Yusef waghid

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Imenda, SN. 2004. Factors Underlying Technikon and University Enrolment Trends in South Africa. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 32 (2): pp 195-215. (From Waghid, Y. 2003. Democracy, Higher Education Transformation and Citizenship in South Africa. South African Journal of Higher Education 17(1): 91–97).

  • Jones, T. 2005. Implementing community peace and safety networks in South Africa. Theory into Practice, 44(4): 345-354 (From Waghid, Y. 2004. Compassion, citizenship and education in South Africa: Transformative possibility? International Review of Education, 50(5-6): 525-542).

  • Joubert, R. 2006. School governance in South Africa: Linking policy and praxis. www.topkinisis.com/conference/CCEAM/wib/index/outline/PDF/JOUBERT%20Rika.pdf. (From Waghid, Y. 2002. In need of deliberative inter-school relations in the Northern Cape. South African Journal of Education. 22 (2) May 2002).

  • Keet, A & Carim, N. 2006. Human rights and curriculum reform in south Africa. Journal of Social Science Education (www.jsse.org). (From Waghid, Y. 2004. Compassion, Citizenship and Education in South Africa - An Opportunity for Transformation. International Review of Education. 50 (5-6): 525-542).

  • Keevy, J. 2006. The South African National Qualifications Framework as key driver for the development of qualifications frameworks in the Southern African Development Community. Paper based on a presentation made at the 4th Annual SADC Assessment in Education Conference, hosted by Umalusi, 25-29 June 2006, University of Johannesburg. (From Waghid, Y. 2006. The South African National Qualifications Framework as a “social construct” or not. Paper to be presented at the Second Annual NQF Colloquium, Velmore Conference Centre, Midrand, 10-11 August 2006)

  • Kolb, A. & Kolb, D. 2002. Experiential learning theory bibliography, 1-144, http://www.learningfromexperience.com/ELTbibJul02.pdf (From Waghid, Y. 2000. Reconceptualising engineering education: creating spaces for outcomes and dialogical agape. Higher Education, 40(3): 259-276).

  • Kruger, E., Gravett, S. & Petersen, N. 2005. Learners’ perceptions of a community service programme within the therapeutic massage therapy qualification. Education as Change, 9(1): 127-150). (From Waghid, Y. 1999. Engaging universities and society through research, teaching and service. South African Journal of Higher Education, 17(1): 109-117; Waghid, Y. 2001. Transforming university teaching and learning through a reflexive praxis. South African Journal of Higher Education, 15(1): 77-83.).

  • Kruss, G. 2006. Teacher Education: The Challenge of Diversity. Cape Town: Human Sciences Research Council Press (From Waghid, Y. 2004. Citizenship education as compassion. Journal of Education, 32: 105-122).

  • Kusmawan, U. 2005. Values infusion into scientific actions in environmental
    learning: A preliminary research report. Paper presented at the AARE Annual International Education Research Conference, Parramatta, November 27 - 31 December 2005. (From Waghid, Y. 2005. Action as an educational virtue: Towards a different understanding of democratic citizenship education. Educational Theory, 55(3): 323-342).

  • Law & Transformation Programme – Centre for Applied Legal Studies, University of the Witwatersrand. 2003. Submission to the Ministerial committee on School management and Governance. (From Adams, F & Waghid Y. 2003. In quest of a special education programme for democratic school governance in South Africa. International Journal of Special Education. Vol 18 No 1).

  • Le Grange, L & Newmark, R 2002. Postgraduate research supervision in a socially distributed knowledge system: some thoughts. South African Journal of Higher Education, 16(3): 50-57. (From Waghid, Y. 1999. Engaging universities and society through research, teaching and community service. South African Journal of Higher Education, 13(2): 109-117 and Waghid, Y. & Cillers, C. 2000. Integrating university research, teaching and community service: a practice of greater social relevance. International Journal of Special Education, 15(2): 46-64).

  • Le Grange, L & Newmark, R. 2002. A civil society partnership in special education in a changing south Africa. International Journal of Special Education, 17(1):85-90 (from Waghid Y. 1999. Engaging universities and society through research, teaching and service. South African Journal of Higher Education, 13(2), 109-117; and Waghid Y & Cilliers C. 2000. Integrating university research, teaching and community service: a practice of greater social relevance. International Journal of Special Education, 15(2): pp 46-64).

  • Le Grange, L. 2001. Empowering school managers / leaders through environmental education. The Empowerment of School Leaders through Democratic Values Seminar Report, 13: 53-60. (From Waghid, Y. A conceptual analysis of a reflexive democratic praxis related to higher education transformation in South Africa. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. Stellenbosch: University of Stellenbosch).

  • Le Grange, L. 2002. Challenges for higher education transformation in South Africa: integrating the local and the global, South African Journal of Higher Education, 16(1): 67-73 (From Waghid, Y. 1999. Engaging universities and society through research, teaching and service. South African Journal of Higher Education, 13(2): 109-117; Waghid, Y. 2001. Globalisation and higher education restructuring in South Africa: is democracy under threat?, Journal of Education Policy, 16(5): 455-464).

  • Le Grange, L. 2002. Educational research, democracy and praxis. South African Journal of Education, 22(1): 36-39 (From Waghid, Y. Reflexivity, democracy and praxis: reflecting on a critical moment in classroom pedagogy. Perspectives in Education, 19(1): 29-37).

  • Lenyai, EM. 2006. The design and implementation of intervention programmes for disadvantaged school beginners. Doctoral Thesis – UNISA. (From Waghid, Y. 2002. Qualitative research in education and the critical use of rationality. South African Journal of Education, 20(1): 32-36).

  • Levine, J. H. 2002. The Promise of Public: Post-Apartheid Education in South Africa. Rutgers-GSE Study Tour 2002. http://www.rci.rutgers.edu/~jhernan/sa/jhl.htm. (From Waghid, Y. 1999. Engaging universities and society through research, teaching and service. South African Journal of Higher Education 13 (2): pp. 109-117).

  • Lues, J. & Lategan, LOK. 2006. A reflection of the South African food research environment. British Food Journal, 16, 108(1): 61-71 (From Waghid Y. & le Grange L 2003. Research and Development in Higher Education: Rating or not. South African Journal of Higher Education, Vol. 17 (1): 5-15).

  • Mapesela, MLE. 2005. Africa(n) –Focused Research: Two case studies from Lesotho. Theme: Internationalisation in African Higher education/Research issues. http://www.interaction.nu.ac.za/SAARDHE2005/full%20papers/MAPASELA,%20MLE.doc. (From Waghid, Y. 2002. Qualitative research in education and the critical use of rationality. South African Journal of Education 20(1): 32-36).

  • Mashile, E. & Pretorius, F. 2003. Challenges of online education in a developing country. South African Journal of Higher Education, 17(1): 132-139. (From Ridge, E. & Waghid, Y. 2001. Equity and distance education. Equity and Excellence in Education, 34(3): 80-86).

  • Masipa, M. 2005. Is large-scale research performance assessment possible in South African higher education? www.interaction.nu.ac.za/SAARDHE2005 (From Waghid Y. and le Grange L 2003. Research and Development in Higher Education: Rating or not. South African Journal of Higher Education, Vol. 17 (1): 5-15).

  • Merry, M. 2006. Islamic philosophy of education and Western Islamic schools (Book chapter), 41-70 (From Waghid, Y. 1996. Why a theory of Islamic education cannot be epistemologically neutral. Muslim Education Quarterly, 13(2): 34-45).

  • Mochifefe, MA. 2006. Human resource development in radiography education: A search for excellence in time of change. MED Dissertation. University of Pretoria. (From Waghid, Y 2000. Notions of transformative possibility, equality, accountability, development and quality within higher education. South African Journal of Higher Education 4(3): 101-110 and Waghid, Y 2003. Democracy, higher education transformation and citizenship in South Africa. South African Journal of Higher Education, 17(1): 91-97).

  • Monyatsi, PP. 2004. Teacher Appraisal: an evaluation of practices in Botswana Secondary Schools. Thesis – UNISA. (From Waghid, Y. 1996. Can a system of teacher appraisal in a changing South Africa be sustainable? South African Journal of Education, 16(2): 81-87).

  • Monyatsi, PP. 2006. Motivating the motivators with developmental teacher appraisal. Journal of Social Science, 13(2): 101-107. (From Waghid, Y. 1996. Can a system of teacher appraisal in a changing South Africa be sustainable? South African Journal of Education, 16(2): 81-87).

  • Murphy, F. S. 2005. Quality management: an ‘essential attributes' approach. A case study towards a sustainable model of course effectiveness evaluation. Research in Post-Compulsory Education. 10 (2): pp227 – 244. (From Waghid, Y. Reconceptualising engineering education: creating spaces for outcomes and dialogical agape. Higher Education, 40(3): 259-276).

  • N’Dri T. Assié-Lumumba. 2005. Critical Perspectives on the Crises, Planned Change, and the Prospects for Transformation in African Higher Education. JHEA/RESA (Boston College & Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa). 3 (3): pp 1-29. (From Waghid, Y., 2002. Rationality and the Role of the University: A Response to Philip Higgs. South Africa Journal of Higher Education. 16(2) and Waghid, Y. van Wyk, B., Adams F., and November, I., (eds.) 2005. African(a) Philosophy of Education: Reconstructions and Deconstructions. Matieland: Stellenbosch University).

  • Nakusera, E. 2004. Rethinking higher education transformation in terms of an African(a) philosophy of education. South African Journal of Higher Education, 18(3): 127-137 (From Waghid, Y. 2002. Democratic Education: Policy and Praxis. Stellenbosch: University of Stellenbosch Publishers; Waghid, Y. 2003. Education as Virtue: Cultivating Practical Reasoning and Compassion. Matieland: Stellenbosch University Publishers; and Waghid, Y. 2004. African philosophy of education: implications for teaching and learning. Paper presented at the SAARDHE conference).

  • Naukkarinen, J. 2003. Learning environments in higher engineering education in Finland. http://www.tek.fi/koulutus/futureng/oppimisymparistot/Summary_in_English.pdf, 1-34. (From Waghid, Y. 2000. Reconceptualising engineering education: creating spaces for outcomes and dialogical agape. Higher Education, 40(3): 259-276). ISI

  • November, I. 2005. Paradoxes of Teaching as deliberation. South African Journal of Higher Education, 19(6) (From Waghid, Y. 2002. Democratic Education: Policy and Praxis. Stellenbosch: University of Stellenbosch Publishers).

  • Noyce, J. 2002. Islam and the environment. Religion and Development: A Multi-faith Bibliography. http://www.lulu.com/items/46000/46951/preview/Islam/Environment. (From, Waghid, Y. 1996. Can ta`dib lead to eco-educational transformation. Journal of Islamic Science, 12(2): 49-55).

  • Nxawe, L. (co-author) 2003. Critical and democratic teacher performance in schools: a South African case study. International Journal of Special Education, 18(2): 73-83. (From Waghid, Y. 2002. Qualitative research in education and the critical use of rationality. South African Journal of Education, 20(1): 32-36).

  • O’Brien, F. 2005. Grounding service learning in South Africa, Acta Academica, 3: 64- 98 (From Waghid, Y. 2002. Knowledge production and higher education transformation in South Africa: towards reflexivity in university teaching, research and community service. Higher Education, 43(4): 457-488).

  • Obikezi, D. 2005. Indigenous knowledge systems and the transformation of the academy in Africa: The CULPIP model, Interinstitutional Consortium for Indigenous Knowledge Conference Proceedings, PennState, College of Education (From Waghid, Y. 2001. Globalisation and higher education restructuring in South Africa: Is democracy under threat? Journal of Education Policy, 16(5): 455-464).

  • Omar, R. 1995. Madrasa Education: Quo Vadis ? Boorhaanol Islam 30(2): 7-10 (From Waghid, Y. 1994. Conceptually based problems within madrasah education in South Africa. Muslim education Quarterly, 11(2): 9-28).

  • Pretorius, K. 2002. Accommodating social and economic priorities in developing countries. Paper presented at the 16th Australian International Education Conference, 30 September to 4 October, Hobart, 1-16 (From Waghid, Y. 2001. Globalisation and higher education restructuring in South Africa: Is democracy under threat? Journal of Education Policy, 16(5): 455-464.

  • Raby, RL. 2002. Comparative and international education: A bibliography (2001). Comparative Education Review, 46: 364-405. (From Waghid, Y. 2001. Globalisation and higher education restructuring in South Africa: Is democracy under threat? Journal of Education Policy, 16(5): 455-464).

  • Race, R. 2003. Thematic review – reflecting upon and changing teaching and learning within education. British Educational Research Journal, 29(2): 259-265. (From Waghid, Y. 2002. Knowledge production and higher education transformation in South Africa: towards reflexivity in university teaching, research and community service. Higher Education, 43(4): 457-488).

  • Ramolefe, E. 2004. How secondary school educators experience principals’ support?, upetd.up.ac.za/available/ etd-12062004-102701/unrestricted/01dissertation.pd (From Waghid, Y. 2001. Is Outcomes-based education a sufficient justification for education? South African Journal of Education, 21(2): 127-132).

  • Reddy, T. 2003. Higher education and social transformation – the case study of South Africa. http://www.open.ac.uk/cheri/TRsafinaldraft.pdf, 1-102 (From Waghid, Y. 2002. Does the restructuring of higher education in an era of globalisation create space for communitarian liberalism? South African Journal of Higher Education, 16(1): 106-112).

  • Sawyerr, A. 2002. Challenges facing African universities. Commissioned Paper presented at 45th Annual Meeting of the Association of African Universities Colloquium, 5-8 December, Washington, 1-62 (From Waghid, Y. 2002. Does the restructuring of higher education in an era of globalisation create space for communitarian liberalism? South African Journal of Higher Education, 16(1): 106-112).

  • Schulze, S. 2003. The courage to change: challenges for teacher educators. South African Journal of Education, 23(1): 6-12. (From Waghid, Y. 1997. Becoming critical of distance education theory again, SAJE, 17: 112-116; Waghid, Y. 1997. An intersubjective practice of instructional design: the role of collegiality. Progressio, 19:48-55; Waghid, Y. 1998. Collegial dialogue: a procedure towards reconceptualising an inadequate understanding of resource-based learning at higher education institutions for distance learning. SAJHE, 12: 78-86).

  • Seroto, J. 2004. The Impact of South African Legislation (1948-2004) on black education in rural areas: a historical perspective. Doctoral thesis- UNISA. (From Waghid, Y. 2000. Can poststructuralist nuances of sustainable living contribute towards educational transformation in schools? South African Journal of Education, 20(2): 85-90).

  • Seyit, K. 2006. The paradox of Islam and the challenges of modernity, http://epress.anu.edu.au 51-62 (From Waghid, Y. 1996. In search of a boundless ocean and new skies: human creativity is a matter of action, striving and intellectual exertion. American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, 13(3): 353-365).

  • Sing-Min, Y. M. 2003. The Development of a Model for Organising Educational Resources on an Intranet. M. Tech. Dissertation - Faculty of Computer Studies, Port Elizabeth Technikon. (From Waghid, Y. 1999. Instructional Systems Design “Tools” and Engineering Materials Development. South African Journal of Education. 19(2): 115–120).

  • Soudien, C. 2006.The city, citizenship and education. Journal of Education. 40: 101-118. (From Waghid, Y. 2004. Citizenship education as compassion. Journal of Education, 32: 105-122).

  • Steyn, C. 2006. The changing nature of research and development inputs in the South African higher education sector: findings from the national research and experimental development survey. Paper published under the responsibility of the Secretary General of the OECD, HSRC (From Waghid, Y. 2001. Globalisation and higher education restructuring in South Africa: is democracy under threat?, Journal of Education Policy, 16(5): 455-464).

  • Steyn, J. & de Klerk, J. 2005. Karl Pooper’s views on an open society and their implications for the democratic transformation of South African education, Education as Change, 9(1): 151-167 (From Waghid, Y. 2002. Democratic Education: Policy and Praxis. Stellenbosch: University of Stellenbosch Publishers; Waghid, Y. 2003. Community and Democracy in South Africa: Liberal vs Communitarian Perspectives. Frankfurt-am Main: Peter Lang).

  • Steyn, J. 2002. Perceptions of democratic transformation of education : the debate on quality and equality. Reuter, L.R. & Dobert, H. (eds.) After Communism and Apartheid: Transformation of Education in Germany and South Africa. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 111-130 (Waghid, Y. Education for democracy: revisiting Rortyan pragmatism. Democratic Transformation of Education in South Africa. Johannesburg: Konrad Adenauer Foundation; Waghid, Y. A Conceptual Analysis of a Reflexive Democratic Praxis Related to Higher Education Transformation in South Africa. PhD Dissertation, University of Stellenbosch).

  • Suirez-Orozco, M. & Qin-Hilliard, B. Globalisation: Culture and Education in the New Millennium. University of California: The Regents. (From Waghid, Y. 2001. Globalisation and higher education restructuring in South Africa: Is democracy under threat? Journal of Education Policy, 16(5): 455-464).

  • Tavner A.C.R. 2005. Outcomes-Based education in a university setting. Australasian journal of engineering education 2005(2). http://www.aaee.com.au/journal/2005/tavner05.pdf (From Fakier, M., and Waghid, Y. 2004. On outcomes-based education and creativity in South Africa. International Journal of Special Education. 19 (2): pp53-63).

  • Taylor, MA & Callahan, JL. 2005. Bringing Creativity into Being: Underlying assumptions that influence methods of studying. Advances in Developing Human Resources. adh.sagepub.com Page 1. 10.1177/1523422305274529. (From Waghid, Y. 2002. Qualitative research in education and the critical use of rationality. South African Journal of Education , 20(1): 32-36).

  • Thomson, P. 2003. No more managers-r-u! Researching/teaching ‘schools in challenging circumstances’. Journal of Education Policy, 18(3): 333-346 (From Waghid, Y. & Le Grange, L. Imaginaries on Democratic Education and Change. Pretoria: SAARDHE).

  • Unterhalter, E, Kioko-Echessa, E, Pattman, R, Rajagopolan, R, N’Jai, F. 2004. Scaling up girls’ education: Towards a scorecard on girls’ education in the Commonwealth. A paper commissioned by the Commonwealth Secretariat from Beyond Access Project (Institute of Education, University of London and Oxfam GB), 1-55 (From Adams, F. & Waghid, Y. 2003. In quest of a “special education” programme for democratic school governance in South Africa. International Journal of Special Education, 18(1): 17-23).

  • Van Rensburg, W. 2004. Writing partnerships: academic writing and service-learning. Education as Change, 8(2): 134-145. (From Waghid, Y. 1999. Engaging universities and society through research, teaching and service. South African Journal of Higher Education, 17(1): 109-117).

  • Van Rensburg, W. 2004. Writing partnerships: learning through service. http://extra.shu.ac.uk/wdhe2004/p2.html#1c. (From Waghid, Y. 1999. Engaging universities and society through research, teaching and service. South African Journal of Higher Education, 17(1): 109-117).

  • Van Schalkwyk, S. 2002. Issues of quality when integrating generic learning outcomes in study programmes geared at career-oriented education. Paper presented at the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australia Conference, 7-10 July, Perth (From Waghid, Y. 2002. Notions of transformative possibility : equality, accountability, development and quality. South African Journal of Higher Education,14(3): 101-111).

  • Van Wyk, B. 2003. Educational transformation: towards re-imagining higher education. South African Journal of Higher Education, 18(3): 152-158. (From Waghid, Y. 2002. Knowledge production and higher education transformation in South Africa: towards reflexivity in university teaching, research and community service. Higher Education, 43(4): 457-488).

  • Van Wyk, B. 2003. Exploring the notion of educational transformation: in search of constitutive meanings. International Journal of Special Education, 18(2): 1-17. (From Waghid, Y. 2002. Knowledge production and higher education transformation in South Africa: towards reflexivity in university teaching, research and community service. Higher Education, 43(4): 457-488).

  • Van Wyk, B. 2004. An analysis of transformation at three South African universities. Education as Change, 8(1): 164-186 (From Waghid, Y. 2001. Globalisation and higher education restructuring in South Africa: Is democracy under threat? Journal of Education Policy, 16(5): 455-464 & Waghid, Y. 2002. Knowledge production and higher education transformation in South Africa: towards reflexivity in university teaching, research and community service. Higher Education, 43(4): 457-488).

  • Van Wyk, B. 2006. Higher education and the market: influence and responses. Acta Academica, 37(3): 41-64 (From Waghid, Y. 2002. Democratic Education: Policy and Praxis. Stellenbosch: University of Stellenbosch Publishers; Waghid, Y. & Le Grange, L. 2002. Globalisation and higher education restructuring in South Africa: moving towards distributive justice. South African Journal of Higher Education, 16(1): 5-8).

  • Walker-Garvin, A. Unsatisfactory Satisfaction: student feedback and closing the loop (Quality Promotion and Assurance, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa). (From Waghid, Y. 2000. Notions of transformative possibility: equality, accountability, development and quality within higher education. South African Journal of Higher Education, 14 (3): 101-111).

  • Wan Daud, W.M.N. 1998. The Educational Philosophy and Practice of Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas: An Exposition of the Original Concept of Islamization. Kuala Lumpur: ISTAC Publishers, 507 pp., ISBN983-9379-09-7 (From Waghid, Y. 1996. Ta`dib: restatement of Islamic education. Muslim Education Quarterly, 13(4): 32-45).

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