Outputs I asset and Income r Diversification Patterns to Ensure Sustainable Livelihoods P

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1999-2000 Outputs


Asset and Income r Diversification Patterns to Ensure

Sustainable Livelihoods P Print Outputs E Barrett, Christopher B. and Michael R. Carter, "Can't

Get Ahead For Falling Behind: New Directions for

Development Policy To Escape Poverty and Relief

Traps," BASIS Policy Brief, November 1999 (revised

January 2000). Slightly revised version being prepared

for invited resubmission to Choices.

Barrett, Christopher B. and Thomas Reardon, "Asset,

Activity, and Income Diversification Among African

Agriculturalists: Some Practical Issues," report to

BASIS CRSP, March 2000. Portions to be included in

editor's introduction to forthcoming special issue of

Food Policy.

Barrett, Christopher B ., Mesfin Bezuneh, Daniel C.

Clay, and Thomas Reardon, "Heterogeneous

Constraints, Incentives and Income Diversification

Strategies in Rural Africa," report to BASIS CRSP, ,

August 2000. Article under review for journal


,Barrett, Christopher B., Mesfin Bezuneh, and Abdillahi

Aboud, "The Response of Income Diversification to

Macro and Micro Policy Shocks in CBte dYIvoirea nd

Kenya," report to BASIS CRSP, September 2000.

Pending submission to Food Policy.

Barrett, Christopher B. and Michael R. Carter,

"Directions for Development Policy to Escape Policy

and Relief Traps," Afiica Notes (newsletter of the

Cornell ~nstituiefo r African Development), Feburary

2000, pp. 1-5.

Non-Print Outputs

Networking with other researchers interested in

livelihoods diversification in rural Africa led to the

proposal of a special issue of the journal Food Policy to

the new editors, based at Wye College, U.K. The

proposal was accepted and the special issue on "Income

Diversification and Livelihoods in Rural Africa: Cause

and Consequence of Change" will be the journal's only

special issue of 2001, tentatively scheduled for June

2001 publication. Guest editors of the special issue are

Barrett, Reardon, and Patrick Webb of Tufts University

(not affiliated with this project). Paper submissions have

been invited and are undergoing peer review.

Paper (poster) presentation on the "Impacts of Food-Aid

on Nutrition and Food Security in Rural Kenya" at the

24" Internaitonal Association of Agricultural

Economists Conference, Berlin, Germany, August 13-



Differential Responses of Rural

Residents to Long-term Economic

Change in Kita, Mali

Camara, Seydou, Tieman Difma, Mama KarnatC,

Dolores Koenig, Fatimata Maiga, Amadou Tembely and

Sira Traort. July 2000. "L'Economie Rurale B Kita:

Etude dans une Perspective d'Anthropologie AppliquCe

(Rapport Intkrimaire)." Bamako: Institut des Sciences


Diarra, TiCman, Ladji Siaka Doumbia, Mama Karnatt,

Dolores Koenig and Amadou Tembely. March 2000.

"L'Economie Rurale B Kita: Resultats de la Premi5re

Etape." Bamako: Institut des Sciences Hurnaines.

Policy Briefs

Horowitz, Michael M. An Alternative for Managing

Tropical Floodplain Rivers. BASIS Brief No. 1,

December 1999,8 pp.

Barrett, Christopher B. and Michael R. Carter. Can't Get

Ahead for Falling Behind: New Directions for

Development Policy to Escape Relief and Poverty

Traps, BASIS Brief No. 2, January 2000, 8 pages.

Place, Frank and Brent Swallow. Tenure and

Management of Tree Resources in Eastern and

Southern Africa: Problems, Evidence, and Policy

Implications. BASIS Brief No. 3. February 2000, 8 pp.

Ahmed, Abdel Ghaffar, Kristy Cook, and Michael Roth,

with assistance from Kurt Brown and Marsha Cannon.

Agricultural Policy, Resource Access, and Human

Nutrition: Horn of Africa Regional Symposium. BASIS

Brief No. 4, July 2000, 8 pp.

Global Program and Synthesis 101

99-2000 Outputs Namibian land transfers integrated with a GIs

program. This is being shared with key go\-errre::

offices and other bodies, including the i\;armb:z

Broadening Access to Land Markets Nature Foundation. The methodology is alsc 5 c z g

in Southern Africa taught to the government officers.

I-- * All commercial farrnland transfers in Zimbab:~. s f r r

Papers 1996- 1999

Graham, Andrew W. and Michael C. Lyne (1999).

"Land redistribution in KwaZulu-Natal: An analysis and +2+

comparison of farmland transactions in 1997 and 1998." Broadening Access to Water Resources

Agrekon 38 (4) 1999516-525, AEASA, South Africa. in Southern Africa

Lyne, Michael C. and Douglas H. Graham. (1999). "The

impact of land redistribution on tenure security and Chavula, Geoffrey M. S. "The Evaluation of the I)resz:

agricultural performance in KwaZulu-Natal." Article and Potential Water Resources Management for ke

under review for journal publication. Lake Chilwa Basin." Polytechnic, University of

Malawi. 1999.

Graham, Andrew W. and MAG Darroch. (2000).

"Relationships between the mode of land redistribution, Chavula, Geoffrey M. S. "Water Use and Qualip L::;

tenure security and agricultural credit use in KwaZulu- the Likangala River in Zomba District." (Draft) .k-cgzr


, Natal." Article under review for journal publicat~on. 1999.

Graham, Andrew W. (2000). "Land Redistribution in Chikozho, Claudious. "Integrated Community

KwaZulu-Natal: An analysis of farmland transactions Management of Water Resources: an assessment cf 2:

recorded in 1997 and 1998." M.S.-Agriculture thesis, Zimbabwean water sector reform vision." Presenrsj 2:

University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg. April 2000. the BASIS Workshop, Malawi, July 2000.

Lyne, Michael C., P. Zille and Douglas H. Graham

(2000). "Financing the market-based redistribution of

land to disadvantaged farmers and farm workers in

South Africa: Recent performance of the Land Reform

Credit Facility." Accepted for publication in the journal

Sociological Research Online.

.." Petrie, Ragan. (2000). "Lost in the Shuffle? Women and

- .- Land Reform in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa." (Draft,

?. cs Fuller, Ben, and Kamwi, Oscar. (1999) An Analysis of

,< ,

V* % - the First Census Survey of Commercial Land -. Transactions in Namibia, 1990-8.

Rugube, Lovemore (2000). Report on Census Survey,

Zimbabwe, 1996-8. Harare, Zimbabwe.

I 1 .' . Non-print Outputs

' The following unique databases have been created:

' .. '

I '

All commercial farmland transfers in KwaZulu-

. j ll Natal for 1997-1999.

das Neves, Joel and Eduardo Chilundo. "Report of ir:

BASIS Water Resource Management Study." Jul!-.


Derman, B. and A. Ferguson. "Against the Flow:

Activism and Advocacy in the Reform of Zimbabn-e 5

Water Sector." Culture and Agriculture, 21 (3:):p ~5-.

9. 1999.

Derman, Bill. "Democratizing Environmental Use'?

Land and Water in Southern Africa at the End of th?

Century." Michigan State University and Centre f;r

Applied Social Sciences, University of Zimbabn s. -1

appear as a Working Paper, Programme in Land af

Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Caps.

December 1999.

Derman, Bill, Anne Ferguson, and Frand Cjsnese ~ 1 -

the assistance of C. Chikozho, E. anr9S

Vombo. "Decentrahzation, Devol

Development: Reflections on the W w Palicy Pmcsi i

in Zimbabwe." Presented at the B A m WBSOQ,

Malawi, July 2000 and revised Sept

Information at the household-level and land parcel- Ferguson. A. and B. Derman. "Water a d:-nE

level for respondents in the 1999 sample survey of in the Water Reform Process in Zidbtairc: -5,

new entrants on commercial farmland redistributed practices and Understandings." In W r Pole.-:

in KwaZulu-Natal in 1997. Security Issues, eds. Scott Witter andha% W&r?i:rt

International Review of Comparative WEic Poi@

All land transfers in Namibia for 1990-8. 1999. Vol. 11, pp. 207-228.

Quisumbing, Agnes R. and John A. Maluccio

"Intrahousehold Allocation and Gender Relations: New

Empirical Evidence from Four Developing Countries,"

IFPRI FCND Discussion Paper 84, April 2000.

Non-Print Outputs

Database is now available on the Internet from the

School of Development Studies, University of Natal-

Durban or by request to IFPRI


Project Conference: Strengthening Development Policy

By Looking Within the Household: Linking Household

Resources to the Dynamics of Poverty in South Africa:

A Case Study of KwaZulu-Natal Friday, 13 October,

2000, at the Farm Inn, Pretoria.

Southern Afri~a 87

farmers. Researchers will assess farmers "with" and

"without" the scheme (e.g. non-participant farmers from

the adjacent area).

Through a household level user survey, researchers will

develop a database to quantify the amount of water

demanded by activity and season. Such information,

complemented by secondary data, will provide a basis for

analysis. It will also provide to the Mwea irrigation

authorities better information about delivery system

efficiency. The survey will be carried out during the

production season, with particular attention to

waterlirrigation use by activity and time for both

participant and non-participant households.

Researchers will produce a final report and non-technical

policy memo(s) with emphasis on steps and approaches

to implement the study findings. A seminar will be held

to discuss and disseminate study results and implications.

Relevant data sets will be organizedlcreated in such a

way as to be useful for irrigation authorities, policy

makers, scheme farmers, and other interested researchers.

Note: Outputs marked with an asterisk (*) below are

available on the BASIS CRSP web site at

h t t p : / / ~ ~ ~ . ~ i ~ ~ . e d u / l t c . b a s i s


From Household to Region: Factor Market

Constraints to Income and Food Security in

a Highly Diverse Environment-

South Wollo, Ethiopia


Amare, Yared, Yigremew Add, Degafa Tolossa, Peter

Castro and Peter Little. November 1999. "Food Security

and Resource Access: Preliminary Findings from the ,

Community Assessments in South Wollo and Oromiya

Zones of Amhara Region, Ethiopia." Regional BASIS

Horn Symposium on Agricultural Policy, Resource

Access, and Nutrition, 3-5 November, Addis Ababa,


Amare, Yared, Yigremew Adal, Degafa Tolossa, Peter

Castro and Peter Little. January 2000. "Food Security and

Resource Access: A Final Report on the Community

Assessments in South Wollo and Oromiya Zones of

Amhara Region, Ethiopia." Madison, WI and Addis

Ababa, Ethiopia: BASISJIDR Research Program, 59 pp. *

68 Greater Horn of Africa

Amare, Yared and Peter Little. M m .Fs cc

Security and Resource Access

Preliminary Findings from an Interd

Program." Paper presented at -- - Society for Applied Anthropology,

March 2000. r Castro, Alfonso Peter, Yared Amare, Yigrsmt- - L a mat

Degafa Tolossa. January 2000. BASIS/IDR C z - - 7

Assessments: Kebele Profiles, Parts I, 11. El. z% T;-

179 pp. *

Gaile, Gary, T. Gebre-Egziabher, and P. D. Li,s

November 1999. "Market Center Functions ar2 - ---9

as Related to Food Security in South Wollo. E f z : ~ c

Preliminary Observations." 55 pp. *

Gebre-Egziabher, Tegegne, Mulat

Roth. November 1999. "Microd

Access and Poverty: Policy Imp1

in South Wollo and East Gojam,

BASIS Horn Symposium on "

Resource Access, and Nutrition," 3-

. . Ababa, Ethiopia.

Shin, Michael. November 1999. "Us

Information System within the

in Ethiopia." 11 pp. *

"BASIS CRSP Regional Seminar, October. i s . k s s z

Ethiopia." Compiled by Kurt Brown, 6 pp. "



SPSS Data Set (448 households), June 2000. -r

One" Household Survey.


in the Horn of Africa

wsooclr Toadt &d Food Security in the Somalia and

=*a Borderlands." 108 pp.

;Pe&rD, W e 2000. "Pastoralism and Cross-Border

:ia aRiskyg-n vironment: The Case of the Somalia

ids." e presented at the Max Planck

hthropology, Halle, Germany,

yehu Azeze, and Ayele

h b e r 1999. Cross-Border Livestock

eport Series No. 1. Addis

Charlotte; Bogalech Alemu; Theresia

ndo; Hilda Kigutha; and Antonia

g Household Food Security:

Integrated Approaches. BASIS

darlotte. Gender and Household Food

Food and Nutrition 2000,

gee, AL. October 8-10,2000.

Kristy Cook and Michael Roth,

a1 Symposium: Agricultural

s and Human Nutrition." BASIS

culam noerra. Overview of the

1 Symposium: Agricultural

and Human Nutrition,

dis Ababa, Ethiopia. 14 pp.


Changing Tenure Patterns, Institutional

and Policy Responses to Water

Management in East Africa:

A Comparative Study of Kenya and Tanzania

The report "Changing Water Tenure Patterns, Policy and

Institutional Responses to Water Management in East

Africa" by Christopher Huggins is to be published in the

near future by ACTS Press. A draft entitled "Rural Water

Tenure in East Africa: A Comparative Study of Legal

Regimes and Community Responses to Changing Tenure

Patterns in Kenya and Tanzania" dated May 2000 is

currently available on the BASIS web site.


Irrigation, Participation and

Factoi. Markets in Tanzania:

A Participatory Research Program

Reports from the first phase of the research have been

written in Kiswahili and distributed in the villages.


The research has a database resulting from a 20-page

questionnaire administered to 80 randomly chosen

informants in each of the two villages studied intensively.


A two-day workshop was held in Dar es Salaam on

Community Participation. Participants included 15

villagers, 15 staff members of the Irrigation Section, 15

officials from the Ministry of Water, Ministry of

Community Development, Cooperative Department, local

government technical officers from the areas of the

research, and 15 representatives of NGOs, training

institutions, and donors


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Greater Horr nf Afrips RQ

2000-2001 Work Plan

Between October 2000 and the pr6ject's conclusion in

March 2001, researchers will prepare the final report on

the feasibility of real estate privatization indicators and

data base development, including the country studies

prepared for the Minsk workshop.

1999-2000 Competitive Grant Award 2

d Farm Size, Farm Type and Competitiveness

in the Kyrgyz Republic


Report on Farm Survey. Distributed 500 copies in

Russian language in Kyrgyz Republic. After editing, this

report will become a BASIS output. 105 pp.

Analytical Report on Farm Returns and Land Value. c


Circulated among key policy makers in Kyrgyz Republic. .!

Report is the basis for a journal article to be submitted for

publication. 29 pp.

Seminar of findings presented to farmers, local

government officials and Rural Advisory Development

Service staff. Kant Rayon (north central) Kyrgyz

Republic, October 12,2000.


Design of a Database to Monitor Land

Privatization in Eastern Europe and

the Former Soviet Union

Land Privatization Index Workshop, August 21-23,2000

in Minsk, Belarus.

Eastern Europe and Eurasia 41

; 1.A. National Rural Household Suckey

December, pp. 9-10."

Beneke de Sanfeliu, Margarita (2000), "Dinamica de InterAmerican Development Bank. * -

Ingreso de las Familias Rurales en El Salvador. Estudio

de Panel 1995-1997," Boletin Econhnico y Social, No.

"Enfoques Innovativos en las Finarizas.

Financiers Calpii de El Salvador, " W

Beneke de Sanfeliu, Margarita and Claudio Gonzalez-

Vega (200,0), "Dynamics of Rural Household Incomes in

El Salvador: 1995-1997. Panel Results," submitted to the

2000 Annual LACEA Meetings, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,

Calpia," Estudios- Centroamer~can

Briones, Carlos and Katharine Andrade-Eekhoff (2000), 624, October, pp. 983- 1000.

Participacih en 10s Mercados Laborales de 10s

, FUSADES (ISBN 99923-816-1-2), 48 pp.*

Gonzalez-Vega (1999), "Rural Poverty and Land

Degradation in El Salvador," abstract, American Journal

of Agricultural Economics, December.

rsi92aoo outputs

Qotputs marked with gn asterisk(?$ below are

@vaila&leO K "7%O~h io &tare Uhiv~rsityX, gri~ultwal.

Ecmzonzics Dep~Hmeq6R E%PF@5Ew nae Brogrczm web site

at http:l/ aaedecon.an.o~o-st&@.-edu/rwalfinmde

El Salvador Research hgram


''2 *

Beneke de S$nfeli& Magarita (2000), Dinaica del

Eqgr~sad e hs~~am&R,aur,cs~E es en BJ Xab~idmE. studio

de P a d 1@95-19DZ,D o~~pwmtI~n~vedsteig a&B@iBMIS

No. 1,S an Salvad~rE: UXADm (ISBN 999Z3-816-&4),

32 pp, *

Beneke de Sanfkli6, Margazita (ZQOO), " D i m ~ a4.5

Ingreso de las Familias Ruraltt en El Salvador. ~siudio

de.Pahel1995-1997,*" Boketm Econoinica v&xial, No.

17& January, San.Bal*ado~: ~MT3E.SGI SSN 1021-

6375),12 pp.

Baeke de@nfo&iB, M@ganica and,Cl~dia~ omalez-

Veg [20,QQ), 'Diyinamia'of~d Household Incomes in

El Salvador: 1995-1997. Pan~lR~s_uHsu,"b mitted to the

2000 &mud ~~CEAMeetin~sd,*e iJaon eiro, Brazil,

- 36 pp."

Briones,, Cwlos abd Katharine Anorjde-Eekhoff 1(22000),

Parti~ipa&&e n.10~M el;c@d~Lsa bomles de lm

Residentes en Im Areas Rurales, L i m ~ i ~yw Qses ~f&osJ

Dbcumento de Investigacihn BASB No. 2, San 3iilvador: . FUSi-pJ>ES (ISBN 99923-8l6-1-2),4B'p^p".*

* n i% -~ ,

Hophns, .JeGfrpy, D~uglasS ~pt@at,aan~& BEs%dio

Oo~z&ez-Vega( 1999$, '~Bma!I;Pav.p:rtya nd.UpP,

Degradation in El Salxador,'.l absaaet, Americn. Journaj

ofAg.ricu&ural Economics, Deceder.

Lard6 de Paloma, ~ q ? b e l l ~ ~ d , &'Alxga$ ello de M6rera

(2000), Zntegracich a Mfrcados de 10s Hugares

Ruriz6es y i3qeraeih de lagre&os,D oc~en%d@e >

Inves$jgaci6n.BAQS No. 3, Sm 8alva.d~rF: LTSADES

(ISBN 99923-816-2-9),24-pp."

~azdkd e~aloxnoA, nibella, Ctaudie GomJ ez-Ve-d

Aids Arg$e&l,o ,& Morera (;2Q00), "$legrees@f ~ m b a

Integsation as Determinants of Rwal Inco~eisn El

Sal~ador,"s ~bxnittedto the 20QQ~AnnuLalA dEA

Meetings, R~dQe Janeiru, gsazil, 26 pp."

Vides de Andrade, Ada &bin& '(%WQ, 'Woinen's

Employme@ in ~urdl"'Arkaas dt heir Soo.iy~~~~lusion,"

proposd'for the*ID"~Sa, n Salvador: 'FUS~E3&5 p p.

24 Central America
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