De remarcat ca in propozitia introdusa prin “since” se foloseste Past Simple!
Se uita la TV de cand au venit de la scoala. They have been watching TV since they came from school.
Locuieste in aceeasi casa din 1987. She has been living in the same house since 1987.
2. O actiune incheiata de curand, cu subliniere asupra duratei de desfasurare. In acest caz se traduce cu perfect compus (trecut).
“De ce esti asa de ud?” “M-am plimbat prin ploaie.” = “Why are you so wet?” “I have been walking in the rain.”
Chiar daca situatia comunicata cere un Present Perfect Continuous, totusi, daca verbul are restrictie la un timp continuu, atunci se pune Present Perfect Simple.
Verbele de perceptie (to see, to taste, to smell, to hear etc.)
Verbele de perceptie (to see, to taste, to smell, to hear etc.)
Alte verbe ca: to be, to have, to think, to believe, to love, to like, to hate, to know,to understand, to want, to prefer, to mean, to seem, to belong, to remember…etc.
Actiunea “a fi” a inceput in trecut (acum o ora) si se afla inca in desfasurare, insa NU putem folosi Present Perfect Continuous pentru ca verbul “to be” NU poate fi folosit la un timp continuu.