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Indonesia 5:
Report by the Secretariat: MEASURES DIRECTLY AFFECTING IMPORTS: Technical Regulations and Standards
As mentioned in para 108 "BIS laboratories have test facilities for most under the Certification Marks Scheme. In addition to the BIS laboratories, services are provided by 115 national laboratories recognized under the BIS Laboratory Recognition Scheme".
In that regard, Indonesia would like to request India to elaborate further the BIS Laboratory Recognition Scheme, considering that the Indonesian National Accreditation Body (KAN) has not signed MoU with BIS. The Indonesian laboratories testing result had apparently been rejected by the Indian authorities. In response to this problem, we would recommend if India could accept the APLAC/ILAC MRA scheme. (WT/TPR/S/249, Page 70, Para 108)
Reply: Accreditation is one of the requirements of the BIS Lab Recognition Scheme. Accreditation by signatories to APLAC/ILAC is acceptable. The details of the BIS Lab Recognition Scheme are available at BIS Website