Yahya's cv

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Curriculum Vitae: Ceren ÖzselÇuk
WORK ADDRESS: Bogaziçi Üniversitesi. Sosyoloji Bölümü. Güney Kampüsü. PK2. Bebek 34342 İstanbul Turkey

HOME ADDRESS: Cengiz Topel cad. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Lojmanlari. C Blok No.4 Etiler Beşiktaş İstanbul Turkey

PHONE: +(90) 212.359.6491

EMAIL: ceren.ozselcuk@boun.edu.tr; ceren.ozselcuk@gmail.com


2009 Sept- Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Boğaziçi University, İstanbul, Turkey.

2008-2009 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, John Hope Franklin Humanities Institute, Durham, NC 27708.

2007-2008 Visiting Instructor of Economics, Department of Economics, Rollins College, Winter Park, FL 32789.

2007 Visiting Instructor of Economics, Department of Economics, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405.


1996-2009 Ph.D., Department of Economics, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA.

M.A., Department of Economics, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA.

1991-1996 B.A., Department of Business Administration and Department of Economics (double major), Boğaziçi University, İstanbul, Turkey.


Post-Marxism after Louis Althusser: A Critique of the Alternatives.

Dissertation Committee: Richard D. Wolff (Co-chair), Stephen A. Resnick (Co-chair), Julie Graham.


2012 Boğaziçi University Academic Encouragement Reward, Turkey.

2011 Boğaziçi University Academic Encouragement Reward, Turkey.

2008-2009 John Hope Franklin Humanities Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship, Duke University, NC.

2008 Jack B. Critchfield Research Grant, Rollins College, FL.

2005 Nominee for Distinguished Teacher Award, University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA.

2004 University of California Humanities Research Institute Summer Scholarship, CA.

2001 Political Economy Research Institute Dissertation Fellowship, University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA.

2001 Global Development and Environment Institute Grant, Tufts University, MA.

2000 Amsterdam/Maastricht Summer University Fellowship, Amsterdam, NL.

1999-2000 Graduate School Fellowship, University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA.


Economic Geography; Political Economy; Psychoanalysis and Ideology Analysis; Political Philosophy; Economic Sociology


Articles in English:

“On the Common, Universality, and Communism: A Conversation between Etienne Balibar and Antonio Negri. Introduction (with Anna Curcio),” in Ceren Özselçuk and Anna Curcio, eds., Special Issue on “The Common and the Forms of the Commune,” Rethinking Marxism Vol. 22, No. 3, (2010).

Jouissance and Antagonism in the Forms of the Commune: A Critique of Biopolitical Subjectivity,” (with Yahya Madra), in Ceren Özselçuk and Anna Curcio, eds., Special Issue on “The Common and the Forms of the Commune,” Rethinking Marxism Vol. 22, No. 3, (2010).

This article is translated to Italian and published as a book chapter (see below).

“Introduction,” (with Anna Curcio), in Ceren Özselçuk and Anna Curcio, eds., Special Issue on “The Common and the Forms of the Commune,” Rethinking Marxism Vol. 22, No. 3, (2010).

“Enjoyment as an Economic Factor,” (with Yahya Madra), in Jason Glynos and Yannis Stavrakakis eds., Special Issue on “Politics and Unconscious,” Subjectivity Vol. 3, No. 3, (2010) .

“Mourning, Melancholy, and the Politics of Class Transformation,” Rethinking Marxism Vol. 18, No. 2, (2006).

“Marxism and Psychoanalysis: From Capitalist-all to Communist Non-all,” (with Yahya Madra), Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society, Vol. 10, No. 1, (2005).

This article is translated to both Greek and Turkish. The Greek translation by Akis Gavriilidis was published in THESEIS, 100, (2007). For the citation of revised Turkish translation, see below.

“Gendered Economic Strategies and Internal Displacement in Turkey,” (with Esra Erdem) Forced Migration Review (2003).

Also published in Cathrine Brun and N. M. Birkeland eds., Researching Internal Displacement: State of the Art. Conference Proceedings. Acta-Geographica-Trondheim (2003).

Edited Journal Issues:

(with Anna Curcio), Special Issue on “The Common and the Forms of the Commune,” Rethinking Marxism Vol. 22, No. 3, (2010).

Articles in Turkish:

“Psikanaliz ve Marksizm: Sınıf İlişkisinin İmkansızlığı ve Bir Düstur Olarak Komünizm,” translated by Erdem Evren, Toplum ve Bilim, 113, (2008). [This is a revised translation of “Marxism and Psychoanalysis: From Capitalist-all to Communist Non-all,” (with Yahya Madra), Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society, Vol. 10, No. 1, (2005).]

“Bir Tabu Olarak ‘Ekonomi’ (‘Economy’ as a Taboo)” (with Yahya Madra and Kenan Erçel) Toplum ve Bilim, 95, (Winter 2003).

“Trafik Kazalarının Enkazı Altında Sınıf Çelişkileri,” Birikim, 158, (2002).

Chapters in Edited Book Volumes (English and Turkish):
“Class/antagonism” (with Yahya Madra), Rex Butler ed. Slavoj Zizek Dictionary (forthcoming 2013).
“Abstractions and Affects” (with Yahya Madra), in Heiko Feldner, Fabio Vighi, and Slavoj Zizek, eds. States of Crisis and Post-Capitalist Scenarios. University of Wales Press (forthcoming 2013).

“Reading Diverse Economies with Desire” (with Yahya Madra), in Gerda Roelvink, Kevin St. Martin and J.K. Gibson-Graham, eds. Performing Diverse Economies. University of Minnesota Press (forthcoming 2013).

“Louis Althusser and the Concept of Economy”, in Katja Diefenbach, Sara R. Farris, Gal Kirn, Peter Thomas, eds. Encountering Althusser: Politics and Materialism in Contemporary Radical Thought. Bloomsbury (2013).

“Thinking with Marx for a Feminist Postcapitalist Politics” (with J.K. Gibson-Graham and Esra Erdem), in Marx’ Kritik der Gesellschaft. Akademie Verlag (2013).

“Per una critica della ssoggettività biopolitics. Jouissance e antagonismo nelle forme di rapporto dei membri della comunità” (with Yahya Madra), in Anna Curcio ed. Comune, comunità, comunismo. Teorie e pratiche dentro e oltre la crisi. Ombre Corte (2011).

“Komünün Biçimlerinde Jouissance ve Çatışkı: Biyopolitik Öznelliğin Eleştirisi,” (with Yahya Madra), Can Evren, trans., in Yahya M. Madra, Aras Özgün, Ayşe Orhun Gültekin, eds., Sanat ve Arzu Seminerleri (Art and Desire Seminars), İstanbul: Norgunk Yayınları, 196-220 (2010).

“Economy, Surplus, Politics: Some Questions on Zizek’s Political Economy Critique of Capitalism,” (with Yahya Madra), in Heiko Feldner and Fabio Vighi, eds., Did Somebody Say Ideology? On Slavoj Zizek and Consequences. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholarly Publishing (2007).


“Economic Necessity, Political Contingency, and the Limits of Post-Marxism”Routledge, New Political Economy Series, (forthcoming 2013).


“It is in my nature!” catalog entry for the exhibition It is in my nature! Sabancı University KASA Gallery, Istanbul (2010). An extract is republished in the catalogue, Dilek Winchester, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens (2012).

“KKA4 No.11” (with Yahya Madra), a contribution to the project Kayısı Kent A4 by Dilek Winchester (2012).


2000- Editorial board member of Rethinking Marxism: A Journal of Economics, Culture, and Society.


2008-2009 Organizer (with Anna Curcio) of “The Common and the Forms of the Commune: Alternative Social Imaginaries” symposium, Duke University.


2013 “Reconfiguring the Abilities in Common, One by One” (with Yahya Madra), paper presented at the “Conflicts over Commons” Workshop, August 11-13, Economics Department, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey.

2013 “Demokratik Ozerklik” Calistayi, 6-7 Nisan, SAMER, Diyarbakir, Turkiye.

2012 “The Real of Real Abstraction” (with Yahya Madra), paper presented at the “Stranger Economies”, a Rethinking Marxism Workshop, organized by S. Charusheela, November 1-3, Simpson Center for Humanities, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, US.

2010 Participant in “Art and Desire Seminars,” co-organized by Özge Çelikarslan, Yahya Madra and Aras Özgün. İstanbul 2010 Kadırga Sanat Üretim Merkezi, June 17-24, İstanbul, Turkey.

2008-2009 Participant in “Alternative Political Imaginaries,” a year-long seminar co-convened by Robyn Wiegman and Michael Hardt. John Hope Franklin Humanities Institute, Duke University, NC.

2006 Participant in “Economic Difference, Surplus, Politics: Some Questions on Slavoj Zizek’s Political Economy Critique of Capitalism,” Zizek Conference, September 15-16, organized by Fabio Vighi and Heiko Feldner, The Zizek Center for Ideology Critique, Cardiff School of European Studies, Cardiff University, Wales, UK.

2004 Participant in “Psychoanalysis, Politics and the Event” seminar, August 16-27, organized by Kenneth Reinhardt, and with participation of Joan Copjec, Slavoj Zizek, Alenka Zupancic, Eric Santner, Mladen Dolar, Peter Hallward, and Alain Badiou. University of California Humanities Research Institute Summer Seminar in Experimental Theory, University of Irvine, CA.

2000 “The Value of Culture” summer workshop, July 31-August 9, with participation of Jack Amariglio, Arjo Klamer, Judith Mehta, and Dierdre McCloskey, Amsterdam/Maastricht Summer University, Amsterdam, NL.


2013 “Demokratik Ozerkligin Iktisadi Modeli Nedir ve Nasil Insa Edilebilir?” (Yahya Madra ile), “Yerel Yonetimler Konferansi,”15-16 Haziran, Van, Turkiye.

2012 “Louis Althusser and the Concept of Economy” in special book launch session on Encountering Althusser, Historical Materialism Annual Conference, “Weighs Like a Nightmare,” November 8-11, University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London, UK.

2012 “Sublimation and Desire in Community Economies” (with Yahya Madra), “The Many: History, Theory and Politics International Conference,” April 18-20 2012, Faculty of Human and Social Sciences of the New University of Lisbon, Lisbon.

2011 “Thinking with Marx for a Feminist Postcapitalist Politics” (with J. K. Gibson-Graham and Esra Erdem), “Rethinking Marx. Philosophy, Critique. Practice International Conference,” May 20-22 2011, Humbolt University, Berlin.

2011 “Reading Diverse Economies” (with Yahya Madra) in special sessions “For Julie Graham: Questions of Scale, Mapping and Subjectivity.” AAG Annual Meeting, April 12-16, Seattle, Washington.

2009 “On Commonwealth,” in special session on “Commonwealth by Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri”, Rethinking Marxism 7th International Conference, “New Marxian Times,” November 5-8, University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA.

2009 “Forms of the Commune and the Question of Subjectivity,” (with Yahya Madra), “The Common and the Forms of the Commune Symposium,” April 9-10, Duke University, Durham, NC.

2008 “Post-Marxism: Making Sense of an Uneven Theoretical Development,” Historical Materialism Annual Conference, “Many Marxisms,” November 7-9, University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London, UK.

2008 “The Ambivalence of the Gift” (with Maliha Safri) “Surplus/Excess,” a Rethinking Marxism Conference, April 4-5, University of California, Riverside, CA.

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