All stakeholders have cooperated in the implementation of electronic system for customs clearance.
Ecuador 4:
The Report also explains that under Indian law, ''import restrictions may be imposed on grounds of, inter alia, health, safety, moral and security reasons, and for self sufficiency and balance of payments reasons."
Could India provide us with further details on what constitutes moral, safety and self sufficiency reasons?
Reply: These measures are in terms of the provisions stated in Articles XI, XX and XXI of GATT 1994.
Report by the Government of India
Egypt 1:
1- Page 10 paragraph 18
Who are India's main services trading partners?
Reply: Bilateral statistics on trade in services are not available officially. However, based on information available from industry, India's leading trade partners in services are the United States, United Kingdom, Continental Europe (Germany, France and Switzerland), Asian countries (including South East Asia, Japan), Australia and Latin America.
Egypt 2:
2- Page 11, paragraph 21
What are the main services sectors that received FDI flows during the review period?
Reply: The main services sectors that have received FDI inflows, during the period April 2007 to July 2011, were: