Report by the Secretariat (WT/TPR/S/249): Part III. Trade Policies and Practices by Measure: (2) Measures Directly Affecting Imports; (x) Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures: paragraph 121, page 73:
The Secretariat's Report notes that "Imports of animal products into India require sanitary import permits issued by the Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries" and that "Some imports of animal products also require an import licence issued by the Director General of Foreign Trade". Issuance of these documents for some commodities can be dependent upon the receipt by India of appropriate documentation from the country of origin.
In 2010, Indian officials determined that Canadian certificates of origin and hygiene for fish and seafood products exported to India were not compliant with its import requirements for certain microbial contaminants. The proposed usage of a Codex Alimentarius model certificate was also determined to be insufficient. Furthermore, India is requesting that Canadian documentation for certain products indicates the absence of specific OIE listed diseases which are not associated with those products.
Could India please explain the scientific rationale for these decisions?
Reply: India has different sanitary standards for different categories of fish/fishery products, and without clarity on which categories of fish products should be considered by India to be agreed for Codex Model Certificate, it is difficult to prescribe a generic certificate. Exporters are required to certify microbiological parameters to meet India's requirements. Canada is in contact with concerned Indian authorities bilaterally on this issue.
In broader terms, can India please provide assurances that sanitary import permits will not act as a non tariff barrier to trade and that approvals / rejections of permit applications which are carried out on a case by case basis can be completed in a timely manner? Is India able to share its import risk analysis with the country / company in question upon request?
Reply: The sanitary import permits (SIP) do not act as non tariff barrier to trade. At present, application for SIP in case of fish/fishery products are processed on fast track. However, presently, it will not be possible for us to share import risk analysis reports etc. with other parties.