1.4. Зювг/гиймятляндирмя
Зювгц ифадя етмяк
-It’s difficult to say anything definitely.
-He is tasteless.
-She was dressed elegantly in a good taste.
-I favour /love / adore / worship / it.
Бяйянмяk/бяйянмямяk/фикри/тяяссцраты/мювгени ифадя етмяк
-I’m crazy about…
-I like neither…nor…/I don’t like it either.
-I think so/ the opposite/we’d better...
-I agree / quite agree / disagree / don’t agree.
-I wish…/I’m willing to…
-I would recommend…
-What do you want me to do?
-He made me ...
1.5. Щиссляри, емосионал реаксийаны ифадя етмяк
-I could not even think about it.
-All these made me...
-I expected better/rather poor!
-She was so disappointed/What a shame!
-It could be worse!
-It seemed to me...
-He could / might / must be...
-I’m so much surprised!
-What a surprise!
-Very strange indeed!
-I don’t mind.
-Who cares? / I don’t care.
-I’m not interested in…
-It makes no difference.
-It does not matter.
1.6. Заманда истигамятлянмя
Заманда йерляшмя (саат/эеcя-эцндцз кясийи/тарих\илин фясилляри/дювр)
-Which season do you like best?/I like winter / spring...
-Not long / Long ago.../Next spring/By the end of
-In those days/ a couple of days/a fortnight /a week
-At the same time.
- Then/ After/ before that…/ now…then…
-At first… Firstly/ secondly…
-On the following day.
-Once more….
-Once a week/ twice a year/ three times a day/ per day.
-Every now and then.
-Hardly ever...
-Forever/ All day long…/ all night.
-While reading...
-All the year round...
1.7. Мяканда истигамятляnмя
Йерляшdiyi йер
-In front of/ behind the… At the top.
-How far / near is...?
-It’s on the opposite side.
-Go straight ahead/ turn left/ right…
-Which way? - This way, please!
-Do you know how to get to...?/Is this way to...?