Annotasiya “O’zbekistonda aqliy yetishmovchiligiga ega bo’lgan bolalarni erta tashxis qilish muammolari” mavzusidagi bitiruv malakaviy ish kirish, uch bob, xulosa adabiyotlar ro’yxatidan iborat. Ushbu bitiruv malakaviy ishining kirish qismida mavzu muammo sifatida aniqlangan va dolzarbligi aoslangan, tadqiqotning maqsad va vazifalari belgilangan. Malakaviy bitiruv ishining birinchi bobida mavzuning ilmiy-nazariy asoslari yoritilgan. Ikkinchi bobda pedagogik tajriba-sinov metodikasi va o’tkazilgan tajriba-sinov natijalari bayon etilgan. O’tkazilgan tajriba-sinov asosidan uchinchi bobda aqli zaif bolalarni erta tashxis qilish uchun tavsiyalar berilgan.
The final qualifying work on "Problems of early diagnosis of children with intellectual disabilities in Uzbekistan" consists of an introduction, three chapters and a list of references. In the introductory part of this dissertation, the topic is identified as a problem and its relevance is justified, the goals and objectives of the research are defined. The first chapter of the dissertation describes the scientific and theoretical basis of the subject. The second chapter describes the methodology of pedagogical experiments and the results of experiments. Based on the experiments, Chapter 3 provides recommendations for early diagnosis of mentally retarded children