Report by the Secretariat (WT/TPR/S/249): III. Trade Policies and Practices by Measure (4) Measures Affecting Production and Trade (i) Incentives (b) Other support
Paragraph 180 states that "[s]ubsidies for domestic liquefied petroleum gas and kerosene under the Public Distribution System (PDS), and for freight5, were put in place in 2002 after the dismantling of the administered pricing mechanism (APM), with the aim of protecting the poor." This section is also qualified by footnote 233, which states that "[t]he term 'subsidy' in this section is used as in India's Budget and other official documents, and not in the sense of the WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures."
Question: Can India please elaborate on why it does not consider these "subsidies," in particular the price control/support mechanisms, to constitute subsidies under the SCM Agreement.