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Using Your Teaching Resources
Your teaching resources are the most comprehensive, carefully developed, and accurate ever made available. They consist of:
Instructor’s Manual
Solutions Manual
Test Item Files
PowerPoint Resources
The first four of these resources are delivered on the Foundations of Microeconomics Instructor’s Resource disk.
All the components of the instructor’s resources key off the Checkpoints in the textbook, which gives the entire package a tight integrity. We have played a leading role in authoring the questions in MyEconLab and the PowerPoint resources; paid close attention to the design, structure, and organization of MyEconLab; helped create and check the Solutions Manual; and helped in reviewing and revising the Instructor’s Manual and Test Item Files. Our hands-on approach has ensured that every element of the package achieves the consistency that teachers and their students need.
Mark Rush walks you through the Instructor’s Manual and Solutions Manual on pp. ix – x, so we will focus on the other components.
Test Item Files
Our Test Item Files, with more than 6,000 questions, provide a huge variety of question types. We have multiple-choice questions, numerical questions, short-answer questions, questions based on Chapter figures, and essay questions. There are integrative questions, which are questions drawn from two or more checkpoints or chapters and therefore require the students to integrate the material in their minds. We also included all the questions from the Study Guide, so you may “reward” students who are diligently using the Study Guide. The Study Guide questions are, of course, noted as such. The questions are in order that the material is encountered in each checkpoint. The questions are identified as to their skill level and also identified according to the AACSB classification, that is, “reflective thinking,” “analytical thinking,” and so on. Within each topic, the questions are also ordered with the numeric and graphing questions following the more qualitative questions.
For this edition, Luke Armstrong (Lee College), Carol Dole (Jacksonville University), and Fola Odebunmi (Cypress College) worked to improve the Test Item Files. Mark Rush also created some new questions. We have deleted questions about topics no longer covered. And, more importantly, we have pruned questions that we thought were weaker than average. So what you have now is the best of the best. These questions should help you create exams that really determine how well your students have “put it all together.” Along with our Checkpoint approach to the other Test Item File questions, you have one of the most comprehensive testing systems on the market.
The core of the questions comes from seven dedicated principles instructors to form one of the most comprehensive testing systems on the market. Our original questions authors are: Ali Ataiifar (Delaware County Community College), Diego Mendez-Carbajo (Illinois Wesleyan University), Carol Dole (Jacksonville University), William Mosher (Assumption College), Terry Sutton (Southeast Missouri State University), Cindy Tori (Valdosta State University), and Nora Underwood (University of California, Davis). The same questions authors also wrote questions for the Study Guide and Web site to ensure consistency across the entire package. Many of the questions were reviewed by either John Graham (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Campus at Newark) or Constantin Ogloblin (Georgia Southern University) to check the answers and improve the questions.
All Test Item Files are available in Test Generator Software (TestGen-EQ with QuizMaster-EQ). TestGen’s graphical interface enables instructors to view, edit, and add questions; transfer questions to tests; and print different forms of tests. Tests can be formatted by varying fonts and styles, margins, and headers and footers, as in any word-processing document. Search and sort features let the instructor quickly locate questions and arrange them in a preferred order. QuizMaster-EQ, working with your school’s computer network, automatically grades the exams, stores the results on a disk, and allows the instructor to view and print a variety of reports.
PowerPoint Resources
We have created the PowerPoint resources on the basis of our 20 years of experience using this tool in our own classrooms. These resources are:
Lecture notes with speaking tips
The speaking notes sections of the lecture notes provide material from the Instructor’s Manual on teaching tips and suggestions.
The stand-alone textbook figures and tables enable you to incorporate these items in your own personal PowerPoint lecture notes.
Checkpoint Practice Problems
The Checkpoint Practice Problem slides include all Checkpoint Practice Problems and their in-text solutions. The MyEconLab multiple-choice problems that correspond to Checkpoint Practice Problems are available on Clicker (Personal Response) enabled slides for use in the classroom.
The Eye On boxes presentations give you an opportunity to enliven your lectures with data and applications to issues in the U.S. and global economies and to add a historical dimension.
Every figure and table—including those used in Checkpoint questions and solutions—is included in the PowerPoint resources. In the lecture notes, we have animated most of the figures and tables so that you can build them gradually in the classroom. The stand alone textbook figures are also animated.
We have set up the figures so that you can expand them to full-screen size or shrink them to display text explanations alongside them at a single mouse click during a lecture.
We have determined the optimal build sequence for the animated figures and have produced them with the same degree of clarity and precision as the figures in the text.
Classroom response systems—“clickers”—are built into PowerPoint presentations to create an instant interactive learning environment. Instructors can push the boundaries of the traditional lecture format by posing multiple-choice questions and receiving immediate feedback from students via transmitters (clickers). Clickers can facilitate students’ active participation and involvement in class and encourage peer discussion of economic concepts.
MyEconLab puts your students in control of their learning and gives you a powerful tool for monitoring their progress and setting automatically graded homework, tests, and quizzes. MyEconLab can even grade assignments that require students to draw a graph.
The core of MyEconLab is a large bank of exercises consisting of four question types—multiple choice, free response numerical, fill blank, and draw graph.
All the exercises are automatically graded and the grades are captured in a grade book.
Many of the exercises are generated by algorithms and play a large number of variations.
All the exercises are accessible in the instructor’s Homework and Test Manager.
Some of the exercises are available to your students with no further input required by you in Sample Tests and Quizzes (although you can disable student access to this material if you wish).
Other exercises are available to students only if assigned by the instructor in a Homework, Test or Quiz.
Students work a personalized Study Plan that is generated from their performance on the Sample Tests and Quizzes and on Homework, Tests, and Quizzes that you assign.
When students work exercises in Study Plan or Homework assignments they receive instant and extensive feedback that is specific to the answer given (whether incorrect or correct) and have access to an array of other study resources that include:
Guided solution – a step-by-step walk through the question with a series of smaller questions that build up to the complete question
Textbook content – quick reference to specific pages of the text that correspond to each Study Plan exercise.
Animated figure—the relevant figure in the textbook with a step-by-step animation and audio explanations of the action.
When students work exercises in a Test or Quiz, they get no help or feedback at the time of working the exercises but you can set a review option after the Test or Quiz closes.
All the textbook Practice Problems in each Checkpoint and all of the end-of-chapter Study Plan Problems and Applications are available in Study Plan.
All the Instructor Assignable Problems and Applications in the textbook are available in the Homework and Test Manager and are reserved for instructors. Students have no access to these questions unless they are instructor-assigned.
The correlation between the text and MyEconLab is perfect and seamless.
The 6,000-question Test Item File is available in MyEconLab for online tests and quizzes.
Economics in the News, which is updated daily through the school year on MyEconLab, is also updated daily as instructor-assignable automatically graded problems in the Homework and Test Manager.
Refer to the Instructor Quick Start Guide or contact your Pearson sales representative to set up MyEconLab for your course.
Checklist and Checkpoints: The Glue that Holds Your Tools Together
Each chapter of the textbook opens with a Chapter Checklist that tells your students what they’ll be able to do when they’ve completed the chapter. The number of tasks varies from two to five and most often is three or four. Each part of a chapter, in the textbook, Study Guide, and MyEconLab is linked directly to a Checklist item to enable your students to know exactly what they’re studying and how it will enable them to accomplish their learning objective. Each part of a chapter in the textbook ends with a Checkpoint—a page that offers a Practice Problem to test understanding of the key ideas of the part, a worked and illustrated solution to the Practice Problem, and a further (parallel) Exercise.
Our Checkpoints enable students to review material when it’s fresh in their minds. We suggest that you encourage your students to work the Checkpoints and if possible, devote some class time to working sample problems with them. The Test Item Files are organized by Checkpoints so that you can match your tests and exam papers closely to the parts of each chapter that you’ve emphasized most.
Instructor’s Resource Disk
This disk contains the Instructor’s Manual and Solutions Manual in Microsoft Word and PDF formats. It also contains the Computerized Test Item Files (with a TestGen program installer) and PowerPoint resources. It is compatible with both Windows and Macintosh operating systems.
Instructors Tell Us What Works for You
Please tell us the tools that you find most helpful. And tell us what you think we can improve. You can email us at robin@econ100.com or michael.parkin@uwo.ca, or use “Consult the Authors” on
Robin Bade
Michael Parkin
Ontario, Canada
February, 2012
Y OUR INSTRUCTOR’S MANUAL and Solutions Manual
Robin and Michael just presented an overview of the tools available to help you with your course. Personally, I think that the existence of these tools is incredibly good timing because at no time in history has teaching your students the principles of economics been either more challenging or more important. Similar to all the resources available to qualified adopters of Foundations of Microeconomics, the Instructor’s Manual and the Solutions Manual are designed to assist you in your teaching, so I want to spend some time discussing them in more detail. Let me start with the Instructor’s Manual.
Instructor’s Manual
The Instructor’s Manual is your one-stop package of material you need for your lectures. I have described what is contained in your Instructor’s Manual and given some suggested uses below.
Chapter Outline
Leading off is a brief outline of the chapter. This section is designed to help you as you rush off to class and need one last glance to discover whether a certain topic is covered in the chapter. The outline is brief, highlighting the major headings in the book. The extended lecture outline, presented later in this Instructor’s Manual, is a more complete outline.
Chapter Roadmap
The Chapter Roadmap has four concise sections that let you see how the current chapter fits into the flow of the material. One section covers “What’s New in this Edition;” another “Where We Are;” another, “Where We’ve Been;” and the fourth, “Where We’re Going.” This section is designed as a lecture helper, so if you need to determine how the chapter fits into the scheme of things, turn here.
Class Time Needed
This short section can be extremely valuable, particularly if during the term you run out of time before you run out of material! The Class Time Needed section presents a careful estimate of how many 50-minute lectures are usually needed to cover a particular chapter. These times are just estimates, but they are the results of consideration by several experienced instructors. There is nothing wrong with using more time or less time, depending on your interests and the class’s participation.
Chapter Lecture
This section contains complete lecture notes that you can immediately use in your lecture or simply reference to help prepare your own lecture notes. This material might well be the most valuable section in the Instructor’s Manual when you are pressed for time and need to gather notes for your lecture! Incorporated in these notes are suggested figures that you can draw, tables with numerical examples that you can use, and, in shaded boxes, suggested points to emphasize or interesting topics that you can mention to bring your lecture to life. To help you recall what is new to the students, terms in bold face indicate glossary terms from the textbook, which are newly introduced to the students in the chapter. We have incorporated some additional features in these lectures:
Lecture Launchers We know how fascinating and relevant economics is. But nowadays, with so many other events competing for our students’ attention, it is much too easy to lose out to the latest craze. This section helps overcome this problem by presenting class-tested methods devised by award-winning teachers that will stimulate your students’ interests. These suggestions are highlighted and are scattered throughout the lectures. As you glance through them, you will see a variety of suggestions that cover a wide range of teaching styles. Select those that work best for your style. No matter whether or not you used the material in this section before—you definitely want to take a look at it this time! And if you have suggestions for other lecture launchers, please drop me a note at the e-mail address at the end of this preface—I am collecting additional suggestions for the next edition.
Land Mines As instructors, we know that certain topics are difficult for students. Determining the best way to present difficult material can be a hard and tricky task. These suggestions are designed to ease this problem by using the insights of talented and experienced instructors. The landmines identify areas that students have found difficult to grasp and then present suggestions about how to overcome these problems. In my career, I have taught over 60,000 students but I have found these suggestions to be incredibly valuable and, even as I worked on this Instructors’ Manual, I adopted them into my class. So check out the suggestions and, once again, if you have further tips please e-mail me.
“Eye On”
A wonderful feature of the textbook is the material presented in each chapter called “Eye On.” “Eye on the U.S. Economy” describes the U.S. economy today or in the recent past. “Eye on the Global Economy” and “Eye on the Past” help the student to place current and recent U.S. experience in a global and historical perspective. And the “Eye on Your Life” helps the student relate what he or she is learning to their own life. This material is fascinating and lends itself to further discussion or assignments so the last section in the Instructor’s Manual presents suggestions about how you can use these “Eyes On” for either class discussion or assignments. In either case, check out our suggestions because they can deeply enrich your course!
Additional Exercises for Assignment
The last section of the Instructors Manual presents some additional discussion questions. (In previous editions these questions had been located in the Solutions Manual.) Some of these questions are suitable for essay exams; some are more open-ended and are probably best used for classroom discussion; and some are similar to the Checkpoint Exercises. All of them are designed to make your students think and use the material you have been teaching them. The Instructors Manual also has suggested answers for these questions which you can use yourself or pass out to your students.
Solutions Manual
The Solutions Manual has complete answers to all the Chapter Checkpoint questions. For ease of use, the Solutions Manual reprints the questions from the textbook before the answers so you will not need to carry both the textbook and the Solutions Manual to class in order to assign or answer the questions.
Answers to Chapter Checkpoint Problems and Applications
One of the remarkable pedagogical tools of the textbook is the Chapter Checkpoint problems and applications at the end of each chapter. Each chapter has three pages of questions; “Study Plan Problems and Applications” on the first page can be worked by students in their MyEconLab Study Plan. “Instructor Assignable Problems and Applications” on the other two pages are in the MyEconLab Homework and Test Manager.
If you prefer to assign these problems and applications as paper tests, you will appreciate the complete answers in the Solutions Manual. You can use these answers to help you in grading assigned questions or you can copy the answers and distribute them to your students.
In a very real sense, teaching the principles of economics is “work in progress.” As new insights are uncovered, as new knowledge is developed, the principles of economics is always changing and evolving. You can be assured that Bade-Parkin’s Foundations of Microeconomics will likewise always change and evolve to remain the best book available for you and your students’ use. So it is with a great deal of pleasure that we acknowledge people who have helped create the Instructor’s Manual and Solutions Manual.
Richard Gosselin of Houston Community College and Carol Dole of Jacksonville University are the authors of the first edition of the Instructor’s Manual, which was ultimately divided into the Solutions Manual and the Instructor’s Manual. For a past edition, Margaret Anne Shannon of Gordon College and Richard Gosselin helped revise the Instructor’s Manual. For this edition, Luke Armstrong of Lee College fine-tuned and improved the Instructor’s Manual so that it reflects the changes made in the textbook. I updated the Solutions Manual, but in truth the main parts of it still belong to the original authors, Richard Gosselin and Carol Dole.
For the past editions, Pearson assembled three very talented instructors who checked the accuracy of the entire set of supplements. Although not all looked explicitly at these books, often comments made on the Study Guide or Test Item Files helped improve the Instructor’s Manual or Solutions Manual. So I want to thank all of them for their help:
Harry Ellis, University of North Texas
John Graham, Rutgers The State University of New Jersey
Kate Krause, University of New Mexico
The number of errors they found and the improvements they created are beyond count. I soon learned that without their input, these books would be very much inferior products. And, working with each was a sheer pleasure!
Jeannie Shearer-Gillmore, University of Western Ontario, checked every word, every sentence, every paragraph, and every page of the books. She made a huge number of corrections and comments and found an embarrassingly large number of errors in the answers to the questions in the Solutions Manual for this edition. Jeannie’s value-added is almost beyond calculation. And she accomplished all this work while basking in the Canadian winter.
Sarah Dumouchelle and Alison Eusden, of Pearson, played a huge role in helping see these books through to the end. I cannot imagine how Sarah retained her cheerfulness in the face of my obstinacy, occasional random disappearances (when my class duties summoned me), and my ability to lose everything that was sent to me at least once. Alison managed to overlook all my technological failings with not even one negative comment! I look forward with great pleasure to working with them in the future.
Even with all this help, it is undoubtedly the case that there remains substantial room for improvement in both the Instructor’s Manual and Solutions Manual. Indeed, any corrections, suggestions, or comments that you might have would be greatly appreciated. Moreover, it is extremely easy for you to bring these to my attention. You can either write me, at the address below, or e-mail me at Mark.Rush@cba.ufl.edu. Either way, I would greatly appreciate hearing from you. In a better world, there would be some compensation offered for suggestions, corrections, and comments you might make. Unfortunately, this is not that better world! But I can promise that I’ll acknowledge your help in future editions.
Mark Rush
Economics Department
University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida 32611
February, 2012
© 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Addison Wesley
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