The extant policy on FDI is available as a consolidated document, in the public domain at
Brazil 6:
According to document WT/TPR/S/249, pages 32 33, § 36, "The three main institutions that handle FDI related issues in India are the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB), the Foreign Investment Implementation Authority (FIIA), and the Secretariat for Industrial Assistance (SIA). The FIPB, under the Ministry of Finance, chaired by the Secretary of Economic Affairs and consisting of senior secretaries, is in charge of examining and approving foreign investment proposals in sectors w[h]ere investment is not allowed through the automatic route. Investment above a specific threshold requires additional approval from the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs." and § 39, "Most sectors are at least partially open to FDI, subject to a cap and specific conditions [...]. There are two entry routes for FDI in India. In sectors where FDI is allowed up to 100%, FDI enters under the automatic route, subject to sectorial regulations and other conditions [...]. In sectors where FDI is capped, prior approval from the FIPB is required. [...]"
Could India provide details on the criteria that the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) uses to screen foreign investment?
Reply: FIPB examines the proposal within the framework of FDI policy, including compliance with specified sectoral conditions based on the inputs provided by the concerned administrative Ministries. Details are available at the website