2.4. Медиа
source of information; channel; advertisement; commercial; CNN; BBC; weather forecast; documentary; telecommunication system; program; censorship /control; Show programmes/quiz hows;
means of communication; e-mail/web address; internet; database; network; CD-Rom; disc; hard disc /drive; hacker; virus scan; download; information; spell check; technology.
2.5. Орийентирляр
time; watch; clock; half / quarter of an hour; past / to; calendar; usually; a.m./ p.m.; last night / week; present; past; century; the other day; age; just; the whole time; daytime; long time ago; recently;
Илин фясилляри
seasons; autumn/fall; winter; spring; summer.
months; January; February; March; April; May; June; July; August; September; October; November; December.
Щяфтя эцнляри
week days; fortnight; Sunday, Monday; Tuesday; Wednesday; Thursday; Friday; Saturday; weekend.
day; morning; afternoon; noon; evening; midnight; midday; night; tonight.
first of all; at first; now... then; firstly... secondly; then; before; day by day; at/in the end.
fast; quick / quickly; slow / slowly; speed; frequently;
sometimes; seldom; rarely; often; always; never; from time to time; occasionally.
forever; from now on; all day long; for a long time.
Юлкяnin tərəfləri
West; East; North; South; Northern; Southern; Western; North East; South West, South East; central.
Йерляшdiyi йеr
place; space; in two meters'/ miles’ distance; near; far; left; right; down; up; into; inside; opposite; close; next to.
full; empty; fresh; hard; bitter; modern; delicious; sharp; free; comfortable; uncomfortable; fashionable; old-fashioned.
round; oval; triangle; figure; narrow; weight; iron; gold; huge; tiny; jumbo; shiny; flat; deep; square; pound; bronze; velvet / cotton; shape; heavy; light; milky; kilogram; silk.
high / low temperature; below / above zero; Celsius / Fahrenheit.
Many; much; few; little; numerous; great number of.
odd; even; thousand; million; billion; tenth; twenty-fifth; figures; two-thirds; two and a half; quarter; addition; multiplication; division.
Грамматиканын тядриси коммуникасийа мягсядляриня хидмят етмялидир. Буна эюря дя контекстля сых ялагядя (контекстдян ayrı дейил) юйрянilмялидир. Грамматик терминляриn дярк етмядян язбярлянмяси вя тясвири/ нязяри cəhətdən мянимsянilмяси тювсийя едилмир. Шаэирд грамматик хцсусиййятляри вя конструксийалары мцшащидя етмяли, танымалы вя дярк етмяли və onlardan kontekstdə istifadə etməlidiр. Бунун цçцн ашаьыдакы шяртляр нязяря алынмалыдыр: