• Business Day (South Africa): Emerging markets

Mobile operators in emerging markets Assess the mobile

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Mobile operators in emerging markets
Assess the mobile market implications of long-term demographic and economic trends to develop a successful growth strategy. Compare forecasts of metrics for 20 key countries, quantify market opportunities, and develop a top-level view of where the global mobile market is going. Benchmark economic indicators and opportunities in markets where you are active against other emerging markets in order to decide whether to consolidate your position or expand into new markets.
Mobile operators considering emerging markets
Use the report's forecasts on demographic and economic developments to form a successful growth strategy for emerging countries that builds on global long-term trends and opportunities. Identify emerging markets where you can leverage your strengths by drawing on the report's regional indicators and mobile metrics for 20 key countries. Compare forecasts of metrics for markets, quantify the opportunities, and develop a top-level view of where the global mobile market is going.
Assess the implications of long-term demographic and economic trends to target product development for high-growth markets. Use data and voice ARPS, market revenue, and other forecasts to focus on specific countries and the most valuable market segments within them, and to construct a long-term strategy that builds on your strengths.
Financial services, investment firms
This report will help you assess the long-term financial prospects for mobile service providers and telecom equipment vendors at a global level. Pyramid Research's forecasts of metrics such as mobile subscriber and user penetration will help you make strategic decisions to maximize the return on your investments.
Countries profiled in this report:
Section 1. Where they live
Section 2. What they earn and spend
Section 3. What they want and need
Section 4. The impact on operators
Section 5. The impact on handset and infrastructure suppliers
Appendix A. Background data
Appendix B. Overview of top 20 growth markets
About Pyramid Research
List of exhibits
For more information visit http://www.researchandmarkets.com/reports/c71860
Source: Pyramid
M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data prepared by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at http://www.presswire.net on the world wide web. Inquiries to info@m2.com.
Document MTPW000020071017e3ah005h9

Globacom Subscriber Base Hits 15m
by Peter Ailuorio

855 words

17 October 2007

08:14 AM

All Africa



(c) 2007 AllAfrica, All Rights Reserved
Lagos, Oct 17, 2007 (Leadership/All Africa Global Media via COMTEX) -- Globacom yesterday in Lagos announced a subscriber base of 15 million with over 12 million active subscriber-base as it gets set to formally launch its third numbering platform, 0705.
With this development, Globacom has established its second position in the Nigerian market holding strongly to over 35 per cent share of the entire Nigerian subscriber market and warming to take over market leadership in the shortest possible time.
To do this, the company according to its chief operating officer, Mr. Mohammed Jameel, is installing a capacity for over 30 million subscribers by the end of the year by adding over 150 base stations every week around the country and will have installed additional 750 base stations to its 3000 existing stations by the end of the year. According to Jameel, the equipment for achieving this phenomenal growth is already in the country and so has gone beyond mere wishes to the level of concrete reality.
The company also announced that at its current growth rate, it will soon hit 18 million subscribers and that will confer on its market leadership of the telecom sector in Nigeria in terms of subscriber base.
In a presentation delivered to senior journalists at a briefing, Mr. Yinka Akande, stated that Globacom has invested over US $3 billion in the past four years and has given direct employment to over 2500 people. And to ensure steady development of the network, it recently signed a US$1 billion equipment supply agreement with Alcatel of France and Huawei of China, covering Mobile, Fixed and Submarine Optical Fibre Cable linking Nigeria and the United Kingdom, with a dedicated link to the U.S.
On the gateway business, Globacom declared that it is one of the largest carriers of voice traffic in Africa carrying over 2 billion international minutes annually. At the local scene, Glo is the gateway for most network operators in Nigeria and the surrounding African countries and has built strategic partnerships with 43 Tier One Carriers (35 TDM and 8 VoIP) with a total of 618 E1s. Telcos like AT&T, BT, France Telecom, Sprint use Glo to connect to their customers in Africa.
Glo's international roaming services involve 193 networks in 98 countries and provide services on voice, SMS, GPRS roaming and BlackBerry services. It also provides bulk sale of bandwidth and offers access to 804 networks in 174 countries via International SMS.
Akande also stated that Glo is the first operator in West Africa to launch Gateway switches outside of Africa to carry International Voice Traffic and this accounts for its easy connection to all the big time players like BT, FT, MCI, Belgacom, ARBINET, etc. Apart from the UK, Glo has also established points of presence in France, Germany and the U.S. with five state-of-the-art Gateway switches in Nigeria- three in Lagos and one each in Abuja and Port Harcourt. It also plans additional Points of Presence in Singapore, Hong Kong, UAE and Australia. The company says its submarine cable has reached Senegal from UK and work will soon begin on the Lagos Senegal route to link both cables.
Globacom also announced the completion of two additional customer care centers which will house 600 desks each in addition to the 700 customer care desks presently working in the first centre and will revolutionise customer service in Africa. According to Akande, the customer care centre will be the largest in Africa, receiving over 150,000 inbound calls per day and housing sophisticated CRM capturing customer interaction.
Speaking on the new number range, Mr. Akande, said that "with our 0807 numbering plan having been exhausted and in order to effectively provide for the continued phenomenal growth on Africa's fastest growing network, the acquisition of another numbering plan to cope with this growth has become inevitable", adding that the introduction of a new number series, 0705, underscored Nigerians' growing preference for Globacom as the network of choice in terms of offerings, network reliability and subscriber appreciation.
Globacom's introduction of the new 0705 number range followed the exhaustion of the 0805 and the 0807 number series. The new platform, the company said, gives millions of subscribers wishing to join the Glo network the opportunity to be accommodated. It has capacity for 10 million subscribers.
Globacom's growth in Nigeria has been phenomenal. Starting two years behind other operators in Nigeria, the network has become the fastest growing in Africa and the Middle East region and is the third fastest growing network in the world. In 2006, alone, Globacom added six million subscribers to its network.
In 2006, when the 0807 number series was to be introduced into the market, Globacom also introduced the Glo Fantastic Four which allowed four members of the same family or four friends to have their Glo numbers following each other so as to allow easy recall of the numbers.
The fast paced growth of Globacom saw it winning a GSM licence recently in Benin Republic, it was further disclosed.
Document AFNWS00020071017e3ah000ps

This Executive Level Report Analyzes the Next Billion Mobile Subscriptions in Order to Provide Clients with a Clearer Understanding of the Significance of the Emerging Markets
689 words

17 October 2007

08:44 AM

Business Wire



(c) 2007 Business Wire. All Rights Reserved.
DUBLIN, Ireland - (BUSINESS WIRE) - Research and Markets ( http://www.researchandmarkets.com/reports/c71859 ) has announced the addition of “The Next Billion: How Emerging Markets are Shaping the Mobile Industry” to their offering.
At the end of 2006, there were nearly 2.8bn mobile subscriptions around the world, translating to a penetration rate of 44%. The share of the population with mobile subscriptions is far higher in the richer economies of the world than in the emerging markets — regions such as Western Europe exceed 100%, whereas in most of Africa and Southeast Asia penetration rates average less than 20%. It is thus evident that the bulk of future mobile growth will come from emerging economies.
Indeed, we forecast that the global mobile market will add “the next billion” subscriptions by year-end 2009 and expects roughly 85% of the next billion to come from emerging markets.
This executive-level report analyzes the next billion mobile subscriptions in order to provide clients with a clearer understanding of the significance of the emerging markets in future mobile market growth. It offers trends in penetration and total subscriptions as well as figures for such measures as user penetration, churn rates, data ARPS and MOUs for 20 key countries. The report also compares developed market and emerging market forecasts for mobile demand through 2010 by both total subscriptions (prepaid and postpaid) and ARPS (voice and data), as well as forecasts for revenue and other measures.
Key questions answered
* Who are the next billion subscribers?
* Where do the next billion live?
* What do they earn and spend?
* What do they want and need in terms of their telecommunications offerings?
* What will be the impact on operators?
* What will be the impact on handset and infrastructure suppliers?
Target audience
Mobile operators in emerging markets
Assess the mobile market implications of long-term demographic and economic trends to develop a successful growth strategy. Compare forecasts of metrics for 20 key countries, quantify market opportunities, and develop a top-level view of where the global mobile market is going. Benchmark economic indicators and opportunities in markets where you are active against other emerging markets in order to decide whether to consolidate your position or expand into new markets.
Mobile operators considering emerging markets
Use the report’s forecasts on demographic and economic developments to form a successful growth strategy for emerging countries that builds on global long-term trends and opportunities. Identify emerging markets where you can leverage your strengths by drawing on the report’s regional indicators and mobile metrics for 20 key countries. Compare forecasts of metrics for markets, quantify the opportunities, and develop a top-level view of where the global mobile market is going.
Assess the implications of long-term demographic and economic trends to target product development for high-growth markets. Use data and voice ARPS, market revenue, and other forecasts to focus on specific countries and the most valuable market segments within them, and to construct a long-term strategy that builds on your strengths.
Financial services, investment firms
This report will help you assess the long-term financial prospects for mobile service providers and telecom equipment vendors at a global level. Pyramid Research’s forecasts of metrics such as mobile subscriber and user penetration will help you make strategic decisions to maximize the return on your investments.
Countries profiled in this report:
Section 1. Where they live
Section 2. What they earn and spend
Section 3. What they want and need
Section 4. The impact on operators
Section 5. The impact on handset and infrastructure suppliers
Appendix A. Background data
Appendix B. Overview of top 20 growth markets
About Pyramid Research
List of exhibits
For more information visit http://www.researchandmarkets.com/reports/c71859
Source: Pyramid
Document BWR0000020071017e3ah005k1

Scammers eye suckers


679 words

12 October 2007

Geelong Advertiser


1 -



Copyright 2007 News Ltd. All Rights Reserved
MUST be good money to be made from suckers happy to give away their banking details to anyone asking for them.
If the daily deluge of scammers soliciting the champ's desk is any guide, there must be a raft of drongoes out there more than willing to throw away their life savings.
Whether it's lotto winnings in need of a home, banks trying to update their databases, investors trying to offload cash, Chinese bankers, UK lawyers, Spanish tourist promoters, debt settlers or Nigerian no-hopers, the email con's all the same ..... send us your banking details and we'll give you money for nothing.
Now no names, but this desk has run into people as canny as lawyers willing to hand over their details in serious expectation of a lucrative windfall.
Of course, there's no such thing as money for nothing, or a free lunch and, as banker David Hannum once said (not P.T. Barnum as often cited), there's a sucker born every minute.
So in the interests of ensuring no-one on our watch is caught out by these parasites we're pointing to some of the more blatant offers to cross this desk in recent days:
INTERNAL Revenue Funds Department, London England, Committee of Foreign Payment: Immediate Release of Your Inheritance Fund via ATM Swift Card.
This starts out with the mind-boggling blurb: ``In close consultation with the World Bank, IMF and the European Union (EU), this is to notify you of your enlistment as a beneficiary of a recent debt management and settlement forum organised on the status of global arrangement to have your beneficiary fund settled once and for all .... ''
If anyone is taken in by such daft biz-talk, how did they get any money in the first place?
YAHOO Lottery Winning Notification: `` ... your email address ..... won you the lottery in the 2nd category. You are therefore, been approved to claim a total sum of pound stg. 250,000.00 for the month of Oct 2007 ....''
This email directs you to a contact person who's going to give you your money. Where would you like it to go?
Yeah, sure.
COMMONWEALTH Bank netbank account security alert. ``Due to the recently increased number of identity theft attempts targeting Commonwealth Bank customers, we will initiate a process to safeguard your account ....''
This goes on to demand you submit required information and that failure to so may result in a temporary suspension of your account services.
Dodgy? You can bank on it.
FUNDS management partnership request: ``My client wishes to invest his financial estate worth $60 million in your country or abroad under your direct supervision, your assistance is therefore needed in receiving, investing and managing the $60 million ... '' Blah, blah, blah.
``I AM Mr. Hongde Luo, bank manager of Bank of China, Shenzhen branch, China. I have urgent and very confidential business proposition for you. Please contact me for a concise update.'' The email address for this one -- hongde--luo777@office.org -- set off the alarm bells. 777? Should be 666, the omen.
Hello gullible customer
Thanks for Your reply to my Mail/Proposal.
My Client Wishes To Invest His Financial Estate worth $60Million
in Yur Country or Aboard uder YOur Direct Supervision, Your
Assistance is therefore Needed in Receiving, Investing and
Managing the $60Million.
You will be Paid 10% of the Total Amount, and an Additional 10%
from the ROI. I will demand Your 100% Honesty, Confidentiality
and Cooperation of these Matter. As my Clients Position as a
Government Official does not Permit His to Own or Operate an Over
Sea Account or Company, as soon as You Assure me You can Work
with my Terms then we can proceed.
Do Confirm Your Interest by Providing the Information below:
Your Full Name
Company Name
Complete Address
Direct Phone
I will wait to hear from You, and also provide all ablove Information.
Barrister James Debens
Tel +44 703 194 7744
Document GEEADV0020071012e3ac00003


Congo must be wary of Chinese deals.


228 words

25 September 2007

Financial Times


London Ed1

Page 12


(c) 2007 The Financial Times Limited. All rights reserved
From Ms Nnena Ahukannah.
Sir, The article by William Wallis and Rebecca Bream, "Alarm over China's Congo deal" (September 19), draws attention to the need for African governments to be cautious in doing business with China. While China's courage in "treading where only angels dare" by investing in conflict-ridden Congo is commendable, it is advisable for the Congolese government to exercise caution in concessioning its natural resources.
Recently, the Chinese have led the world in infrastructural developments in Africa. For instance, while the west waited to see how Nigeria's foray into democracy would play out, Chinese companies quickly invested in developing industries including telecommunications and textiles. I am not suggesting that such willingness to take a risk on apparently unstable economies should go unrewarded. However, Chinese businesses in Nigeria have acquired notoriety for their reluctance to absorb the Nigerian workforce or provide subcontracting opportunities for indigenous companies. In doing this, they deny the host country the chance to create jobs for its citizens and stifle transfer of technological knowledge.
The Congolese government should prevent a repeat of the Nigerian experience by ensuring that its contracts with Chinese companies guarantee local participation in ownership and work share, and provide employment opportunities for its citizens.
Nnena Ahukannah,
Arlington, VA, US
Document FTFT000020070925e39p00026

Chinese Co To Build $500M Free Trade Zone In Nigeria -Report
340 words

21 September 2007

12:13 PM

Dow Jones International News



(c) 2007 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
IBADAN, Nigeria (Dow Jones)--China's Guangdong Xinguang International Group, or GDIG, has concluded plans to build a $500 million free trade zone in Nigeria's southwestern state of Ogun, to house no fewer than 100 Chinese companies, newspaper This Day reported Friday.
The company has signed a memorandum of understanding with two Nigerian banks to finance the project, the report said.
The report quoted Sun Jianxiong, vice president of GDIG, as saying the plan was in line with China's strategic goal of setting up at least three such zones in Africa.
He said Nigeria was chosen because of its huge market and accessibility to both West African and the European and U.S. markets.
Jianxiong said the project is being erected in Ogun because of its proximity to Lagos, Nigeria's industrial and financial hub, and to the ports, which he said would be "a crucial factor in the conduct of business."
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