Wp 3 – Aeration and membrane operation

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WP 3 – Aeration and membrane operation

Section 2 – Workpackage progress of the period

Provide an overview of the actions carried out in the reporting period, based on the workpackages1 which were active or planned to be active during the period.
For each workpackage, present information under the following headings:

  • Workpackage objectives and starting point of work at beginning of reporting period

  • Progress towards objectives – tasks worked on and achievements made with reference to planned objectives, identify contractors involved

  • Deviations from the project workprogramme, and corrective actions taken/suggested: identify the nature and the reason for the problem, identify contractors involved

  • List of deliverables, including due date and actual/foreseen submission date (see Appendix 2, Table 1)

  • List of milestones, including due date and actual/foreseen achievement date (see Appendix 2, Table 2)

Workpackage objectives and starting point of work at beginning of reporting period

1 page..

Short introduction:

  • Objectives

  • Description of sub-work-packages

  • Milestones and deliverables (see tables)

  • Identify completed deliverables!

Table 3.1: Deliverables List – WP 3

List all deliverables, giving date of submission and any proposed revision to plans.

Del. no.

Deliverable name

WP no.

Date due

Actual/Forecast delivery date

Estimated indicative person-months *)

Used indicative person-months *)

WP Leader


Definition of (a) normalized parameters, and (b) common analytical methodology


month 3



Literature review / data on aeration and main operating conditions in MBRs


month 6



Report - characterization of air/water flow in different module configurations


month 12



Report - Experimental data on laboratory scale experiments, aeration trials


month 33



Report - Aeration and operation of MBRs as a function of wastewater quality and module configuration


month 36


*) if available

Table 3.2: Milestones List – WP 3

List all milestones, giving date of achievement and any proposed revision to plans.



Milestone name

WP no.

Date due

Actual/Forecast delivery date

WP Lead


definition of normalized parameters and common analytical methodology completed


month 3



literature review on aeration and main operating conditions in MBRs


month 6



characterization of air/water flow in different modules


month 12



laboratory-scale experiments completed (3.2 & 3.3)


month 24



report on aeration and operation of MBRs


month 36


Progress towards objectives

Partner: NTNU

Research objectives

The activities by NTNU are related to sub-tasks 3.1 Common methodologies, 7.2 Lab-scale studies, and 7.3 Definition of optimal parameters. The objective of the activity is to analyze and determine the influence of operating modes (aeration in particular) and membrane reactor configurations on the overall performance of a biofilm-MBR concept.

Experimental setup and results

A pilot plant has been built and is operation. A schematic of the pilot plant is shown in the figure below. In the biofilm-MBR concept the membrane reactor is specifically designed for enhanced particle separation with no recirculation back to the biological reactor. Due to the enhanced particle removal the membrane module has lower SS concentrations compared to AS-MBR process which ultimately will affect aeration demands. Studies have been initiated with the pilot plant to investigate the effect of varying aeration rates and modes on the overall performance of the membrane reactor (i.e. fouling rates).

Membrane reactor:

- Zenon ZW10 Membrane Pilot Module

- volume 27 L, immersed mode

- aeration modes: continuous and intermittent(under construction)

- aeration rates: 15, 30, 60, 90, 120 L/(m2 min)

The effect of aeration on the membrane performance was tested by implementing various aeration modes (i.e. continuous aeration, intermittent aeration, and periodic aeration) with varying degrees of aeration rates. Some of the results found and typical trends are illustrated in figures 1-3.

Figure 1.

Effect of continuous aeration on membrane performance (TMP development) in a BF-MBR during dead-end filtration mode; first stage no aeration, second stage with aeration.

Continuous aeration

Aeration during the backwash

Figure 2.

Comparison of continuous and periodic aeration (only during backwashing) on membrane performance (TMP development) in a BF-MBR. Graph illustrates the TMP measured within operating cycles.

Figure 3.

Effect of different aeration rates on membrane performance (permeability decline within one production cycle)

The results presented in Figure 1 illustrate the effect and efficiency of aeration to remove deposits (cake formation) on the membrane surface and to prevent fouling during filtration. Although it is well known that aeration is an important operating parameter for sustainable operation of MBR systems, all aspects of aeration are not fully understood. One of the aims of this study is to investigate the effect of aeration in a BF-MBR and to make an assessment of the most appropriate aeration conditions of the process configuration. Figure 2 illustrates a comparison of applying continuous aeration vs. periodic aeration (only during backwashing). Although the TMP after a cycle backwash appears to be the same for both modes of operation, the overall TMP development within the cycle production is more pronounced for the periodic aeration mode. The instantaneous TMP within these modes exceeds the recommended maximum TMP for the membrane system and thus this ode of operation may not be suitable for a sustainable mode of operation. In Figure 3 the effect of aeration rates on permeability decline is illustrated. Lower aeration rates have an a greater rate of permeability decline, however, by increasing the aeration rate an asymptotic value is apparent at which increases in aeration rate do not have a significant effect on fouling prevention and/or removal. This has implications for operating costs and optimal process design and control.

Preliminary results:

The initial experiments show that continuous aeration is necessary for sustainable operation of BF-MBR (Figures 1 and 2). Higher fouling rate within one production cycle was observed for the lower aeration rates. Permeability decline within one cycle on average was 116.2 LMH@20oC/bar for 15 L/m2min and 75.0 LMH@20oC/bar for 120 L/m2min, showing that higher aeration rates give less membrane fouling. However, it was observed that aeration rates higher then 60 L/m2min do not show significant reduction of membrane fouling (i.e. permeability decline) (Figure 3).

The work is currently on schedule. Input to date: 0.5 man-months.

Schedule for future activities

Tasks within the next reporting period will include continuing with lab-scale studies. Analysis will include direct and indirect characterization of aeration modes and rates on suspended solid properties (i.e. particle characteristics, sizes, size distributions etc.), and effect on membrane fouling. Test will be made and compared for three different pilot plants with different membrane types and varying membrane reactor designs/geometries.

Partner: CU

Research objectives

“brief overview of objective for each partner”

Experimental setup and results

“brief discussion of setup and results for reporting period – including deviations from work plan”

Schedule for future activities

“define task which are to be undertaken for the next reporting period”
Partner: RWTH

Research objectives

“brief overview of objective for each partner”

Experimental setup and results

“brief discussion of setup and results for reporting period – including deviations from work plan”

Schedule for future activities

“define task which are to be undertaken for the next reporting period”
Partner: INSA

Research objectives

“brief overview of objective for each partner”

Experimental setup and results

“brief discussion of setup and results for reporting period – including deviations from work plan”

Schedule for future activities

“define task which are to be undertaken for the next reporting period”
Partner: UM2

Research objectives

“brief overview of objective for each partner”

Experimental setup and results

“brief discussion of setup and results for reporting period – including deviations from work plan”

Schedule for future activities

“define task which are to be undertaken for the next reporting period”
Partner: DUT

Research objectives

“brief overview of objective for each partner”

Experimental setup and results

“brief discussion of setup and results for reporting period – including deviations from work plan”

Schedule for future activities

“define task which are to be undertaken for the next reporting period”
Partner: UNITN

Research objectives

“brief overview of objective for each partner”

Experimental setup and results

“brief discussion of setup and results for reporting period – including deviations from work plan”

Schedule for future activities

“define task which are to be undertaken for the next reporting period”
Partner: UTS

Research objectives

“brief overview of objective for each partner”

Experimental setup and results

“brief discussion of setup and results for reporting period – including deviations from work plan”

Schedule for future activities

“define task which are to be undertaken for the next reporting period”
Partner: UKZN

Research objectives

“brief overview of objective for each partner”

Experimental setup and results

“brief discussion of setup and results for reporting period – including deviations from work plan”

Schedule for future activities

“define task which are to be undertaken for the next reporting period”
Partner: Polymem

Research objectives

“brief overview of objective for each partner”

Experimental setup and results

“brief discussion of setup and results for reporting period – including deviations from work plan”

Schedule for future activities

“define task which are to be undertaken for the next reporting period”
Partner: KMS

Research objectives

“brief overview of objective for each partner”

Experimental setup and results

“brief discussion of setup and results for reporting period – including deviations from work plan”

Schedule for future activities

“define task which are to be undertaken for the next reporting period”
Partner: MILL

Research objectives

“brief overview of objective for each partner”

Experimental setup and results

“brief discussion of setup and results for reporting period – including deviations from work plan”

Schedule for future activities

“define task which are to be undertaken for the next reporting period”
Partner: WHD

Research objectives

“brief overview of objective for each partner”

Experimental setup and results

“brief discussion of setup and results for reporting period – including deviations from work plan”

Schedule for future activities

“define task which are to be undertaken for the next reporting period”

Deviations from project work plan

0.5 pages…..

“Summarize from reported activities – identify possible consequences for project and remediation actions”.


  • Status of investigations

  • Evaluation of progress

  • Future work

1 The workpackage on Project management should not be reported here but under Section 3

Yüklə 55,08 Kb.

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