Curriculum vita d. Wynne Wright September 2013 general information

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D. Wynne Wright

September 2013
330 B Natural Resources Building Home:

Department of Community Sustainability 1406 Clifton Ave

Department of Sociology Lansing, MI 48910

Michigan State University T: (517) 803-3081

East Lansing, MI 48824

T: (517) 884-1372

F: (517) 353-8994


Skype: wynne.wright1
Doctor of Philosophy

Sociology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, 1999

Master of Arts

Sociology, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, Kentucky, 1990

Bachelor of Arts

Psychology, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, Kentucky, 1988


Associate Professor

Department of Community Sustainability, 2009-present (75%)

Department of Sociology, Michigan State University, 2013-present (25%)

Assistant Professor

Department of Community, Agriculture, Recreation and Resource Studies (now Community

Sustainability), Michigan State University, East Lansing, 2006-2009.
Assistant Professor

Department of Sociology, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, 2001-2006.

Research Associate

West Central Research and Outreach Center, University of Minnesota, and Adjunct Faculty,

University of Minnesota-Morris,Morris, 1999-2001.

Visiting Professor, University of Toulouse-INP, El Purpan. Toulouse, France. Fall 2012.
Visiting Professor, Centre International d’Études Supérieures en Sciences Agronomiques.

(SupAgro) Montpellier, France. Annual visit, 2009- present.

Visiting Fulbright Professor, Szent István University, Institute for Environmental and Landscape

Management, Gödöllő, Hungary, January 2006 – June 2006.

Visiting Lecturer, Civic Education Project Fellow, Central European University, Department of Political Science, Budapest, Hungary, 1997-1998.



Agriculture and Food Systems Political Sociology

Rural Sociology Social Movements

Social Inequality


Wright, Wynne and Gerad Middendorf. 2008. The Fight Over Food: Producers, Consumers, and Activists Challenge the Global Food System. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press.
Refereed Journal Articles
Wright, Wynne and Alexis Annes. In Press. “Halal on the Menu?: Negotiating French Identity through Fast-food.” Journal of Rural Studies.
Ransom, Elizabeth and Wynne Wright. 2013. “Constructing Culinary Knowledge: Reading Rural Community Cookbooks.” Journal of Food, Culture, and Society, 16(4):669-689.
Wright, Wynne and Katherine Nault. 2013. “Growing Youth Food Citizens.” Journal of Extension. 51(3) (Article No. 31AW2).
Wright, Wynne and Taylor Reid. 2011. “Green Dreams or Pipe Dreams?: Frame Contests in the U.S. Biofuels Movement.” Journal of Biomass and Bio-Energy, 35(4):1390-1399.
Izumi, Betty, D. Wynne Wright, and Michael W. Hamm. 2010. “Market Diversification and Social Benefits: Motivations of Farmers Participating in Farm to School Programs.” Journal of Rural Studies, 26(4):374-382.
Izumi, Betty, D. Wynne Wright and Michael W. Hamm. 2010. “Farm to School Programs: Exploring the Role of Regionally Based Food Distributors in Alternative Agrifood Networks.” Agriculture and Human Values Journal, 27(3):335-350.
Wright, Wynne. 2009. “Deer, Dialogue, and Dissension: A University-Community Collaboration to Address Local Ecological Challenges.” Journal of Higher Education, Outreach and Engagement, 13(3):17-44.
Colasanti, Kathryn, Wynne Wright, and Brenda Reau. 2009. “Extension, the Land Grant Mission, and Civic Agriculture: Cultivating Change.” Journal of Extension 47(4) (Article No. 4FEA1).
Wright, Wynne, Mike Score, and David Conner. 2007. “Food System Makers: Motivational Frames for Renewing Food and Agriculture Through Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration.” Journal of Community Development, 38(3):39-59.

Wright, Wynne and Stephen Muzzatti. 2007. “Not in My Port: The ‘Death Ship’ of Sheep and Crimes of Agri-Food Globalization.” Agriculture and Human Values, Vol. 24(2):133-145.

Wright, Wynne. 2006. “Civic Engagement through Civic Agriculture: Using Food to Link Classroom and Community.” Teaching Sociology, 34(3):224-235.
Wright, D. Wynne and Elizabeth Ransom. 2005. “Social Stratification on the Menu: Using Restaurant Menus to Examine Social Class.” Teaching Sociology, 33(3):310-316.
Wright, Wynne, Elizabeth Ransom, and Keiko Tanaka. 2005. “The ‘All-American Meal’: Constructing Confidence in the Case of BSE.” Journal of Illness, Crisis, and Loss, 13(2): 95-115.
Wright, D. Wynne. 2005. “Fields of Cultural Contradictions: Lessons from the Tobacco Patch.” Agriculture and Human Values, 22(4): 465-77.
Wright, D. Wynne. 2004. “The Irrationality of Rational Hogs.” Great Plains Sociologist, 16(1).
Non-Referred Journal Articles
Wright, Wynne. 2012. “Wicked Bedfellows: Can Science and Democracy Co-Exist in the Land Grant?” Journal of Higher Education Exchange. Pp. 59-68.

Articles Under Review
Eaton, Weston, Wynne Wright, Kyle Powys-Whyte, Pat Gehrke, Stephen Gasteyer. “Aligning Engagement Goals: Towards a Pluralist Approach to Engaged Scholarship.” Revise and Resubmit, Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement.
Wright, Wynne and Weston Eaton. “Wickedness, Reflexivity, and Deliberation:  Toward A Multivalent Biofuels?” Invited, special volume, Biomass.
Journal Articles in Process
Wright, Wynne and Alexis Annes. “Representing Rural France through Roquefort?” To be submitted to Sociologia Ruralis.
Annes, Alexis and Wynne Wright. “Locating the Liberatory Potential in French Agritourism.” To be submitted to Signs.
Wright, Wynne and Wes Eaton. “Bringing Citizens into Bioenery Systems: Deliberative Dialogue as a Democratizing Tool.”
Wright, Wynne. “New Governance Arrangements for Raw Milk: Can Deliberative Dialogue Democratize Food?”
Book Chapters
Wright, D. Wynne and Patrick H. Mooney. 2008. “Social Class in Rural America.” Pp. 893-897. Encyclopedia of Rural America. Gary Goreham, editor, New York: Grey House Publishing.
Wright, D. Wynne and Patrick H. Mooney. 2008. “Rural Social Movements.” Pp. 898-901 Encyclopedia of Rural America. Gary Goreham, editor, New York: Grey House Publishing.
Wright, Wynne and Gerad Middendorf. 2008. “Fighting Over Food: Agency in the Agrifood System.” Pp. 1-26 in The Fight Over Food: Producers, Consumers and Activists Challenge the Global Food System, Wynne Wright and Gerad Middendorf, editors. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press.
Wright, Wynne and Gerad Middendorf. 2008. “From Mindful Eating to Structural Change.” Pp 273-282 in The Fight Over Food: Producers, Consumers and Activists Challenge the Global Food System, Wynne Wright and Gerad Middendorf, editors. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press.

Wright, Wynne. 2002. “The McDonaldization of Ole’ MacDonalds Farm.” Pp. 153-173 in A Meditation on Social Problems, Ron Roberts, Wynne Wright, and Kent Sandstrom, editors. Philadelphia, PA: Xlibris Publishers.

Mooney, Patrick H. and D. Wynne Wright. 1998. “Social Class in Rural America..” Pp. 654-657 in Encyclopedia of Rural America, Vol II. Gary Goreham, editor. New York: Garland Publishing.
Technical Reports, Extension Documents, Essays, Videos, Other

Wright, Wynne and Wes Eaton. “Michigan Talks Biomass.” 2010. Video, East Lansing.
Wright, Wynne, and Wes Eaton. “Our Energy Future: Is There a Role for Woody Biomass?” 2010. Issue Guide, East Lansing,
Wright, D. Wynne, Jan Hartough, Elaine Brown, Frank Fear, David Cooper, Steve Lovejoy

2009. “The Rising Cost of Food: What is Our Food Future?” Issue Guide, East Lansing, Keystone Publishing.

Wright, D. Wynne. 2003 “Agro-Food, Ecological Systems and Rural Development Syllabus.” In Distance and Cross-Campus Learning, edited by Meredith Redlin and Susan Hilal. Washington, D.C.: American Sociological Association.
Wright, Wynne, Cornelia Butler Flora, Kathy Kremer, Willis Goudy, Clare Hinrichs, Paul Lasley, Ardith Maney, Margaret Kroma, Hamilton Brown, Kenneth Pigg. 2001. “Generic Environmental Impact Statement on Confined Animal Agriculture: Social and Community Impacts.” Citizens Advisory Committee, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.
Wright, D. Wynne. 1999. Turning Over a New Leaf?: Socio-Economic and Political Transformations in the Burley Tobacco Commodity System. Ph.D. thesis, University of Kentucky.
Pedagogical Materials
Roberts, Ron, Wynne Wright, and Kent Sandstrom. 2002. A Meditation on Social Problems. Philadelphia, PA: Xlibris Publishers.
Book Reviews
Wright, Wynne. Book Review. Public Culture: Diversity, Democracy, and Community in the United States. Marguerite S. Shaffer. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press. 2008. In The Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement: 14(1):113-115. 2010.
Wright, D. Wynne. Book Review. Roots of Change: Nebraska’s New Agriculture. Mary Ridder. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press. 2007. In Agriculture and Human Values: 25(3):139. 2008.
Wright, D. Wynne. Book Review. Researching the Culture in Agri-Culture: Social Research for International Development. M Cernea and A. Kassam, Editors. Cambridge, MA: CABI

Publishing. 2006. In International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food: 15(1):59-61 2006.

Wright, D. Wynne. Book Review. Civic Agriculture: Reconnecting Farm, Food and Community. Thomas A. Lyson. Tufts: University Press of New England. 2004. In Rural Sociology: 70(2):276-279. 2005.

Wright, D. Wynne. Book Review. Fighting for the Farm: Rural America Transformed. Jane Adams (edt.), Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press. 2003. In American Anthropologist: 106(4):747. 2004.

Wright, D. Wynne. Book Review. Nature’s Perfect Food: How Milk Became America’s Drink. E. Melanie DuPuis, New York: New York University Press. 2002. In International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food: 11(1):309. 2004.
Wright, D. Wynne. Book Review. Gender and Rurality. Sarah Whatmore, Terry Marsden and Philip Lowe (edts.). London: David Fulton Publishers, 1994. In International Journal of Contemporary Sociology: 33(2):264-265. 1996.
Popular Press/Media
Interviewed by Laura B. Johnson. 2013. City Pulse Newspaper. “A Tomato by Any Other

Name: Decoding the Sometimes Confusing Terminology of Organic Food.” May 23,

Interviewed by Laura B. Johnson. 2013. City Pulse Newspaper. “A Tomato by Any Other

Name: Decoding the Sometimes Confusing Terminology of Organic Food.” May 23,
Interviewed by Karen Coates. 2012. Foreign Policy, Democracy Lab. December.
Interviewed by Elizabeth Ransom. 2010. Rural Sociological Society Member Profile. October.
Interviewed by Eden Rose Stiffman. 2009. “Community Agriculture.” Michigan Radio. June.
Interviewed by Joseph Terry. 2008. “Social Sustainability.” The State News. July.
Wright, Wynne and Illona Gombos. 2008. “Public Partnerships for Rural Development.”

Szada News. February.
Ramus, Patty. 2008. “Alcona County Quilt Trail Nears Completion.” The Alpena

News, March 10, p. 5A.
Interviewed by Kathryn Fritz Kniep. 2007. “Barn Quilt Project Could Bring Cultural and

Economic Development.” Alcona County Review. Dec 5.

Interviewed by Brian DeVore. 2003. “A Public-Private Partnership.” Land Stewardship

Newsletter. Oct/Nov.

Wright, D. Wynne. 2001. “Changes in Hog Production Affect Well-Being of Families and

Communities.” Morris Sun Tribune. March.

Interviewed by Jason Lina. 2001. “Hungarians Studying Rural Development.” Morris Sun

Tribune. June 12.

Interviewed by Jack Sperbeck, two part series. 2001. “Changes in Hog Production Affect Well-Being of Families, Communities” and “Many Farm Women Pessimistic and Fatalistic, Study Shows.” University of Minnesota Extension News. February.

Interview, South Dakota Public Radio. 2000. “Changes in Rural Well-being.” October.

Radio Broadcast, KMRS/KKOK, Morris, MN. Monthly Broadcast on Rural Life., 1999-2001
Wright, D. Wynne. 1999. “Farming in Interesting Times.” Morris Sun Tribune. February.

Professional Papers Presented

Annes, Alexis and Wynne Wright

2013 “Locating Social Critique in Agritourism: Farm Women and Rural Representation.” Nouvelles forms d’agriculture: Pratiques Ordinaires, Débates Publics et Critique Conference. Dijon, France: November.
Annes, Alexis and Wynne Wright

2013 “Farm Women Representing Rural France Through Agritourism.” Rural Sociological Society annual meeting. New York, NY: August.

Wright, Wynne and Alexis Annes

2013 “Halal on the Menu: French Identity and Fast-Food.” Agriculture, Food, and Human

Values Society annual meeting, East Lansing, MI. June.
Wright, Wynne and Alexis Annes

2012 “The Halal-Hamburger: Negotiating French Culture through Fast-Food.” XIII World Congress of Rural Sociological Society. Lisbon, Portugal. August.

Eaton, Weston M., Stephen Gasteyer, and Wynne Wright

2012 “Renewable Energy in Local Places: How Flattened and Sharpened Keys Contest Meaning.” Rural Sociological Society annual meeting. Chicago, IL. July.

Jacques, Michelle Larkins, Wynne Wright, Alexis Annes, Meredith Redlin.

2012 “The Performance of Women’s Gender Identity in the Context of Agricultural Practices: French and U.S. Farm Women: An International Comparison.” Genre, Familiale and Agriculture Paysanne: Regards Nord-Sud. Toulouse, France. May.

Stone, John, Weston Eaton, Pat Gehrke, Stephen Gasteyer, Kyle Powys Whyte, and Wynne


2011 “Citizen Engagement and Outreach Strategies for Emerging Technologies. Contested Natural Resource Issues.” National Outreach Scholarship Conference. East Lansing, MI. October.
Eaton, Weston M. and Wynne Wright

2011 “Community Engagement for Common Ground: Catalyzing Deliberative Dialogue on Contested Natural Resource Issues.” Rural Sociological Society annual meeting. Boise, ID. July.

Ransom, Elizabeth and Wynne Wright

2011 “Constructing Culinary Knowledge: Transformations in Cookbook Recipes in the Twentieth Century.” Rural Sociological Society annual meeting. Boise, ID. July.

Eaton, Wes and Wynne Wright

2010 “Michigan's Energy Future: Is There a Role for Woody-Biomass?” Michigan Sociological Association annual meeting. Bay City, MI. November.

Wright, Wynne

2010 “Public Talk, Public Action: Advancing Civic Capacity to Tackle Tough Issues: A Land Grant University National eXtension Initiative.” Rural Sociological Society annual meeting. Atlanta, GA. August.

Wright, Wynne

2010 “Got Raw Milk?: New Forms of Associationalism in Response to Regulatory Failure in the U.S. Case of Unpasteurized Milk.” International Sociological Association meeting. Gothenberg, Sweden. July.

Wright, Wynne and Lionel “Bo” Beaulieu

2010 “Public Talk, Public Action: advancing Civic Capacity to Tackle Tough Issues: A Land Grant University National eXtension Initiative.” Southern Rural Sociological Association annual meeting. Orlando, FL. February

Singletary, Loretta, Steve Smutko, Wynne Wright, and Renee Daughtery

2009 “Strengthening Extension’s Capacity to Develop Civic Programming that Promotes Public Dialogue, Deliberation, Action, and Learning: Results of a National Needs Assessment.” National Extension Conference annual meeting, St. Louis, MO. October.

Wright, Wynne.

2009 “Democratizing Milk via Deliberative Dialogue?” Rural Sociological Society annual meeting. Madison, WI. August.

Wright, Wynne, Jan Hartough, Frank Fear, David Cooper, and Steve Lovejoy

2008 “Public Deliberation and Cultural Change in the Land Grant University.” National Outreach Scholarship Conference. State College, PA. October.

Wright, Wynne and Richard Grogan

2008 “When Ethanol Comes to Town: Green Dreams or CAFO Redux.” Rural Sociological Society. Manchester, NH. July.

Wright, Wynne, Taylor Reid, and Jim Bingen

2007 “Gold Rush or Dot Com Bust: Framing the Biofuels Movements and Considerations for the Structure of Agriculture.” Rural Sociological Society annual meeting, Santa Clara, CA. August.

Wright, Wynne, Mike Score, and David Connor

2007 “Stakeholder Frames in Community Food Systems: Cooperation and Resistance.”

Agriculture, Food, and Human Values annual meeting, Victoria, British Columbia. June.
Reid, Taylor, Wynne Wright, and Jim Bingen

2007 “Ethanol: A Threat to Small Farms, Local Food, and Agricultural Diversity”. Agriculture, Food, and Human Values annual meeting, Victoria, British Columbia. June.

Ransom, Elizabeth, Wynne Wright, and Keiko Tanaka

2005 “Science, Politics and the American Cases of B.S.E.: Media Construction of Science and Risk.” Rural Sociological Society annual meeting. Tampa FL. August.

Wright, D. Wynne and Stephen Muzzatti

2004 “The ‘Death Ship’ of Sheep and Crimes of Globalization: Towards a Victimology of Nature.” International Rural Sociological Association. Trondheim, Norway. July.

Wright, D. Wynne

2004 “Building a Global Learning Community: Agro-Food, Ecological Systems and Rural Development Partnership Between Hungary and the United States.” Rural Sociology annual meeting. Sacramento, CA. August.

Muzzatti, Stephen and D. Wynne Wright

2004 “Not in my Port: “The Ship of Death”, Globalization and State Corporate Crime”

Justice Studies Association annual meeting. Madison, WI. October.
Wright, D. Wynne

2003 “Resistance and Agency in Contemporary Agriculture and Food: An Introduction.” Agriculture, Food and Human Values annual meeting. Special mini-conference, Resistance and Agency in Contemporary Agriculture and Food: New Theories and Empirical Cases. Austin, TX. June.

Gray, Thomas and Wynne Wright

2002 “Farm Women: Emotional Stress and Late Modernity.” Washington School of Psychiatry. Washington, D.C.

Wright, Wynne

2001 “Farming in Late Modernity: The East European Experience.” International Institute of Sociology, Kraków, Poland.

Wright, D. Wynne and Kinga Milankovics

2001 “Pioneering Civic Agriculture Through CSA’s in Hungary.” Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society annual meeting, Minneapolis, MN. June

Wright, D. Wynne

2000 “Farm Women in Late Modernity and the Run-away Experience.” Rural Sociological Society annual meeting, Washington D.C. August.

Wright, D. Wynne

  1. “Commodity Systems Analysis and the State.” Rural Sociological Society annual meeting. Chicago, IL. August.

Wright, D. Wynne

1997 “Changing Social Relations of Consumption.” International Sociological Association, Research Committee on Food and Agriculture Mini-Conference (RC-40). Toronto, Canada. August.
Wright, D. Wynne

1997 “Old ‘Pool,’ New ‘Pool,’ …No ‘Pool’? The Politics of Consumption and Consequences for Tobacco Cooperatives.” Rural Sociological Society annual meeting. Toronto, Canada. August.

Wright, D. Wynne

1997 “Manufacturing Marlboro Country: The Globalization of Tobacco.” Agriculture, Food and Human Values annual meeting. Madison, WI. June.

Wright, D. Wynne

1996 “A Public/Private Partnership in Tobacco?” Rural Sociological Society annual meeting. Des Moines, IA. August.’

Wright, D. Wynne

1996 “The Globalization of Tobacco: U.S. and Eastern European Comparisons.” Seventh Annual European Society of Rural Sociology Summer Workshop. Hosted by the Hungarian Sociological Association, Veszprém, Hungary. July.

Wright, D. Wynne

1995 “Navigating Through the ‘Pool’: The Pursuit of Cooperation in the Tobacco Sector.” Rural Sociological Society annual meeting. Washington, D.C. August.

Wright, D. Wynne

1994 “Reclaiming the Three R’s at Home: An Exploratory Analysis of Home-Schooling in Kentucky.” Rural Sociological Society annual meeting. Portland, OR. August.

Invited Presentations to Professional Audiences

Annes, Alexis and Wynne Wright

2012 “Sociologie de L’Agriculture: Regards Croisés France/Etats Unis.” University of Toulouse-INP El Purpan, Toulouse, France. November.

Wright, Wynne and Alexis Annes

2012 “Agency and the Politics of Food: Lessons from France and the U.S.” Centre

International d’études Supérieures en Sciences Agronomiques, (SupAgro), Montpellier,

France. November.

Wright, Wynne and Alexis Annes

2012 “Women in Agriculture: Do French Farm Women Construct a Room of their Own? “ University of Toulouse el Purpan, Toulouse, France. November.

Wright, Wynne

2012 ‘Reading Biofuels: Media Framing and Taming Present Opportunities for Citizen Engagement.” Genomics and Green Energy (GGE) Quadrilemma Symposium (GENOME CANADA). Montreal, QC. May

Wright, Wynne

2007 “Cultivating a Civic Mission in Hungarian Higher Education: Two Paths: Outreach or Engagement?” Keynote Presentation, Conference on Service Learning, Gödöllő, Hungary. October.

Wright, D. Wynne

2002 “Towards a Culture of Commodity Analysis: Lessons from the Tobacco Patch.” Panel on “Actor Network Theory and Commodity Systems Analysis: Friends or Foes?” Rural Sociological Society annual meeting. Chicago, IL. August.

Wright, Wynne

  1. “Visioning a Global Learning Community.” Soros Foundation Open Society, Civic Education Project, Eastern Scholars Initiative. Gödöllő, Hungary. January.

Wright, Wynne

  1. Farming in Late Modernity: The East European Experience. International Institute of Sociology, Krakow, Poland. July.

Wright, D. Wynne

  1. “Impacts of Tobacco Restructuring.” Southern Rural Sociological Association. Memphis, TN. January.

Wright, D. Wynne

1995 “Tobacco Policy Implications for Kentucky’s Family Farms.” Sociology Department Colloquia Series. University of Kentucky. Lexington, KY. March.
Wright, D. Wynne

1995 “Crisis in the Commonwealth: Implications for Tobacco Policy in Kentucky.” Midwest Sociological Society annual meeting. Chicago, IL. April.

Invited Extension Presentations to Professional Audiences
Wright, Wynne

2013 The Route to Sustainable Economies: Turn Right at Culture. Center for Community Economic Development. East Lansing, MI. March, 26

Wright, Wynne

2012 Women and the Environment Panelist. West Michigan Environmental Action Council. Grand Rapids, MI. March.

Wright, D. Wynne and Sandra Hodge

2011 “Public Talk, Public Action: Professional Development Community of Practice for Extension Educators.” North Central Regional Center for Rural Development, Webinar Presentation. East Lansing, MI. March.

Wright, D. Wynne

2009 “Fighting Over Food: Bridging the Divides Through Food Citizenship”, Keynote Presentation, Choices (Nutrition) Conference, East Lansing, MI. March.

Wright, D. Wynne and Frank Fear

2008 “Leading for the Public Good: Addressing Contested Issues in Agriculture and Natural Resources through Public Deliberation.” Charles F. Kettering Foundation Fall School. Dayton, OH. October.

Wright, D. Wynne, Jan Hartough, Elaine Brown, Frank Fear, David Cooper, Steve Lovejoy

2008 “Forty is the New Thirty, Pink is the New Black, and Dialogue is the New Leadership for Tomorrow: Addressing Contested Issues in Agriculture and Natural Resources through Public Deliberation.” Michigan State University Extension Conference. Detroit, MI. October.

Amanda Segar and Bonnie Witchner Zoia, Wright, Wynne

2008 “Stitching Together a Community: Rural Culture as Development.” Poster Presentation, Michigan State University Extension Conference. Detroit, MI. October.

Wright, D. Wynne

2008 “Food Fights: The New Politics of Agri-Food System Change.” ESS/SAES/ARD Conference, Traverse City, Michigan. September.

Wright, D. Wynne

2008 “Fighting Over Food: A Dinner Table Divided”, Keynote Presentation, Choices (Nutrition) Conference, Dearborn, MI. August.

Wright, D. Wynne

2008 “Distributing Ethanol’s Costs and Benefits in Michigan.” Biobased Industry Outlook Conference. Ames, IA. September.

Wright, D. Wynne

2008 Facilitator, Kettering Roundtable: Renewing the Land Grant Mission. Facilitator, Michigan State University. Spring Semester.

Wright, D. Wynne

2007 “Cultivating a Civic Mission in Hungarian Higher Education: Two Paths: Outreach or Engagement?” Keynote Presentation, Conference on Service Learning, Gödöllő, Hungary. October.

Wright, D. Wynne

  1. “High Modernity and the ‘New Ag’: Where do Communities Fit In?” Enhanced Landscape, Environment, Animal and Human Health Symposium, St Paul, MN. April.

Wright, D. Wynne

2000 Presentation, “Agro-Food Systems in Late Modernity and the Run-away Experience” and “What’s New for Communities in the ‘New Ag’?” Two part series, University of Minnesota Sustainable Agriculture Program. St Paul, MN. October.
Wright, D. Wynne

2000 “Bringing Sociology Back In: Prospects for an Agricultural Sociology in Minnesota,” Department of Sociology, Iowa State University. Ames, Iowa. February.

Wright, D. Wynne

1999 “Raise Less Corn and More Neighbors: Outlook and Opportunities for Rural Communities.” University of Minnesota, North West District Extension Meeting,

Wright, D. Wynne

1999 “Is the Game Over?: Family Farming in Advanced Capitalism.” Dept. Agronomy and Plant Genetics. University of Minnesota. October.

Wright, D. Wynne

1999 “Raise Less Corn and More Neighbors: Outlook and Opportunities for Rural Communities.” University of Minnesota, Financial and Business Management Specialization-Family Section, December.

Wright, D. Wynne

1999 “Raise Less Corn and More Neighbors: Outlook and Opportunities for Rural Communities.” University of Minnesota, Community Resources and Citizenship and Leadership Extension Specialization, December.

Wright, D. Wynne

1998 “Tobacco/State Relations: Form, Function…and Future?” Department of Political Science, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary. April.

Wright, D. Wynne

1998 “The Globalization of Agriculture as a Crisis of Community.” Department of Sociology, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. April.

Wright, D. Wynne

1998 “Writing a Successful Thesis in the Social Sciences.” Department of Political Science, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. May.

Selected Extension Presentations/Collaborations with the Public
Wright, Wynne

2010 “The Role of Biomass in Escanaba: Bringing the Community In.” Delta County Joint Government Council. Escanaba, MI. June 9.

Avery, Julie, Bonnie Wichtner-Zoia, Evelyn Johnson, and Wynne Wright.

2010 “Organizing a Barn Quilt Trail: Two Cases from Michigan.” Michigan Barn Preservation Network, March 13.

Wright, D. Wynne and Bonnie Wichtner-Zoia.

2009 “Fresh: The Movie” video documentary viewing and focus group. Harrisville Public Library. Alcona County, MI, June 29.

Wright, D. Wynne.

2009 “Democratizing Food in an Era of Economic Crisis.” Food System Economic Partnership (FSEP) annual conference. Lenawee County Vocational Technical Center, Adrian, MI. June.

Wright, D. Wynne.

2009 “Flint and Genesee County: Visioning Our Food Future.” Genesee and Flint Community Food Assessment Advisory Council. Genesee County Extension Office, Flint, MI January.

Wright, D. Wynne and Bonnie Wichtner Zoia

2008 “Visioning Our [Flint and Genesee County] Food Future.” Genesee County Extension Office. Flint, MI. July.
Wright, D. Wynne

2008 “Can Bio-fuels Become a Part of Sustainable Communities?” Healthy Livable Communities Conference, Lansing, MI. May.

Wright, D. Wynne

2008 “Farming For Fuel: A Social Impact Assessment of Biofuels.” Future of Transportation and Energy Forum. Alma College, Alma, MI. March

Wright, D. Wynne

2008 “Hungry for Change: Looking for the Missing Ingredient in Food and Agricultural Systems.” Michigan Foodways Key Ingredients. Dundee, MI. February.

Wright, D. Wynne

2008 “The Social Life of Biofuels: Considerations for Farmers and Rural Communities.” Michigan Organic Farming Conference. East Lansing, MI. March.

Wright, D. Wynne

2007 Alcona County Heritage Trail Strategic Visioning Session, Facilitator “Stitching Together a Community.” Harrisville, MI. November.

Wright, D. Wynne, Kathy Kremer, and Cornelia Flora

  1. “Generic Environmental Impact Statement on Confined Animal Agriculture: Social and Community Impacts.” Citizens Advisory Committee, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. June.

Wright, D. Wynne

1999 “Raise Less Corn and More Neighbors: Outlook and Opportunities for Rural Communities.” Western Minnesota Agriculture and Rural Policy Study Circle. Appleton, MN. February.

Wright, D. Wynne

1999 “Bringing Farm Women Back In.” Presentation to Western Minnesota Farm Women’s Network. Morris, MN. September.
Wright, D. Wynne

1997 Panelist, “Building Sustainable Rural Communities for Kentucky.” Annual Meeting Community Farm Alliance, Lexington, KY. January.


Co-Principal Investigator, 2013. “Environmental, Microbial and Mammalian Biomolecular Responses to AhR Ligands” (ES004911); Community Engagement Core. Funded by National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) Superfund Research Program, $14 million (Wright $355,000) [with Norbert Kaminski, Steven Boyd, Brian Teppen, Jim Tiedje; Brad Upham].

Co-Principal Investigator, 2012. “Sustainable Identities among French Farm Women.” Funded by Institute National Polytechnique de Toulouse, $10,550€ [with Alexis Annes].
Principal Investigator, 2010-12. “Analyzing the Socio-economic Impact of Food Safety Guidelines on Small and Mid Size Michigan Farms. Funded by U.S. Department of Agriculture, $58,000.
Principal Investigator, 2010-11. “Public Talk, Public Action: Building an eXtension Network. Funded by North Central Regional Center for Rural Development, $10,000.
Co-Principal Investigator, 2009-2011. “A Michigan-French Partnership to Strengthen the Global Competence of Students, Researchers, and Extension Educators in Agriculture and Tourism.” Funded by U.S. Department of Agriculture International Science and Education, $136,017 [with Jim Bingen, Phil Howard, Sarah Nicholls].

Co-Principal Investigator, 2009-2010. “Forestry Biofuel Statewide Collaboration Center.” Funded by U.S. Department of Energy, $1,797,578 (Wright $55,000) [with Robert Froese, Ajit Srivastava, Dana Johnston, Pasi Lautala, Karen Potter-Witter, David MacFarlane, David Rothstein, Pascal Kamdem, Christopher Peterson, David Shonnard, Ray Miller; and Maria Janowiak].

Co-Principal Investigator. 2008-10.Enhancing the Local Food System of Flint/Genesee County: Development of the Food System Assessment and Community Network.” Funded by Ruth Mott Foundation, $107,800 (Wright $23,000) [with Michael Hamm, David Conner, Wynne Wright, Getachew Atabekassa, Mike Score, David Fenech, Brian Thomas].
Co-Principal Investigator. 2007-2010. “Public Deliberation on Contested Issues in Agriculture and Natural Resources.” Funded by Charles F. Kettering Foundation, $133,000 [with Janice Hartough, David Cooper, Steven Lovejoy, and Frank Fear].
Co-Principal Investigator. 2007-09. “Social Entrepreneurship in the Food System.” Funded by

MSU FACT Grant, Community Vitality Program, $7,200 [with Barb Mutch and Julie Darnton].

Principal Investigator. 2006. “Capacity Building of Rural and Environmental NGOs in

Hungary.” Funded by United States Department of State, American Embassy. Budapest,

Hungary, $500.
Principal Investigator. 2004. “Farming in a Post-Tobacco Economy.” Funded by University of

Northern Iowa Faculty Research Fellowship, $5,200.

Principal Investigator. 2003. “Rebuilding Agriculture with Tobacco Settlement Funds: Can

Kentucky Learn to Cultivate a Civic Agriculture Crop?” Funded by Rural Sociological Society

Early Careers Award, $4,800.
Principal Investigator. 2002. “Burley Tobacco Restructuring.” Funded by College of Social

and Behavioral Sciences Summer Research, $4,500.

Principal Investigator. 2002. “Integrating Alumni into the Curriculum, “Rural Poland on the Way to the EU.” Funded by UNI 57 Fund and Center for Enhancement of Teaching, $500.
Co-Principal Investigator. 2001 “Generic Environmental Impact Statement, Impact of

Animal Agriculture on Community: Environmental and Community Conflict over

Concentration of animal Agriculture. Funded by State of Minnesota, Department of Natural

Resources, Environmental Quality Board, $90,000 to conduct [with Cornelia Flora], (Wright,

Principal Investigator. 2001. “Building a Global Learning Community.” Funded by University of Minnesota-Morris, International Programs Committee, Internationalizing the Classroom Grant, $1,000.
Principal Investigator. 2001. “Coordinating an International Field School between University Minnesota, Morris and Szent István University.” Funded by University of Minnesota-Morris, $1,500.
Principal Investigator. 2001. “Linking the Global to the Local Through Service Learning in

Civic Agriculture.” Funded by University of Minnesota, Morris, Faculty Center for Learning

and Teaching; At the Crossroads of Classroom and Community in Rural Minnesota. $2,500.

Principal Investigator. 2001. “Coordinating an International Field School between University Minnesota, Morris and Szent István University.” Funded by Soros Open Society Civic Education Project-Hungary, $3,000.

Co-Principal Investigator. 2001. “Coordinating an International Field School between University Minnesota, Morris and Szent István University.” Funded by Szent István University, Gödöllő, Hungary, $2,000 [with Milankovics, Kinga].
Principal Investigator. 2000. “Building a Global Learning Community in Civic Agriculture.” Funded by University of Minnesota, Executive Vice-President and Provost Robert Bruininks’ Task Force on Civic Engagement, $5,000.
Principal Investigator. 2000. “Minnesota Farm Women and Quality of Life.” Funded by

Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture (MISA), $8,500.


American Sociological Association International Sociological Association

Rural Sociological Society (Committee on Agriculture and Food

Sec./Treasurer, 2002-2006)


Courses Taught

Foundations in Community, Agriculture, Social Problems

Recreation & Resource Studies (G) Social Inequality

Problem Solving in Community, Social Movements (U & G)

Agriculture & Environmental Systems Environmental Sociology

Agriculture & Social Movements (G) Women, Men & Society

Sociology of Food & Agriculture Critical Perspectives in Rural Sociology

Food, Agriculture, & Rural Academic Writing (G)

Community Development Research Methods & Thesis Writing (G)

Community, Food, and Agriculture: Introduction to Sociology

A Survey (G) Culture and Rurality (G)
Other Teaching Activities
Visiting Professor, One week course: “Changing Structure of Agriculture: U.S. & French Perspectives.” University of Toulouse-INP, El Purpan. Toulouse, France. Fall 2012; 2013.
Visiting Professor, One-week course: “Changes in American Foodways and Agriculture.” SupAgro University, Montpellier, France. 2009-2011.

Selected Graduate Student Advising
Students Currently Active:

Michelle Larkins Jacques, Ph.D.

Weston Eaton, Ph.D. (Soc)

Jessica Jane King, Ph.D. (Soc)

Molly Tamluvich. MA
Ossi I. Ollinaho, Ph.D., Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland. External Dissertation Reader.

Students Graduated:

Emily Reiersgaard, MS. 2013. “Food Security and Gender Inequality in Mali, West Africa: Socio-Cultural Dimensions and Programmatic Recommendations.”

Deepa Iyer, MS. 2012. “Gender and Diet Change in the Central Himalaya.”

Katherine Nault, MS. 2009.Engaging Youth in a Food Environments Community of Practice: An Action Research Study on Facilitating Participation and Sociocultural Learning."


Charlotte Litjens, MS. 2008. “A Case of Detroit’s Food Activists, Organizations and Consumers.”

Jason Konefal, PhD. 2007. “Saving the Oceans Via The Market: Social Movements in the


Derrick Braaten, J.D. 2000. “Native American Law.”
Visiting Scholars Sponsored
2013 Alexis Annes, University of University, El Purpan, Toulouse, France. March 10-20.
2011 Meredith Redlin, South Dakota University, Brookings, SD. October 7-11.
2011 Alexis Annes, University of Toulouse, El Purpan, Toulouse, France. October 5-12.
2011 Lucie Sirieix, SupAgro University, Montpellier, France. September 7-14.
2011 Fabrice Dreyfus, SupAgro University, Montpellier, France, March 28-April 6.
2011 Yuna Chiffoleau, National Research Institute for Agriculture (INRA), Montpellier and

Paris, France, March 28-April 6.

2009 Kinga Milankovics, Szent István University, Institute for Environmental and Landscape

Management, Gödöllő, Hungary, November 1-7.

2009 Matthew Hayes, Szent István University, Institute for Environmental and Landscape

Management, Gödöllő, Hungary, January 19 - February 3.

Public Service
2009 Chair, eXtension, Public Deliberation Professional Development Community of Practice, national working group (2009-2014).
2007 Expert Panelist, United States Department of Energy (DOE) and Department of Agriculture, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service (USDA CSREES). Economics, Environmental and Social Dimensions, Issues and Implications of Bioenergy. June. Washington, D.C.
2003 Board Member, YWCA, Waterloo, Iowa (Service 2003-2005).

2001 Advisor, Pride of the Prairie (local food system initiative) in West Central Minnesota. (Service 2001-2005).

2001 Projector Evaluator, “Voices of Iowa Farm Women” Video Documentary. Cynthia Vagnetti, filmmaker. Funded by Iowa Humanities Council (Service 2001-2004).
2000 Participant, Environmental Roundtable, Bush Foundation. October.
2000 Advisory Council Member, Land Stewardship Project.
2000 Expert Panelist, Minnesota Rivers and Fields Television Documentary. Appleton, MN. May

  1. Coordinator, first annual Community Food Expo, University of Minnesota, Morris. April. (now in 9th year).

2000 Expert Panelist, Blandin Foundation Agri-tourism Workshop, Morris Minnesota, March

1999 Core Working Group, Land Stewardship Project, “Economic Analysis and Policy

Development to Support Multiple Social, Economic, and Environmental Benefits

Produced by Farms.”
Service to the Discipline
2012 Co-Organizer, Rural Sociological Society, Sociology of Agriculture and Food 75th

Anniversary Sociology of Agriculture and Food Mini-conference, “ The Neoliberal Regime in Agri-Food: Crisis, Resilience and/or Restructuring.” Chicago, IL. July.

2012 Member, Rural Sociological Society, Sociology of Agriculture and Food 75th

Anniversary committee (appointed) (2011-12).

2012 Chair, Rural Sociological Society Awards committee (appointed) (2011-12).
2011 Graduate Student Curriculum Vitae Reviewer, Rural Sociological Society.
2010 Member, Rural Sociological Society Council (elected) (2010-2012).
2010 Co-Chair, Rural Sociological Society awards committee (appointed) (2010-2011).
2010 Organizer and Panel Chair; Title: “Is There a Role for Public Deliberation in Extension”

Rural Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA. August.

2008 Member, Rural Studies Series Editorial Review Board (appointed), Rural Sociological

Society (2008- 11).

2008 Co-Editor, appointed to serve as International Sociological Society Research Committee

on Agriculture and Food co-Editor for new Sociology Encyclopedia (2008-10)

2008 Member, Nominations Committee (elected). Rural Sociological Society, (2008-2009).

2007 Organizer and Panel Chair; Title: “Restructuring Heartland Agriculture: Exploring the Social Dimensions of an Agricultural Transition to Biomass Production.” Rural Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Santa Clara, CA. August.

2007 Member, Professional Communications Committee (appointed), Rural Sociological

Society (2007- 2010)

2005 Coordinator of mini-conference, Title: International Rural Sociological Association Research Committee on Agriculture and Food (RC-40) global mini-conferences Theme: “Visioning an Agriculture without Subsidies.” Hungary, Brazil, Japan, Australia, USA.
2005 Co-Chair of William H. Friedland Tribute. Sponsored by the Rural Sociological Society’s Sociology of Agriculture Interest Group and the International Sociological Society’s Research Committee on Agriculture and Food (RC-40) (w/ Doug Constance). Tampa, FL. August.

2004 Co-Chair of International Rural Sociological Association Research Committee on Agriculture and Food (RC-40) mini-conference (w/ Doug Constance and Ray Jussaume). Theme: “From Peasant Agronomy to Capitalist/Industrial Agriculture.” Trondheim, Norway. July.

2004 Session Chair, Title: “Agricultural Land, Labor and Social Movements.” Rural Sociological Society annual meeting. Sacramento, CA. August.
2003 Session Discussant, Title: “Resistance and Agency in Contemporary Agriculture and Food: Clarifying Central Concepts I.” Agriculture, Food, and Human Values, annual meeting. Austin, TX. June.
2003 Co-Chair of International Sociological Association Research Committee on Food and Agriculture (RC-40) mini-conference (w/ Gerad Middendorf). Theme: “Resistance and Agency in Contemporary Agriculture and Food: Empirical Cases and New Theories.” Austin, TX. June.
2002 Secretary/Treasurer, International Sociological Association Research Committee on Food and Agriculture (RC-40) (2002-2006).
2002 Session Discussant, Title: Coping with Contemporary Conditions: The View From the Farm. Rural Sociological Society annual meeting. Chicago, IL. August.
2001 Co-Guest Editor of International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food (w/ Doug Constance).
2001 Co-Chair of mini-conference, International Sociological Association Research Committee on Food and Agriculture (RC-40) (w/ Doug Constance) to be held in conjunction with Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society annual meeting, Hubert H. Humphrey Institute for Public Policy, Minneapolis, Minnesota. June.
2000 Local Arrangements Committee member for Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society annual meeting, Hubert H. Humphrey Institute for Public Policy, Minneapolis, Minnesota. June.
2000 Session Chair, Title: “Comparative Regulatory Regimes.” Rural Sociological Society, annual meeting. Washington, D.C., August.

  1. Plenary Organizer and Chair. Guest Speaker Wendell Berry spoke on, “The Idea of a Local Economy”. Southern Rural Sociological Association annual meeting, Lexington, KY. January.


International Sociological Association, Sociopedia (on-line sociological encyclopedia).
Editorial Review Board

Associate Editor, Journal of Rural Social Sciences

Journal Manuscripts Review

Peer reviewer for the following journals:

Journal of Rural Studies Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy

International Journal of Sociology of and Society

Food and Agriculture Food Policy

Rural Sociology Southern Rural Sociology

Teaching Sociology Rural Social Sciences

Agriculture and Human Values Contemporary Ethnography

Journal of Rural and Community Development (Canadian)

Journal of Outreach and Engagement
2007 Bio-Economy Workshop, CSREES, Washington D.C. June, 21-22. Consulting to contribute to the development of bio-economy RFP’s for USDA/DOE.
Agency Grant Review
2007 United States Department of Agriculture, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service. Small Business Innovation Research Grant Program. Washington, D.C. Proposal Reviewer

2003 United States Department of Agriculture, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service. Competitive Programs Unit. Washington, D.C. Proposal Reviewer.          

2001 United States Department of Agriculture, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service. Small Business Innovation Research Grant Program. Washington, D.C. Proposal Reviewer.
2000 United States Department of Agriculture, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service. Small Business Innovation Research Grant Program. Washington, D.C. Proposal Reviewer.

1999 United States Department of Agriculture, CSREES Sustainable Agriculture Research and

Education. North Central Regional SARE Grant. Lincoln, Nebraska. Proposal


1999 Center for Rural Policy and Development. Small Grants Program. Mankato, Minnesota. Proposal Reviewer.

Service to the University

2011 Member, All-University Awards Committee to select Excellence-in-Teaching Citations, Michigan State University

2011 Planning Team, National Outreach Scholarship Conference, Michigan State University.


2010 Member, Faculty Grievance Panel, Michigan State University.

2008-09 Member, Extension Fall Conference Planning Committee. Michigan State University.
2007-08 Member, Extension Fall Conference Planning Committee. Michigan State University.

2007-10 Member, State Steering Committee for Public Deliberation. Michigan State University.

2005 Member, “Feeding Our Community: Local Production, Consumption, and Community Vitality” Conference Steering Committee, University of Northern Iowa.
2005 Volunteer, Culture and Intensive English Program, University of Northern Iowa.
2004-07 Member, Committee on Committees, University of Northern Iowa.
2000-01 Member, International Programs Committee, University of Minnesota-Morris.
2000-01 Member, “Just in Time Research: Resilient Communities,” Editorial Review Committee, Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs and University of Minnesota Extension Service.

    1. Member, Children, Youth and Family Consortium, Advisory Council, University of Minnesota.

  1. Conference Co-Chair, Title: “Building Bridges: Partnerships Between Agricultural and Social Sciences in Research and Outreach Programs Designed to Address Rural Issues” Conference Steering Committee (w/ D. Johnson), University of Minnesota.

Service to College

2010 Chair, Michael Pollan Academic Experience Committee, Michigan State University.

2009 Member, CANR Restructuring Task Force. Michigan State University.
2009 Member, Ecological Food and Farming Systems Specialization. Michigan State University.
2006-08 Member, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Graduate Committee. Michigan State University.

2005-07 Senator, Faculty Senate, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, University of

Northern Iowa.
2002-05 Alternate, Faculty Senate, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, University of Northern Iowa.
2001-05. Member, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Scholarship Committee, University of Northern Iowa.
2001 Member, Center for Rural Design Advisory Committee, College of Agriculture, Food, and Environmental Sciences. University of Minnesota.
2001 Chair, Community Listening Sessions: Dean’s Series. College of Human Ecology, University of Minnesota.
2000-01 Member, Extension Children, Youth and Family Think Tank, University of Minnesota, College of Human Ecology.

  1. Member, College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences Community Vitality Prioritization Committee, University of Minnesota.

Service to Department

2011-2012 Chair, Undergraduate Affairs Curriculum Committee (UACC), Community, Agriculture, Recreation and Resource Studies, Michigan State University.

2010-2011 Chair, Faculty Affairs Committee (FAC), Community, Agriculture, Recreation and Resource Studies, Michigan State University.
2009-2010 Member, Faculty Affairs Committee (FAC), Community, Agriculture, Recreation and Resource Studies, Michigan State University.
2008-10 Coordinator, Agrifood in Action Brown Bag Seminar Series, Community, Agriculture, Recreation and Resource Studies, Michigan State University.
2008-09 Chair, Graduate Admissions Committee, Community, Agriculture, Recreation and Resource Studies, Michigan State University.
2008 Committee Member, Dean’s Search Committee, Chair of the Department of Community, Agriculture, Recreation & Resource Studies. Michigan State University.
2007 Coordinator, Graduate Student Awards Recognition, Department of Community, Agriculture, Recreation and Resource Studies, Michigan State University.
2007 Chair, Harriette B. Sherman Awards Committee, Community, Agriculture, Recreation and Resource Studies, Michigan State University.
2006-07 Member, Graduate Affairs Curriculum Committee, Community, Agriculture, Recreation and Resource Studies, Michigan State University.
2001-05 Faculty Advisor, Undergraduate Sociology and Anthropology Student Club,

University of Northern Iowa.

2002-03 Member, Department of Sociology, Anthropology, Criminology Search Committee, University of Northern Iowa.

  1. Member, Development Officer Search Committee, WCROC, University of


  1. Member, Heritage Committee, West Central Research and Outreach Center, University of Minnesota. Report Author, titled: “The History of the West Central Research and Outreach Center.”


2012 LEAD21. United States Department of Agriculture Leadership Program, Michigan State University, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Representative (2012-2013).

2006 Fulbright Fellowship. Hungary. Szent István University, Institute for Environmental and Landscape Management, Gödöllő.
2004 University of Northern Iowa, Summer Research Fellowship. $5,200.
2003 Rural Sociological Society Early Careers Award. $4,800.
1998 John O’Donnell Award. Outstanding Graduate Student. Department of Sociology, University of Kentucky.
1996 European Society of Rural Sociology Summer Workshop, Veszprém, Hungary. July. One of the two U.S., Ph.D. candidates selected to attend the summer school on Agrarian Transitions in Eastern Europe.
1996 Outstanding Teaching Award, University of Kentucky. Department of Sociology. University of Kentucky.
1995 The Pew Teaching Leadership Award. Sponsored by The Pew Charitable Trust

Foundation in cooperation with the American Sociological Association.

1993 Outstanding Instructor. Delta, Delta, Delta. University of Kentucky Chapter.

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