Tick each relevant box and sign at the bottom (note: unsigned applications are considered ineligible).
I, certify that:
I have read the Arts South Australia funding handbook and have discussed my application with the relevant Arts South Australia officer
I have no overdue funding acquittals due to any Arts South Australia program (speak to an Arts South Australia officer if you are not sure)
The activity I am applying for is due to start after the relevant notification date
The information in my application is, to the best of my knowledge, complete and accurate
I understand that anything wrong or missing may disqualify my application
I understand that the peer assessment panel may decide not to recommend my application
I consent to Arts South Australia using the personal information I have provided for the purpose of managing the grant assessment and approval process, including the collation of statistics
I agree to my name, suburb, grant details and project description being presented in media releases and published on the Arts South Australia website, if my application is successful
I consent to Arts South Australia using the personal information I have provided to advise me of Arts SA grant programs, services, initiatives and events
I consent to Arts South Australia providing my name, project description and contact details to Members of Parliament to enable letters of congratulation to be sent, if my application is successful, and acknowledge that Arts South Australia is then unable to prevent the information being used for other purposes
My project involves working with children and young people aged under 18 years and that I have read and agree to comply with Arts South Australia’s Protocols for Working with Children in Art http://arts.sa.gov.au/protocols-for-working-with-children-in-art/
If my application is successful, I agree to comply with Arts South Australia’s requirement to adopt and implement a Respectful Behaviours policy and procedure. (For more information, and guidance and resources, visit http://arts.sa.gov.au/respectful-behaviours)