Csgs-104 ceremonies, sparklers, & pizzazz

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  1. WHAT IS A CEREMONY? Ceremonies are public observances of an individual’s accomplishments or transitions. They should be a memorable experience.

Ceremonies are a formal opportunity to present awards and honors to Cub Scouts who have worked hard for them. Ceremonies are your chance to praise a boy's work in front of his parents, his friends and even in front of strangers, thus making him the focus of attention for a short, but significant period of time. At the same time ceremonies encourage other Cub Scouts to complete their own programs. The key to any and all Cub Scout ceremonies is the boy.

  1. WHY DO IT? Ceremonies can be used to mark milestones, recognize achievements, motivate lethargic units, develop pride in a unit, generate self esteem, or to thank someone. They can be used:

  • To establish a regular plan to present awards promptly, as soon as possible after they are earned.

  • To emphasize the Character Connections in Cub Scouting.

  • To focus attention on the accomplishments of Cub Scouts by awarding badges and pins - and recognizing parents and Den Leaders at the same time.

  • To acknowledge the work of another.

  • To provide high points in the advancement plan.

  • To make visitors and guests welcome and by making them a part of the program.

  • To honor pack leaders by recognizing Den Chiefs, Den Leaders, Cubmaster, Assistants, Pack Trainers, Webelos Den Leaders and Pack Committee.

  • To give special recognition to Cub Scouts and parents for recruiting, service projects and special activities.

  • To provide the opportunity to present the ideals of Cub Scouting in a dramatic and lasting manner, not only for those being recognized, but for those watching.

  • To promote parent participation by helping to explain the parent's role in Cub Scouting and creating parent interest and desire to help in the planning and staging of ceremonies.

  • To improve the program by making a beginning and end to both den and pack meetings; helping to provide a change of pace; indicating when something important is coming up; and getting and maintaining control at meetings.

  • To be a vehicle for the make believe and pageantry that Cub Scouts love so much.

  • To encourage attendance and participation at meetings.

  • To say thank you for a special job.

  • To create an incentive for others to work so that they too may be recognized.

  1. WHEN CAN YOU “DO” A CEREMONY? In a den meeting, in a pack meeting, at a campout, or at a banquet.

  1. WHERE CAN YOU “DO” A CEREMONY? Indoors, outdoors, on stage, or at a campfire.

  1. WHO SHOULD A CEREMONY RECOGNIZE? ANYONE that has done a job well done – Boys, their families, and their leaders.


    1. A new family joins the pack.

    2. A boy completes his Tiger, Bobcat, Wolf, Bear, or Webelos requirements or his Arrow of Light Award.

    3. A new Den Leader or Denner is installed.

    4. A Den or Pack leader is retiring.

    5. A new Den Chief has come into the pack.


  1. KISMIF - Keep It Simple. Make It Fun. Any pack ceremony should be interesting, and short enough to keep a 6 year old Tiger’s attention (even if the ceremony is for Webelos).

  2. Seek variety; don’t use the same ceremony until parents and boys grow tired of it. Use all resources and don’t be afraid to copy someone else’s ceremony! Use existing ceremonies and adjust them to fit your needs.

  3. Do it now! – Immediate recognition.

  4. Have a clear plan.

  5. Make sure participants know what to do, and practice the “hard stuff”.

  6. Keep a smooth flow.

  7. Use props or costumes – Use symbolism; it appeals to the imagination.

  8. Make people to be recognized the center of attention, elevated, and face the audience.

  9. Make sure everybody can see and hear.

  10. Include action – if possible, use boy, parent, and audience participation.

  11. Pronounce words distinctly and correctly. Two words commonly mispronounced are Webelos (Wee’-buh-lows) and Akela (Ah-kay’-la).

  12. Base your ceremony on Cub Scout ideals: the Promise, Law of the Pack, Motto.

  13. Plan the ceremony to build Cub Scout spirit.

  14. It should inspire and have color, but should be sincere.

  15. It should be well planned and staged to avoid delays and mix-ups.

  16. It should instill high regard for patriotism and citizenship.

  17. Use candles, campfire, flag or Cub emblem as a focal point.

  18. If specific speaking parts are required, have them read from a script with the speaker out of sight of the audience. Be sure he can be heard. Ceremonies are lifeless if the speaker can't be understood.

  19. Each person involved should have a copy of the script. Have extra copies in case you need someone to pinch-hit at the last minute.

  20. Homemade costumes enhance the ceremony and mean much to parents and boys.

  21. Ceremonies mean more to Cub Scouts who help make the "props".

  22. Careful consideration must be given to the place where the ceremony will take place. Ceremonies can be changed, but often your location cannot.

  23. Never sacrifice dignity for fun.

  24. Every sound, action, and prop has meaning. This is symbolism. When you put it all together, you have a ceremony.

  25. If possible, avoid mass ceremonies for presentation of awards. Each boy is an individual, and should be recognized as such!



  1. "Would you all please stand for the presentation of the flag" - This is the signal that the ceremony is about to start.

  2. "Scouts Attention" - This is the signal that the boys should be ready to start.

  3. "Color Guard Attention" - If the Color Guard has been standing "At Ease", it comes to "Attention". It is also a signal to be ready to start.

  4. "Color Guard Advance" (indoors) - The Color Guard carries the flag(s) toward the front of the room and stands in front of the flag stands. (outdoors) The Color Guard carries the flag to the flagpole.

  5. "Post the Colors" - (indoors) The Color Guard places the flags in the stands, the American Flag last. (outdoors) The Flag Bearer attaches the flag to the rope and quickly hoists the flag; the American flag is raised first.

  6. "Color Guard, Honor the Colors" or “Salute” - The Color Guard salutes the Flag and then returns to "Attention"

  7. "Would you all please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance"

  8. “Two”- This means stop saluting.

  9. "Color Guard Dismissed" or “Return to Post”- The Color Guard walks to the back of the room, or away from the flag pole.


  1. Growing up is an adventure. Every day brings new and exciting things in our lives. Cub Scouting providing many doorways to adventure for boys as they develop in character, personal fitness and citizenship. As we salute the US Flag, let's think about all the adventures which are ahead of us, and silently promise "to do our best".

  2. Part of our American heritage is learning how to care for our beautiful land so it will be here for future generations to enjoy. In Cub Scouting we learn to prevent those things which will destroy our land, such as fire. As we salute the emblem of America, let's vow to keep our land beautiful and free from fire. Please stand and join me in the Pledge of Allegiance.

  3. When Columbus sailed for the New World nearly 500 years ago, he had a goal and was determined to reach it. He ignored the pleas of his crew to turn back. His words "Sail on, Sail on" became famous. As Cub Scouts, we must try to stick to the things we know are right and ignore the pleas of others which might lead us in the wrong direction.



This is a pocket – a very plain pocket – not very interesting, and it could belong to anyone. But wait; let’s give this pocket to a Cub Scout. (Narrator places Bobcat badge on pocket) Our pocket is turning into something with meaning. It represents a sense of belonging and will soon bring our Cub Scout knowledge, skills, enjoyment and good fellowship. We would like to present the following boys their Bobcat badges. (Narrator places Wolf and Arrow Points on pocket) with the Wolf rank, our pocket turns into something more special. It proudly displays the first symbol of new-found knowledge of the flag, of keeping strong, of tools, of knots, of safety, of books and reading. It means our Cub Scout has mastered feats of skill and has shown his willingness to help in his home and take part in family fun. Tonight we are privileged to recognize the following Cub scouts who have achieved the rank of Wolf. Would the following Wolf candidates and their patents please come forward? Continue in a similar manner with Bear, Webelos, etc.


Bobcat – I am a bobcat Cub Scot. I have just learned the Cub Scout Promise and Law of the Pack.

Wolf – I am a Wolf Cub Scout. Because I am in second grade, I have worked on Cub Scout advancement in the Wolf Book. I had lots of fun in my den and pack with my whole family as I earned my Wolf badge.

Bear – I am a Bear Cub Scout. Because I am in third grade I have been working on the advancements in the Bear book with my parents to earn my Bear badge.

Webelos – The Cub Scout trail has led me to the beginning of a new adventure. I have found it to be not an end, but only a beginning. In learning the Scout requirement I have found that as a Scout, I must continue to “Do my Best”.

We have something we want to give each of you boys tonight – A bright, shiny new nickel. Now, a nickel doesn’t do much by itself. You have to put it with something in order for it to be useful. Put 30 cents with it and you have enough for a phone call. Put 45 cents with it and you might have enough to buy a candy bar or a pack or gum. You can save more nickels, put it all in the back and let it make more money in interest. You could take this nickel home, throw it in a dresser drawer and not use it at all. You could even lose it before you get home! Now I want you to tell me, how many pennies does it take to equal this one nickel? Right, it takes 5 pennies – 5 very equal and important parts. Well when you take the 5 parts of the Cub Scout promise and add it all together it equals Cub Scouting!

  1. I, (your name),

  2. promise to do my best

  3. To do my duty to God and my country,

  4. To help other people, and

  5. To obey the law of the Pack.


Now, we have one more thing to give you; a tiny little box. The wrapping may be a bit wrinkled and the ribbon may not be quite perfect, but it’s what’s inside that counts! Just like the nickel, you have to put something with it to make it really worthwhile. Now, you won’t be receiving your entire gift at one time. We hope to give it to you over a period of many years, in small doses and as painlessly as possible! We want to give you Cub Scouting! And with this gift we also give you our hopes that you will learn from it, grow with it, work with it, use it everyday, enjoy all of it and keep it with you for the rest of your life! As we’re sure you have already noticed, the little box that we just gave to you was wrapped in blue paper and tied with gold ribbon – This is to remind you of all of the wonderful, friends you are going to make this year. The blue stands for truth and loyalty; the gold represents good cheer and happiness. And now as we share our friendship, we will all think about all of our special Cub Scout brother’s right here and around the world and all of the fun and excitement that awaits us this year!


The main purpose of these ashes is to bring to all Scouts the international aspect of the world of scouting. Ashes taken from a campfire are sprinkled into the flames of the next campfire. The next morning when the ashes are cold, they are stirred and each Scout present at the ceremony takes some to mix with the next campfire. Each Scout keeps a list of all of the campfires that they have sprinkled their ashes in. If more than one Scout brings ashes to the campfire, the lists are combined and the dates and places of all campfires are recorded and passed on. As Scouts travel, the ashes circle the globe. It is a tradition that only those actually present at the campfire can receive ashes from the ceremony to carry on to another campfire.

THE CEREMONY: We carry our friendships with us in these ashes from other campfires with comrades in other lands. May the joining of the past fires with the leaping flames of this campfire symbolize once more the unbroken chain that binds scouts of all nations together. With greetings from our brothers around the world, I will add these ashes and the fellowship therein, to our campfire. Will anyone with campfire ashes please come forward and join me. (Wait for others) The ashes I spread into this campfire carry memories of past campfires dating back to ______. I will now charge these ashes to the campfire. So that you may pass these ashes on and share them with others at your next campfire, you will be given a history of where these ashes have been. (Recite history of ashes added to the fire.)
EQUIPMENT: 1" X 6" board, 2 nails, 2 strings 18" long, 2 metal washers.
ARRANGEMENT: Drive a finishing nail into each end of the board, slightly off center, with 1/4" left protruding. Print ACHIEVEMENT on one side of board and PARENT COOPERATION on the other. Tie a washer to one end of each of the string.
Ask the bobcat candidate to take one string and the washer and lift the board from the floor by hooking the washer over the nail. It will slip off.
Ask the Bobcat's parents try the same thing with the same string.
When they have tried and failed, pull the second string from your pocket and give it to the boy. Tell him and his parents to put a washer on each nail and together pull the board up. Together, they should succeed. The board should slip so the words can be seen.
Explain that achievements in Cub Scouting will always depend on the Cub Scout and his parents working together, just as they have done tonight.


(light candle #1) The Tiger is the youngest member of the Pack. He learns to Search, Discover and Share with an adult partner and other members of the Tiger Cub Group. (light candle #2) The Bobcat Cub Scout, the beginner, must learn and abide by the Cub Scout motto, the Cub Scout Promise and the Law of the Pack.

(light candle #3) Next comes the Wolf Cub Scout, who must complete 12 achievements to reach the rank of Wolf. He gains knowledge of the United States flag, of keeping strong. He learns of tools, knots, safety, his neighborhood, books and reading. He has mastered several feats of skill, has made a collection and has shown his willingness to help in his home and take on family responsibilities.

(light candle #4) The Bear Cub Scout reaches his rank by completing 12 increasingly difficult achievements that show he is growing in knowledge and skill. The Bear Cub Scout learns about his duty to God, his duty to our Country, has participated in family events and had fun with his Den.

(light candle #5) Upon entering a Webelos Den, a Cub Scout begins the last part of the trail to Boy Scouting. As a Webelos Scout, he works to earn a variety of Activity Pins. They prepare him for the many challenges he will face in life.

(light candle #6) The Arrow of Light is Cub Scouting's highest award and is the only Cub Scout badge that may be worn on the Boy Scout uniform. A boy who has earned the Arrow of Light Award is fully prepared to enter Boy Scouting.

CAMPFIRE, DUTCH OVEN OR LARGE POT, smaller pot to fit inside dry ice, Blue Bear neckerchief and Yellow Wolf Neckerchief, 4 identical bottles, blue and yellow food coloring, 2 Indian headbands, Akela costume.

Place the large pot on the fire (Variation: Hang pot over fire from a tripod). Put small pot inside large one. Place dry ice inside small pot. Put the two neckerchiefs down inside between the two pots. Fill two of the bottles with water and color one blue and one yellow. Place these two bottles near the fire. Ask two Webelos scouts to be braves and wear headbands. Akela stands behind the boiling pot.

Akela: Many, many moons ago the great chief Akela called a Council to see what could be done to make the Webelos tribe the best of all tribes.  After many hours he called his two most trusted braves to the Council fire. 

(The braves come and stand on each side of their chief.)  He gave each a container.  (Akela hands each brave an empty bottle)   He told the first brave to climb the mountain and tell the great eagle to fly high into the sky and bring back part of the beauty of the sun.

(The first brave leaves.)  He told the second brave to go to the forest and tell the sparrow to fly high into the blue sky and bring back part of the sky. 

(The second brave leaves, and the both return immediately.  One carries a bottle of blue water, and the other a bottle of yellow water.  They take positions, one on each side of the fore, kneel, and held bottles up for everyone to see.)

(Addressing the first brave) Pour some of the beauty of the sun into our Council mixing pot. (The brave pours the yellow liquid over the dry ice, being careful not to get any between the pots on the neckerchiefs)

Akela signals the second brave. Pour some of the beauty of the sky into our Council mixing pot. (The second brave responds and the boiling action increases.) (Akela raises right hand) From this day forward blue will stand for trust and loyalty. Yellow will stand for warm sunlight, happiness, and good cheer.

(Akela stirs the pot, reaches in, and pulls out the yellow and blue Cub Scout neckerchiefs. He holds them open for all to see, and speaks.) This is why Cub Scouts use the colors blue and gold. The parents and Cub Scouts who helped keep the blue and gold of Cub Scouting alive and growing this month, will receive their hard earned awards tonight.

Tonight our Pack has some boys who have worked hard since joining Cub Scouts. Will the following boys (names) and their parents please come forward to take on the colors and spirit of Cub Scouting? (Parents paint their son’s face or you or Cubmaster can paint as committee member reads)
BLUE is from the sky. The paw print of the Bobcat on your forehead is the spirit of the Bobcat. This reminds you to do your best on the Cub Scout Trail.

YELLOW is from the sun. The marks under your eyes will help you see the light of the Cub Scout trail and they symbolize the bright spirit of Cub Scouting.

WHITE is for purity. The mark on your nose helps you know right from wrong as you go along the Cub Scout trail.

RED is for courage. The mark on your chin reminds you to always speak the truth.

GREEN stands for the spirit of nature. The marks on each cheek will guide you to live in harmony with the great outdoors.

Remember your markings of this night, new Cubs, and have fun along the Cub Scout trail.


I can see by your knowledge of the Cub Scout Promise and the achievements that you have completed that you have worked hard along with your parents. These achievements are very important as they helped you gain a deeper appreciation of many things. You are now ready to become a Wolf-cub.

(With paint draw on the back of the Cubs hands the 1st toe) The first toe of the Wolf paw is for your growth through feats of skill and having fun with your family. (Draw 2nd toe) The second toe of the Wolf paw represent that you have learned about your home, community, country and your religious beliefs. (Draw 3rd toe) The third toe stands for the skills you have gained in handling tools, trying new things, and making collections.

(Draw 4th toe) The fourth toe represents your new appreciation for conservation and safety.

(Draw the footpad) The pad of the Wolf paw represents your growth as a Cub and the increased responsibility you are now capable of handling. Wolf Cubs, remember the inscription of this paw. It shows you are ready to move along the upward trail of Scouting.

(Present parents with badges and have them pin them to their sons. Shake hands with boys.)

Would the following boys and their parents please come forward.

(Read names and wait.) You are climbing even higher on the tail to the Arrow of Light. Do you seek the rank of Bear?

I see that you have worked hard with your parents and Den Leaders to achieve your rank. You are ready to become Bear-cubs.

(Draw the first toe on the back of the Cubs hands) The first toe symbolizes your increased understanding of God.

(Draw 2nd toe) The second toe of the Bear paw symbolizes your new knowledge of your country, its folklore and heritage.

(Draw 3rd toe) The third toe shows your increased appreciation of your family.

(Draw 4th toe) The fourth toe stands for your increased understanding of your own self worth.

(Draw footpad) The palm of the Bear paw represents your growth as a Cub, and the increased responsibility you are now capable of carrying. The climb up the Scouting trail is getting shorter, but steeper. Not everyone will finish. Follow the Promise and the Law so that no harm will come to you along the trail.

(Present badges to the parents and have them pin them to their sons. Shake hands with the boys.)

CUBMASTER: (Shouts) Round-up, Round-up

(At this time Assistant Cubmaster brings the Bobcats to just outside the circle of Cubs.)
CUBMASTER: Do these mavericks carry a Brand?
ASST. CUBMASTER: They are not branded, but desire to enter our corral.
CUBMASTER: Corral your mavericks. (Assistant Cubmaster opens up circle and leads the Bobcats in)
(Picks up the "Branding Iron") Bobcats, you are about to carry the boy Scouts of America brand which represents one of the greatest organizations for youth in the world. I am going to place this brand on your left hand. You must wear it visibly for 24 hours, and then, tomorrow night when you wash it off I want you to repeat the Cub Scout Promise to yourself, so that, you may carry its ideals in your heart.

(Now brand the Bobcats saying "SSSS" each time you stamp a boys hand.)

CUBMASTER: Now that these Bobcats have been branded, will their parents please come up and join them.
ASST. CUBMASTER: Now that you have completed all the Bobcat requirements you are now entitled to wear this Bobcat badge. But first a word of explanation. The badge will be handed to your parents and they will have the privilege of pinning it on your left side shirt pocket, because they have helped you earn this and will be continually helping you throughout the Scouting program. You will notice that it is upside down. Later when you feel you have performed a good deed you may turn it right side up and sew it on your shirt.
(read the names of the boys again as the Cubmaster hands the awards to the parents - shake each boys hand)
Would (scouts name) and his parents please come forward?"

(Hand each Scout the teeth and ask him to put them in his mouth) Even though these teeth are only plastic, they resemble the teeth of the ferocious Wolf (Bear). Do you know what the two long teeth are called?

(Let him answer with the teeth in his mouth for fun) The Wolf (Bear) uses these teeth to grip its’ prey, and then its’ powerful jaws clench tightly around it so that it cannot get away. During the past few months you and your parents have been working on your Wolf (Bear) Rank, and now that you have completed all the requirements for that award, it is like you, now that you have it in your ‘Teeth’ and it will never get away from you! Just to show you that you have ‘Caught Up’ with your ‘Prey’ and caught it, I will put this award between your ‘Teeth’ and let your parents take it from you to present to you! Don’t bite them now...... Congratulations on a successful hunt! Now focus on your next target, that of Bear (Webelos) Scout and don’t let it out of your sight!"

Purchase a length of material to fit you table. If it is a light color, such as light blue, gold, or white, the names will show up much better. Let each boy sign his name in ink or with a permanent marker. Each year all of the Cubs could add their names and the Pack would have a special permanent record of the boys in the Pack. Add a little action to your presentation of awards with this idea.


The rocket is made by threading a straw with a launch line. Leader blows up a long balloon. He attaches it to the straw with tape. The Cub then goes to the other end of the launch area and waits by his parent. Cubmaster then attaches the award to the balloon and releases the balloon. It rockets to the parent for the award to be given to the Cub.

BOXES – TIGOMATIC By Dr. David M. Legler
Get a refrigerator and a washer or dryer box from a local retail merchant.
Remove the ends of the boxes. Lay the fridge box on its side. Set the dryer box on its end, behind and in the middle of the fridge box, so it supports the fridge box. Cut out panels in the boxes where they join. The idea is to give a hidden adult volunteer sitting in the dryer box access to the fridge box passageway. As the Tiger Scout enters one end of the TigoMatic , the adult has access to the boy. This adult puts the Wolf neckerchief on the Tiger scout all the while shaking the boxes slightly as the "machine" does its work. The Tiger Scout comes out the other end of the TigoMatic a Cub Scout. Here he is given his graduation certificate and whatever else the Pack decides to present to him and his parents.

The Cubmaster, as a magician can pull awards out of the magic hat.


  1. Cub Scout colors Blue (truth and spirituality, steadfast loyalty, and the sky above) and Gold (warm sunlight, good cheer, and happiness)

  2. The seven rays of light on the arrow of light represent, in order, wisdom, courage, self-control justice faith hope and love.

  3. Webelos colors - Green indicates knowledge of the Scout oath and Law and signifies the learning of manhood skills. Red signifies the achievement of three activity badges. Yellow indicates you have been an active Cub Scout for at least three months in your Webelos Den, and have performed many good turns, helping your Den, Pack and family.

  4. Webelos neckerchief with 4 colors in it: the Blue & Gold of Cub Scouts and the Red and Green of Boy Scouts. The Green stands for the outdoors and nature, which Scouts are obliged to protect and care for. Red stands for bravery, being prepared to help others, and pride for our country.

  5. The symbol of Scouting is the Fleur de lis, which is like the north symbol on an old sailor’s compass. A scout can point the right way in life, just like a compass can. The 3 points stand for the 3 points of the Scout promise. The two stars stand for truth and knowledge. The eagle is the symbol of the USA. It stands for freedom and the readiness to defend that freedom.

  6. Candles light - stands for the help and encouragement given to Cubs by his leaders, family and friends.

  7. Red, White and Blue in U.S.A flag stand for, in order - lifeblood of brave men ready to die or worthily live for this; our country - purity, cleanliness of purpose; thought and deed - faith and loyalty, like the eternal blue of the star-filled heavens.


  1. We never fail when we try to do our duty; we always fail when we neglect to do it.

  2. Trust should be the basis for all our moral training.

  3. The uniform makes for brotherhood, since when universally adopted it covers up all differences of class and country.

  4. The spirit is there in every boy; it has to be discovered and brought to light.

  5. The most worth-while thing is to try to put happiness into the lives of others.

  6. See things from the boy's point of view.

  7. If you make listening and observation your occupation you will gain much more than you can by talk.

  8. A Scout smiles and whistles under all circumstances.

  9. A boy carries out suggestions more wholeheartedly when he understands their aim.



  1. "Would you all please stand for the retrieval of the flag" - This is the signal that the ceremony is about to start.

  2. "Scouts Attention" - This s the signal that the boys should be ready to start.

  3. "Color Guard Attention" - If the Color Guard has been standing "At Ease", it comes to "Attention". It is also a signal to be ready to start.

  4. "Color Guard Approach" (indoors) - The Color Guard walks toward the front of the room and stands in front of the flag stands. (outdoors) The Color Guard walks to the flagpole.

  5. Singing Taps, poems, other songs, are done now, if desired. "Would you all please join me in the singing of Taps"

  6. "Color Guard, Honor your Colors" - The Color Guard salutes the Flag and then returns to "Attention"

  7. "Color Guard, Retrieve the Colors" - (indoors) The Color Guard removes the flags from the stands, the American Flag first. (outdoors) The Flag Bearer lowers the flag slowly and with dignity. The Color Bearers fold the flag.

  8. "Color Guard Dismissed" - The Color Guard carries the flag to the back of the room, or carries the folded flag to an appropriate place.

  9. Two” – Stop saluting.

  10. REMINDER: Other than saluting the flag immediately after posting, or before retrieving, the Color Guard remains at attention. They do not take place in any singing or speaking.


  1. What you are is God’s gift to you. What you make of yourself is your gift to God. Make it a good gift. Work while you work. Play while you play. One thing at a time, that is the way. All that you do, Do with all you might. Things done halfway are not done right.

  2. Friends, continue your journey walking in love;
    Care for one another; care for the earth;
    Seek justice and make peace; God goes before you:
    Live boldly, celebrate and sing!

  3. Cub Scouting is part of family life in more than 60 countries around the world. In all of these free countries, on an evening such as this, families are sharing the spirit of Scouting. Let us look at the candles’ flame and silently thank God for the Cub Scout friendships we are privileged to enjoy.

  4. Boys in uniforms shiny and bright; With smiling faces to the left and right, We say thanks for Cub Scouting tonight. A Cubmaster who is loyal and true, Who works with parents and the boys in blue; In hopes that these boys will grow up to be Super citizens for the world to see! Den leaders, too, in uniforms blue, Teaching Cub Scouts the need to be true, And working, singing, and playing with them. So all of you Cub Scouters in gold and in blue The door to Scouting has been opened to you!



I found this as a skit in a 1962 edition of The How To Book Of Cub Scouting. I modified it for an advancement ceremony. I changed the main character from Brave Heart to Akela. I also changed the events a little to fit the advancement ranks we had. I left it as a ceremony when I included it here. You can uses it as a ceremony or change it into a story or skit.

Baloo: Akela had to pass a test to prove himself worthy of becoming chief. All the braves were given four arrows. These were special arrows, once they had been used they would shatter. They could only eat food they had caught themselves. The brave who stayed out the longest would become chief.

Akela: I walked far from camp and stopped at the side of a clearing. I waited all night for a deer to come by. I took careful aim and shot. It provided me with food for many days. It's hide provided me with clothing.

Baloo: This showed that Akela had learned the basic skills he needed. It also showed the virtue of patience. The rank of Bobcat indicates the Cub Scout has learned the basic skills. Will _____ come up an join us by the campfire. Your parents will join you later. ____ has earned his (their) Bobcat badge(s).

Akela: I walked along the trail near the stream. There, I came upon a friend laying in the trail. He had used up all his arrows and was starving. I saw a squirrel in a near by tree. I wanted to save my arrows for bigger game, but my friend was starving. So, I shot the squirrel for my friend.

Baloo: This showed Akela had learned the value of friendship and that he was unselfish. The Wolf badge indicates the Cub Scout has learned new things has he travels the trail of Scouting. Will _____ come up an join us by the campfire. ____ has earned his (their) Wolf badge(s).

Akela: As I followed the trail by the stream, I came face to face with a huge bear. It growled and started running toward me. I strung my bow, took careful aim and when he was near I shot and killed him. He provided me with food for many more days. His heavy coat provided me with shelter from the cold nights.

Baloo: This showed Akela is brave. This is also why honor the Cubs at the next level of accomplishment with the Bear badge. Will _____ come up an join us by the campfire. ____ has earned his (their) Bear badge(s).

Akela: The meet from the bear lasted for many days, but soon I had to continue on to search of more food. I came upon a wolf that had just killed a dear. The wolf saw me and ran off. I was hungry, but I had promised to only eat food I had killed, so I continued on.

Baloo: This showed Akela's honesty. To earn the Webelos badge, the Cub Scout must learn the Boy Scout law which includes honesty. Will _____ come up an join us by the campfire. ____ has earned his (their) Webelos badge(s).

Akela: I was many days from our camp. I needed food to give me the strength to make it back to camp. So, I tracked the wolf I had seen before. I took my last arrow, took careful aim and missed. I was scared because I had no food or arrows. As I started back to camp, I prayed to the great spirit. Suddenly, I saw the arrow; it was still whole. I followed the wolf's trail again. I took aim and shot him. I now had enough food to return home

Baloo: Akela learned that sometimes you have to ask for help. Our Cub Scouts sometimes need help also. Their parents provide that help. So, will the parents please come up and stand behind their sons.

-- Thanks to Rick Clements, Cubmaster, Pack 225

Bobcat Advancement Ceremony

Cubmaster: Will the following Boys please come up to the front with their den leaders?

Without the Cub Scout spirit the world is a very dark place. This candle stands for the Spirit of Scouting. There are many benefits to be gained from belonging to Cub Scouting. You will learn a great deal, you will have a chance to help others, you will be rewarded for your efforts, and you will have a lot of fun. The Cub Scout Promise is the basic principal of Cub Scouting. Will you repeat it with me?

(Cubmaster gives Cub Sign and begins Promise. Candidates join him)

I (Name) promise to do my best

to do my duty to God and my country,
to help other people, and
to obey the Law of the Pack.

Assistant Cubmaster: Just as the Cub Scout Promise is the basic principle of Cub Scouting, the Law of the pack is the fundamental rule governing Cub Scouting. Please give Cub Scout sign and repeat the Law of the Pack with me.

(Assistant Cubmaster gives Cub Scout Sign and leads boys in repeating Law of the Pack)

The Cub Scout follows Akela.
The Cub Scout helps the pack go.
The Pack helps the Cub Scout grow.
The Cub Scout gives goodwill.

Cubmaster: Remember well the Promise and the Law of the Pack and use them as your guide for personal conduct in the years to come.

Assistant Cubmaster: There are other requirements which you have learned. Will each of you give me the Cub Scout handshake? (Shake each of the Scouts hand using the Cub Scout Handshake)

Cubmaster: And now we ask that the parents of these Bobcat Candidates come forward to receive the badges for their sons. (Parents come forward and stand behind their sons.)

(Assistant Cubmaster presents Bobcat badges to parents)

Cubmaster: Parents, please pin the Bobcat Badge upside down to your son's left pocket. This badge is to remain upside down until your son has done three good deeds. After the three good deeds have been done, the Bobcat Badge can be turned over and permanently sewn on.

Parents play an important role in Cub Scouting. You will work with your sons on their achievements and electives. You will find that you will learn as well as your son, and in having fun with them will become a closer family. Parents as your boys have made a promise, I ask that you too make a promise. Please repeat after me:

We will continue

To do our best

To help our sons
Along the achievement trail
And share with them
The work and fun of Cub Scouting.

(To Boys) Congratulations and good Cub Scouting to you all. (Cubmaster Salutes Boys) Cubmaster: PACK 1978, YOUR NEW BOBCATS!

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