2.3. Фярдин ятраф мцщити
Инсан (щяйат мярщяляляри)
visitor; host; male / female; the old / young; population; change / growth; inhabitants; the old; ambition;
The Houses of Parliament; society; Whitehall, Downing street, Constitutional monarchy, legislative/executive body, political parties.
Йер кцряси/cоьрафи адлар
capital; continent; gulf; the Atlantic Ocean; the Black Sea. territory; peninsular; mainland; South /North Pole; jungle; plain; border; port; harbor; shoreline; Sahara; Arctic; population;
Тябият/тябиi щадисяляр (щава)
natural resources; ecology; minerals; stream; space; flood; disaster; fauna; waterfall; axis; meadow; desert; coal; pole; wildlife;
avenue; rush hour; district; monument; cemetery; parking lot; downtown; Police Station; highway; sightseeing;
Йашайыш йери
house; flat; attic; lift / elevator; chamber; closet; urban / rural area; camp; hut; floor / storey; villa; inn; rancho; block of apartments; hotel; landlord; maid; skyscraper; residence; cabin; estate; campus; terrace; motel; rent; hostel.
Мебел/йашайыш яшйалары
toaster; oven; dishwashing liquid; can/bottle opener; blender; dish towel; cash book; dish-washer; computer; air-conditioner; electric heater; kitchen equipment; garbage bin / can; cork-screw;
Elementary / higher / secondary / compulsory education, tree education end in failure = meet with failure graduation paper. diploma of achievement; certificate;
Тиcарят обйектляри (işçilər) аваданлыг
stationery; bookstall; grocery; mall; musical shop; druggist; drug store; queue; booking-office; bill; label; shop keeper; price; shopping centre; parking garage, drugstore, bakery, lobby.
ingredients; mutton; cheese; pumpkin; /alcohol drink; champagne; ham; yogurt; custard, high tea, bacon, sweet dish, Seafood, chops, pizza, bacon, toast, salad dressing, mustard.
railroad; carriage; platform, compartment; passenger; yacht; truck; tram; conductor; air-liner; waiting room; ticket collector; helicopter.
Мядяниййят/идман обйектляри/işçiləri
film director / producer; audience; Olympic Games; gold / silver/bronze medal; concert hall; musician; composer; ballet; first night performance;
salary; broker; borrower; investment; make profit; income tax; inflation; short / long term credit; national / foreign currency.
tourist attraction; tourist information centre / agency; route; discotheque club; entertainment; relaxation; luxurious hotel; travel agent;