Name and
:Dr. Basaling Basavanneppa Hosetti
:Former Director, Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation Board,
(PMEB) and Professor and Chairman
Department of Applied Zoology,
Director, School of Biosciences
Kuvempu University, Shankaraghatta - 577 451.
Shimoga, District, State: Karnataka,
Phone (O): 91 (08282) 256263
Fax: 08282 256255:
Cell: 9845707071, 9845857173
: Sri Sachhi Nilaya, Ratnakar Nagar,
Opposite to University of Agriculture and Horticulture Sciences, College, Mattodu Cross
Abbalgere post, Shimoga-577225
Date of Birth, age and : 12-01-1957, 60 Years,
Place Village - Bidi, Taluka -
Khanapur, Dist. - Belgaum
5. Education : B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., from Karnataka University, Dharwad
Research Area :
Aquatic Pollution, Sewage Treatment, Eutrophication, Solid Waste Management,
Toxicology, Entomology and Wild Life Biodiversity.
Research and Teaching Experience :
30 Years both in India & Abroad (1981-2016)
Publications :
More than 250 Research Publications in National & International Journals, Published 20 Books related to Environmental Science
and Published four Books and 40 Popular Articles in Kannada
Google Scholar (Citations more than 720)
H index - 16 I index - 24
Ph.D. & M. Phil. guided :
22 Ph.Ds., and 10 M. Phils completed. These candidates belongs all communities and costs of the state.
Visits Abroad :
Worked at Salford University, as visiting faculty and Post Doctoral fellow for one year, England
Served as School of Environmental Sciences, University of Messachusetts, Amherst, U.S.A. for one academic year.
Visited Dept of Botany and Zoology Tribhuvan University, Nepal, as a visiting faculty.
Received all meritorious fellowships of CSIR and UGC.
Viz. UGC JRF, SRF, RA. and CSIR SRF and RA.
Research Projects handled :
Completed Major Research Projects from D.B.T., U.G.C., DANIDA and ICFRE and Minor projects from Dept of Forest worth 1 Crore rupees during 1994 to 2012.
Academic and Administration Experience :
Worked as Chairman, Dept. of Zoology (9 years), Wildlife studies (9years) and Microbiology (0ne year).
Wildlife Warden, Shivamogga for 2 years.
Academic Council Member for two terms. Director, School of Bio Sciences for 2 years.
Director, PMEB for one term
Served as BOA Member for Shivaji University – Kolhapur; Marathawada University- Aurangabad, Karnatak University, Dharwad; Bangalore University, Bangalore, Kakatiya University, Andhra Pradesh and Acharya Ranga Agriculuture University, Hyderabad.
Served as President: teachers Association, Kuvempu University, Shankarghatta
Served as BOS & BOE member to Karnataka University, Gulbarga University, Mangalore University, Kuvempu University, Mysore University, Bangalore University, Vijayajapur University, Ballary University and few Universities in Maharashtra, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu
Awards :
Indian National Science Academy (INSA) to Visit Nepal
Liver Hulme visiting fellowship, to visit England (U.K.)
Ambassdorial fellowship, to visit Amherst, Boston U.S.A.
JRF, SRF and RA CSIR, New Delhi
Vijayashree Award by by IIFS, New Delhi.
Lifetime Achievement award 2015 by Vasundara - Kirloskar Trust India.
Public/NGO Association: For the past 10 years associated with a local NGO, Environmental Study Centre, Santhekadur, by participating in all the activities like, Children education Adventure clubs, adult education, population studies, awareness programmes, Green School evaluation etc.
Started and established programmes like, Masters in Zoology, Wild life science, Microbiology, Life-science, Environmental science at Kuvempu University.
Started Toxicology programme at Mangalore University, Mangalore and Environmental management programme at Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
Completed ten years of service as Professor in Kuvempu University from 2006 to 2016.
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