Building construction, July 1887

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Eyfel minorasi

The Eiffel Tower is the most famous architectural example of Paris, known to the world as a symbol of France, named after its designer Gustave Eiffel, and a popular tourist attraction with 5.5 million visitors a year.

Building construction, July 1887.

The Eiffel Tower
The tower was built for the Universal Exhibition of 1889. The drawings presented by Maurice Kochlen and Emil Noguye won the first prize in the competition for which preparations for the exhibition were announced. Eiffel said with pleasure: "France will be the only country with a 300-meter flagpole."

Dimensions of the Eiffel Tower.

Eiffel Tower, A.G. A metal tower built in Paris according to the Eiffel project. It was built for the World Exhibition (1889) as a symbol of 19th century technical achievement. Until 1931, it was considered the tallest and heaviest structure in the world (height about 300 m, mass 9 thousand tons, of which 7.3 thousand tons are metal structures). The lower part of the tower is in the form of a square pyramid, there is a pavilion and a lighthouse at the end, and a 1.7 m diameter square is built on top. It is an important center of radio broadcasting and television shows. During the construction of the Eiffel Tower, the most advanced methods of assembling metal structures for that time were used. Eiffel Tower is the most interesting place of entertainment for residents and tourists of Paris.

The facility was a great and quick success. More than 2 million people visited the "Iron Lady" during the 6-month exhibition. By the end of the year, 3/4 of the construction costs were covered. As it turned out, 300 writers and artists wrote objections to the municipality, describing the construction as "useless and unsightly".

Also, the tower was erected on Mars Square opposite the Yen Bridge.

The construction work took 2 years, from January 1887 to March 1889, with 300 workers. Such record results were achieved on the basis of high-quality drawings with precise dimensions of more than 12,000 metal details. More than 2.5 million rivets were used. The height of the tower (not including the 22-meter-long television antenna on top of it) is 300 meters. The tower was almost twice as tall as the 137 m pyramid of Cheops, the tallest building of that time.

The weight of metal structures is 7,300 t (the total weight is 10,100 t). The foundation consists of a concrete foundation. During a strong wind, the tower sways no more than 15 cm. The tower was built as a symbol of Paris at the Exposition of 1889 and was used as an entrance arch to Paris.

The lower floor displays a pyramid representing 4 columns connecting a 57.63 m arched arch; The first platform of the Eiffel Tower is located in the dome. A pyramid-tower representing 4 columns connecting the second 115.73 m arched arch rose from this platform. The four columns came together step by step in the shape of a pyramid, representing a 190-meter pyramid-shaped column; on the third platform there is a domed lighthouse at a height of 300 m. There are 1,792 steps and an elevator leading to the tower.

Eiffel minorasi — Fransiya timsoli sifatida dunyoga tanilgan, Parijning eng taniqli meʼmorchilik namunasi boʻlib, oʻz konstruktori Gustave Eiffel sharafiga nomlangan va yiliga 5,5 million kishi tashrif buyuruvchi turizmning mashxur obyektidir.

Bino qurilishi, 1887-iyul.

Eiffel minorasi
Minora 1889-yildagi Umumjahon koʻrgazmasi uchun qurilgan. Moris Koshlen va Emiel Nugye tomonidan namoyish etilgan chizmalar koʻrgazmaga tayyorgarliklar eʼlon qilingan musobaqada birinchi sovrinni qoʻlga kiritgan. Eyfel zavq-u shavq bilan : „Fransiya 300 metrlik flagshtok joylashgan yagona mamlakat boʻladi“, deb aytgan.

Eyfel minorasi oʻlchovlari.

Eiffel minorasi, A.G. Eiffel loyihasi boʻyicha Parijda qurilgan metall minora. 19-asr texnikasi yutugʻi ramzi sifatida Jahon koʻrgazmasi (1889) uchun qurilgan. 1931-yilgacha dunyoning eng baland va ogʻir inshooti hisoblangan (balandligi 300 m ga yaqin, massasi 9 ming tonna, shundan 7,3 ming tonnasi metall konstruksiyalar). Minoraning quyi qismi kvadrat piramida shaklida, uchida pavilon va mayoq bor, tepasida.diametri 1,7 m li maydoncha qurilgan. Radioeshittirish va telekoʻrsatuvlarning muhim markazi hisoblanadi. Eiffel minorasini qurishda metall konstruksiyalarni montaj qilishning oʻsha davr uchun eng ilgʻor hisoblangan usullari qoʻllangan. Eiffel minorasi Parij aholisi va sayyohlar uchun eng qiziqarli koʻngilochar maskan hisoblanadi.

Inshoot ajoyib va tezkor omad oldi. 6 oylik koʻrgazma jarayonida „temir leydi“ni koʻrgani 2 milliondan ortiq kishi tashrif buyurdi. Yil oxiriga kelib, qurilish uchun ketgan xarajatlarning 3/4 qismi qoplandi. Maʼlum boʻlishicha, 300 yozuvchi va rassomlar munitsipalitet nomiga konstruksiyani „foydasiz va koʻrimsiz“ taʼriflab raddiyalar yozganlar.

Shuningdek, Minora Yen koʻprigi qarshisidagi Mars maydonida qad tiklagan.

Qurilish ishlari 300 ishchi bilan 2 yil — 1887-yilning yanvar oyidan 1889-yilning mart oyigacha boʻlgan oraliqda bajarilgan. Bunday rekord natijalarga 12 000 dan ortiq metal detallarning oʻlchamlari aniq koʻrsatilgan yuqori sifatli chizmalar asosida erishilgan. 2,5 mln dan ortiq mixparchinlardan foydalanilgan. Minoraning balandligi (uning yuqorisidagi 22 metr uzunlikdagi televizion antenna kiritilmagan holda) 300 metrni tashkil etadi. Minora oʻsha davrning eng baland binolari Xeops piramidasi 137 m dan deyarli 2 barobar baland edi.

Metall konstruksiyalar ogʻirligi — 7 300 t ni tashkil etadi (umumiy ogʻirligi esa 10 100 t). Poydevor beton asosdan iborat. Kuchli shamol vaqtida minora chayqalishi 15 sm dan oshmaydi. Minora 1889 yildagi koʻrgazmada Parij timsoli sifatida qurilgan va Parijga kirish arkasi sifatida foydalanilgan.

Pastki qavat oʻzida 57,63 m arkali ravoqni tutashtiruvchi 4 ustunni ifodalagan piramidani namoyish etadi; qubbada Eyfel minorasini birinchi platformasi joylashgan. Bu platformadan ham ikkinchi 115,73 m arkali ravoqni tutashtiruvchi 4 ustunni ifodalagan piramida-minora koʻtarilgan. Toʻrt ustun piramida holatida pogʻonama-pogʻona yaqinlashib, 190 metrlik piramida shaklini beruvchi ustunni ifodalagan; uchinchi platformada 300 m balandlikdagi maydonda gumbazli mayoq mavjud. Minoraga 1792 pogʻonadan iborat zinalar va lift olib chiqadi.

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