dead Sea Scrolls
Concordia will present a series of four public lectures on the Dead Sea Scrolls in conjunction with an exhibition coming to the Science Museum of Minnesota in March 2010. The Dead Sea Scrolls, which scholars believe were written between approximately 200 BC and 200 AD, lay hidden and forgotten for centuries until they were discovered in the 1950s in caves along the northwest shore of the Dead Sea. Altogether, archeologists have uncovered more than 600 scrolls and thousands of fragments in 11 caves around the ruins of an old Roman fortress known as Khirbet Qumran. The scrolls have been called the greatest manuscript discovery of modern times. They contain some of the oldest known fragments of the Christian Old Testament or Hebrew Bible. Most texts are written in Hebrew or Aramaic, which has enhanced scholarly understanding of these languages and offered a cultural context for the times in which they were written. These ancient scrolls are now under the conservation of the Israel Antiquities Authority and are seldom seen on display. The lecture series will enrich understanding of the texts and for the exhibition coming to the Science Museum of Minnesota, which will offer a rare opportunity for a first-hand look at these artifacts and a deepened appreciation for their significance in Christian thought and traditions.
• Thursday, Feb. 11 – The Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls: You've Got to Know the Territory
• Thursday, Feb. 25 – But Wait...There's More: Who Wrote the Scrolls and What Else Did they
• Thursday, March 18 – The Archaeology of Khirbet Qumran
• Thursday, April 15 – Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls
All lectures will be held at 7:30 p.m., in Graebner Memorial Chapel. Read complete lecture descriptions and speaker bios.
Faculty Seminar: Recruitment and Retention Strategies
All faculty are invited to a special presentation on Tuesday, March 2, 2010, from 11:30 am to 12:50 pm in the BEC. Wendy Beckemeyer from Noel-Levitz Higher Education Consulting will be the presenter.
First Fridays: College of Arts and Sciences Scholars Series
The College of Arts and Sciences is pleased to announce its Spring Schedule for
First Fridays: College of Arts and Sciences Scholars Series. This lecture series will be showcasing the extensive research and scholarship currently being conducted by the CAS faculty. Spring Schedule: First Friday of the Month 12:00 p.m. – 12:50 p.m.
Feb. 5: Presenters: Dr. David Bredehoft and Mary Slinger (Student Research Assistant)
What Does Childhood Overindulgence Have to Do With Generosity, Delayed Gratification, Materialistic Values, Happiness, and Self-Control in Adulthood?
The sample consisted of 446 participants from thirty-six states and the countries of Canada, Mexico, Australia, France, Japan, Germany, Israel, and Iceland. Participants logged into the study through the web at www.overindulgence.info and answered 128 questions consisting of demographic data and seven psychological scales. Come and find out the answers to what childhood overindulgence has to do with adulthood generosity, delayed gratification, materialistic values, happiness, instant gratification, self-control, and gratitude. Buetow Music Center
April 16: Presenter: Dr. Monica Murray An Exploration of Spanish Song – Lecture/Recital
A lecture recital of Spanish song from Spain, Cataluña, and Latin American countries (including Brazil) will be presented by Monica Murray and a few of her students who are also exploring this wonderful repertoire. A discussion about the development of song in each of the countries will also be presented.
Did You Know … Recent Faculty Scholarship
(from faculty submissions)
Dr. John Eggert published two musical selections recently – Know the Lord (for choir, piano,
glockenspiel or handbells) and Holy Spirit, Gift of God (for choir, oboe, and organ).
Dr. Paul Hillmer had on display on campus an exhibit of photos from various trips to Hmong
communities around the world and had a book published entitled A People’s History of the Hmong.
Professor Phil Johnson presented Developing Change Leadership in Our Schools to the
Minnesota South and Wisconsin North district Lutheran School Administrator’s Conference in August.
Dr. David Mennicke was chosen to be the Guest Conductor of the 2009/10 Minnesota
Music Educators’ Association All-State Men’s Choir, leading a week-long rehearsal camp at Concordia College (Moorhead, MN) in August and finishing with a performance at Orchestra Hall this month. He also published an arrangement of Down in the River to Pray (Morningstar) that was the number one top selling choral piece this last year.
Dr. Karen Moroz presented a half-day workshop to the Concordia Academy faculty entitled
Using Multiple Modes of Learning to Assess Student Understanding and two half-day sessions faculty at the Anoka-Hennepin Summer Institute entitled Let’s Discuss: Classroom Practices that Encourage Meaningful Discussion.
Dr. Mark Press did a presentation on missional leadership the Pastor’s Conference at the Mt.
Olivet Retreat Center in September.
Dr. Carol Rinkoff presented to the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs
Region 4 Conference. Her topic was Generational Synapse: How Each Generation Inspires the Traits of the Next and What This Means for Educators in Today’s Multi-Generational Classrooms.
Professor Mark Rosenwinkel was the program director for the summer theatre arts camp at the
Phipps Center for the Arts in Hudson, Wisconsin last July.
Dr. Mark Schuler has completed nine annual excavations at Hippos in Israel, taking a team for
the last eight years through a partnership with the University of Haifa. The project has recently been extended for another five years and Dr. Schuler has been invited back as co-director for that period and to continue work on the Northeast Church complex. Dr. Schuler also presented a session entitled 3D Digital Scanning as a Means of Documenting and Archaeological Excavation at the American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting in November.
Dr. Tom Trapp was the “theological educator” for pastors, evangelists, and deaconesses in
Liberia last July. He presented a six-day workshop on Mark and Colossians
M ission Central for February – from Rev. Dr. Richard Carter
For a different view of the value of mission for an institution, please look out the front windshield with me after my wife and I stopped our car in central Slovakia last summer. The GPS has the checkered flag up: we have arrived! We were looking for the hotel in the middle of Tisovec, a small city in the center of the country. Our GPS took us through town on the main street, guided us to a right turn by the small lake/large pond at the south end of town, and directed us to pull up in front of a dilapidated garage. I took a picture of it, the GPS screen up close with its good news while out in front we saw the old garage and a couple scrawny trees.
In fairness, as perhaps is true also for your Global Positioning System equipment, for most of the summer the GPS served us very well. Getting through downtown Budapest I almost looked more at the GPS than the road. It got us into this weird right hand lane thing that was exactly what we needed to make a left turn to our youth hostel on a little street.
I wonder about a GPS at sea. You can see nothing---imagine a storm tossing you under its dark gray clouds--- but your GPS gives you a clear sense of where you are going, of where to aim your craft. A mission statement that is used can do the same. If the GPS or the mission statement is left in a drawer out of sight you might get somewhere, but where? You might survive the storm (weather at sea, financial or educational on land) but if you have a particular goal in heart and mind, “somewhere” is not good enough.
Preparing students “for thoughtful and informed living, for dedicated service to God and humanity, and for enlightened care of God’s creation, all within the context of the Christian Gospel”---what choices do you or would you make to navigate by that tool? What hotel or harbor might we reach if we practice this mission together?
Convocations Spring Semester, 2010
Wednesdays at 12:00 noon
Feb. 3: Reflections from the CSP Italy Trip 2010
Students will share their learning experiences from the trip they took to Italy during January, 2010. LTC 218/219
Feb. 17: Jearlyn Steele: “Together We Can, Together We Did!”
Nationally known gospel singer and radio host Jearlyn Steele will present “Together We Can, Together We Did!” at this year’s Annual Black History Month Convocation. Steele’s vocal career has included touring with Prince, recording with George Clinton and Mavis Staples, and performing on Broadway and in Carnegie Hall. Born in Indiana and now based in Minnesota, she has been a frequent guest on public radio’s A Prairie Home Companion and has been heard on local and national commercials. A mother of two, she is deeply involved in public service, often focusing on ways to inspire women and children through her music and public speaking. BEC
Mar. 3: Rev. Dr. Mitri Raheb pastor of Christmas Lutheran Church in Bethlehem
Dr. Raheb is a Palestinian Christian, peace activist, writer, and pastor. He also directs the Dar Annadwa Academy in Bethlehem. LTC 218/219 (http://www.annadwa.org/en/).
Mar. 17: Disability Awareness Week Convocation, presented by Student Support Services
April 7: Asian History Month, presented by SEASA (BEC)
Spring Faculty Development Awards
The Spring deadline for applications for the Faculty Development Awards funded by the Quasi-Endowment is Thursday, March 18, 2010.
Spring, 2010 Sundays in Buetow Music Center Auditorium:
Faculty Recital Series
Sunday, February 7, 3:30 pm
Jeana Ogren, piano and Scott Agster, trombone
Spring, 2010 Monthly Friday Afternoon Student Recitals
2:00-2:50 pm in Buetow Music Center Auditorium
January 29, February 19, March 26, April 30
High School Choirs concert w/Christus Chorus
Friday, February 26, 7:00 pm at Jehovah Lutheran Church
1566 Thomas Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55104
Student Voice Recital
Saturday, February 27, 4:00 pm
Joanna Gimbel and Sarah Jensen, sopranos (Buetow)
Student Senior Voice Recital
Sunday, February 28, 3:30 pm
Alex Heetland, baritone (Buetow)
Student Directed Production TBA
March 20-22 Westlund Theatre
April 29- May 2 E. M. Pearson Theatre
Adrift on the Mississippi
You are cordially invited to attend our first informative meeting about the play, Adrift on the Mississippi, on Friday, February 5 at 1:00 pm in the Westlund Theatre. This is an open meeting. Everyone who may be interested is welcome to attend.
This is a compelling and inspiring story about freed slaves, the Hickman group’s escape, the support they received, and the eventual establishment of the Pilgrim Baptist Church, here in Saint Paul. The collaborating artistic staff, James Williams (director), Brian Grandison (author), and Ron Peluso (artistic director of the History Theatre) will discuss the story and how the writing of this play came about. Of special importance is that the Pilgrim Baptist Church will soon be celebrating its 150th anniversary. Reverend Gill (of Pilgrim Baptist) may also be there.
The Concordia Theatre Department will be performing this play in full partnership with The History Theatre during Black History month in February, 2011. The History Theatre is a professional equity theatre with a 32-year tradition of telling about the people and events that have made Minnesota history. This event will also be sponsored by the Minnesota Timberwolves (the National Basketball Association). Additional grants have been sought from the National Endowment for The Humanities and the National Endowment for the Arts.
The History Theatre is also working with Twin Cities Public television on a possible series of documentaries which will record this event and chronicle this fascinating account of African American History in Minnesota.
If you would like to learn more about this meeting, feel free to contact Jim Seemann or Kay Robinson, co-chairs of the Theatre Department.
2009-2010 CSP Book of the Year: Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
From the front flap: Acclaimed historian Doris Kearns Goodwin illuminates Lincoln’s political genius as the one-term congressman and prairie lawyer rises from obscurity to prevail over three gifted rivals of national reputation to become president. When Lincoln emerged as the victor, his rivals were dismayed and angry. That Lincoln succeeded, Goodwin demonstrates, was the result of a character that had been forged by experiences that raised him above his more privileged and accomplished rivals. Team of Rivals tells the biography of these four men and their ability work together through one of the darkest eras of America’s history.
Please visit the Book of the Year Website for background information and library resources: http://concordia.csp.edu/BookoftheYear/2009.html
For even more background information and on-line chapter discussions, visit the Book of the Year Blog: Team Of Rivals One-Stop Blog.
SPAM Senders Target Concordia University Faculty and Staff
The Concordia University Help Desk and IT Staff will never ask you for your username and password. You should never tell anyone your username and password. We have had an increase of attempts by SPAM mail senders trying to compromise our e-mail system by sending fake official notices posing as IT Professionals at Concordia requesting log in information. To learn more about phishing attempts please visit the following article in our Support site: http://support.csp.edu/Phishing
CSP Connect
There is a new News/Events Submission Form – find it under Quicklinks – Forms – Marketing & Communications
On the University Calendars page there are 2 new calendars “Student Organizations” and “University Events & Calendars” which provides options to view all calendars or filter calendars according to preferences. Find this under Quick Links – University events Calendars http://concordia.csp.edu/Portal/all-calendars.html
Help Desk Hours
Monday – Thursday 8 am – 9 pm
Friday and Saturday 8 am – 5 pm
Sunday 8 pm – 9 pm
2010 Academic Events Registration & Academic Attire Rental Form
DEADLINE: March 2 *****Return via email to haeg@csp.edu*****
ALL tenure track faculty must complete the REGISTRATION SECTION of this form
NOTE: the attire order form section can be found beneath the registration form.
NAME: ___________________ CAMPUS PHONE: __________ EMAIL:___________________
In which college do you primarily teach? ___________________________________________
Participation Notes to all faculty:
All tenure-track and term faculty are expected to participate in the Academic Honors Convocation, the Baccalaureate Service and ALL Commencement Ceremonies.
Adjunct faculty are welcome to participate in any or all of the below events.
NOTE: Concordia University will pay the academic attire rental fee for tenure track, term and adjunct faculty.
Please mark all that apply:
Place X in cell/s to indicate you will process.
Place X in cell/s to indicate you will participate, i.e. leading music… but NOT processing
Spring 2010 Academic Events
Date and Time
Academic Honors Convocation
Buetow Music Center Auditorium
Wednesday, April 21
11:00 am
(Meet in MH, 2nd floor by 10:30 am)
Baccalaureate Service: for all students and families.
Graebner Memorial Chapel
Thursday, May 13
7:30 pm
(Meet in MH, 2nd floor by 7:00 pm)
Commencement Service- CAS, CVM, COE and BA graduates in the cohort delivered Child Development and Family Life Education majors.
Gangelhoff Center
Friday, May 14
7:30 pm
(Meet in GC, 2nd floor by 7:00 pm)
Commencement Service-
CBOL: Undergraduate Programs
Gangelhoff Center
Saturday, May 15
10:00 am
(Meet in GC, 2nd floor by 9:30 am)
Commencement Service –
Graduate Programs- includes students in CAS, COE, CVM, and CBOL
Gangelhoff Center
Saturday, May 15
2:00 pm
(Meet in GC 2nd floor by 1:30 pm)
*Appreciation Reception
Buenger Education Center
Saturday, May 15
11:00 am– 1:00 pm
* All faculty who process in at least one ceremony are welcome to attend this reception.
If you DO NOT PLAN TO RENT attire or currently own attire,
you DO NOT need to complete the section below.
MARCH 2, 2010
HIGHEST DEGREE TYPE: Bachelors: ___ Masters: ___ PhD: ___ Other: ___
School Name: _________________________________________________________
City: ________________________________________________ State: ___________
Please check the items below that apply to your situation and continue to complete this form:
I will need to RENT the following academic attire: Please place X below in column:
Bachelor Unit (gown, cap and tassel)
Master Unit and hood (gown, hood, cap and tassel)
Doctor Unit and hood (gown, hood, cap and tassel)
Bachelor Gown only
Master Gown only
Doctor Gown only
Master hood
Doctor hood
HEIGHT: Feet/Inches _____________________ WEIGHT: ____________ pounds
If you find that you need to rent after March 2nd, please contact Kathy Haeg, haeg@csp.edu who will assist you with previously used academic attire stored in the Academic Affairs closet.
All order forms must be received by March 2nd in order to receive your “rented” attire in time for use at the Academic Honors Convocation.
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