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Meenaz Kassam
Assistant Professor

Department of International Studies

American University of Sharjah

P.O. Box 26666

Sharjah, UAE



1996: PhD. Sociology, University of Toronto.

Completed a Certificate Course ‘Teaching in Higher Education’ in June 1996. .

1986: Master of Arts, Sociology and Criminology (University of Toronto)
1984: Bachelor of Arts (Honors with high distinction) Criminology (Special) and Sociology (Major). University of Toronto


2010 Faculty Research Grant, American University of Sharjah, ‘Valuescapes of the UAE’
2008 Seed Grant AED 5,000– American University of Sharjah ‘Donating time and money to environmental organizations’.
2008 Editor’s Prize for best scholarly paper in Nonprofit Management and Leadership. Jossey Bass Publishers
2007 Marie Weil Award for Best Published Article in Journal of Community Practice
1985 University of Toronto Graduate Scholarship
1984 Innis Award for Academic Excellence, University of Toronto


Areas of Research: Non-Profits, Entrepreneurship, Women & International Development;



Handy F., Kassam, M., & Ranade B. (2011) From Sewa to Cyberspace: Volunteerism in India, Sage Publications. (1)

Handy F., Kassam, M, Feeney, S. & Ranade B. (2006) By Women, For Women: NGOs: The Driving Force of Development in India New Delhi: Sage Publications (2)

Publications in Refereed Journals

Ghose, T & Kassam, M. (forthcoming) "Motivations to volunteer among college students in India”. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary & Nonprofit Organizations (3)

Henrietta Grönlund, Kirsten Holmes, Chulhee Kang, Femida Handy, Jeffrey Brudney, Debbie Haski-Leventhal, Lesley Hustinx, Meenaz Kassam, Lucas Meijs, Anne Pessi, Bhagyashree Ranade, Karen Smith, Naoto Yamauchi & Siniša Zrinščak (2011). Cultural Values and Volunteering: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Students' Motivation to Volunteer in 13 Countries. Journal of Academic Ethics 9 (2):87-106. (4)

Haski-Leventhal, D., Grönlund, H., Holmes, K., Meijs, L. C. P. M, Cnaan, R.A., Handy, F., Brudney. J., Hustinx. L., Kang. C., Kassam. M., et al. (2010). Service learning: Findings from a 14 nations study. Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing (5)

Haski-Leventhal, D., Cnaan, R. A., Handy, F., Brudney, J. Kassam, M, et al. (2008). Students’ vocational choices and voluntary action: A 12-nation study. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary & Nonprofit Organizations, 19(1), 1-21 (6)

Handy F., Kassam, M., & S. Ranade. 2007. ‘To Profit or Not to Profit: Women Entrepreneurs in the Nonprofit and For-Profit Sectors in India’ Nonprofit Management and Leadership 17 (4) pp. 383-401 (7)

2008 Editor’s Prize for best scholarly paper in Nonprofit Management and Leadership. Jossey Bass Publishers

Handy F. & M. Kassam. 2006. “Practice What You Preach? The Role of Rural NGOs in Women’s Empowerment. Journal of Community Practice. Vol. 14 No.3. (8)

2007 Marie Weil Award for Best Published Article in Journal of Community Practice

Handy F., Kassam, M., & S. Ranade. 2003. “Factors Influencing Women Entrepreneurs of NGOs in India” Nonprofit Management and Leadership Vol. 13, No. 2 pp. 139-54. (9)

Kassam, M., Handy F., & S. Ranade. 2002. “Organizational Structure of Feminist Social Service Delivery in India” Pakistan Journal of Women’s Studies Vol.9, No.1, pp.1-25. (10)

Kassam, M., Handy F., & S. Ranade. 2002. “Understanding NGO Impact: The Case of Women NGO’s in India”. Social Development Issues Vol. 23, No.3, pp 27-36.(11)

Kassam, M., Handy, F., & S. Ranade. 2000."Forms of Leadership and Organizational Structure of Non-profits: A Study of Women's NGOs in India.” Chinmaya Management Journal Vol. 4, No. 1, pp 30-40. (12)

Baldus B. & Kassam, M, 1996, ‘Make Me Truthful, Good and Mild: Values in Nineteenth-Century Ontario School Books’ The Canadian Journal of Sociology, Vol. 21, and No. 3. (13)

Book Chapters
Kassam, M & Handy, F. (2012) ‘The profits of non-profits: Women entrepreneurship of NGOS’ in Dafna Kariv (Ed) Female entrepreneurship: The new venture creation, New York: Rutledge. (14)
Kassam M. & Handy F. (2011) “The Young Ones: Do Youth Volunteer", (pp. 169-190)  in   Moodithaya M S, Thingalaya N K., Shetty N S and Joshi, G V (Eds.) Redefining the Roles of Business, NGOs and Governments: A Mission for a Better Global Society,  Manak Publications, New Delhi, 2011 (15)

Mook, L, Handy, F. & Kassam, M (2010) ‘What is it worth? Using the expanded value added statement in the social accounting framework’ in Stephen Osborne and Amanda Bell (Eds) Social audit, social accounting and accounting for the public good. London: Routledge (16)

Kassam, M., Mook, L., & Handy, F. (2009).Using social accounting framework for membership organizations: Two cases. In M.S. Moodithaya, N.K. Thingalaya, N.S. Shetty & G.V. Joshi (Eds.), Better Business Practices of Sustainable Social Change. (pp. 151-176). Mangalore, India: JKS Institute of Management (17)
Kassam, M & Handy F., 2006, ‘Women’s Empowerment in Rural India’ in V.V. Raman (Ed) Women’s Empowerment: Issues and Experiences (pp. 101-127) ICFAI University Press, Hyderabad, India. (18)

Kassam, M., 1996, ‘Discriminatory Diagnosis and Treatment of People with Special Needs’- in Mark Nagler (Ed) Perspectives on Disability: A Reader, 3rd Edition., California: Paolo Alto. (19)

Book Review

Kassam, M. (1996) Reviewed and Edited Manuscript for Introduction to Sociology, Allyn and Bacon, Canada.

Articles in Progress

Y. Wang and M. Kassam, ‘Love, Marriage and Family in the UAE;

M. Kassam and Y. Wang, ‘Environmental Attitudes and Behaviors in the UAE’.

Kassam Meenaz and Baldus Bernd “Children’s Perceptions of Social Inequality – a Comparison in Time and Space”.

Cross national comparisons of environmental attitudes and behaviours of students in UAE, Korea, Israel, Germany, Canada and USA ( with collaborators T. Katz Gerro, I Greenspan and F. Handy)

    • The data has been collected, the team is in the process of cleaning the data base and start analysis.

Articles in Review/ Revision

A Host of Clergymen come cheaper than a standing army’ - A Glimpse of the Ideological Function of Religion in Nineteenth Century in Ontario, Studies in Religion.


    • Revise and resubmit, resubmitted August 30, 2012

Scholarly and Professional Publications and Reports

Kassam, M. 1998, ‘Immigrants from Pakistan - A Cultural Profile’ - Published by the Center of Anti-Racism, Multiculturalism and Native Issues, Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto. Part of a series commissioned by the Ministry of Immigration and Citizenship



2012 “Love, Marriage and the Family in the UAE”, at the Aitner Sociology Conference in Athens, Greece, May, 2012.

2010 “The Changing Face of Voluntarism” at Conference Redefining the Roles of Business, NGOS and Governments: A Mission for a Better Global Society organized by the School of Social Policy and Practice, University of Pennsylvania, U.S. & JKSH Institute of Management, Mangalore, India Dec.

2009 “Effective Strategies for Empowering Women” in “Women’s Empowerment Workshop”, was Team Leader and Facilitator at Justice Hegde Institute of Management, India.

2008 “What is it Worth” presented in Plenary session at International Conference on Better Business Practices for Sustainable Social Change. Organized by the School of Social Policy and Practice, University of Pennsylvania, U.S. & JKSH Institute of Management, Mangalore, India Dec.

“Employer Supported Volunteering” presented at the same conference.

2007 ‘Social Accounting for Value-Added’, European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, Workshop on the Challenges of Managing for the Third Sector, University of Venice, Venice.


2005 ‘Non-Profit and For-Profit Entrepreneurship’, International Entrepreneurship Conference,

Stockholm, Sweden. (September)

2004 ‘Globalization of Values and Modes of Behavior Transformation’, Conference for the International Sector on Third Sector Research (ISTR), Toronto, Canada.

2003 `Making the leap from Economic to Personal and Political Autonomy’, International Society on Third Sector Research, Mumbai, India

2003 `Practice What You Preach: Closing the gap between the rhetoric and the reality of female empowerment in rural India’, ARNOVA Conference, Denver, Colorado

2002 ‘Feminist Social Service Delivery in India’ ARNOVA Conference, Montreal

Women NGOs: The preferred Channel for Aid Funding?” International Society on Third Sector Research (ISTR), Cape Town, South Africa.

2001 ‘Doing More with Less’, Best Practices in Social Service Delivery, ARNOVA Conference, Miami, Florida.

The Driving Force of Development in India: Entrepreneurial Women” International Symposium of the Inter- University Consortium for International Social Development (IUCISD), Istanbul, Turkey, July

2000 “Organizational Characteristics of NGOs in India”, Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA) Conference, New Orleans.

1996 ‘Legitimizing Business and Businessmen in Nineteenth Century Ontario, Conference of Learned Scholars, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada.


2011 “Explaining the Environmental Attitude-Behavior Bifurcation among College Students in the United Arab Emirates”, Faculty Research Seminars, (21-05-2011)

2010 “Women’s Empowerment in the UAE”, INS Faculty Presentations
2009 “Save the Child Campaign’ was Spokesperson for the Campaign and gave Talks through the month of April at area schools and corporations on the ‘Child and Sexual Abuse’ organized by the Foundation of Women and Children and Ex Health – a Sheikh Mohamed Initiative.
2008 “What is it Worth” Plenary Speaker at International Conference on Better Business Practices for Sustainable Social Change. Organized by the School of Social Policy and Practice, University of Pennsylvania, U.S. & JKSH Institute of Management, Mangalore, India Dec.
“Assessing Women’s Empowerment through Leadership in NGOs”, Presented at same conference.

2007 “Empowerment of Women: Means and Modes”, Invited Plenary Speaker at Workshop of Women’s Empowerment, SNDT College, Mumbai, India.

“What makes for the success of a non-profit?” Invited Speaker, Lecture Series, School of Social Policy, University of Pennsylvania

2003 ‘Reconciliation of Peoples in a Global Village’, Plenary Speaker, International Society on Third Sector Research (ISTR), York University, Toronto.

2002 ‘Women led NGO’s – ‘Doing More with Less’, June, Speaker Series, OISE, University of Toronto.

2001 ‘Teaching and Influencing: All in a day’s Work’ Presented to the Faculty of School Teachers, Mumbai, India.

2000 ‘Profiting from Non Profits’, Guest lecture at University of Pennsylvania, US.

1996 ‘Education in Nineteenth Century Ontario’, Faculty Lunch Speaker Series, Erindale College, University of Toronto.

Journal Reviews:
Reviewed several articles for Journals: Non Profit Management and Leadership; Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly; Women’s Studies International Forum, International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations


2007-the present Assistant Professor, Department of International Studies, American University of Sharjah, UAE

2005-2006 Adjunct Professor, Department of International Studies, American University of Sharjah, UAE.

2000-2004 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Sociology and Equity Studies, OISE, University of Toronto

Research Associate, Center for South Asian Studies, University of Toronto

Course Director, Graduate School Program, Department of Sociology OISE, University of Toronto

1996-2000 Course Director, Undergraduate School Program, Department of Sociology, University of Waterloo.
1996-2000 Course Director, Undergraduate School Program, Department of Sociology, Wilfred Laurier University
Course Director, Undergraduate School Program, Department of Sociology, Scarborough College, University of Toronto
Course Director, Undergraduate School Program, Department of Sociology, York University.
Teaching Assistant, Department of Sociology, University of Toronto



Faculty Director, Student Internship Program, AUS - 2012-2013

Steering Committee Member for the proposed Gender and Women`s Studies Consortium at AUS, 2010-2012.
Coordinator, Student Life Committee, Department of International, Studies, AUS 2009-2012.
Coordinator, Model United Nations, American University of Sharjah 2007-2010
Faculty Advisor, Model United Nations, AUS, 2010 – 2012.

Faculty Advisor, INSA – Students Committee, Department of International Studies, 2009- 2011

Member, Curriculum Committee, Department of International Studies, AUS,
Member, Committee on Minor in Women’s Studies, AUS.
Member, Committee on Minor in Environmental Policy

2000 – 2004 Graduate Faculty, School of Graduate Studies, University of Toronto
Fund Raising Committee, OISE, University of Toronto

International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR)

Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations for Voluntary Action (ARNOVA)
Member, Canadian Sociology & Anthropology Association


2004 Krishan Mehta, MA Thesis, OISE, University of Toronto
2004 Irene Van Kessel, MA Thesis, OISE, University of Toronto
2003 Vidya Fraser, MA Thesis, OISE, University of Toronto


2003 Lisa Diniz, MA Thesis, Joint Supervisor, York University, Toronto


2000 – -2003

Classical Sociological Theories

Contemporary Sociological Theories

Directed Studies – Undergraduate Courses

University of Waterloo, 1996 - 2000

1999 - 2000 Introduction to Sociology, Social Problems

1998 - 1999 Introduction to Sociology, Sociology of Work

1997 - 1998 Introduction to Sociology, Classical Theory

1996 - 1997 Introduction to Sociology, Sociological Theory.

Wilfred Laurier University, 1998 - 2000

1999 - 2000 Introduction to Sociology, Social Inequality and Globalization

1998 - 1999 Introduction to Sociology

York University, 1999 - 2000

1999 - 2000 Sociological Theory

University of Toronto at Scarborough

1998 – 1999 Race and Ethnic Relations

1997 – 1998 Sociology of Religion


2002 Board Member, Chinmaya North India Relief Agency /CIDA

1982 – 1990 Committee Member Hotline, Indian Immigrant Aid Services

1983 - 1989 Director, International Relief Foundation (IDRF) Community Clothes Drive

1985 - 1988 Director, Ontario Refugee Partnership Group. Sponsored a Vietnamese and an Ethiopian family

1966 -1971 Volunteer Teacher, Blind School, Bombay, India


  1. Professor Robert Brym

Associate Chair,

Department of Sociology

University of Toronto

203 College Street

Toronto, Ontario

M5T 1P9

Telephone: +1-416-978-3414

Robert Brym [rbrym@chass.utoronto.ca]

2. Professor Abdulaziz Sachedina

Frances Myers Ball Professor of Religious Studies

Department of Religious Studies

S452 Gibson Hall

University of Virginia

Charlottesville, VA 22904


Tel: +1-434-924-6725 Fax: +1-434-924-1467 http://www.people.virginia.edu/~aas/home.htm

Abdulaziz A. Sachedina [aas@virginia.edu]
3 Professor N.K. Wagle, Professor Emeritus of History

(Former Director) Centre for South Asian Studies

University of Toronto

100 Summer Hill Avenue

Toronto, Ontario, M$T 1B2


Telephone: +1-416-922-4668

Narendra Wagle [n.wagle@utoronto.ca]

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